The Role of Men and Women of Goodwill in Promoting Good and Ethical Governance
In an era marked by political turmoil and ethical challenges, the pursuit of good governance stands as a beacon for men and women of goodwill. This post explores the dual pathways—material and spiritual—through which individuals can contribute to the establishment of ethical governance. By examining the tangible actions of civic engagement and the intangible influences of spiritual practice, we can better understand the multifaceted approach required to foster a just society.
Material Actions: The Power of Civic Engagement
The most immediate and impactful material action individuals can take is to participate in the electoral process. Voting is not merely a right but a responsibility that shapes the governance framework. Voter turnout is a critical determinant of election outcomes, underscoring the importance of mobilizing the electorate. Encouraging and assisting others to vote amplifies the collective voice, ensuring diverse representation and accountability in governance.
Beyond voting, individuals can contribute to the creation of an enlightened public opinion on political, religious, and economic issues. This involves engaging in informed discussions, challenging misinformation, and promoting critical thinking. A well-informed populace is better equipped to hold leaders accountable and advocate for policies that reflect ethical principles and societal welfare. Through education and dialogue, individuals can cultivate a political culture that values transparency, equity, and justice.
Spiritual Actions: Harnessing the Power of Scientific Magic
While material actions are vital, spiritual practices offer an additional dimension in the quest for good governance. One such practice involves “scientific magic,” as discussed in Dean Radin’s book Real Magic from the Institute of Noetic Sciences. Radin suggests that human consciousness can influence reality, bridging the gap between science and spirituality. This notion invites individuals, in group formation, to explore the potential of their inner capabilities to effect change.
Rethinking meditation as a technique of invocation and evocation further expands the spiritual approach for ethical governance. Groups engaged in meditation can invoke the spiritual realm, calling forth guidance and support for ethical leadership. By viewing meditation as a dynamic process, groups can align their intentions with a higher purpose, contributing to the manifestation of goodwill in governance.
Let us consider these working hypotheses: First, there is a benevolent spiritual Hierarchy guiding human affairs, acting without infringing on human free will. This Hierarchy, composed of Masters of Wisdom and Compassion, is overseeing the ethical development of humanity. Second, there exists a Plan to establish governance based on right human relations, enabled by goodwill and resulting in lasting peace. This Plan is opposed by malevolent Forces of Darkness, which distort the true nature of hierarchical democracy as fascism. Third, the source of spiritual power on Earth, known as the Will of the Father invoked in the Lord’s Prayer in the West, while in the East, it is known as the Purpose of the Lord of the World in Shamballa, provides the dynamic foundation for this transformative process.
What if men and women of goodwill chose to act as if these hypotheses were true? We are told that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. History shows us that faith can metaphorically move mountains, achieving what once seemed impossible in critical moments like those we face today. So, what do we stand to lose by embracing these beliefs as working hypotheses? Imagine that another world is possible, born from a faith in the spiritual power of meditation and the science of invocation, paving the way for ethical governance led by spiritually advanced individuals dedicated to the common good, aligned with the Will of God as known in Shamballa.
Shamballa is described as a mystical and spiritual center of great significance. Here are some key aspects:
- Spiritual Center: Shamballa is considered the spiritual center of the world, often described as a hidden or etheric city. It is believed to be the seat of the spiritual hierarchy governing the evolution of humanity and the planet.
- Location: While its exact location is often depicted as hidden or non-physical, some traditions place Shamballa in the Gobi Desert or in a remote, inaccessible region of the Himalayas. It is sometimes described as existing on a higher plane of reality.
- Role and Function: Shamballa is the dwelling place of the “Lord of the World,” identified as Sanat Kumara, who oversees the spiritual progress of the Earth. It serves as a focal point for divine energies and guidance.
- Symbolism: Shamballa symbolizes the ultimate goal of spiritual attainment and enlightenment. It represents the ideal of a harmonious and enlightened society, guiding humanity towards higher consciousness.
- Connection to Masters: It is the headquarters of the Masters of Wisdom, advanced spiritual beings who assist in the evolution of humanity by imparting wisdom and guidance. Shamballa holds a central place as a source of spiritual power and enlightenment, influencing the spiritual evolution of the planet.
Source: Chapter 2 Shamballa | Sanat Kumara
Let us attempt a first approximation in defining the spiritual concept of a Hierarchical Democracy.
A Hierarchical Democracy is a form of constitutional government (of the enlightened people, by the enlightened people, for the enlightenment of the people) in which political power is exercised by consent of the governed, as a result of consensus between an enlightened meritocracy of servant leaders qualified by spiritual training and experience, and the free and fully informed (good) will of an enlightened public, adept in self-rule and right human relations. This system operates with full transparency, accountability, and inclusiveness, upholding civil liberties, protecting human rights, and ensuring equal representation. It features a robust separation of powers and impartial judicial oversight to maintain a balanced and fair governance structure.
