There is no such thing as failure; there can only be loss of time.
A Treatise on White Magic by Alice A. Bailey, p. 634
As may be evident from the quotes and analyses presented below, the latter half of the 20th century, marked by various global events and significant transformations, unfortunately witnessed a missed opportunity to fully grasp and internalize the lessons imparted by the Great War that occurred from 1914 to 1945. During this critical period, the prospect of establishing a New World Order, firmly rooted in the noble principle* of “the idea of the greatest good to the greatest number,” was regrettably not realized, thereby depriving humanity of an unparalleled opportunity for positive change and collective progress.
The conservative forces, responsible for providing a necessary balance and steady progress, failed to deliver “a newer idealism, thus contributing all that is best to the new presentation of truth so that the emerging culture will be properly rooted in the old.” Instead, their own self-interests took priority, leading them to vehemently oppose socially progressive changes. Their true motives — sometimes disguised as “compassionate conservatism” — were driven by personal gains and financial prosperity, motives which Master D.K. — on behalf of the planetary spiritual Hierarchy — warned us about in the aftermath of the war. These conservative forces have found maximum expression in the political spectrum of the United States through the ideologies of Reaganomics and, more recently, Trumpism. As a result, the gap between individuals who possess considerable wealth and resources, commonly referred to as the “haves,” and those who lack adequate means and opportunities, often referred to as the “have-nots,” has significantly widened. This growing disparity in socio-economic status has had profound implications for societies all around the world.
The progressive forces, represented by FDR’s policies (FDR was a First Ray disciple inspired by the Ashram of Master M., as revealed by Master D.K. in the Alice A. Bailey books), were stymied by the tragic assassinations of JFK and MLK in the tumultuous 1960s. These events not only impacted the trajectory of their respective movements but also left a profound void in the realm of progressive ideals.
The intersection of historical and present-day political dynamics underscores the multifaceted nature of political landscapes and the complex cultural forces that shape them. The overall consequence has resulted in a significant delay in the much-awaited establishment of the New World Order, which is a crucial requirement for executing the comprehensive Plan for the externalization of the planetary spiritual Hierarchy and the imminent reappearance of the World Teacher. These vital matters are anticipated to be thoroughly discussed and evaluated during the forthcoming 2025 Centennial Council, a momentous event set to take place in SHAMBALLA. -JB
[* The principle of “the greatest good for the greatest number” could be associated with socialism, an economic and political system where the means of production are owned and regulated by the community as a whole. However, this principle would more correctly associated with utilitarianism, a theory in normative ethics that suggests the best action is the one that maximizes utility or welfare for the majority. A well-regulated capitalism could accomplish the welfare of the majority through individual freedom and private initiatives, without the state owning the means of production and stifling entrepreneurship. -JB]
You will now understand the meaning of the words used by so many of you in the second of the Great Invocations: The hour of service of the saving force has now arrived. This “saving force” [atomic energy] is the energy which science has released into the world for the destruction, first of all, of those who continue (if they do) to defy the Forces of Light working through the United Nations. Then—as time goes on—this liberated energy will usher in the new civilization, the new and better world and the finer, more spiritual conditions. The highest dreams of those who love their fellowmen can become practical possibilities through the right use of this liberated energy, if the real values are taught, emphasized and applied to daily living. This “saving force” has now been made available by science, and my earlier prophecy substantiated. [A Treatise on White Magic, published in 1934, beginning on page 333, where the following statements appear: It might be noted here that three great discoveries are imminent and during the next two generations will revolutionize modern thought and life.]
As I said above, the first use of this energy has been material destruction; this was inevitable and desirable; old forms (obstructing the good) have had to be destroyed; the wrecking and disappearance of that which is bad and undesirable must ever precede the building of the good and desirable and the longed-for emergence of that which is new and better.
The constructive use of this energy and its harnessing for the betterment of humanity is its real purpose; this living energy of substance itself, hitherto shut up within the atom and imprisoned in these ultimate forms of life, can be turned wholly into that which is good and can bring about such a revolutionizing of the modes of human experience that (from one angle alone) it will necessitate and bring about an entirely new economic world structure.
