Jehovah, Jerusalem, and Karma

The objectives facing the Hierarchy at this time

Written on April-May 1946 by the Tibetan Master

Let me enumerate [the objectives facing the Hierarchy at this time and involving the personal attention of the Christ] in concise form, because it is essential that there be clear perception of the emerging values on the part of workers of all grades and kinds in the world, for otherwise perception is not possible. To each point enumerated I will append in a few brief words the reason why it is regarded as important:

  • The Reorganization of the World Religions.
    • To make way for the World Religion, universal religion.
    • To return humanity to the simplicity which is in Christ.
    • To rid the world of theology and ecclesiasticism.
  • The Gradual Dissolution of Orthodox Judaism.
    • Because of its presentation of a wrathful Jehovah, caring only for his chosen people. This is a basic evil. The Lord of the World, the God in whom we live and move and have our being, is totally otherwise.
    • Because of its separateness.
    • Because it is so ancient that its teachings are largely obsolete.
    • Because when the Jews become spiritual they will greatly benefit mankind, for they are found in every land.
  • Preparation for a New Revelation.
    • Because where there is no vision the people perish. [Page 552]
    • Because human expectancy indicates its emerging presence.
    • Because the new Invocation will inevitably bring it to us.
  • The Reaction of the Hierarchy to Shamballa.
    • Produces a direct channel.
    • Conditions the inflow of power energy.
    • Relates the will-to-good to goodwill.
    • Creates new constructive tensions and new ashrams.
  • A Closer Relation of the Hierarchy to Humanity.
    • Produces (in the near future) the externalization of certain ashrams.
    • Leads to the reappearance of the Hierarchy on Earth.
    • Recognizes that man’s point of development warrants this.
    • Presents a nearing opportunity for revelation.
  • An Effort to avert War.
    • Because the next war would annihilate the greater part of the human race.
    • Because, having a religious basis, the hate involved would be greater far than anything hitherto known.
    • Because Shamballa would be involved, and this has never been the case.

You can see therefore how critical, spiritually, are these times, and how urgent is the task which confronts the Hierarchy and its workers on earth. The war may be over in the physical sense, but great issues are still involved and undetermined and can lead either to peace or to a renewal of those conditions in which wars are generated and which, once generated, cannot be avoided. [Extracted from The Externalisation of the Hierarchy]

The area of difficulty—as is well known—is the Near East and Palestine.  The Jews, by their illegal and terroristic activities, have laid a foundation of great difficulty for those who are seeking to promote world peace.  As a Jewish member of my Ashram pointed out (and I commend him on his soul vision), the Jews have partially again opened the door [Page 430] to the Forces of Evil, which worked originally through Hitler and his evil gang.  The “sealing” of that door had not been successfully accomplished, and it is the part of wisdom to discover this in time.  These Forces of Evil work through a triangle of evil, one point of which is to be found in the Zionist Movement in the United States, another in central Europe, and the third in Palestine.  Palestine is no longer a Holy Land and should not be so regarded. -The Rays and the Initiations

Another fear which induces mankind to regard death as a calamity is one which theological religion has inculcated, particularly the Protestant fundamentalists and the Roman Catholic Church—the-fear of hell, the imposition of penalties, usually out of all proportion to the errors of a lifetime, and the terrors imposed by an angry God.  To these man is told he will have to submit, and from them there is no escape, except through the vicarious atonement.  There is, as you well know, no angry God, no hell, and no vicarious atonement.  There is only a great principle of love animating the entire universe; there is the Presence of the Christ, indicating to humanity the fact of the soul and that we are saved by the livingness of that soul, and the only hell is the earth itself, where we learn to work out our own salvation, actuated by the principle of love and light, and incited thereto by the example of the Christ and the inner urge of our own souls.  This teaching anent hell is a remainder of the sadistic turn which was given to the thinking of the Christian Church in the Middle Ages and to the erroneous teaching to be found in the Old Testament anent Jehovah, the tribal God of the Jews. Jehovah is not God, the planetary Logos, the Eternal Heart of Love Whom Christ revealed.  As these erroneous ideas die out, the concept of hell will fade from man’s recollection and its place will be taken by an understanding of salvation upon the physical plane, which leads him to right the wrongs which he may have perpetrated in his lives on Earth, and which enables him eventually to “clean his own slate.” -Esoteric Healing, 393

