Healing a Nation

The Energetic Centers of the United States

Nations, like individual beings, possess energetic centers or chakras through which various types of energies flow. Identifying these centers and understanding the nature of the energies associated with them can provide profound insights into the character and dynamics of a nation. This essay explores the energetic centers of the United States, specifically highlighting Chicago, New York, Washington, Los Angeles, and Kansas City. By examining these centers, we can understand their roles and how focusing on these points can facilitate healing and unity.

The Solar Plexus Center: Chicago

Chicago, often regarded as the heart of the Midwest, serves as the solar plexus center of the United States. The solar plexus is associated with personal power, ambition, and dynamism. Chicago’s historical significance as a hub for commerce, industry, and transportation reflects this energetic quality. The city’s industrious spirit and resilience embody the energy of the solar plexus, driving forward motion and transformation.

The Throat Center: New York

New York City, with its unparalleled influence in media, finance, and culture, corresponds to the throat center of the United States. The throat chakra is linked to communication, self-expression, and creativity. New York’s role as a global communication nexus and cultural melting pot exemplifies this energy. It is through New York that the United States projects its voice onto the world stage, articulating ideas, innovations, and artistic expressions.

The Head Center: Washington D.C.

Washington D.C., the political nucleus of the nation, functions as the head center. The head chakra, or crown chakra, symbolizes higher consciousness, governance, and leadership. Washington D.C. embodies this energy by being the focal point of national decision-making and policy formulation. As the seat of the federal government, it channels the intellectual and strategic energies that shape the nation’s destiny.

The Heart Center: Los Angeles

Los Angeles, often referred to as the entertainment capital of the world, represents the heart center of the United States. The heart chakra is associated with love, compassion, and emotional balance. Los Angeles’ influence in the arts, cinema, and music touches the hearts and minds of people worldwide, fostering empathy and emotional connections. The city’s diverse communities and cultural vibrancy further reflect the inclusive and loving energy of the heart center.

The Undeveloped Ajna Center: Kansas City

Kansas City, situated in the heart of America and divided by the Missouri River, would correspond to the undeveloped ajna center (third eye) of the United States. The ajna center is linked to intuition, insight, and vision. While Kansas City may not yet fully embody these qualities on a national scale, its potential to evolve into a center of clarity and foresight is significant. As a representative of Rural America, Kansas City’s geographical and symbolic position offers a unique opportunity to bridge divides and foster unity.

Healing the Urban Rural Cleavage: Kansas City’s Role

The 2020 election revealed deep-seated divisions within the United States, both geographically and ideologically. Kansas City, straddling the Missouri River and representing the nation’s rural heartland, can serve as a focal point for healing energies. By channeling goodwill and compassion through Kansas City, the nation can address the fractures exacerbated by political polarization.

Kansas City’s role as a point of cleavage allows it to act as a conduit for healing energies that can flow across the country. Encouraging dialogue, understanding, and cooperation in this region can help mend the rift between urban and rural America. By nurturing Kansas City’s potential as an ajna center, the United States can cultivate greater insight, empathy, and unity.


Understanding the energetic centers of the United States—Chicago as the solar plexus, New York as the throat, Washington D.C. as the head, Los Angeles as the heart, and Kansas City as the undeveloped ajna—provides a holistic view of the nation’s spiritual anatomy. By recognizing and honoring these centers, we can harness their unique energies to promote healing and cohesion. In particular, focusing on Kansas City’s potential to bridge divides and channel healing energies can play a crucial role in uniting a nation in the midst of divisive elections. Through this approach, the United States can move towards a more harmonious and enlightened future.



The city is called the Heart of America, in proximity to the population center of the United States and the geographic center of the 48 contiguous states.

Healing the Rural-Urban Divide in America

America’s rural-urban divide represents one of the most significant socio-political and economic challenges of our time. This chasm manifests in differing lifestyles, political beliefs, and economic opportunities, creating a sense of disconnection and misunderstanding between urban centers and rural areas. To bridge this gap, it is imperative to foster respect and collaboration, transforming perceptions and realities alike. Kansas City, geographically central and symbolically balanced between rural and urban America, offers a unique opportunity to serve as an integration point, promoting mutual understanding and respect. This essay explores how Kansas City can become a key player in healing the rural-urban divide, shifting the narrative from “flyover country” to a respected and integral part of the national fabric.

Understanding the Rural-Urban Divide

The rural-urban divide in America is characterized by distinct differences in economic structures, social values, and political affiliations. Urban areas, often hubs of industry, technology, and culture, tend to lean liberal and progressive, with access to higher education, diverse job markets, and sophisticated healthcare systems. Conversely, rural areas often focus on agriculture, manufacturing, and resource extraction, with more conservative values and limited access to services and amenities available in cities.

These disparities contribute to a cycle of mutual misunderstanding and disrespect. Urban inhabitants may perceive rural Americans as backward or resistant to change, while rural communities often view urban elites as out-of-touch and dismissive of their way of life. This divide was particularly evident during the 2020 election, which underscored the deep political and cultural schisms within the nation.

Promoting Respect for Rural America

One of the first steps in healing the rural-urban divide is shifting the perception of rural America from “flyover country” to an essential, respected part of the nation. Academic elites and policymakers on both coasts must recognize the invaluable contributions of rural communities, particularly in agriculture, energy production, and cultural traditions. By acknowledging these contributions and engaging with rural voices, urban centers can build more inclusive and representative policies.

Education and Exchange Programs

Establishing education and exchange programs that allow urban and rural students to experience each other’s environments can foster mutual understanding. For example, urban students could spend time on farms or in small towns, gaining firsthand insight into rural life and its challenges. Similarly, rural students could visit major cities, experiencing the diversity and opportunities urban areas offer. These exchanges would help break down stereotypes and build empathy across divides.

Economic Collaboration

Economic collaboration between urban and rural America can also play a crucial role in bridging the divide. Initiatives that encourage urban investment in rural infrastructure, such as high-speed internet and healthcare facilities, can boost rural economies and create new opportunities. Conversely, promoting rural products and tourism in urban markets can increase awareness and appreciation of rural contributions.