It lies in the hands of the United Nations to protect this released energy from misuse and to see that its power is not prostituted to selfish ends and purely material purposes. It is a “saving force” and has in it the potency of rebuilding, of rehabilitation and of reconstruction. Its right use can abolish destitution, bring civilized comfort (and not useless luxury) to all upon our planet; its expression in forms of right living, if motivated by right human relations, will produce beauty, warmth, color, the abolition of the present forms of disease, the withdrawal of mankind from all activities which involve living or working underground, and will bring to an end all human slavery, all need to work or fight for possessions and things, and will render possible a state of life which will leave man free to pursue the higher aims of the Spirit. The prostituting of life to the task of providing the bare necessities or to [Page 499] making it possible for a few rich and privileged people to have too much when others have too little, will come to an end; men everywhere can now be released into a state of life which will give them leisure and time to follow spiritual objectives, to realize richer cultural life, and to attain a broader mental perspective.
But, my brothers, men will fight to prevent this; the reactionary groups in every country will neither recognize the need for, nor desire this new world order which the liberation of cosmic energy (even on this initial tiny scale) can make possible; the vested interests, the big cartels, trusts and monopolies that controlled the past few decades, preceding this world war, will mobilize their resources and fight to the death to prevent the extinction of their sources of income; they will not permit, if they can help it, the passing of the control of this illimitable power into the hands of the masses, to whom it rightly belongs. The selfish interests among the big stockholders, the banking firms and the wealthy organized churches will oppose all change, except in so far as it will benefit them and bring more financial gain to their coffers.
Signs of this opposition can already be seen in the utterances of certain powerful men who are today encouraging a gloomy outlook in London and in Washington and elsewhere; the Vatican, that wealthy and reactionary ecclesiastical organization, has already expressed its disfavor, because that Church knows—as do all the vested and monied interests—that their days are numbered, provided humanity governs its decisions during the next fifty years by the idea of the greatest good to the greatest number. World decisions must therefore, in the future, be based upon a steady determination to further right human relations and to prevent selfish control, financial or ecclesiastical, by any group of men, anywhere, in any country.
Reference: The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Forces Behind the Evolutionary Progress of the Race, The Release of Atomic Energy (published by Lucis Trust) (written on August 9, 1945)
Suffice it to say that the sixth ray people are the reactionaries, the conservatives, the die-hards and the fanatics, who hold on to all that is of the past and whose influence is potent to hinder the progress of humanity into the new age. Their name is legion. They provide, however, a needed balance and are responsible for a steadying process which is much needed in the world at this time. […]
Both [the sixth and the seventh] rays influence and express themselves (as is ever the case) in a dual manner and have always a lower and a higher form of manifestation, which is a correspondence in this connection to the personality, and the egoic expression of every human being. In the case of the out-going [sixth] ray, the higher form (which is ever the first to manifest in germ) is rapidly disappearing or is being absorbed into the newer idealism, thus contributing all that is best to the new presentation of truth so that the emerging culture will be properly rooted in the old. The lower forms are, however, tenacious and dominant and because of this they definitely constitute today the major problem of the Hierarchy, so much so that they require the calling in of the first ray (or the Shamballa force) in order to effect their destruction. Bear this in mind as you study the world situation. […]
… the higher and more living energy of the seventh ray is the most active at this time and its resultant idealism and consequent New Age concepts are playing upon the sensitive minds of the race and preparing humanity for a great and much needed change. The work of the Ray of Ceremonial Order is to “ground” or make physically visible the results of bringing spirit and matter [47] together. Its function is to clothe spirit with matter, producing form.