The Tibetan Master penned by Alice A. Bailey

Of course, for the average American reader, these remarks — issued by the Tibetan Master on behalf of the planetary spiritual Hierarchy — are difficult to reconcile with the unconditional support of Israel in the American public opinion since 1948, as reaffirmed last night in President Biden’s speech. Furthermore, the injunction against the “Zionist Movement in the United States” as a source of “evil” would most certainly be considered “antisemitic” and “hate speech.”

It is understandable that the copyright holders of the Alice Bailey books — a tax exempt nonprofit organization — would refrain from more openly bringing these remarks to the public, even at this time of dire need to have them widely known, for fear of losing their tax exempt status (for political speech), and for fear of being attacked and censored by the current climate of political correctness. To their credit, though, in the past the Lucis Trust has affirmed the right of the spiritual Hierarchy to fearlessly speak truth to (political) power disregarding claims for political correctness.

The Masters of the Wisdom, known collectively as the Hierarchy, have never attempted to adapt Their teaching to politically correct standards. A Master speaks from the level of pure Truth because his vision encompasses the vast sweep of the Plan through history and of our planet’s role in that Plan.

Concerning The Ageless Wisdom Writings On The Jewish People

Jehovah is not the planetary Logos, God. It is not the Will of God that the Jewish people hold on to land that doesn’t belong to them. The Jewish people are not a separate nation. The Jewish people have no right to claim Palestine as their land.

These words — without the appropriate context — may be considered blasphemy, even hate speech, inciting antisemitic violence. Nothing further from the truth.

These truths were sorely missing from President Biden’s speech last night, a President held hostage by extreme and hostile right media outlets that spew warmongering and propagate hatred towards Israel’s perceived enemies other than itself. The Palestinian people are not the enemies of Jewish people, a truth conveniently distorted by these irresponsible media outlets conflating peaceful resistance to Israel’s occupation of Palestine with antisemitism.

The authenticity of the Tibetan Master, the “Messenger” of the spiritual Hierarchy, has been well established by the scholarly research of David Reigle, and by historical evidence of correspondence with His disciples, particularly His communication with Alice A. Bailey. It is impossible for a Master of Wisdom and Compassion of the planetary spiritual Hierarchy to engage in hate speech. Their “perfect harmlessness” expressed in a “completed point of view” doesn’t allow for any bias in Their hearts and minds, even if the wording expressing truth is imperfect. Endorsing these truths is not engaging in antisemitism.

Perfection calls imperfection to the surface. Good drives evil from the form of man in time and space. The method used by the Perfect One and that employed by Good, is “perfect harmlessness”. This is not negativity, but Perfect Poise, a completed point of view, and divine understanding.

A Completed Point of View … necessarily and primarily refers to the universal outlook of the Monad, and therefore to an initiate of the higher degrees. It can, however, be interpreted on a lower rung of the ladder of evolution and refers to the function of the soul as an Observer in the three worlds and the completed all-round picture such an observer gradually attains. This is brought about by the development of the two qualities of detachment and discrimination. These two qualities, [Page 674] when expressed on the Way to the Higher Evolution, become Abstraction and the Will-to-good.

A completed point of view-as experienced on soul levels—indicates the removal of all barriers and the freedom of the disciple from the great heresy of separateness; he has therefore created an unclogged channel for the inflow of pure love. Perfect poise, viewed from the same level, has removed all impediments and those emotional factors which have hitherto blocked the channel, thus preparing the way for the Observer to see truly; the disciple then functions as a clear channel for love.