Policy Reforms

Policymakers must prioritize inclusive policy reforms that address the needs and concerns of both rural and urban populations. This requires listening to rural voices and integrating their perspectives into national discussions on healthcare, education, infrastructure, and economic development. By creating policies that reflect the diverse experiences of all Americans, we can foster a sense of unity and shared purpose.

KH for President

At first, I thought it would be disrespectful to invoke the name of a Master for electoral purposes. But then these quotes came to mind as I envisioned the US Senate presided by KHKamala (DeviHarris… -JB [written on November 13, 2020]

While Kamala Harris may not have a direct personal connection to Kansas City and rural America, she has the platform and influence to engage with and uplift these communities. In fact, through a combination of infrastructure investments, support for agriculture and rural development, improvements in healthcare and social services, and initiatives addressing climate and environmental challenges, the Biden-Harris administration has made strides in helping rural America overcome economic obstacles and thrive. By prioritizing inclusive policies that uplift rural communities, the administration is building a stronger, more resilient, and more equitable future for all Americans, regardless of their geographic location.

The Warrior of Light

The Art of Spiritual Warfare

In human history, warfare has often been perceived through the lens of physical confrontation and dominance. However, there exists a subtler, yet profoundly powerful paradigm that redefines the concept of a warrior. This is the path of the spiritual warrior of light, one who understands that true strength lies not in aggression but in strategic withdrawal, humility, restraint, and the art of resignation. This essay delves into the principles that guide the spiritual warrior of light, revealing how by withdrawing, one advances; by bowing out, one stands taller; by holding back, one weakens the adversary; and by resigning, one ultimately wins.

By Withdrawing, You Advance

The notion of withdrawal as an advancement may seem counterintuitive in a world that often equates progress with relentless forward motion. Yet, for the spiritual warrior of light, retreat is not a sign of weakness but a deliberate strategy. By stepping back, one gains perspective, clarity, and the opportunity to reassess the situation.

In the art of war, this principle is akin to the notion of yielding ground strategically to gain a more advantageous position. For the spiritual warrior, withdrawal allows for inner reflection and rejuvenation, creating a space where intuition and wisdom can flourish. It is in this quietude that true advancement occurs, as the warrior emerges stronger, more centered, and better equipped to face challenges.

By Bowing Out, You Stand Taller

Humility is a cornerstone of the spiritual warrior’s journey. In a culture that often glorifies ego and self-assertion, the act of bowing out can appear as a defeat. However, the spiritual warrior understands that true dignity and strength come from recognizing one’s limitations and stepping aside when necessary.

Bowing out is an acknowledgment of the interconnectedness of all beings and the acceptance that others may be better suited for certain roles or challenges. By relinquishing the need to dominate, the spiritual warrior stands taller in their integrity and earns respect through their grace and humility. This act of stepping aside can inspire others, fostering a sense of unity and collective empowerment.

By Holding Back, You Weaken Your Adversary

Restraint is a powerful weapon in the arsenal of the spiritual warrior of light. In conflicts, the impulse to react impulsively can lead to escalation and chaos. By holding back, the spiritual warrior creates a void that the adversary cannot easily penetrate. This deliberate act of non-reaction can frustrate and exhaust opponents, who are often fueled by the anticipation of conflict and opposition.

In the realm of personal growth, holding back allows the spiritual warrior to cultivate patience and self-control. It is a practice of mastering one’s emotions and impulses, thereby weakening the adversary within—the ego. This inner discipline leads to greater resilience and the ability to navigate life’s challenges with composure.

By Resigning, You Win

Resignation, in the context of the spiritual warrior of light, is not about giving up; it is about surrendering to a higher purpose. It is the recognition that some battles are not meant to be fought and that true victory lies in aligning oneself with the flow of life rather than resisting it.

By resigning to the natural order of things, the spiritual warrior discovers a profound sense of peace and freedom. This act of surrender does not signify defeat but rather a transcendence of the ego’s need for control. It is in this state of surrender that the spiritual warrior finds their greatest strength and wins the ultimate battle—the battle over oneself.


The path of the spiritual warrior of light is a journey of profound inner transformation and wisdom. By embracing the principles of strategic withdrawal, humility, restraint, and resignation, the spiritual warrior redefines the art of war. They demonstrate that true power lies not in domination but in understanding, not in aggression but in compassion, and not in winning battles but in achieving inner peace. In this way, the spiritual warrior of light becomes a beacon of hope and inspiration, guiding others toward a more harmonious and enlightened existence.

An Old Wise Man and a Bully

When an Old Wise Man Faces a Corrupt Bully in Politics

In the arena of politics, where power dynamics and ethical boundaries are often tested, the clash between an old wise man and a corrupt bully presents a stark contrast that illuminates the core values of leadership and integrity. This essay explores the challenges faced by a seasoned and compassionate candidate when confronted with the unethical tactics of a bullying adversary. It delves into strategies to counteract bullying behavior while emphasizing the profound strengths derived from wisdom, experience, and a steadfast commitment to serving the public good.

The Challenge of Facing a Bully

In any political campaign, candidates must navigate a myriad of challenges, but facing a bully who capitalizes on one’s frailties is perhaps one of the most daunting. For an older candidate experiencing mild cognitive decline due to age, these attacks can feel particularly personal and unjust. The bully, often lacking in substantive policies or ethical conduct, seeks to undermine through mockery and misinformation, exploiting the vulnerabilities of their opponent for political gain.

Emphasizing Wisdom and Experience

Against such adversity, the old wise man holds a treasure trove of experience and insights that can serve as powerful counterweights. One of the primary strategies is to highlight this wisdom and the extensive knowledge gained over years of service. Anecdotes that showcase past achievements, lessons learned, and examples of compassionate leadership can resonate deeply with voters, drawing a clear line between experience-driven governance and the shallow bravado of a bully.

