Republicans who will gather to cast the first votes of the 2024 presidential primary season have one essential responsibility: to nominate a candidate who is fit to serve as president, one who will “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
Donald Trump, who has proved himself unwilling to do so, is manifestly unworthy.
This is not a partisan concern. It is good for the country when both major parties have qualified presidential candidates to put forward their competing views on the role of government in American society. Voters deserve such a choice in 2024.
Mr. Trump’s construction of a cult of personality in which loyalty is the only real requirement has badly damaged the Republican Party and the health of American democracy.
Mr. Trump’s record of contempt for the Constitution — and his willingness to corrupt people, systems and processes to his advantage — puts all of it at risk.
NYT Editorial

I asked my AI personal assistant, how do you break a spell?
Breaking a spell can be a complex process, depending on the nature of the spell and the belief system in which it was cast. However, here is a general guideline that is often recommended in various traditions:
- Identify the Spell: Firstly, you need to identify the type of spell that has been cast. This can be tricky, but if you’ve been subjected to a spell, there might be signs such as recurring bad luck, unexplained illnesses, or a series of unfortunate events.
- Cleanse Yourself and Your Environment: This usually involves some sort of ritual cleansing. This could be a bath with specific herbs or salts known for their cleansing properties, burning sage (also known as smudging), or using sound like bells or singing bowls to dispel negative energy.
- Protection: You can protect yourself by visualizing a protective shield around you, wearing or carrying protective symbols, or invoking protection from a higher power you believe in.
- Reverse or Neutralize the Spell: Depending on your beliefs, this could involve casting a counter-spell, using a charm or talisman, or praying for the spell to be lifted.
- Seek Professional Help: If you’re not comfortable dealing with this on your own, you may want to seek the help of a professional spell breaker or spiritual advisor.
Remember, these guidelines are based on various traditions and belief systems. The effectiveness of these steps can vary greatly depending on personal beliefs and the specifics of the situation.
But I’m not a superstitious person.
How can I scientifically break a spell?
From a scientific perspective, the concept of a “spell” or “hex” is not supported, as they are typically associated with supernatural or paranormal beliefs. However, the feeling of being under a spell might be more related to psychological factors, such as the power of suggestion or the placebo/nocebo effect.
The placebo/nocebo effect is a fascinating aspect of human psychology where our expectations and beliefs can influence our physical health. For example, if someone believes they’ve been cursed or hexed, their belief can manifest in physical symptoms. Conversely, believing that a spell has been broken can alleviate those symptoms.
In this case, one way to “break a spell” scientifically could be to use cognitive-behavioral techniques to change your beliefs and perceptions about the spell. This could involve challenging irrational thoughts, using relaxation techniques to manage anxiety, or seeking help from a mental health professional.
Another approach is understanding that energy is just energy; it’s neither divine nor evil. As Sadhguru mentions, it’s up to us how we interpret and react to it. This perspective can help you navigate your feelings and reactions to the idea of being under a spell.
Remember, if you’re experiencing distressing symptoms, it’s always a good idea to seek advice from a healthcare provider.
How would Dean Radin, according to the ideas laid out in his book “Real Magic,” approach the subject of breaking a spell from a noetic perspective?
Dean Radin, a renowned scientist and author known for his work on psi phenomena, approaches the subject of magic from a perspective that blends ancient wisdom with modern science. His book “Real Magic: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science, and a Guide to the Secret Power of the Universe” explores the idea that magic is a natural aspect of reality and something each of us can potentially tap into.
In terms of breaking a spell, though Radin doesn’t provide specific instructions in his book, he might suggest a noetic or consciousness-based approach, given his research focus at the Institute of Noetic Sciences. This could involve using the power of intention and consciousness to counteract the effects of the spell.
Radin’s work often emphasizes the role of belief and expectation in shaping our experiences. He might argue that if you believe a spell has power over you, it can have real effects due to the influence of these beliefs on your consciousness. Conversely, changing your beliefs could be a way to break the spell.
Radin also highlights the potential of meditation and other mind-body practices for cultivating our innate capacities. It’s possible that such practices could be used to help break a spell by shifting your mental state and altering your perceptions.
However, it’s important to note that Radin’s work remains controversial within mainstream science, and his interpretations are not universally accepted. Always seek professional advice if you’re dealing with serious emotional or psychological distress.
The MAGA cult is a spell cast on the United States. The main article of faith of this cult is the belief that Donald J. Trump is the Messiah chosen by God to “make America great again.” Rural America, white Evangelicals and younger people are prone to this spell.
Modern esotericism refers to spells as glamours. The Technique of Light is the recommended way to prevent, negate and destroy the appearance, quality and life of the MAGA cult from affecting the United States and humanity. So may it be prevented, negated and destroyed. -JB

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