Esoteric Healing

The truths revealed by the planetary spiritual Hierarchy, expressed “in time and space” through the words of a Master of Wisdom and Compassion, may need adaptation by Their disciples. However, any adaptation should never negate or hide the intrinsic truth of Their message.

Therefore, how would we, as a discipleship group — the New Group of World Servers — in preparation for initiation, “modify, qualify and adapt the proposed plan of Shamballa (for which the Ashrams are responsible) in connection with the coming civilization and culture?”

The third hint I gave you was intended to suggest that it was the duty and the responsibility of the disciple, working under the inspiration of the Ashram, to “modify, qualify and adapt” the proposed plan of Shamballa (for which the Ashrams are responsible) in connection with the coming civilisation and culture. There is an “art of spiritual compromise” which must be learnt and which it is difficult to master, because it negates fanaticism, requires a trained and intelligent understanding of applied measures and truth, and also negates evasion of responsibility; it involves also a comprehension of the time equation, of differing points in evolution, plus experience in the process of discarding the outgrown and unnecessary—no matter how good it may appear to be. -p. 278

I am seeking here to divorce your minds from the idée fixe that the initiate works because he knows. I would reverse the statement and say he knows because he works. -p, 282

Christ gave the same hint to His disciples when He told them that if they wanted to know the doctrine they must carry out God’s will. Do these words convey any true meaning to you? -p. 302

Five hints have already been given to you, and I would like you to get their sequence, for it may prove valuable to you and to other disciples:

  1. That the changes brought about in the Hierarchy have been the work of the disciples of the world. Have you asked yourself (in studying this hint), Why the disciples?
  2. That human world planning is today the first indication of the emergence of the will aspect. Why is this rightly so?[Page 320]
  3. That disciples in all the Ashrams have the task simultaneously of “modifying, qualifying and adapting the divine Plan.” Why is this so? Why is the Plan not imposed?
  4. That the initiate knows because he works. What does this hint mean to you?
  5. A key to the correct interpretation of a hint lies in its association with the idea of direction in time and space.

Study these and see what is their relationship and what you feel is the inner meaning which they are intended to convey.

Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. 2

The Universal Jew

The concept of Jehovah as a “national controller” of the Jewish race was an early — and now obsolete — expression of God Transcendent in the sequential “spiritual approaches” of Divinity to Humanity:

Two major Approaches are to be found in the past history of the race, and both are of such significance that it would be well to note them here. They lie so far back in human history that we have only myth and monument to indicate their happening.

The first great Approach of the divine to man caused the appearance of the human soul and the adding of another kingdom in nature to the three (mineral, vegetable and animal) already existing. The kingdom of man appeared on Earth.

Aeons passed away whilst primitive man continued to evolve, and when the second great Approach took place and the Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet drew nearer to humanity; the spiritual Way to God was opened for those who consciously can move forward, who can definitely demonstrate the Christ spirit, and who earnestly seek enlightenment and liberation. The true appeal of Christ’s words: “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” urges them to move forward into the light, through the gate of initiation and on to that path which “shineth [Page 410] ever more and more until the perfect day.” At the time of the second great Approach, the fact of the existence of the Spiritual Hierarchy, of the open door to initiation and of the Way of Sacrifice first dawned on the human consciousness; from that moment men have found the Way and have moved out of the human kingdom into the spiritual; they have transformed their human consciousness into divine awareness. The kingdom of man and the kingdom of God were brought into relationship. Religion became a factor in the development of the human spirit and God drew nearer to His Own. God Transcendent first conditioned man’s concept of Deity. Then God as the national controller took possession of man’s mind, and the Jehovah concept (as depicted in the Jewish dispensation) appeared; next God was seen as the perfected human being, and the divine God-man walked the Earth in the person of the Christ. Today, we have a rapidly growing emphasis on God Immanent in every human being. Such have been the results of the second great Approach and such have been the results of the work of the world Saviours and Teachers down the ages, culminating in the work of Christ, Who summed up in Himself the unfoldments of the past and the hope of the future.

