Five Affirmations
- Spiritual resistance does not resist evil, it closes the door where evil dwells.
- Spiritual resistance does not engage evil in its own plane; it takes the higher ground, uplifting the adversary.
- Spiritual resistance redirects the vectors of force of their adversary to the common good.
- Truth does not resist evil; its light dissolve darkness.
- Truth is. Evil is not.
So, when the adversary proclaims a post-truth world, spiritually resist evil affirming: not true!
Anger, hatred and their old ways: NOT TRUE!

From the center which we call the human race
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Spiritual resistance is a practice of profound strength and clarity—not by fighting darkness, but by extinguishing its hold. It is not a clash of opposites, but a higher mode of engagement, one that transforms, uplifts, and reclaims the truth.
Closing the Door to Evil
Evil is powerless without a threshold to enter, so spiritual resistance begins by closing the door where it seeks to dwell. This is not a struggle; it is a refusal to give space to malice, deception, or hatred. Resisting evil in this way is not about conflict, but about leaving it no room to breathe.
Taking the Higher Ground
To meet evil on its own plane is to be ensnared by its terms. Spiritual resistance takes the higher ground, not engaging in battle but offering elevation. When faced with harm, it refuses to descend. Instead, it seeks to uplift—even the adversary—toward a condition of understanding and grace. This is not surrender; it is transcendence.
Transforming Forces
Spiritual resistance transforms. Rather than pushing back with equal force, it absorbs and redirects the energy of opposition toward the common good. Like an alchemist turning lead into gold, it transmutes negativity into something that serves higher purposes, altering the very fabric of conflict into cooperation.
The Light of Truth
Truth does not need to resist evil. Truth exists as light exists—when it shines, darkness vanishes. The presence of truth dissolves deception without brute effort. It is not a fight; it is a revelation.
The Paradox
Truth is. Evil is not. Evil persists only in the absence of truth; it is an illusion sustained by the shadows of ignorance or fear. To give it undue attention is to lend it credibility. But when truth asserts itself, the illusion disappears.
Resistance to Post-Truth
When faced with claims of a “post-truth” world, spiritual resistance does not argue; it simply proclaims, “Not true.” Lies gain their power from the energy we feed them. To declare the truth is to starve falsehood of its influence.
Affirming Truth
Anger, hatred, vengeance—these are tools of the old, broken cycle. They declare themselves loudly, but they are not true. To resist them spiritually is not to meet them with opposition, but to strip them of authority by naming their deception. We assert their irrelevance, saying with clarity and strength, “Not true.”
Living in the Light
Spiritual resistance is the act of refusing the shadows and living in the light. It relies not on force, but on the quiet, unshakable power of what is real and good. By closing the door to evil, uplifting those around us, and proclaiming truth, we dissolve the false and create space for a higher reality. To resist spiritually is, ultimately, to lead with love.
A Master Speaks on Non-Resistance to Evil
Your major job at this time is not to wrestle with the powers of evil and the forces of darkness, but to awaken an interest in and mobilise the forces of light and the resources of men of good will, and of right inclination in the world today. Resist not evil, but so organise and mobilise the good, and so strengthen the hands of the workers on the side of righteousness and love, that evil will find less opportunity.
-Esoteric Psychology Vol. 1, p. 691.
[Written during World War II] At this point I would like to pause for a moment and interpolate a word in answer to a perfectly normal question which is liable to arise in the minds of thinking students and aspirants today. Of what use is all this abstruse and abstract information to a world in agony and a world distressed? The major usefulness of this imparted information … lies far ahead in the period after the war when again the field of world service opens and men have time for thought and due reflection. World service is going on now perhaps in greater volume than ever before but it is restricted to the field of releasing from slavery and alleviation of pain [Page 443] and suffering, and, therefore, to the more strictly physical forms of help. The service to which I here refer is that educational process which will produce the coming civilisation and its attendant culture. This will be based on all the cultural processes of the past and of the present, but will discard all that has produced the disasters of today, as far as may be possible. That means a gradual future usefulness for the knowledge of the underlying potencies, for they can indicate the lines of least resistance to the emerging good and the developing crises which inevitably lie ahead in the period of reconstruction. But one potent good can emerge even at this time from a study of these matters, provided the student of esotericism rests not content with study (using it as an escape from the disastrous present) but parallels his understanding of the causes and conditions by a strenuous effort to be of aid in a practical and a definitely physical sense.
This is the dominant emerging fact to which all that I have said bears testimony: world conditions today—precipitated as they are by human greed and ignorance—are nevertheless basically conditioned by the will-to-good which is the primary quality of the energies and forces coming forth from the great Lives in which all that exist live and move and have their being. The Law of the Universe (and what is law but the working out of the purposes of these all-embracing Lives, of Their impulses and Their plans?) is to all eternity the good of the whole and naught can arrest this happening; for who can arrest the impact of these energies which play upon and through our planet. When I say this, I would at the same time point out that the attitude of many students, inevitably participants in world events, that “such is the Law and such is the Karma of people and nations and such is the pre-determined destiny” [Page 444] is far from right. They believe—sometimes sincerely—that all that should be done is simply to wait for results to appear and for karma and destiny to fulfil itself. Then and not till then, all will be well. But they forget that karma fulfils itself in relation to the form nature upon which it expends its energy and that where there is a static condition and a quiescent attitude, the process moves but slowly; the life then within the form fails to experience the needed, forceful awakening; inevitably then there lies ahead a repetition of the process until the time comes when activity and response is evoked. This then leads to resistance to the apparent karmic necessity and this brings about liberation. Only through resistance to evil (and in this world period and in this kali-yuga, as the Eastern teachers call it, it is an essential basic attitude) can karma be brought to an end. The law of matter still governs in the three worlds of human experience and “fire by friction” must burn up that which veils the steadily increasing brilliance of solar fire. It is the recognition of “solar fire”—as it shows itself in a transcendental idealism and radiance—by the unintelligent idealist, and his simultaneous refusal to cooperate in this period of karmic necessity, that is prolonging the difficult and cruel situation and leading him individually to sink deep into glamour. The simplification of the world’s problem in terms of matter comes through a recognition of the essential dualism underlying events. I commend this thought to all students, suggesting that they base optimism on the long range vision, endorsed by the Heavens and corroborated by the activity of the stars, and thus feel sure of the ending of this immediate tragic situation.
-The Tibetan Master in the book Esoteric Astrology published by the Lucis Trust
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