The Destiny of the Nations by Alice A. Bailey, p. 29
The three major planetary centers of energy with the five rays which are today working towards the consummation of the Plan for the race at this time. Three of these streams of energy [1st, 2nd and 3rd] are working powerfully in the world at this time and two others [6th and 7th] are struggling for expression. Of these latter, one is [Page 11] struggling towards domination and the other is struggling to hold on to that which it has so long controlled. This refers to the incoming seventh ray and the outgoing sixth ray. They constitute, in their duality, the reactionary and the progressive forces which are seeking to govern human thought, to determine natural and human evolution and to produce widely divergent civilizations and culture — one of which would be the perpetuation and crystallization of that which now exists and the other would be so entirely new, as an outgrowth of the present world upheaval, that it is difficult for the average student to conceive of its nature.
The Destiny of the Nations by Alice A. Bailey
It is difficult for modern man to conceive of a time when there will be no racial, national or separative religious consciousness present in human thinking. It was equally difficult for prehistoric man to conceive of a time when there would be national thinking and this is a good thing for us to bear in mind. The time when humanity will be able to think in universal terms still lies far ahead but the fact that we can speak of it, desire it and plan for it is surely the guarantee that it is not impossible.
Humanity has always progressed from stage to stage of enlightenment and from glory to glory. We are today on our way to a far better civilization [Page 91] than the world has ever known and towards conditions which will ensure a much happier humanity and which will see the end of national differences, of class distinctions (whether based on an hereditary or a financial status) and which will ensure a fuller and richer life for everyone.
It will be obvious that very many decades must elapse before such a state of affairs will be actively present—but it will be decades and not centuries, if humanity can learn the lessons of war and if the reactionary and the conservative peoples in every nation can be prevented from swinging civilization back on to the bad old lines. But a beginning can immediately be made.
Simplicity should be our watchword for it is simplicity which will kill our old materialistic way of living.
- Cooperative goodwill is surely the first idea to be presented to the masses and taught in our schools, thereby guaranteeing the new and better civilization.
- Loving understanding, intelligently applied, should be the hallmark of the cultured and wiser groups, plus effort on their part to relate the world of meaning to the world of outer efforts —for the benefit of the masses.
- World Citizenship as an expression of both goodwill and understanding should be the goal of the enlightened everywhere and the hallmark of the spiritual man.
In these three, you have right relations established between education, religion and politics.
Education in the New Age by Alice A. Bailey
The new era is coming; the new ideals, the new civilization, the new modes of life, of education, of religious presentation and of government [Page 279] are slowly precipitating and naught can stop them. They can, however, be delayed by the reactionary types of people, by the ultra-conservative and closed minds, and by those who cling with adamantine determination to their beloved theories, their dreams and their visions, their interpretations and their peculiar and oft narrow understanding of the presented ideals. They are the ones who can and do hold back the hour of liberation. A spiritual fluidity, a willingness to let all preconceived ideas and ideals go, as well as all beloved tendencies, cultivated habits of thought and every determined effort to make the world conform to a pattern which seems to the individual the best because, to him, the most enticing—these must all be brought under the power of death. They can be relinquished with safety and security and no fear of results, if the motive of the life is a real and lasting love of humanity. Love, true spiritual love as the soul knows it, can ever be trusted with power and opportunity and will never betray that trust. It will bring all things into line with soul vision.
The Externalisation of the Hierarchy by Alice A. Bailey
The voices of the old order and the demand of the reactionary elements can be heard in every country, plus the demands of certain radical groups. Because they have been so long established, the voices of the conservatives carry weight and because humanity is tired, almost any action will be taken to ensure a rapid return to the normalcy, demanded by the conservatives, unless those who have the new vision act with promptness and with wisdom—and of this there is too little indication at this time.
The Problems of Humanity by Alice A. Bailey
With the cessation of World War II came the opportunity to inaugurate a new and better way of life, and to establish that security and peace for which all men ceaselessly long. Three groups immediately appeared in the world:
- The powerful, reactionary, conservative groups desirous of retaining as much of the past as possible, having great power and no vision.
- The fanatical ideologists in every country—communistic, democratic and fascist [Page 168]
- The inert masses of the people in every land, ignorant for the most part, desiring only peace after storm and security in the place of economic disaster; they are victimized by their rulers, by established old conditions, and kept in the dark as to the truth of the world situation.