A third great Approach is now possible and will take place once the world war is over and man—purified by fire and suffering—has set his house in order and is ready, therefore, for a new revelation. For this coming revelation the work of the Buddha and of the Christ has been preparatory. They embodied in Themselves two lesser Approaches, and through Their united effort, humanity throughout the world has been prepared to play its part in this third Approach.

The Externalisation of the Hierarchy

Indeed, here and now, we are all Jews, the Prodigal Child of God. There is no chosen race to please an angry and jealous God. There is one chosen people — Humanity — whose seed is found in the history of the Jewish people. We are told “unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” What must die is not the Jewish people but the false concept of a separate nation (the ideology of Zionism).

There is no need for the Jewish people to misappropriate a separate stretch of land, a land no longer considered holy. Even Jewish scholars argue against the concept of a Jewish nation, so ingrained in American politics by the “the Zionist Movement in the United States.”

This is the plain and simple truth, recorded and revealed by the planetary spiritual Hierarchy, and slowly, very slowly, dawning on human consciousness as it progresses to the next spiritual approach and becomes receptive to a new spiritual Dispensation. The “evil” of Zionism is a past good that should be left behind. Any fixed material attachment to a dead past is considered regressive (“evil”) by the spiritual Hierarchy, as L-I-V-E, spelled backwards, is to E-V-I-L.

Jehovah, the “national controller” of the Jewish people is no longer good. Jehovah is not the planetary Logos, God. Likewise, the Christian doctrine of vicarious atonement is a distortion of the simple teaching of the Christ, erroneously presented as “the living Scapegoat, bearing away the sins of the people.” The Will of God — here and now — calls for a New Spiritual Dispensation.

A New Spiritual Dispensation

Each age has left a reflection of a modern fivefold development upon it. Four ages have just passed away, astronomically speaking: Gemini, Taurus, Aries, and Pisces. Today Aquarius, the fifth age, is coming into power. In Gemini, its symbolical sign of the two pillars set its seal upon the Masonic Fraternity of the time [Page 127] and the two pillars of Jachin and Boaz—to give them their Jewish names which are, of course, not their real names—came into being approximately eight thousand years ago. Then came Taurus, the Bull, wherein Mithra came as the world Teacher and instituted the Mysteries of Mithras with an (apparent) worship of the Bull. Next followed Aries the Ram, which saw the start of the Jewish Dispensation which is of importance to the Jews and unfortunately of importance to the Christian religion, but of no importance to the untold millions in the other parts of the world; during this cycle came the Buddha, Shri Krishna and Sankaracharya; finally we have the age of Pisces the Fishes, which brought to us the Christ. The sequence of the Mysteries which each of the signs of the Zodiac embodies will be clarified for us by the Christ, because the public consciousness today demands something more definite and spiritually real than modern astrology, or all the pseudo-occultism so widely extant.

It is interesting to remember that when the Buddha came, approximately five hundred years before Christ (for the exact date of Christ’s birth remains debatable), the first dim influences of the Piscean Age could be felt, impinging upon the powerful quality of the age of Aries, the Scapegoat or the Ram. It was the influence of this age—persisting throughout the Jewish dispensation—which led eventually to the distortion of the simple teaching of the Christ when He came. He was erroneously presented to the world as the living Scapegoat, bearing away the sins of the people, and thus originating the doctrine of the vicarious at-one-ment. It was St. Paul who was responsible for this emphasis. A paralleling instance of a similar distortion was also of Jewish origin and appeared in the early stages of the cycle of Aries, the Ram. We are told that the Children of Israel fell down and worshipped the golden calf, the symbol of Taurus, the Bull; this was the preceding astronomical cycle. These are astronomical cycles and not a presented astrology. In the early stages of Aries, the teaching reverted to that of Taurus and in the early stages of Pisces, it reverted to that of Aries and thus set the seal of retrogression upon the teaching which now controls so many orthodox Christians. p. 106

