The Twelve Labors of Hercules:
Taming the American Lion for a Brighter Future
The legend of the Twelve Labors of Hercules is rich with symbolism and metaphors that transcend time, offering profound insights into the human condition and spiritual evolution. Among these labors, the task of redeeming the Nemean Lion serves as a pivotal initiation, symbolizing the birth of Christ consciousness in the heart. This initiation marks a transition from lower expressions of the self, characterized by selfish individualism, to higher expressions of group consciousness and service to humanity. In this context, the sign of Leo, represented by the Lion, and its polar complement Aquarius, represented by the Water Bearer, offer a compelling allegory for America’s journey and mission.
The Nemean Lion and Selfish Individualism
In Greek mythology, the Nemean Lion was a monstrous beast terrorizing the region of Nemea. Its hide was impervious to weapons, making it seemingly invincible. Hercules, however, did not shy away from this daunting challenge. Through sheer strength and determination, he subdued the lion using his bare hands, ultimately donning its skin as a protective cloak. This act signifies more than just a heroic feat; it represents the taming of the untamed, primal aspects of the self—selfish individualism and the uncontrolled quest for power.
Leo, the Lion, in its lower expression, epitomizes these traits. It seeks self-aggrandizement, dominance, and the accumulation of power under the guise of noble purposes like patriotism. This “roaring” Leo consciousness can be observed in various historical and contemporary contexts where leaders and nations prioritize their own interests over the collective good, often camouflaged as love for the country.
The Higher Expression: Aquarius and Group Consciousness
Contrastingly, the higher expression of Leo’s polar complement, Aquarius, embodies group consciousness and selfless service. Aquarius is symbolized by the Water Bearer, who pours out the waters of knowledge, healing, and compassion for the benefit of all. This sign encourages us to transcend our individual egos and work towards the common good, fostering a sense of unity and interconnectedness.
The initiation symbolized by Hercules’ redemption of the Nemean Lion is thus a transformative process. It invites us to overcome our lower instincts and evolve towards a higher state of being, where we recognize our shared humanity and the importance of collective well-being.
The Roaring American Lion: A Call to Remember Hercules
In modern times, when someone is referred to as the “roaring American Lion,” it often denotes a figure or movement exuding immense power and influence, sometimes masked as patriotism. While strength and leadership are admirable qualities, they must be tempered with wisdom, compassion, and a commitment to truth and service.
The Labors of Hercules remind us that true strength lies not in domination but in the ability to subdue and transform our baser instincts. Just as Hercules tamed the Nemean Lion, America must tame its “roaring Lion” tendencies—its unrestrained pursuit of power and self-interest. This transformation is crucial for the nation to fulfill its higher mission, better represented by the Statue of Liberty.
The Statue of Liberty: Symbol of Truth and Service

The Statue of Liberty stands as an enduring symbol of freedom, enlightenment, and hope. She holds aloft the torch, lighting the way for those seeking liberty and justice. This iconic statue embodies the ideals of truth, compassion, and selfless service—values that align more closely with the Aquarian spirit of group consciousness.
The US and consequently New York, are considered young and immature within the world of nations and this accounts for its idealism and also its arrogance. But it is this very youthfulness that also accounts for the industrious and creative ability that distinguish Americans. The Tibetan has this to say of the United States, which clearly reflects the challenges posed for the New York center in handling the potency of the energies pouring through it: “Like all young people, symbolically speaking, the people of the United States show all the characteristics of adolescence. Again, symbolically speaking, the people of the United States are of the ages seventeen to twenty four. They shout freedom and still are not free; they refuse to be told what to do because it infringes upon their rights, nevertheless they allow themselves to be guided frequently by the inept, the partisan politician and by the inadequate; they are broadly tolerant and yet most intolerant of other nations; they are ready to tell other nations how to handle their problems but as yet evidence no ability to handle their own, as witness the treatment of the [African-Americans] and the withholding of equal freedom and opportunity from them.” (Problems of Humanity, p. 26)
For America to come true to its mission, it must embrace the higher expression of the Leo-Aquarius axis. This involves recognizing the importance of global interconnectedness, fostering inclusivity, and committing to humanitarian efforts. By doing so, the nation can serve as a beacon of light and truth, guiding others towards a more just and compassionate world.
The myth of Hercules and the Nemean Lion offers timeless lessons on the nature of power and the potential for spiritual growth. In the context of America and its role in the world, taming the “roaring American Lion” — in civil political discourse and at the ballot box, not through physical violence — symbolizes the need to transcend selfish individualism and embrace a higher consciousness focused on collective well-being. As we strive to live up to the ideals represented by the Statue of Liberty, let us remember the Labors of Hercules and the transformative power of truth, compassion, and service. Through this journey, America can truly light the way for a better future for all humanity.
Values to Live By
- A Love of Truth—essential for a just, inclusive and progressive society;
- A Sense of Justice—recognition of the rights and needs, of all.
- Spirit of Cooperation—based on active goodwill and the principle of right human relationships;
- A Sense of Personal Responsibility—for group, community and national affairs;
- Serving the Common Good—through the sacrifice of selfishness. Only what is good for all is good for each one.
These are spiritual values, inspiring the conscience and the consciousness of those who serve to create a better way of life.
The MAGA cult is a spell cast on the United States. A main article of faith of this cult is the belief that Donald J. Trump is the Messiah chosen by God to “make America great again.” Rural America, white Evangelicals and younger people are prone to this spell.
Modern esotericism refers to spells as glamours. The Technique of Light is the recommended way to prevent, negate and destroy the appearance, quality and life of the MAGA cult from affecting the United States and humanity. So may it be prevented, negated and destroyed.

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An excellent article and metaphor of the selfish lion that is the MAGA movement.The seed behind MAGA is a longing for a better way of life, but “dark” forces have captured its essence, making it a mindless followership inside Veils of illusion, selfish values not good for All, enforced with fists of violence.