All these factors produce the present disorders and condition the deliberations of the United Nations. Though there is no major war, there is no peace, no security and no immediate hope of either.
It is essential for the future happiness and progress of humanity that there should be no return to the old ways, whether political, religious or economic. Therefore, in handling these problems we should search out the wrong conditions which have brought humanity to its present state of almost cataclysmic disaster. These conditions were the result of religious faiths which have not moved forward in their thinking for hundreds of years; of economic systems which lay the emphasis upon the accumulation of riches and material possessions and which leave all the power and the produce of the earth in the hands of a relatively few men, while the rest of humanity struggle for a bare subsistence; and of political regimes run by the corrupt, the totalitarian-minded, the grafters and those who love place and power more than they love their fellowmen.
It is essential that there should be a presentation of these things in terms of the spiritual welfare of humanity and a truer interpretation of the meaning of the word “spiritual”. The time is long past when a line of demarcation can be drawn between the religious world and the political or the economic. The reason for the corrupt politics and the greedy ambitious planning of so many of the world’s leading men can be found in the fact that spiritually minded men and women have not assumed—[Page 169] as their spiritual duty and responsibility—the leadership of the people. They have left the power in the wrong hands and permitted the selfish and the undesirable to lead.
The word “spiritual” does not belong to the churches or to the world religions. “Pure religion and undefiled” is pure charity and a selfless following of the Christ. The churches are themselves great capitalistic systems particularly the Roman Catholic Church, and show little evidence of the mind that was in Christ. The churches have had their opportunity, but have done little to change men’s hearts or to benefit the people. Now, under cyclic law, political ideologies and national and international planning are occupying the attention of the people and everywhere efforts are being made to bring about better human relations. This, in the eyes of the spiritually minded and of the enlightened worker for humanity, is a sign of progress and an indication of the innate divinity in man. That is truly spiritual which properly relates man to man and man to God and which demonstrates in a better world and the expression of the Four Freedoms throughout the planet. For these the spiritual man must work.
The Kingdom of God will inaugurate a world which will be one in which it will be realized that—politically speaking—humanity, as a whole, is of far greater importance than any one nation; it will be a new world order, built upon different principles to those in the past, and one in which men will carry the spiritual vision into their national governments, into their economic planning and into all measures taken to bring about security and right human relations. Spirituality is essentially the establishing of right human relations, the promotion of goodwill and finally the establishing of a true peace on earth, as the result of these two expressions of divinity.
The Problems of Humanity by Alice A. Bailey
Reactionary and Progressive Forces in the Political Spectrum of the United States
by JB
The GOP (Grand Old Party)
The transformation of the GOP (Grand Old Party), also known as the Republican Party, from the time of Abraham Lincoln to Ronald Reagan, is a story of shifting ideologies and changing demographics.
Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican president, led the party on an anti-slavery platform during the Civil War era. However, by the time of Reagan’s presidency in the 1980s, the party was known more for its pro-business stance, conservative social values, and strong military policies.
Ronald Reagan’s Role in the Party’s Development
Ronald Reagan brought a new dynamic to the GOP during his presidency from 1981 to 1989. His leadership style was characterized by charisma and strong communication skills, which helped him connect with voters and convey his conservative vision effectively, playing a significant role in shaping the modern Republican Party. His political ideology, often referred to as “Reaganomics,” was characterized by supply-side economics, which advocated for lower taxes, reduced government spending, and deregulation to stimulate economic growth. Reagan’s belief in “trickle-down” economics, where benefits for the wealthy would eventually reach the lower classes, became a defining feature of the Republican Party. This was a shift from the more moderate economic policies of previous Republican administrations.
Reagan also brought a more conservative stance on social issues to the party, opposing abortion and advocating for a return to traditional family values. His strong anti-communist stance defined his foreign policy and contributed to the end of the Cold War.