The Reappearance of the Christ

In His public reappearance, the World Teacher — the Head of the Ashram of the Lord of the World in Shamballa (the true Holy City) — will embody a new dispensation. These new spiritual dispensation will be built upon the previous teachings of Hercules (Path of Return of the Prodigal Son), Hermes (I am the Light of the World), Vyasa (Death is not; the Soul is immortal), Buddha (Four Noble Truths and the Path of Enlightenment), Sankaracharya (Advaita Vedanta), Shri Krishna (The Bhagavad Gita) and Jesus Christ the Messiah (the factual nature of the soul, our essential divinity, as the foundation for establishing right (loving) human relations—to God and to one’s fellowmen).

The establishing of right human relations is an aspect of the divine will for humanity and the next facet of the divine expression to manifest itself in human affairs—individual, communal, national, and international. Nothing has ever finally impeded this divine expression, except the time factor, and that time factor is  determined by humanity and is an expression of divine freewill. The intended, divine expression can move rapidly or slowly into manifestation, according as man decides; hitherto, man has decided upon a slow—a very slow—manifestation. It is here that the freedom of the human will shows itself. Because divinity is immanent or present in all forms and, therefore, in all human beings, that will must eventually be fulfilled; because of the tremendously material intention (esoterically speaking) of all forms at present, that Will has hitherto been retarded in its expression; it has not been the will of man to establish right human relations. Hence the discipline of war, the torture of the forms, and the misery in human living today.

The Reappearance of the Christ, 113

Goodwill, resulting in right human relations, is the only path conducive to a lasting peace. No military prowess can bring peace on Earth, less so to any nation. This was another truth left out of President Biden’s speech last night.

The condemnation of terrorism anywhere must be absolute and uncompromising. The acts of cruelty committed by Hamas on October 7, 2023 against Humanity (not just against the Jewish people) was an attack on us all. The is no possible justification for such inhumane crimes against humanity. Such evil must be eradicated from the face of Earth. However, a military defeat of one group of terrorists will not accomplish the goal of a lasting peace. Furthermore, seeking vengeance and retribution through crimes of war, including collective punishment and death, will only serve to generate more retributive karma.

The Law of Rebirth, also known as the Law of Reincarnation — one of the four main line of teachings to be embodied by Lord Maitreya, currently holding the Hierarchical Office of the Christ since He spiritually overshadowed Jesus 2,000 years ago in Palestine— is intricately interconnected with the Law of Cause and Effect, commonly referred to as Karma. According to this Law, each human soul goes through the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth multiple times, experiencing the consequences of its actions in past lives. This perpetual cycle of rebirth provides individuals with opportunities for spiritual growth and eventual liberation. It serves as a guiding principle for understanding the intricate workings and interconnectedness of the universe, offering a profound perspective on the eternal journey of the soul.

Just as many British people and the preponderance of the British race are reincarnated Romans, so many Germans are reincarnated Jews. Hence the similarity of their points of view. It is a family quarrel and there is nothing more terrible than this.

Glamour: A World Problem, p. 147

An instance of the operation of this Law of Karma, in its retributive aspect, can be found in the horrific experience of the Holocaust.

