Triangles for Democracy

A dark cloud looms over the United States in these final days of the 2024 presidential election—an ominous shadow of SQUARES imprisoning the nation’s spirit. Squares are symbols of conflict.

As in all prisons of the lowest desires, these walls of darkness are made up of four sides:

  • Fear,
  • Anger,
  • Hatred and
  • Violence.

Nearly half of the US electorate has confined themselves within walls of darkness, in echo chambers shutting out the light of reason. Their anger and fear fuel hostility towards fellow Americans, casting blame on others—citizens and immigrants alike—as adversaries, the “enemy within,” they believe must be confronted.

But, as in Leonard Cohen’s Anthem,

“There is a crack, a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.”

How can we crack these square clouds of darkness? How can we ring the “bells of freedom?”

Within every square of conflict lies the promise of triangles of harmony. From each side of the square, eight equilateral triangles can emerge — four above, four below — forming octahedral diamonds of light, love and power. Diamonds are symbols of the unconquerable nature of goodness spearheaded by the spiritual will.

We must cultivate a genuine will for peace, the peace resulting from right human relations. It’s crucial to recognize the significant difference between desire and spiritual will. While desire seeks peace and stability through appeasement and submission, it lacks the profound, transformative power that spiritual will embodies. Spiritual will — the will-to-good — is essential for overcoming evil. In contrast to desire, which operates from the material realm upward, spiritual will flows from a higher plane downward, shaping reality to align with divine purpose.

Wiser minds aligned with divine purpose have provided an INVOCATION to achieve true and lasting peace on Earth. In essence, it states:


We are told that “evil and good are reverse aspects of the same one reality, and evil is that good which we should have left behind, passing on to greater and more inclusive good.” We must move forward, choosing country over party and light over darkness.

We must rent the veils of darkness with the spiritual will of our diamond hearts by creating invocative TRIANGLES of Light to disperse the clouds of darkness in these final days of the 2024 presidential election.

Will you join others in invoking Light, Love, and POWER to safeguard the United States and the entire world from fear, anger, hatred, and violence? Together, let us pierce the clouds of darkness with our diamond hearts and illuminate the path of reason for our fellow Americans.

Defeating the MAGA ideology

May the Power of our united LIGHT


the glamour of the MAGA ideology

in the United States and throughout the world.

It is not the people but the regressive Make America Great Again (MAGA) ideology that must be targeted as the evil to be prevented, negated, and destroyed by the Forces of Light.

The forthcoming 2024 presidential election transcends a mere partisan rivalry between Democrats and Republicans, as the insightful Republican Liz Cheney has boldly asserted. It represents a fundamental struggle between democracy and authoritarianism.

The Tibetan Master, speaking on behalf of the spiritual Hierarchy, has urged us to combat the menace of totalitarianism. A dark cloud of fascism is being cast throughout the world, We must rent this veil.

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