Maintaining Composure and Integrity

Composure is a crucial asset in the face of bullying. The wise candidate must respond to provocations with calmness and dignity, showing voters that they are unshaken by baseless attacks. This approach not only preserves the candidate’s integrity but also contrasts sharply with the bully’s erratic and unethical behavior. By maintaining a focus on policy discussions and refraining from personal attacks, the wise man sets an example of how true leadership should operate.

Building a Strong Support Network

No candidate stands alone, and a robust support network is vital in overcoming the tactics of a bully. Engaging allies and supporters who can advocate on behalf of the candidate helps amplify their positive message. Surrogates, respected community leaders, and third-party endorsements lend credibility and counterbalance the negative narrative pushed by the opponent. These allies can also assist in addressing misinformation swiftly and effectively.

Leveraging Media and Communication

In today’s digital age, media and communication play pivotal roles in shaping public perception. The wise candidate must utilize these platforms to issue statements, participate in interviews, and engage in town hall meetings. These activities provide opportunities to correct false claims, present factual evidence, and connect with constituents on a more personal level. Transparency about the candidate’s health challenges paired with an emphasis on their resilience and dedication can win the empathy and respect of voters.

Fostering Community Connections

Active community engagement is another cornerstone of a successful campaign. By participating in local events, listening to constituent concerns, and demonstrating empathy, the candidate can build strong, personal connections with voters. This grassroots approach ensures that the campaign remains grounded in the real issues affecting the community, rather than being sidetracked by the opponent’s bullying tactics.

Staying Authentic and Transparent

Authenticity and transparency are indispensable qualities that fortify the wise man’s campaign. Voters appreciate honesty and humility, especially when it comes to acknowledging personal challenges. By openly discussing their health while highlighting their unwavering commitment to serving the public, the candidate can foster trust and reinforce their image as a leader who is both human and honorable.

Advocating for Ethical Leadership

Ultimately, the battle between a wise old man and a corrupt bully in politics is a test of character and values. The candidate’s commitment to ethical leadership, integrity, and positive campaigning serves as a beacon of hope in a landscape often marred by negativity. By leading with compassion, focusing on substantive issues, and upholding dignity, the wise candidate not only counters the bully’s tactics but also elevates the discourse, setting a higher standard for political conduct.


When an old wise man faces a corrupt bully in politics, the path is fraught with challenges, yet ripe with opportunities to demonstrate true leadership. By leveraging experience, maintaining composure, building a supportive network, and engaging authentically with the community, the candidate can transcend the adversarial tactics of their opponent. In doing so, they remind us all of the enduring power of wisdom, integrity, and the unwavering spirit of public service.


When facing a political opponent who is resorting to bullying tactics by capitalizing on the frailties of a old wise candidate, it’s crucial to respond strategically with resilience, integrity, and a focus on the candidate’s strengths. Here are some tailored strategies to help the wise old candidate navigate this challenging situation effectively:

1. Address Bullying Behavior

  • Call Out Bullying: Publicly address the opponent’s bullying tactics in a composed and assertive manner.
  • Highlight Unethical Conduct: Shine a light on the opponent’s behavior to demonstrate their lack of integrity.

2. Focus on Strengths

  • Emphasize Wisdom: Showcase the candidate’s wisdom, experience, and compassionate leadership qualities as strengths that set them apart.
  • Positive Messaging: Redirect attention to the candidate’s positive attributes rather than engaging in negative exchanges.

3. Stay Calm and Composed

  • Maintain Composure: Respond to provocations from the opponent with calmness and dignity.
  • Avoid Escalation: Refrain from engaging in retaliatory behavior that could detract from the candidate’s integrity.

4. Empower Supporters

  • Mobilize Support: Rally supporters, volunteers, and allies who can advocate for the candidate’s character and values.
  • Positive Campaigning: Encourage supporters to focus on positive campaigning and promote the candidate’s message effectively.

5. Leverage Media and Communication

  • Issue Statements: Use press releases or public statements to address false claims or attacks by the opponent.
  • Media Interviews: Engage in interviews to share the candidate’s perspective and present a balanced narrative.

6. Utilize Surrogates

  • Engage Allies: Enlist respected individuals or surrogates to support and defend the candidate against bullying tactics.
  • Third-Party Validation: Third-party endorsements can lend credibility and counteract negative messaging.

7. Stay Authentic and Transparent

  • Authenticity Matters: Maintain authenticity in communication and interactions to build trust with voters.
  • Transparency: Be transparent about the candidate’s health challenges while emphasizing their resilience and determination.

8. Educate Voters

  • Inform Voters: Educate voters about the importance of focusing on policy issues and character rather than personal attacks.
  • Town Hall Meetings: Host town hall meetings to engage directly with constituents and address their concerns openly.

9. Community Outreach

  • Community Involvement: Engage actively in community outreach initiatives to demonstrate the candidate’s commitment to serving the public.
  • Local Events: Participate in local events and activities to connect with voters on a personal level.

10. Maintain Dignity and Respect

  • Lead by Example: Uphold dignity and respect in all campaign activities, setting a positive example for supporters and constituents.
  • Focus on Service: Redirect the campaign narrative towards the candidate’s dedication to serving the community selflessly.

By adopting a strategic and dignified approach, focusing on the candidate’s strengths, and addressing bullying behavior proactively, the old wise candidate can effectively counter the opponent’s tactics and maintain a positive campaign narrative. Remember that integrity, resilience, and a commitment to serving the community will resonate with voters seeking authentic and compassionate leadership.

The Imposter: When a Corrupt Bully Politician Claims Divine Anointment

In the realm of politics, where power and influence intersect with ethics and morality, the emergence of a corrupt bully politician who also proclaims divine anointment as God’s chosen Messiah introduces a complex and challenging dynamic. This essay delves into the implications of such a scenario, exploring the manipulation of religious rhetoric for political gain, the potential impact on public perception, and strategies for countering this deceptive narrative while upholding integrity and truth in the face of falsehood.