What I have said in no way mitigates the guilt of those who have so sorely abused the Jews. You have a proverb, have you not? that “two [wrongs] do not make a [right].” The behavior of the nations towards the Jews, culminating in the atrocities of the second quarter of the twentieth century, have no excuse. The law must inevitably work. Though much that has happened to the Jews originated in their past history and in their pronounced attitude of separativeness and nonassimilability, and in their emphasis upon material good, yet the agents who have brought the evil karma upon them equally incur the retributive aspect of the same law; the situation has now assumed the form of a vicious circle of error and wrong doing, of retribution and revenge, and in view of this the time must come when together the nations will confer upon this problem, and together they will cooperate to bring to an end the wrong attitudes on both sides. All karma of evil nature is solved by the presentation of an accepting will, a cooperative love, a frank acknowledgment of responsibility and a skillful adjustment of united joint activity to bring about the good of humanity as a whole, and not just the good of an individual nation or people or race. The Jewish problem will not be solved [Page 267] by taking possession of Palestine, by plaint and demand and by financial manipulations. That would be but the prolongation of ancient wrong and material possessiveness. The problem will be solved by the willingness of the Jew to conform to the civilisation, the cultural background and the standards of living of the nation to which—by the fact of birth and education—he is related and with which he should assimilate. It will come by the relinquishment of pride of race and of the concept of selectivity; it will come by renouncing dogmas and customs which are intrinsically obsolete and which create points of constant irritation to the matrix within which the Jew finds himself; it will come when selfishness in business relations and the pronounced manipulative tendencies of the Hebrew people are exchanged for more selfless and honest forms of activity.

The Jew, owing to his rays and point of development, is outstandingly creative and artistic. This he must recognise and not seek as he now does to dominate in all fields, to grasp all opportunities away from other people, and so better himself and his own people at the expense of others. Release from the present situation will come when the Jew forgets that he is a Jew and becomes in his inmost consciousness an Italian, an American, a Britisher, a German or a Pole. This is not so at this time.

Esoteric Healing

However, the retributive aspect of the Law of Karma is but one aspect, in fact, a less frequent expression, of this Law.

The Law of Karma is not the Law of Retribution, as one would surmise as one reads the current books upon the subject; that is but one aspect of the working of the Law [Page 21] of Karma. The Law of Cause and Effect is not to be understood as we now interpret it.

The idea of retribution runs through much of the teaching on Karma, for instance, because men seek a plausible explanation of things as [Page 22] they appear to be, and are themselves fond of dealing out retribution. Yet there is far more general good karma than bad, little as you may think it when immersed in such a period as the present.

Esoteric Healing

Jerusalem, the city of peace.
The New Jerusalem: the realm of the spiritual Hierarchy.

The Christian concept of the return of a triumphant Christ, coming in the clouds of heaven to Jerusalem, there to reign for a thousand years, is true in one way and utterly false as to design, location and method. Christ will return; the Jerusalem referred to (literally “the place of peace”) is not the chief city of a small country called Palestine or the Holy Land; the word is simply symbolic of a peaceful world—a world which, through its own self-initiated efforts, has attained a general quietude and has acquired a certain measure of right human relations. His coming in the air might be interpreted literally to mean that at the right time He will come by plane from the place on earth where He has been for many generations, watching over the sons of men; the words “every [Page 576] eye shall see Him” might mean that, by the time He comes, television will have been perfected and He will then be seen, by its means, from even the most distant spot on earth. To the orthodox Christian, the above will sound like the rankest blasphemy, but the question immediately arises: Why should it be blasphemy for Him to use modern methods? Whilst on earth before, He conformed to the customs of His time. “Riding on the clouds of Heaven” may sound more picturesque and apparently require a greater expression of divinity, but why use such a means when a plane will equally well fulfil the purpose and carry the prophecy to completion? A great deal of reactionary stupidity will have to be eliminated before He can come, and it will be as the new generation assert their hold over human thinking. But it is not the event or the stage of Christ’s appearing with which we are now dealing, but with the preparatory stages and with the task of fitting the world (which means, in this case, preparing the human consciousness) for the presence in physical activity and manifestation of the Hierarchy—in full force and with its esoteric equipment.

