The Spiritual Significance of the Release of Atomic Energy

  • On August 6, 1945, the release of atomic energy was announced–an event that was foretold by prophecy as being the usher to a new era.
  • This release of energy had been subject to a race between the Dark Forces and the Forces of Light to acquire possession of it.
  • In 1942, the great White Lodge was close to withdrawing due to the pressure placed on them by the dark forces; however, invocation from humanity prevented this.
  • The release of this form of atomic energy is due to four factors: a directed inflow of extra-planetary energy, a concerted effort from fifth and seventh ray ashrams, weakening tension in evil groups, and invocative demand from humanity itself.
  • The destructive use of this energy in Japan was necessary for liberation; its future use will bring about civilized comfort for all humans without destitution or slavery.

Reference: The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Forces Behind the Evolutionary Progress of the Race, The Release of Atomic Energy (published by Lucis Trust)

American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer is a 2005 biography of theoretical physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, the leader of the Manhattan Project which produced the first nuclear weapons, written by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin


The book provides deep and thought-provoking insights into J. Robert Oppenheimer’s personal life, shedding light on his relationships, passions, and the challenges he faced. It offers a compelling exploration of the political climate during his time, capturing the complex dynamics that shaped his work on nuclear weapons. Moreover, it delves into the profound ethical implications that arose from his involvement in the development of such powerful and destructive technologies. Additionally, the book unearths the tragic aspects of Oppenheimer’s life, revealing the consequences of his ostracism from the scientific community and the profound impact it had on his mental health, particularly his battles with depression. This comprehensive account invites readers to delve deeper into the multidimensional story of Oppenheimer, enriching our understanding of his contributions and the complexities of his life.

Oppenheimer’s ostracization from the scientific community was precipitated by a tumultuous conjunction of political ideology, personal enmity, and the fearful atmosphere of the Cold War era. Accused of having communist sympathies, he became the focus of a security inquiry in 1954. Stripped of his security clearance amidst allegations of disloyalty to the nation, Oppenheimer found himself exiled from the very community he once led.

But beyond this, his ostracization reflects a deeper philosophical schism. As the architect of the most devastating weapon of destruction, he was the embodiment of the tension between the quest for scientific knowledge and the potential misuse of that power. His fall from grace serves as a sobering reminder of the ethical dilemmas imbued in scientific advancement and the human capacity for creation and destruction.

Oppenheimer’s study of the Bhagavad Gita, an ancient Indian scripture, profoundly influenced his scientific and philosophical approach towards the Manhattan Project. Grounded in the principles of Dharma (duty) and Karma (action), the Gita taught him that every individual has a moral duty to act for the benefit of society, without attachment to the results of their actions. This concept found a complex resonance in Oppenheimer’s work on the atomic bomb, where his scientific duty necessitated the creation of a profoundly devastating weapon, yet his moral duty urged its use only for the greater good. The famous quote, “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds,” that he recalled while witnessing the first nuclear detonation, is a testament to the Gita’s influence; revealing the deep introspection and philosophical struggle that characterized his approach to this world-changing project.

Oppenheimer’s legacy reaches beyond his scientific contributions to remind us of the moral choices and philosophical reflections that should accompany our actions. His example shows us that each of us has a unique duty to make this world a better place, from the scientists in their laboratories to the everyday citizens in their homes. May we remember his lessons as we strive towards a brighter tomorrow.

John Oppenheimer’s legacy was not only a scientific one, it was also moral and ethical – an example of how science can be used for the greater good when guided by an ethical sense of responsibility. His work on the Manhattan Project showed us that knowledge should be used to benefit society, and that our actions come with consequences which must be taken into consideration. We must also remember that we have a duty to consider the ethical implications of our actions, and work towards a better future for all.

When the sun moved northward that year (1942), the great White Lodge knew that the battle had been won. Their preparations were halted and the Masters then organised for renewed effort (through Their disciples) to bring about those conditions wherein that which was new and that which was in line with loving divine purpose could freely move forward. The war was not won by the surrender of Germany. That was only the outer result of inner happenings. The war was won by the Forces of Light when the mental potency of the forces of evil was overcome and the “energy of the future” was directed or impelled by Those Who were seeking the higher human values and the spiritual good of mankind.