Exploiting Faith for Political Ends

The fusion of politics and religion has long been a potent tool for mobilizing support and shaping beliefs. However, when a corrupt bully politician appropriates religious symbolism and declares themselves as an anointed figure, it raises significant concerns about the manipulation of faith for personal and political motives. By masquerading as God’s chosen representative, the imposter seeks to leverage religious authority to shield themselves from scrutiny, justify unethical actions, and instill fear or blind allegiance among followers.

Challenging the Narrative of Deception

In confronting the imposter’s claims of divine anointment, the old wise man faces a formidable task of exposing the facade of righteousness and revealing the true nature of the corrupt bully politician. This requires a delicate balance of asserting the candidate’s own values, advocating for ethical governance, and debunking the false premise of divine sanction. By emphasizing transparency, honesty, and a commitment to serving the people rather than self-interest, the wise candidate can challenge the imposter’s narrative of infallibility and hold them accountable for their actions.

Upholding Truth and Integrity

Amidst the imposter’s grandiose declarations and manipulative tactics, the old wise man must remain steadfast in upholding truth and integrity. By staying true to their principles, maintaining a focus on genuine service to the community, and highlighting the importance of humility and accountability in leadership, the candidate sets a stark contrast to the imposter’s self-aggrandizing claims. Authenticity, sincerity, and a genuine connection with voters become powerful antidotes to the hollow promises of false prophets.

Engaging with Religious Communities

Navigating the terrain of religious rhetoric requires a nuanced approach that respects faith traditions while challenging exploitation for political gain. The wise candidate can engage with religious communities in a spirit of dialogue, seeking to understand their concerns, values, and aspirations. By fostering genuine connections based on shared moral principles and a mutual commitment to justice and compassion, the candidate can build bridges of solidarity that transcend divisive narratives propagated by the imposter.

Promoting Ethical Leadership and Accountability

In the face of a corrupt bully politician masquerading as a divine emissary, the call for ethical leadership and accountability becomes all the more urgent. The old wise man can lead by example, demonstrating through actions and words a deep-seated dedication to ethical governance, transparency, and the common good. By advocating for policies that uplift the marginalized, protect the vulnerable, and uphold the rule of law, the candidate reinforces the values of justice, fairness, and integrity that are essential in countering the imposter’s deceitful charade.

Resisting Manipulation and Fearmongering

The imposter’s claim to divine anointment is often accompanied by tactics of manipulation, fearmongering, and division. To counter these insidious strategies, the wise candidate must empower voters to think critically, question authority, and resist narratives designed to sow discord and mistrust. By promoting unity, empathy, and inclusivity, the candidate fosters a sense of community resilience that can withstand the divisive rhetoric of false prophets and uphold a vision of a society built on mutual respect and shared humanity.


When a corrupt bully politician asserts false divinity and claims divine anointment as God’s Messiah, the political landscape is fraught with perilous implications for democracy, ethics, and social cohesion. In responding to this deceptive narrative, the old wise man must stand firm in upholding truth, integrity, and ethical leadership, challenging the imposter’s manipulation of faith for political gain. By fostering genuine connections with voters, promoting accountability, and resisting fear-based tactics, the candidate charts a path towards a more just, compassionate, and inclusive society, rooted in the values of honesty, humility, and genuine service to the people.

The Anointed One

An authoritarian demagogue was introduced
by his children, a wrestler and a rock star,
to be anointed in prayer by a preacher.

The stadium roared with energy. Spotlights darted across the sea of waving flags and handmade signs, illuminating the faces of thousands who had gathered for this momentous occasion. It was a spectacle unlike any other, blending the worlds of politics, entertainment, and faith into a single, unforgettable event.

A hush fell over the crowd as the massive screens flickered to life. The first figure to appear was a wrestler, his muscular frame and larger-than-life persona unmistakable. Dressed in a suit that did little to conceal his powerful build, he stepped onto the stage, flexing his biceps and flashing a grin that sent the audience into a frenzy.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” he boomed, “tonight we introduce a leader like no other. A man of strength, a man of vision, a man who will reshape our future!”

The crowd erupted in applause, the noise reaching a fever pitch. The wrestler stepped aside, replaced by a rock star whose anthems had been the soundtrack of a generation. With his strident voice, he strummed a new mantra— FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT! —, sending a shiver down the spine of everyone present.

“This is more than a concert, more than a rally,” he said, his voice raspy but resolute. “Tonight, we come together to support a man who stands for everything we believe in. A man who will lead us to greatness.”

As the rock star’s final note lingered in the air, the screens shifted once more, revealing the demagogue’s children, standing tall and proud. They spoke in unison, their voices a harmonious blend of reverence and conviction.

“Our father has always been a beacon of hope and strength. He has fought for us, and now he will fight for all of you. Join us in welcoming the man who will guide our nation to its rightful place.”

With that, they extended their hands, beckoning to the shadows behind them. From the darkness emerged the authoritarian demagogue himself. His presence was magnetic, his gaze unyielding. Clad in a tailored suit, he exuded confidence and power, stepping forward to the pulpit that awaited him.

The crowd watched in awe as he took his place at the center of the stage. The preacher approached, a figure of solemnity and spiritual authority. With a gentle gesture, he placed his hand on the demagogue’s shoulder, his eyes closed in prayer.

“Almighty, we gather here tonight to anoint this man as our chosen leader. Grant him wisdom, strength, and the courage to fulfill his destiny. May he lead us with righteousness, and bring forth a new era of prosperity and unity.”

The preacher’s words resonated deeply, weaving through the fabric of the crowd’s collective consciousness. As the prayer concluded, the demagogue raised his clenched fist, acknowledging the unwavering support and adoration that enveloped him.

“Together,” he declared, “we will reclaim our greatness. Together, we will forge a future that stands tall against tyranny and injustice. Together, we will be unstoppable.”

The stadium exploded in a cacophony of cheers, chants, and applause. The anointing was complete; the demagogue had been elevated from a mere man to the embodiment of their highest hopes and dreams.