The Externalisation of the Hierarchy

He [the Christ] will not come as the Messiah of the Jews to save the so-called Holy Land and the city of Jerusalem for the Jews, because He belongs to the whole world and no Jews nor any other people have special rights or unique privileges or may claim Him as their own; He will not come to convert the “heathen” world for, in the eyes of the Christ and of His true disciples, no such world exists and the so-called heathen have demonstrated historically less of the evil of vicious conflict than has the militant Christian world. The history of the Christian nations and of the Christian church has been one of an aggressive militancy—the last thing desired by the Christ when He sought to establish the church on earth.

The Reappearance of the Christ, p. 110

The great experiences upon the various mountain tops as related in the Bible have all to do with Capricorn. Moses, the Lawgiver on Mount Sinai, is Saturn in Capricorn imposing the law of karma upon the people. A clue to the significance of the Jewish people as a karmic clearing house can be found here. Ponder on those words “a karmic clearing house.” The Mount of Transfiguration in the New Testament is Venus in Capricorn when love and mind and will meet in the person of the Christ, and “He was transfigured” before all men. At the same time, He received the vision of the Father and of what He had to do as He “went up to Jerusalem,” the place of death and likewise the city of peace. This Jerusalem is Pisces. In Aquarius, Christ put His disciples in touch with the “man, bearing a pitcher of water,” Aquarius, and in the upper room introduced them to union and unity under the symbolism of the [Page 168] communion feast. For that feast, humanity is today preparing, as we saw when studying the last constellation. The astrological significance of the New Testament is as yet little understood. Christ was born in Capricorn, fulfilled the law under Saturn, initiated the era of intelligent brotherhood under Venus and is the perfect example of the Capricornian initiate who becomes the world Server in Aquarius, and the world Saviour in Pisces, thus completing the round of the zodiac and able to say triumphantly in Pisces “It is finished.”

Esoteric Astrology

His statement to His disciples, “I must go up to Jerusalem,” after which we read that He steadfastly set His face to go there. This was an intimation that He had now a new objective. The only place of complete “peace” (the meaning of the word Jerusalem) is Shamballa; the Hierarchy is not a centre of peace in the true meaning of the term, which has no relation to emotion but to the cessation of the type of activity with which we are familiar in the world of manifestation; the Hierarchy is a very vortex of activity and of energies coming from Shamballa and from Humanity. From the standpoint of true esotericism, Shamballa is a place of “serene determination and of poised, quiescent will” as the Old Commentary expresses it.

The Rays and Initiations, p. 314

There are certain areas of evil in the world today through which these forces of darkness can reach humanity. What they are and where they are I do not intend to say. I would point out, however, that Palestine should no longer be called the Holy Land; its sacred places are only the passing relics of three dead and gone religions. The spirit has gone out of the old faiths and the true spiritual light is transferring itself into a new form which will manifest on earth eventually as the new world religion. To this form all that is true and right and good in the old forms will contribute, for the forces of right will withdraw that good, and incorporate it in the new form. Judaism is old, obsolete and separative and has no true message for the spiritually-minded which cannot be better given by the newer faiths; the Moslem faith has served its purpose and all true Moslems await the coming of the Imam Mahdi who will lead them to light and to spiritual victory; the Christian faith also has served its purpose; its Founder seeks to bring a new Gospel and a new message that will enlighten all men everywhere. Therefore, Jerusalem stands for nothing of importance today, except for that which has passed away and should pass away. The “Holy Land” is no longer holy, but is desecrated by selfish interests, and by a basically separative and conquering nation.

The Rays and the Initiations, p. 754 (written February 1949)

The Christ suffers, however, far more from those in His Own household than from those in the outer world; His work is more impeded by the advanced aspirant than by the intelligent thinker. It was not the cruelty of the outer world of men which caused the depths of sorrow to the Christ; it was His Own disciples, plus the massed sorrow—spread over the entire cycle of living—past, present and future—of humanity.