Four factors lie behind the momentous happening of the release of this form of atomic energy, through the medium of what is erroneously and unscientifically called the “splitting of the atom.” There are other factors, but you may find the following four of real interest:

  • a. There was a clearly directed inflow of extra-planetary energy released by the Lords of Liberation, to Whom invocation had been successfully made; through the impact of this energy upon the atomic substance being dealt with by the investigating scientists, changes were brought about which enabled them to achieve success. The experiments being carried forward were therefore both subjective and objective.
  • b. A concerted effort was made by a number of disciples who were working in fifth and seventh ray ashrams, and this enabled them to impress lesser disciples in the scientific field and helped them to surmount the well-nigh insuperable difficulties with which they were confronted.
    c. There was also a weakening of the tension which had hitherto successfully held the forces of evil together, and a growing inability of the evil group at the head of the Axis Powers to surmount the incidental war fatigue. This brought about, first of all, a steady deterioration of their minds, and then of their brains and nervous systems. None of the men involved in the direction of the Axis effort in Europe is today normal psychologically; they are all suffering from some form of physical deterioration, and this has been a real factor in their defeat, though one that may be difficult for you to realise. It is not so in the case of the Japanese, whose psychological make-up is totally different, [Page 496] as are their nervous systems, which are of fourth rootrace quality. They will be and are being defeated by physical war measures and by the destruction physically of their war potential and the death of the form aspect. This destruction … and the consequent release of their imprisoned souls, is a necessary happening; it is the justification of the use of the atomic bomb upon the Japanese population. The first use of this released energy has been destructive, but I would remind you that it has been the destruction of forms and not the destruction of spiritual values and the death of the human spirit—as was the goal of the Axis effort.
    Forget not that all success (both good and bad) is dependent upon the sustaining of the point of tension. This point of tension involves the dynamic focussing of all mental, emotional and physical energies at a central point of planned activity. This, by the way, is the objective of all true meditation work. It is in this act of tension that the German people failed. This cost them the war; their tension broke because the group of evil forces who were impressing the negative German people were unable to attain the point of tension which the Hierarchy could reach when it was reinforced through the action of the Lords of Liberation.
  • d. Another factor was the constant, invocative demand and the prayers (articulate and inarticulate) of humanity itself. Men, impelled largely by fear and the innate mobilising of the human spirit against slavery, reached such a pitch of demanding energy that a channel was created which greatly facilitated the work of the Hierarchy, under the direct influence of the Lords of Liberation.
Ibid (written on August 9, 1945)

JRO: a Fifth Ray Disciple

The Manhattan Project, the initiative which marked a new era in human history, conducted its first successful nuclear detonation test on July 16, 1945. This momentous event, known as the Trinity Test, took place in the solitude of a New Mexican desert, forever transforming the course of human destiny.

The name “Trinity” for the inaugural nuclear test bears a mystical resonance, informed by J. Robert Oppenheimer’s deep philosophical and spiritual inclinations. The name was purportedly inspired by the poetry of John Donne, a metaphysical poet known for his contemplations of faith, love, and mortality. Oppenheimer was particularly drawn to Donne’s “Holy Sonnet XIV,” which speaks of a divine trinity and the plea for God’s transformative intervention. As such, the name “Trinity” encapsulates the profound change ushered in by this test – a transformative power that bore a duality akin to divine intervention, having the capacity to both create and annihilate. It is a testament to the test’s earth-shattering implications and the indelible mark it left on the trajectory of human civilization.

John Oppenheimer’s legacy is one of moral responsibility and ethical considerations in science – one which should inspire us all to strive for truth, justice, and the betterment of society. By living with these principles in mind, we can ensure that Oppenheimer’s legacy lives on in our deeds and actions. May his memory continue to be a guiding light for us all.

As Oppenheimer’s work has taught us, science should not be used solely for its own sake, but as a means of advancing humanity towards progress and enlightenment. He firmly believed in the potential of science to create a better world and to bring about meaningful change. This teaches us that as individuals, we must strive for progress with the same sense of morality and purpose – working towards a brighter future, guided by our own ethical considerations and moral decisions.