And in that moment, drowned out by the crowd’s noise, came a whisper from the heavens:

“This is a mirage to test your spiritual maturity and discernment. Do not be misled by demagogues who profess love of God and country when they mean lust for power. Be mindful of the Prophecy: the rise of false prophets is the guarantee that the true Coming One is near.

‘Whenever there is a withering of the law and an uprising of lawlessness on all sides, then I manifest Myself. For the salvation of the righteous and the destruction of such as do evil, for the firm establishing of the Law, I come to birth age after age.’ —The Bhagavad Gita, Book IV, Sutra 7, 8.”

In that instant, under the watchful eyes of millions, history was made. The Anointed One stood at the precipice of power, ready to lead his followers into the future he promised—a future they fervently believed he could deliver. Yet, for those with ears to hear and hearts to understand, the true test had just begun.

The Anthem

The birds they sang
At the break of day
Start again
I heard them say
Don’t dwell on what has passed away
Or what is yet to be

Ah, the wars they will be fought again
The holy dove, she will be caught again
Bought and sold, and bought again
The dove is never free

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in

We asked for signs
The signs were sent
The birth betrayed
The marriage spent
Yeah, and the widowhood
Of every government
Signs for all to see

I can’t run no more
With that lawless crowd
While the killers in high places
Say their prayers out loud
But they’ve summoned, they’ve summoned up
A thundercloud
They’re going to hear from me

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in

You can add up the parts
But you won’t have the sum
You can strike up the march
There is no drum
Every heart, every heart
To love will come
But like a refugee

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in

That’s how the light gets in
That’s how the light gets in

Songwriter: Leonard Cohen

The Myth of the American Lion

The Twelve Labors of Hercules:
Taming the American Lion for a Brighter Future

The legend of the Twelve Labors of Hercules is rich with symbolism and metaphors that transcend time, offering profound insights into the human condition and spiritual evolution. Among these labors, the task of redeeming the Nemean Lion serves as a pivotal initiation, symbolizing the birth of Christ consciousness in the heart. This initiation marks a transition from lower expressions of the self, characterized by selfish individualism, to higher expressions of group consciousness and service to humanity. In this context, the sign of Leo, represented by the Lion, and its polar complement Aquarius, represented by the Water Bearer, offer a compelling allegory for America’s journey and mission.

The Nemean Lion and Selfish Individualism

In Greek mythology, the Nemean Lion was a monstrous beast terrorizing the region of Nemea. Its hide was impervious to weapons, making it seemingly invincible. Hercules, however, did not shy away from this daunting challenge. Through sheer strength and determination, he subdued the lion using his bare hands, ultimately donning its skin as a protective cloak. This act signifies more than just a heroic feat; it represents the taming of the untamed, primal aspects of the self—selfish individualism and the uncontrolled quest for power.

Leo, the Lion, in its lower expression, epitomizes these traits. It seeks self-aggrandizement, dominance, and the accumulation of power under the guise of noble purposes like patriotism. This “roaring” Leo consciousness can be observed in various historical and contemporary contexts where leaders and nations prioritize their own interests over the collective good, often camouflaged as love for the country.

The Higher Expression: Aquarius and Group Consciousness

Contrastingly, the higher expression of Leo’s polar complement, Aquarius, embodies group consciousness and selfless service. Aquarius is symbolized by the Water Bearer, who pours out the waters of knowledge, healing, and compassion for the benefit of all. This sign encourages us to transcend our individual egos and work towards the common good, fostering a sense of unity and interconnectedness.

The initiation symbolized by Hercules’ redemption of the Nemean Lion is thus a transformative process. It invites us to overcome our lower instincts and evolve towards a higher state of being, where we recognize our shared humanity and the importance of collective well-being.

The Roaring American Lion: A Call to Remember Hercules

In modern times, when someone is referred to as the “roaring American Lion,” it often denotes a figure or movement exuding immense power and influence, sometimes masked as patriotism. While strength and leadership are admirable qualities, they must be tempered with wisdom, compassion, and a commitment to truth and service.

The Labors of Hercules remind us that true strength lies not in domination but in the ability to subdue and transform our baser instincts. Just as Hercules tamed the Nemean Lion, America must tame its “roaring Lion” tendencies—its unrestrained pursuit of power and self-interest. This transformation is crucial for the nation to fulfill its higher mission, better represented by the Statue of Liberty.

The Statue of Liberty: Symbol of Truth and Service

America’s spiritual keynote is “I Light the Way.”

The Statue of Liberty stands as an enduring symbol of freedom, enlightenment, and hope. She holds aloft the torch, lighting the way for those seeking liberty and justice. This iconic statue embodies the ideals of truth, compassion, and selfless service—values that align more closely with the Aquarian spirit of group consciousness.

The US and consequently New York, are considered young and immature within the world of nations and this accounts for its idealism and also its arrogance.  But it is this very youthfulness that also accounts for the industrious and creative ability that distinguish Americans. The Tibetan has this to say of the United States, which clearly reflects the challenges posed for the New York center in handling the potency of the energies pouring through it:  “Like all young people, symbolically speaking, the people of the United States show all the characteristics of adolescence. Again, symbolically speaking, the people of the United States are of the ages seventeen to twenty four. They shout freedom and still are not free; they refuse to be told what to do because it infringes upon their rights, nevertheless they allow themselves to be guided frequently by the inept, the partisan politician and by the inadequate; they are broadly tolerant and yet most intolerant of other nations; they are ready to tell other nations how to handle their problems but as yet evidence no ability to handle their own, as witness the treatment of the [African-Americans] and the withholding of equal freedom and opportunity from them.” (Problems of Humanity, p. 26)

For America to come true to its mission, it must embrace the higher expression of the Leo-Aquarius axis. This involves recognizing the importance of global interconnectedness, fostering inclusivity, and committing to humanitarian efforts. By doing so, the nation can serve as a beacon of light and truth, guiding others towards a more just and compassionate world.