He comes to correct the mistakes and the misrepresentations of those who have dared to interpret His simple words in terms of their own ignorance, and to recognise those whose faithful service has made His return possible. He too is facing a major test, preparatory to a great initiation and when He has passed the test and fulfilled His task, He will pass to a still more exalted position in the Father’s House or to some distant place of service where only the most exalted can follow Him; [Page 56] His present position will then be taken by the One Whom He has prepared and trained.

But before all this can happen, He must again enter the public arena, play His part in world affairs, and prove the scope of His mission. He will gather round Him, in the flesh, His chosen associates and advisors; these will not be the ones who gathered around in those earlier simpler days but those members of our human family who today recognise Him and are preparing to work with Him as far as in them lies. It is a different world to which He is now planning to return and this is largely due to the intellectual development of the mass of men. This presents Him with stupendous difficulties, for the intellects of men must now be reached and not just their hearts (as in the earlier days) if the Will of God is to be intelligently carried out on Earth. His major task is surely the establishing of right human relations in every department of human living. I would ask you to use your imagination and endeavour to think out what must be the implications of the task which confronts Him; I would ask you to ponder on the difficulties which He must inevitably face—the difficulty, above all, of mass intellectual wrong emphasis.

He, the Representative of the love of God, is asked to work again in the world arena wherein His earlier message has been negated, forgotten or misinterpreted for two thousand years, and wherein hate and separativeness have distinguished all men everywhere. This will plunge Him into a foreign atmosphere and into a situation wherein all His divine resources will be needed, and will have to be tried out to the uttermost. The generally accepted idea that He will return as a triumphant warrior, omnipotent and irresistible, has surely no basis in fact. That He will ultimately lead His people, humanity, [Page 57] into Jerusalem is a fact, founded on a secure foundation, but it will not be into a Jewish city called Jerusalem but into “the place of peace” (as the word “Jerusalem” means). A careful consideration of the world situation today and a dedicated use of the imagination will reveal to the sincere thinker how appalling is the task which He has undertaken. But He has again “set His face to go to Jerusalem.” (Luke IX.51.) He will re-appear and guide mankind into a civilisation and a state of consciousness in which right human relations and worldwide cooperation for the good of all will be the universal keynote. He will—through the New Group of World Servers and the men of goodwill—complete His association with the Will of God (His Father’s business) in such a manner that the eternal will-to-good will be translated by humanity into goodwill and right relations. Then His task will be done; He will be free again to leave us, but this time not to return but to leave the world of men in the hands of that great spiritual Server Who will be the new Head of the Hierarchy, the Church Invisible.

The Reappearance of the Christ



A testimonial
(1018) Gabor Mate speaks about Palestine and Israel – YouTube

This is one of the issues that’s closest to my heart hard and it has been for a long time. So you know my history, I don’t know what to repeat it, but I’m a I’m personally a Holocaust survivor as an infant, um I barely survived, my my my grandparents were killed in Auschwitz, most of my extended family was killed um that’s my personal background

I was recently contacted by a Palestinian woman from Jericho she runs a program for Palestinian children who spend time in Israeli jails, 14 15 16 year olds are jailed for months or years sometimes they can’t see their families for months and she and she runs a program for them you know what she does she meditates with them she does Sufi Sufi dervish dancing with them swirling dancing to bring them out of their stress. she says we don’t have post-traumatic stress disorder here cuz the trauma is never post; the trauma is daily. she said

YouTube automatic transcript excerpt

Democrats’ Sympathies in Middle East Shift to Palestinians

Americans’ views on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict have become more polarized as Democrats increasingly commiserate with the Palestinians, while Republicans maintain their solid alignment with the Israelis. The escalation of Israeli-Palestinian hostilities over the past year, resulting in a high number of Palestinians killed, could partly explain the most recent shift in Democrats’ perspective. But Democrats’ waning religiosity may be a factor in the longer-term trend. Sympathy for Israel has historically been highly correlated with religion, with those attending religious services weekly being much more sympathetic to the Israelis than those who seldom or never attend.

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