Oppenheimer’s legacy serves to remind us that science is not only an intellectual pursuit, but one with moral implications. We must use our knowledge responsibly, and make sure that it is applied for the betterment of humanity – as Oppenheimer himself did during his lifetime.

The release of the energy of the atom is as yet in an extremely embryonic stage; humanity little knows the extent or the nature of the energies which have been tapped and released. There are many types of atoms, constituting [Page 497] the “world substance”; each can release its own type of force; this is one of the secrets which the new age will in time reveal, but a good and sound beginning has been made. I would call your attention to the words, “the liberation of energy.” It is liberation which is the keynote of the new era, just as it has ever been the keynote of the spiritually oriented aspirant. This liberation has started by the release of an aspect of matter and the freeing of some of the soul forces within the atom. This has been, for matter itself, a great and potent initiation, paralleling those initiations which liberate or release the souls of men.

In this process of planetary initiation humanity has carried its work as the world saviour down into the world of substance, and has affected those primary units of life of which all forms are made.

You will now understand the meaning of the words used by so many of you in the second of the Great Invocations: The hour of service of the saving force has now arrived. This “saving force” is the energy which science has released into the world for the destruction, first of all, of those who continue (if they do) to defy the Forces of Light working through the United Nations. Then—as time goes on—this liberated energy will usher in the new civilisation, the new and better world and the finer, more spiritual conditions. The highest dreams of those who love their fellowmen can become practical possibilities through the right use of this liberated energy, if the real values are taught, emphasised and applied to daily living. This “saving force” has now been made available by science, and my earlier prophecy substantiated. [A Treatise on White Magic, published in 1934, beginning on page 333, where the following statements appear: It might be noted here that three great discoveries are imminent and during the next two generations will revolutionise modern thought and life.]

As I said above, the first use of this energy has been material destruction; this was inevitable and desirable; old forms (obstructing the good) have had to be destroyed; the wrecking and disappearance of that which is bad and undesirable must ever precede the building of the good and desirable and the longed-for emergence of that which is new and better.

The constructive use of this energy and its harnessing for the betterment of humanity is its real purpose; this living energy of substance itself, hitherto shut up within the atom and imprisoned in these ultimate forms of life, can be turned wholly into that which is good and can bring about such a revolutionising of the modes of human experience that (from one angle alone) it will necessitate and bring about an entirely new economic world structure.

It lies in the hands of the United Nations to protect this released energy from misuse and to see that its power is not prostituted to selfish ends and purely material purposes. It is a “saving force” and has in it the potency of rebuilding, of rehabilitation and of reconstruction. Its right use can abolish destitution, bring civilised comfort (and not useless luxury) to all upon our planet; its expression in forms of right living, if motivated by right human relations, will produce beauty, warmth, colour, the abolition of the present forms of disease, the withdrawal of mankind from all activities which involve living or working underground, and will bring to an end all human slavery, all need to work or fight for possessions and things, and will render possible a state of life which will leave man free to pursue the higher aims of the Spirit. The prostituting of life to the task of providing the bare necessities or to [Page 499] making it possible for a few rich and privileged people to have too much when others have too little, will come to an end; men everywhere can now be released into a state of life which will give them leisure and time to follow spiritual objectives, to realise richer cultural life, and to attain a broader mental perspective.

But, my brothers, men will fight to prevent this; the reactionary groups in every country will neither recognise the need for, nor desire this new world order which the liberation of cosmic energy (even on this initial tiny scale) can make possible; the vested interests, the big cartels, trusts and monopolies that controlled the past few decades, preceding this world war, will mobilise their resources and fight to the death to prevent the extinction of their sources of income; they will not permit, if they can help it, the passing of the control of this illimitable power into the hands of the masses, to whom it rightly belongs. The selfish interests among the big stockholders, the banking firms and the wealthy organised churches will oppose all change, except in so far as it will benefit them and bring more financial gain to their coffers.