Key Characteristics of Reagan’s Political Ideology
Reagan’s political ideology was marked by a strong belief in individual freedom, limited government, and a robust free-market economy. He believed that government should play as small a role as possible in people’s lives, allowing for personal freedom and responsibility.
One of Reagan’s landmark speeches that encapsulated his principles was his first inaugural address in 1981, where he famously said, “Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”
Reaction of GOP Elites and Voters
Reagan’s principles resonated with many GOP elites and voters, leading to a conservative shift within the party. His charismatic leadership and communication skills, coupled with his conservative policies, led to significant electoral successes for the Republican Party in the 1980s.
The Role of the Cold War
The concept of the Cold War played a significant role in the GOP’s transformation by the time of Reagan’s presidency. Reagan’s strong anti-communist stance and commitment to a robust military positioned the Republican Party as a party of strength and resolve during a time of global tension.
In conclusion, the essential elements of Reagan in the GOP were his strong belief in limited government, individual freedom, a robust free-market economy, and a strong military. His leadership and policies led to a significant conservative shift within the Republican Party, shaping it into the party we know today.
(Sources: Vox, History Today, ABC, Wikipedia)
Reagan Conservatism vs. FDR’s Policies
Ronald Reagan and Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) represent two distinct ideologies in American political history.
FDR, serving as President from 1933 to 1945 during the Great Depression and World War II, implemented the “New Deal.” This was a series of programs, public work projects, financial reforms, and regulations aimed at providing relief to the unemployed and poor, recovery of the economy, and reform of the financial system to prevent a repeat depression (
On the other hand, Reagan, serving from 1981 to 1989, advocated for “Reaganomics” or supply-side economics – a policy marked by tax cuts, reduced social spending, increased military spending, and deregulation of domestic markets. Reagan’s philosophy was grounded in the belief that a reduction in taxes would stimulate investment, boost productivity, increase economic growth, and ultimately lead to an improved standard of living for all (Miller Center).
Government Involvement in Economy & Social Welfare
FDR expanded the role of the federal government in the economy and welfare. His administration created Social Security, unemployment insurance, and jobs programs that directly provided employment to millions. This marked a significant paradigm shift towards a more active government role in economic and social matters.
Conversely, Reagan believed in minimal government intervention in the economy. He aimed to reduce the size of the federal government and limit its involvement in state affairs and the lives of individual citizens. Under Reagan, spending on social programs was significantly reduced while military spending increased.
JFK’s Assassination and Its Impact on Progressive Values
Ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.
JFK’s Inaugural Address January 20, 1961
The assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963 was a watershed moment in American history. JFK embodied progressive values and his presidency was marked by an emphasis on civil rights, poverty reduction, and efforts to curb the arms race. His death was a significant blow to the progressive movement.
Post-assassination, under Lyndon B. Johnson, some of JFK’s progressive initiatives, particularly in civil rights and healthcare, were realized. However, the escalation of the Vietnam War and subsequent social unrest led to a conservative backlash that culminated in the election of Richard Nixon in 1968.
The decline of progressive values in the late 20th century can be linked to various factors, including the backlash against the social changes of the 1960s, economic stagflation in the 1970s, and the rise of conservative political coalitions. The conservative shift was solidified by Reagan’s presidency, which saw a move away from the New Deal consensus towards free-market capitalism and limited government.
In conclusion, the differences between FDR’s policies and Reagan conservatism represent a broader ideological shift in American society during the 20th century. The aftermath of JFK’s assassination and the ensuing political climate played a significant role in this transformation.
(Sources:, Miller Center)
A Snapshot of the Current Political Situation in the United States
[Nate Cohn] To better understand the GOP (Republican) party today, we split Republican and Republican-leaning voters into groups, based on the results of our Times/Siena poll. The groups were defined by how Republican-leaning voters felt on the issues — not how they felt about Mr. Trump.
The results depict a Republican coalition that consists of six groups:
- The Moderate Establishment (14%). Highly educated, affluent, socially moderate or even liberal and often outright Never Trump.