The pursuit of good and ethical governance requires a holistic approach that integrates both material and spiritual actions. By actively participating in the democratic process and fostering informed public opinion, individuals can materially influence the structures of governance. Simultaneously, by engaging with spiritual practices such as meditation, and reimagining the current state of world affairs, they can invoke higher guidance and align with a greater ethical vision. Together, these efforts form a comprehensive strategy for men and women of goodwill to contribute to the realization of a just and harmonious world.
Men and women of goodwill are not alone in their plight for good and ethical governance. Spiritual forces of Light, Love and Power are available, but we need to invoke these planetary (and extra-planetary) forces in group formation and with “massed intent.” Another world is possible and can be constructed by human feet and human hands.

From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into human minds.
Let Light descend on Earth.From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into human hearts.
May the Coming One return to Earth.From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide all little human wills –
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.From the center which we call the human race
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
A visualization to dissipate the threat of fascism
Promoting goodwill and right human relations is a powerful strategy to dissipate the threat of fascism by addressing both its spread and underlying causes.
- Immunizing Society with Goodwill: To prevent the societal “pandemic” of fascism, fostering goodwill acts as a “vaccine.” This begins with education that emphasizes critical thinking, empathy, and an appreciation for diversity. Schools can play a crucial role by teaching history and social studies in a way that highlights the dangers of authoritarianism and the value of democratic principles. Community engagement initiatives that encourage interaction among diverse groups can build mutual respect and understanding, reducing the fear and mistrust that fascist ideologies exploit. Encouraging dialogue and collaboration on shared goals creates a sense of unity and resilience against divisive narratives.
- Addressing Root Causes of Fascist Movements: Goodwill directly tackles the grievances that often fuel fascism, such as economic inequality, social alienation, and political disenfranchisement. By building inclusive communities where all members feel valued and heard, we can mitigate feelings of isolation and resentment. Economic policies that aim for equitable growth and provide opportunities for all can reduce the desperation that makes radical solutions appear attractive. Promoting open and honest dialogue about grievances allows for peaceful and constructive solutions, diminishing the appeal of extremist ideologies. By addressing these root causes, goodwill fosters a more just and harmonious society that is less susceptible to the allure of fascism.
The struggle between “spiritual forces of light” and “material forces of darkness” may well describe the current point of inflection determining positive or negative outcomes in society.
- Spiritual Forces of Light: These are the positive influences that encourage goodwill, compassion, and unity among people. The Shamballa Forces are present in various spiritual, religious, or philosophical movements that emphasize love, empathy, and the interconnectedness of humanity. Many spiritual traditions advocate for values like kindness, peace, and cooperation, which can inspire individuals and communities to work towards harmonious and just societies.
- Material Forces of Darkness: These are the negative influences that lead to division, chaos, and authoritarianism, such as fascism. These dark forces can stem from societal issues like greed, fear, and ignorance, which can be exacerbated by economic inequality, political corruption, and social injustice. The “darkness” can also be seen in ideologies or movements that exploit these issues to gain power and control, often through manipulation and fear-mongering.
While the “forces of light” are nurtured through education, community building, and spiritual or moral teachings, the “forces of darkness” often thrive from systemic problems and the exploitation of human vulnerabilities. Addressing these forces involves both personal growth and collective action to create a more balanced and equitable world.
Men and women of goodwill are not alone in this struggle. Although the sources of these forces are not readily recognized by academic scholars, the reality of these spiritual sources has been attested by many advanced members of the human family represented in the New Group of World Servers.
Let the Lord of Liberation issue forth.
Let Him bring succor to the sons of men.
Let the Rider from the Secret Place come forth,
And coming, save.
Come forth, O Mighty One.
Let the souls of men awaken to the Light,
And may they stand with massed intent.
Let the fiat of the Lord go forth:
The end of woe has come!
Come forth, O Mighty One.
The hour of service of the saving force has now arrived.
Let it be spread abroad, O Mighty One.Let Light and Love and Power and Death [of the Old Order]
Fulfil the purpose of the Coming One.
The WILL to save is here.
The LOVE to carry forth the work is widely spread abroad.
The ACTIVE AID of all who know the truth is also here.
Come forth, O Mighty One, and blend these three.
Construct a great defending wall.
The rule of evil now must end.
Values to Live By
- A Love of Truth—essential for a just, inclusive and progressive society;
- A Sense of Justice—recognition of the rights and needs, of all.
- Spirit of Cooperation—based on active goodwill and the principle of right human relationships;
- A Sense of Personal Responsibility—for group, community and national affairs;
- Serving the Common Good—through the sacrifice of selfishness. Only what is good for all is good for each one.
These are spiritual values, inspiring the conscience and the consciousness of those who serve to create a better way of life.
Source: Lucis Trust

A new book, The Centennial Conclave: SHAMBALLA 2025, may serve as introductory material for the concepts explored in this post.
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