Signs of this opposition can already be seen in the utterances of certain powerful men who are today encouraging a gloomy outlook in London and in Washington and elsewhere; the Vatican, that wealthy and reactionary ecclesiastical organisation, has already expressed its disfavour, because that Church knows—as do all the vested and monied interests—that their days are numbered, provided humanity governs its decisions during the next fifty years by the idea of the greatest good to the greatest number. World decisions must therefore, in the future, be based upon a steady determination to further right human relations and to prevent selfish control, financial or ecclesiastical, by any group of men, anywhere, in any country. We believe the determination of Great Britain, the United States, and Canada, who are in possession of the secrets, is along these lines.

Ibid (written on August 9, 1945)

As we reflect on the life of Oppenheimer, let us keep in mind his words: “The world is a very dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.” Let us strive to be part of the solution – to look beyond ourselves and take action for the benefit of all. In this way, we can ensure that Oppenheimer’s legacy lives on forever.

More information about J. Robert Oppenheimer’s legacy may be found at

 Robert Oppenheimer in 1965 on if the bomb was necessary

When [WWII] was over, the forces of darkness were pushed back but they were not crushed. And ever since then, there has been the possibility of a third world war that would end the whole human experiment up to date and start us back again as an infant humanity to begin to learn it all over again. And in 1954, it was established subjectively and in reality, that there will be no third world war.

Foster Bailey, Changing Esoteric Values (1954)

Now, the exceptional measures taken by the Great Fraternity of SHAMBALLA, revealing those tremendous cosmic links, could be repeated in our present era, marked by the sign of fire and electricity, if any nation of the world tried to use against another this terrible and mysterious device that we call atomic bomb. It must be remembered to this effect that the Great Fraternity – through its multiple and unknown hierarchical deva Agents – is exercising severe control and close vigilance over all those nations of the world which possess and manufacture nuclear devices.

In one of the last planetary Councils held at the SHAMBALLA Center in 1975, it was foreseen the contingency that one of these nations, led by stupid economic or political interests, would try to use this destructive nuclear element against another. The SHAMBALLA Council then decided that “… The first atomic bomb dropped by one country against another, in pursuit of warlike purposes, exploded against its own territory, and consequently had to suffer in its own flesh the evil it intended to inflict on others.” This decision must do, as we saw earlier, with the spirit of survival of the great planetary ensemble linked to an indescribable Corporate Society of Creator Gods. Because of this cosmic survival, an igneous precipitation of electric fire of first Lightning would descend on that nation destroying it completely, as happened in the case of Atlantis. Let us see what is written in certain pages of the “BOOK OF THE INITIATES” concerning these transgressions of the Law:

“The spirits that had so irrationally opposed the fate of Justice appointed by the Great Executors, were destroyed by the waters (Atlantis). The spirits that irrationally, and following sordid and tortuous desires, use the fire against their brothers, by the fire will be destroyed and will not remain of their bodies nor the pious ashes with which Mother Nature covers the end of her creations. (A very graphic definition of physical disintegration by the effect of a nuclear explosion.)

These writings, taken from one of the oldest books of humanity, constitute a subtle reference to the danger of using nuclear devices as elements of destruction. They are also, in the view of esoteric researchers, a song of hope and optimism for all those nations of the Earth that have decided to live outside the wars and adopted peace as the supreme element of social coexistence.

Vicente Beltrán-Anglada, The Mysteries of Shamballa (1985)

Initiation veils a secret and that the revelation of that secret is imminent. Just what this secret is, I may not reveal, but it is concerned with a peculiar type of energy which can be induced at a moment of supreme tension. The only possible hint I can give you in connection with this mysterious matter is that it is closely related to the “Blinding Light” which Saul of Tarsus saw on the road to Damascus and the “blinding light” which accompanied the discharge of energy from the atomic bomb. The “Blinding Light” which ever accompanies true conversion (a rare and sudden happening always when true and real) and which is an attendant demonstration of all Lives Who have passed the human stage of consciousness—according to Their degree—and the light which is released by the fission of the atom are one and the same expression on different levels of consciousness, and are definitely related to the processes and effects of initiation. This will not even make sense to you until certain initiate-experiences have been undergone by you. It is not easy for the average aspirant to realise that progressive stages upon the Path indicate a progressive ability to “take the Light.” When the aspirant prays in the new Invocation: “Let Light descend on Earth” he is invoking something which humanity will have to learn to handle; this is one of the things for which the disciples of the world must begin to prepare the race of men.

Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. II, p. 327

That atomic bomb (though used only twice destructively) ended the resistance of the powers of evil because its potency is predominantly etheric. Its uses are twofold at this time:

a. As the forerunner of that release of energy which will change the mode of human living and inaugurate the new age wherein we shall not have civilisations and their emerging cultures but a world culture and an emerging civilisation, thus demonstrating the true synthesis which underlies humanity. The atomic bomb emerged from a first ray Ashram, working in conjunction with a fifth ray group; from the long range point of view, its intent was and is purely beneficent.

b. As a means in the hands of the United Nations to enforce the outer forms of peace, and thus give time for teaching on peace and on the growth of goodwill to take effect. The atomic bomb does not belong to the three nations who perfected it and who own the secrets at present—the United States of America, Great Britain and Canada. It belongs to the United Nations for use (or let us rather hope, simply for threatened use) when aggressive action on the part of any nation rears its ugly head. It does not essentially matter whether that aggression is the gesture of any particular nation or group of nations or whether it is generated by the political groups of any powerful religious organisation, such as the Church of Rome, who are as yet unable to leave politics alone and attend to the business for which all religions are responsible—leading human beings closer to the God of Love.

The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 548

The Effect of Ray I on Humanity Today

Owing to extra-planetary stimulation, to the immediate planetary crisis and to the present invocative cry of humanity, energy from Shamballa has been permitted to play upon the “centre which is called the race of men” and has produced two potent results: first, the world war was precipitated and, secondly, the fission of the atom, resulting in the atomic bomb, was brought about. Both these events were made possible by the pouring-in of the energy and power of the third aspect of the first Ray of Power or Will. This is the lowest aspect, and definite [Page 647] material effects were produced. The destroyer aspect was therefore the first aspect to take effect. It split the thought-form of materialistic living (which was governing and controlling humanity everywhere) upon the mental plane and, at the same time, it produced a great agent of destruction upon the physical plane.

Thus was the new era ushered in; thus was the stage set for a better future. This was the intent and the purpose of Those Who compose the Council Chamber of the Lord. It rests with humanity itself to take advantage of the proffered opportunity which this destructive manifestation made possible.

Shamballa having acted in this manner, it is nevertheless the Hierarchy which will bring into expression a measure of the second aspect of the first Ray of Will or Power, and it is for this that the Hierarchy is preparing; it is for this event that the Christ is fitting Himself to be the distributing Agent and the directing Factor, with the concentrated assistance of the united Hierarchy; it is this that will begin to manifest when He appears. You have here the true reason for His proclaimed Coming or Reappearance. The distinction between material living and spiritual living will be clearly demonstrated. This is made possible by the cleavage of the ancient materialistic thoughtform on mental levels; the reorientation of human thinking, as this fact is grasped, will have its first results upon emotional levels through the focussed expression of human goodwill; this is the lowest aspect of the second Ray of Love-Wisdom, implemented and strengthened by the second aspect of the first Ray of Will.

On the physical plane, the great scientific discovery, called colloquially the “splitting of the atom,” will be turned eventually to the production of those conditions which will enable mankind to follow the good, the beautiful and the true. This men will then be able to do, freed from the dread presence of purely materialistic thinking. This is no idle vision or vague dream. Many scientists today (and particularly those who love their fellowmen) [Page 648] are not only visioning the non-destructive aspect of atomic energy but are already engaged in harnessing—for the good of humanity—some of its products and its radioactive properties.

Curiously enough, it is the wise, controlled use of the results of this scientific adventure in connection with the atomic bomb which will eventually bring about a specific revelation of the nature of certain forces in relation to light; this event will transform world thinking and lead to a new type of transmutative process, as far as man is concerned.

The Rays and the Initiations

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4 thoughts on “The Spiritual Significance of the Release of Atomic Energy

  1. … just cant wait to delve into this!…to study it deeply… go into the links. I have long been compelled by the nuclear inner and the nuclear outer… to see how this writing grounds vast Teachings and the Times around that is just the “bomb.” Sincere thanks. Margo

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