- The Traditional Conservatives (26%). Old-fashioned economic and social conservatives who oppose abortion and prefer corporate tax cuts over new tariffs. They don’t always love Mr. Trump, but they do support him.
- The Right Wing (26%). They watch Fox News and Newsmax. They’re “very conservative.” They’re disproportionately evangelical. They believe America is on the brink of catastrophe. And they love Mr. Trump more than any other group.
- The Blue Collar Populists (12%). They’re mostly Northern, socially moderate, economic populists who hold deeply conservative views on race and immigration. Not only do they back Mr. Trump, but he himself probably counted as one a decade ago.
- The Libertarian Conservatives (14%). These disproportionately Western and Midwestern conservatives value freedom and small government. They’re relatively socially moderate and isolationist. Other than the establishment, it’s Mr. Trump’s worst group.
- The Newcomers (8%). They don’t look like Republicans. They’re young, diverse and moderate. But these disaffected voters like Democrats and the “woke” left even less.
[Nate Cohen] What’s woke? The new left emerged in the aftermath of Barack Obama’s re-election in 2012. At the time, liberalism seemed utterly triumphant. Yet for young progressives, “hope” and “change” had given way to the realization that Mr. Obama’s presidency hadn’t cured income inequality, racial inequality or climate change. These dynamics opened a space for a new left, as young progressives started to reach for more ambitious politics, just as the triumph of the Obama coalition gave progressives the confidence to embrace ideas that would have been unimaginable in the Bush era.
A decade later, this new left is everywhere. On economic issues, there has been the Bernie Sanders campaign and calls for Medicare for all; democratic socialism; and the Green New Deal. On race, there has been the Black Lives Matter movement; kneeling in protest during the national anthem; and defund the police. On gender and sex, there has been the Me Too movement and the sharing of preferred pronouns and more.
In the most extreme case for Democrats, the backlash against the new left could end in a repeat of how New Left politics in the 1960s facilitated the marriage of neoconservatives and the religious right in the 1970s. Back then, opposition to the counterculture helped unify Republicans against a new class of highly educated liberals, allowing Southern opponents of civil rights to join old-school liberal intellectuals who opposed Communism and grew skeptical of the Great Society. The parallels are imperfect, but striking.
[JB] In our contemporary context, the clash of ideologies is magnified “by those who cling with adamantine determination to their beloved theories, their dreams and their visions, their interpretations and their peculiar and oft narrow understanding of the presented ideals.” This may the case of the political extreme left waging a culture war which has inadvertently unified conservatives against the phenomenon of “wokeism.”
This culture war, particularly around the gender identity ideology, may also represent an opportunity for conservatives to balance the scales with a higher expression of the outgoing sixth ray, their legacy: “a newer idealism, thus contributing all that is best to the new presentation of truth so that the emerging culture will be properly rooted in the old.” I would add: properly rooted in the ancient and perennial wisdom.
The robotic, soulless model of a human mind entirely programmed by social constructs (“the organizing power of the mind”) — ignoring the spiritual constitution of human beings and spiritual laws, such as the Law of Polarity and the proper role of the masculine and feminine principles in the evolution of all kingdoms of Nature — presents a great opportunity for the conservative forces to counter with a higher expression of the outgoing sixth ray. Old wineskins (forms) must be discarded, but some “traditional values” hold ageless “wine,” an ethereal golden stream of an “ancient” treasured wisdom in need of preservation for the survival of humanity.
In terms of fire, when the two electric poles are brought into definite relationship we have demonstrated, along the line of occult sight and of occult feeling, both heat and light. This relationship is brought about and perfected during the evolutionary process. This heat and light are produced by the union of the two poles, or by the occult marriage of male and female, of Spirit (father) and matter (mother). In terms of the physical, this union produces the objective solar system, the Son of the Father and the Mother. In terms of the subjective, it produces the Sun, as the sum total of [Page 228] the qualities of light and heat. In terms of fire, by the union or at-one-ment of electric fire (Spirit) and fire by friction (energized matter) solar fire is produced.