The myth of Hercules and the Nemean Lion offers timeless lessons on the nature of power and the potential for spiritual growth. In the context of America and its role in the world, taming the “roaring American Lion” — in civil political discourse and at the ballot box, not through physical violence — symbolizes the need to transcend selfish individualism and embrace a higher consciousness focused on collective well-being. As we strive to live up to the ideals represented by the Statue of Liberty, let us remember the Labors of Hercules and the transformative power of truth, compassion, and service. Through this journey, America can truly light the way for a better future for all humanity.

Values to Live By

  • A Love of Truth—essential for a just, inclusive and progressive society;
  • A Sense of Justice—recognition of the rights and needs, of all.
  • Spirit of Cooperation—based on active goodwill and the principle of right human relationships;
  • A Sense of Personal Responsibility—for group, community and national affairs;
  • Serving the Common Good—through the sacrifice of selfishness. Only what is good for all is good for each one.

These are spiritual values, inspiring the conscience and the consciousness of those who serve to create a better way of life.

Source: https://www.lucistrust.org/e_pamphlets/values_live_by2

The MAGA cult is a spell cast on the United States. A main article of faith of this cult is the belief that Donald J. Trump is the Messiah chosen by God to “make America great again.” Rural America, white Evangelicals and younger people are prone to this spell.

Modern esotericism refers to spells as glamours. The Technique of Light is the recommended way to prevent, negate and destroy the appearance, quality and life of the MAGA cult from affecting the United States and humanity. So may it be prevented, negated and destroyed.


Social Media as a Virus Transmission Network

A Transmission Model

The comparison between social media’s spread of ideas and the epidemiologic reproduction number (Ro) involves understanding how both concepts measure the rate at which something spreads within a population.

Social Media as a Vector of Ideas

Social media acts as a dynamic platform where ideas, trends, and information disseminate rapidly across user networks. Each user can be seen as a “node” in a network, where the sharing or spreading of content occurs through interactions like shares, likes, comments, and reposts. The potential for an idea to “go viral” on social media reflects its high transmissibility among users.

Epidemiologic Reproduction Number (Ro)

Ro is a metric used in epidemiology to represent the average number of secondary infections produced by one infected individual in a fully susceptible population. When Ro is greater than 1, the disease has the potential to spread widely; when it is less than 1, the disease will likely die out.

Comparison and Insights


  1. Transmission Dynamics: Both social media ideas and infectious diseases have transmission dynamics where an initial source (person or post) spreads to others.
  2. Influence of Network Structure: The structure of the social network or population greatly influences the spread. Dense networks with many connections can facilitate rapid dissemination.
  3. Thresholds for Spread: Just as infectious diseases require certain conditions to surpass the threshold for epidemic spread (Ro > 1), social media ideas need sufficient engagement to become viral.


  1. Nature of Spread: Infectious diseases spread through biological mechanisms requiring physical or close contact, while social media spreads are driven by digital interactions and can transcend geographical boundaries instantaneously.
  2. Control Measures: Controlling the spread of infectious diseases often involves medical interventions and public health measures, while moderating social media spread can involve algorithms, user behavior changes, and platform policies.

Person-to-Person Transmission Model vs. Vector-Borne Model

The person-to-person transmission model aligns more closely with the spread of ideas on social media:

  • Direct Interaction: Ideas and information are shared directly from user to user, similar to how diseases like influenza or measles spread through human contact.
  • Immediate Response: Users can immediately respond to and propagate content, paralleling the direct transmission seen in person-to-person models.

In contrast, vector-borne diseases involve an intermediary (like mosquitoes in the case of malaria) which is absent in the direct spread of social media ideas.


Using the person-to-person transmission model provides a more accurate analogy for understanding the spread of ideas on social media. Both rely on direct interactions within a network, and their spread is contingent on the contagious nature of the originator (be it an idea or an infected individual) and the susceptibility of the network (engagement levels of the audience).

For example, an idea with high virality can be compared to a disease with a high R0, quickly spreading through a network of susceptible individuals12.


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7329999/
  2. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/369501060_Modeling_the_Effect_of_TV_and_Social_Media_Advertisements_on_the_Dynamics_of_Vector-Borne_Disease_Malaria

Ranking Viral Conspiracy Theories

Ranking viral conspiracy theories on social media by their Ro (basic reproduction number) involves evaluating how quickly and widely these theories have spread. However, unlike infectious diseases where Ro can be calculated with epidemiological data, quantifying the Ro of conspiracy theories is more challenging and requires social media analytics, sentiment analysis, and network modeling.

That said, here’s a qualitative ranking based on observed virality, reach, and impact of major conspiracy theories since 9/11:

1. 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

  • R0 Estimate: Very High
  • Description: These theories suggest that the U.S. government had advanced knowledge of or was involved in the September 11 attacks. They gained massive traction through early internet forums, documentaries like “Loose Change,” and extensive media coverage.
  • Impact: Sparked widespread skepticism and distrust in government, becoming a foundational theory for many other modern conspiracies.

2. Anti-Vaccination Movement

  • R0 Estimate: Very High
  • Description: Originating from discredited studies linking vaccines to autism, this movement has seen resurgences fueled by social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Impact: Significant public health implications, leading to vaccine hesitancy and outbreaks of preventable diseases.

3. COVID-19 Pandemic Theories

  • R0 Estimate: Very High
  • Description: Theories range from the virus being a bioweapon, to misinformation about treatments, to denying the virus’s existence. Social media has been a primary vector for these ideas, spreading rapidly across the globe.
  • Impact: Major influence on public health behavior, policy resistance, and global misinformation.

4. QAnon

  • R0 Estimate: High
  • Description: An elaborate conspiracy involving a supposed secret cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles in positions of power. It has grown through forums like 4chan and mainstream platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.
  • Impact: Real-world violence, significant political influence, and integration into mainstream political discourse in various countries.

5. Pizzagate

  • R0 Estimate: High
  • Description: A debunked theory claiming that a child trafficking ring involving high-profile politicians was being run out of a Washington D.C. pizzeria. It spread rapidly on platforms like Reddit and Twitter.
  • Impact: Led to real-world actions, including a shooting incident at the implicated pizzeria.