A Treatise on Cosmic Fire by Alice A. Bailey
Parenthood has also a close symbolic relationship to the Hierarchy, for the family unit is the symbol upon earth of the Hierarchy, and it is through the two facts of sexual relationship and physical birth that the vast Hierarchy of Souls can achieve physical manifestation and attain spiritual perfection in the three worlds of human evolution.
Any individual child becomes normally aware of the family group as a unit in the community. In that particular group relationship, throughout the ages (both symbolically and indeed in fact), the following factors—underlying the very structure of existence itself—[Page 129] are preserved and developed and are held before the race as that which is ultimately ideal:
Hierarchy, responsibility, group interplay, and forgiveness or sacrifice—these are the four categories of recognition which will enable each person to do his part and take his share in bridging between person and person, between group and group, and between nation and nation, thus establishing that new world of recognized corporate relationships [Page 131] which will eventually produce the civilization of light and love which will be characteristic of the Aquarian Age.
Education in the New Age by Alice A. Bailey
Reinserting Perennial Wisdom into Modern Relationships and Societal Structures:
Balancing Universal Principles and Progressive Views
by JB
As a social scientist, it is essential to explore how we can reinsert proven tenets of perennial wisdom into progressive views about modern relationships and societal structures, such as sexual dysphoria, same-sex marriage, and family. This discussion will examine the perennial wisdom’s assertions regarding the law of polarity and the law of reincarnation, evaluating the benefits and drawbacks of applying these perennial laws and principles in an increasingly disconnected world. We will also elaborate on how we can reinsert the perennial wisdom into the demands of the modern world to create healthier and more fulfilling societal structures.
Read full post here.
Humanity itself is rapidly arriving at the point where its united will will be the determining factor in world affairs and this will be due to the unfoldment of the mind through the success of the evolutionary process. It is right here that many experiments will be made (and are being made today) and many mistakes must inevitably take place. The major requirement therefore at this time is the rapid educating of the people in the Plan and in the nature of the forces which are controlling evolution and their directing agencies. The fact of the Hierarchy must be announced in no uncertain terms, thereby arousing public interest, public investigation and public recognition. In the process of so doing much will be learnt of the balancing group of initiates and adepts who work entirely with the material side of life and in whom (for this major cycle) the love aspect of the soul remains totally undeveloped, whereas the mind nature is potently expressing itself. If you will study what I have earlier given anent certain of the higher and lower expressions of the rays you will see how these two fields of endeavor — that of the Hierarchy, animated by love and that of the opposite pole, the Black Lodge, working entirely [Page 37] through mind and substance — are engaged and their close relationship will emerge. You will realise then that the margin of difference is very slight and is to be found solely in intention, in the underlying purpose and the concrete objectives which this group of material workers have set themselves. The major instrument of the Black Lodge is the organizing power of the mind and not the coherent influence of love, as is the case with the Masters of the Wisdom. Yet in the natural process of form evolution, these workers on the darker side of life have their useful function. Because they are working predominantly through the mental principle, we find the susceptibility of the untrained masses to this mental imposition and the facility with which they can be regimented and standardized. They have no power to think with clarity for themselves and their minds are consequently plastic and receptive to the powerful forces directed by the two contributing groups — the spiritual workers of the planet and the material workers. Because the bulk of human beings are still materially focused, the forces which work on the side of matter find a line of least resistance which is not available to the Masters of the Great White Lodge. This danger is, however, lessening decade by decade.
The Destiny of the Nations by Alice A. Bailey
The Ageless Wisdom
There is that which transmutes knowledge into wisdom within a flash of time; there is that which changes sensitivity into love within an area of space; there is that which alters sacrifice into bliss where neither time nor space exists.
Teachings on Initiation, Formula Three, from the book Discipleship in the New Age by Alice A. Bailey

I am the ONE,
Begotten by the ZERO,
Differentiated into INFINITY,
Integrated into the conscious SYNTHESIS
Of LIGHT, and LOVE and LIFE,
For the GLORY of the ONE.
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