6. Chemtrails

  • R0 Estimate: Moderate to High
  • Description: The belief that condensation trails left by aircraft are actually chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed for nefarious purposes. This theory has persisted and adapted over time, thriving on social media.
  • Impact: Persistent public concern and distrust in environmental and governmental agencies.

7. Flat Earth Theory

  • R0 Estimate: Moderate
  • Description: The belief that Earth is flat rather than spherical. This theory has seen a revival due to social media platforms like YouTube, where influencers have propagated it.
  • Impact: Cult-like following and intensive online communities but less societal impact compared to other theories.

8. Sandy Hook Shooting Denial

  • R0 Estimate: Moderate
  • Description: Claims that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a hoax staged by the government. Propagated heavily by figures like Alex Jones and spread through social media.
  • Impact: Harassment of victims’ families, legal battles, and extensive media coverage.

9. Birtherism

  • R0 Estimate: Moderate
  • Description: The false claim that former President Barack Obama was not born in the United States and was therefore ineligible to be president. Popularized by figures like Donald Trump and spread extensively via social media.
  • Impact: Heightened racial tensions and significant influence on political discourse.

These rankings are based on the observed spread, engagement, and societal impact of each theory. Quantifying the exact R0 would require detailed data analysis, but these estimates provide a general sense of the relative virality of each conspiracy theory.

Scholarly Studies

Quantifying the virality (Ro) of conspiracy theories on social media is complex and multifaceted. Several scholarly studies have addressed this issue by analyzing how misinformation and conspiracy theories spread through social networks, particularly focusing on metrics like sharing and forwarding rates.

Key Scholarly References:

  1. COVID-19 Misinformation Spread
    • A study published in the ACM Digital Library discusses the spread of COVID-19 misinformation on Twitter, quantifying its virality by examining engagement metrics such as retweets and likes. The research highlights how moral emotions significantly influence the spread of such content1.
  2. Network Dynamics and Social Movements
    • Research from Springer explores how digital media facilitates the spread of conspiracy theories and leaderless social movements. It examines the network connections and pockets of resistance that contribute to the virality of these ideas2.
  3. Detecting Conspiracy Theories
    • A comprehensive report by RAND Corporation analyzes methods for detecting and mitigating the effects of conspiracy theories online. This includes a detailed examination of viral videos like “Plandemic” and their rapid dissemination across social media platforms3.
  4. Temporal and Social Contagion Dynamics
    • An article in EPJ Data Science measures the temporal and social contagion dynamics of various types of information, including conspiracy theories, across Twitter in multiple languages. It provides insights into the factors that contribute to high sharing rates and the resulting virality4.
  5. Rumor Spreading in Complex Networks
    • A mathematical approach to understanding rumor and conspiracy theory spreading is discussed in research from the University of Novi Sad. This study uses graph theory to quantify the transitivity and spread of rumors within complex social networks5.
  6. Opinion Mining and Clusters Detection
    • A study from the University of Brescia presents a quantitative analysis of social media data to detect clusters of opinions and the spread of fabricated news and conspiracy theories. This research helps understand the underlying patterns that drive virality6.
  7. Countering Rumors in Social Media
    • A review in Springer examines the strategies for countering rumors and misinformation on social media platforms. It analyzes how effective certain measures are in limiting the spread of viral tweets and posts7.
  8. COVID-19/5G Conspiracy Theories
    • Research published in Media International Australia looks at the dynamics of COVID-19/5G conspiracy theories on Facebook. It delves into how these theories gain traction and the role of social media in amplifying their reach8.
  9. Infodemic Analysis Using Networks and Machine Learning
    • A doctoral dissertation from Nagoya University employs network analysis and machine learning to study the “infodemic” surrounding COVID-19. It quantifies the spread of conspiracy theories and bogus remedies, providing a detailed look at their viral nature9.
  10. Pro- and Anti-Vaccination Videos on YouTube
    • Another study in the ACM Digital Library examines the sentiments and popularity of vaccination-related videos on YouTube. It quantifies the spread of misinformation and conspiracy theories by analyzing view counts, shares, and cross-posting frequency10.

These studies collectively contribute to a deeper understanding of how conspiracy theories achieve high virality on social media, using various quantitative and analytical frameworks.


  1. Moral emotions shape the virality of COVID-19 misinformation on social media
  2. Conflict and contentiousness: network connections and pockets of resistance in social movements
  3. Detecting Conspiracy Theories on Social Media
  4. The growing amplification of social media: Measuring temporal and social contagion dynamics
  5. Rumor spreading in complex social networks
  6. Opinion Mining and Clusters Detection in Online Public Debates
  7. A comprehensive review on countering rumours in the age of online social media platforms
  8. ‘Corona? 5G? or both?’: the dynamics of COVID-19/5G conspiracy theories on Facebook
  9. Doctoral Dissertation Analysis of the COVID-19 Infodemic Using Networks and Machine Learning
  10. Examining sentiments and popularity of pro-and anti-vaccination videos on YouTube

Immunizing a Population Against Conspiracy Theories

Immunizing a population against conspiracy theories is akin to protecting them from infectious diseases. It requires a multi-faceted approach that includes education, promotion of critical thinking, media literacy, and community engagement. This metaphorical “vaccine” against misinformation would need to be widely accepted and implemented to be effective.

Role of Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is the cornerstone of this immunization strategy. It involves the ability to analyze information objectively, evaluate evidence, and reason logically:

  1. Education:
    • Curriculum Integration: Incorporating critical thinking skills into educational curricula from an early age helps individuals develop the ability to question and analyze information.
    • Problem-Solving Exercises: Activities that require logical reasoning and problem-solving can enhance critical thinking abilities.
  2. Media Literacy:
    • Understanding Sources: Teaching people how to identify credible sources and recognize biased or false information is crucial.
    • Fact-Checking: Encouraging habits of verifying information through reliable fact-checking organizations can prevent the spread of misinformation.

Other “Vaccine Adjuvants”

Additional measures (or “adjuvants”) can enhance the effectiveness of this immunization strategy:

  1. Community Engagement:
    • Dialogue and Discussion: Promoting open discussions within communities about conspiracy theories can help debunk myths.
    • Trusted Voices: Leveraging trusted community leaders to disseminate accurate information can increase trust and acceptance.
  2. Digital Literacy:
    • Social Media Navigation: Educating people on how algorithms work and how to navigate social media responsibly can reduce exposure to echo chambers.
    • Identifying Bots: Training individuals to recognize and report bot accounts that spread misinformation can limit their influence.
  3. Psychological Resilience:
    • Emotional Intelligence: Teaching emotional regulation and resilience can help individuals resist the emotional appeal of conspiracy theories.
    • Sense of Agency: Empowering individuals with a sense of control over their lives can reduce susceptibility to conspiracy thinking, which often thrives in feelings of helplessness.

Coverage and Effectiveness

Achieving sufficient “coverage” and “effectiveness” of this metaphorical vaccine involves widespread implementation and ongoing efforts.

  1. Coverage:
    • Education Systems: Implementing these strategies universally in schools, colleges, and universities.
    • Public Campaigns: Running public awareness campaigns to reach adults and those outside formal education systems.
  2. Effectiveness:
    • Continuous Education: Ensuring that critical thinking and media literacy are continuously reinforced throughout an individual’s life.
    • Adaptive Strategies: Adapting strategies to counter new forms of misinformation as they evolve.

Metrics for Success

  1. Reduction in Belief: A measurable decrease in the number of individuals who subscribe to conspiracy theories.
  2. Increased Fact-Checking: More frequent use of fact-checking resources by the general population.
  3. Engagement in Dialogue: Higher rates of constructive discussion and debate on contentious issues.


Immunizing a population against conspiracy theories involves a comprehensive approach centered on critical thinking, media literacy, community engagement, and psychological resilience. This multi-faceted strategy must be widely implemented and continuously adapted to be effective. By fostering a culture of inquiry, skepticism, and informed decision-making, it is possible to significantly reduce the prevalence and impact of conspiracy theories in society.

A Call for Genuine Unity

An Incarnation of Defiance

In the lens of the still camera, the horror of the attack was translated into embodiments of authority, defiance and near martyrdom.

The American flag billowing behind Mr. Trump’s bloodied face in some of the photos may superficially recall a Romantic tradition of bloodied national heroes, real or allegorical. A reverse image bot without much horse power could easily match them to Eugène Delacroix’s “Liberty Leading the People” (1830), in which a woman embodying France raises a flag in her right arm, or John Singleton Copley’s “Death of Major Peirson” (1782—84), a history painting of a victorious general dying beneath the British flag. The triangular formation of Secret Service agents seems to have put quite a few people in mind of the photo of the flag being raised at Iwo Jima.

But as a moral matter, I have always bridled against the temptation to treat images of suffering (two people are dead, and Mr. Trump and two others are injured) as objects of aesthetic judgment.

-Jason Farago, a critic at large for The Times, writes about art and culture in the U.S. and abroad.

The Transformative Experience of Governor Wallace: A Call for Genuine Unity

The story of Alabama Governor George Wallace serves as a profound example of personal transformation and the complexities surrounding political violence and its aftermath. Wallace, a staunch white supremacist, experienced a radical change in his beliefs following a life-altering incident. When he was shot during an assassination attempt, he didn’t respond with defiance; instead, the experience led him to renounce his previous ideology. This narrative offers important lessons about the consequences of violence, the potential for change, and the need for genuine unity in addressing societal issues.

The Transformation of George Wallace

George Wallace’s political career was marked by his staunch support for segregation and white supremacy. He became a symbol of resistance to the Civil Rights Movement, famously proclaiming, “Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.” However, his outlook changed dramatically after he was shot and paralyzed in 1972. The near-death experience prompted Wallace to reflect deeply on his beliefs and actions. In the years that followed, he publicly apologized for his past behavior and sought reconciliation with those he had wronged.

Wallace’s transformation illustrates the potential for individuals to change, even when their previous actions have caused significant harm. His journey from a symbol of hate to a figure seeking redemption provides a powerful message about the human capacity for growth and the importance of empathy and understanding.

The Dangers of Political Violence

While Wallace’s story highlights personal transformation, it also underscores the dangers of political violence. Acts of violence, such as the assassination attempt on Wallace, the January 6 Capitol riots, and the July 13 assassination attempt on Trump, are unequivocally condemned. Political violence undermines democratic principles, sows fear, and perpetuates cycles of hatred and retaliation. It is crucial to promote peaceful and constructive methods for addressing grievances and effecting change.

However, it is equally important to guard against the misuse of such violent events for manipulative political purposes. Politicians and interest groups may exploit snapshots of these events to further their agendas, sowing divisiveness and fostering an “us versus them” (FIGHT!) mentality. Such tactics only deepen societal rifts and hinder meaningful dialogue and reconciliation.

The Call for Genuine Unity

In light of these challenges, there is an urgent need for genuine unity. Calls for unity should not be superficial or serve as a façade for ulterior motives. True unity requires a commitment to understanding and addressing the root causes of division, inequality, and injustice. It involves creating spaces for open dialogue, where diverse perspectives can be heard and respected, where immigrants do not “poison the blood” of a country, where no bloodshed is advocated by the loser of an election, and threats of violence against the “fake news media” are eradicated in the political discourse of a democratic society.

Unity under false pretenses, such as using the notion of peace to disarm and overpower adversaries, is counterproductive. It is akin to waving a white flag with the intention of launching a surprise attack. Such deceptive tactics erode trust and perpetuate conflict. Instead, we must strive for authentic reconciliation, where all parties come together in good faith to work towards common goals.

Avoiding the Trap of Manipulation

To avoid falling into the trap of manipulation, it is essential to critically assess the narratives presented by political leaders and media. We must be vigilant against attempts to exploit tragedies for partisan gain and remain focused on fostering genuine understanding and collaboration. This involves questioning simplistic portrayals of complex events and seeking out diverse sources of information.

By prioritizing empathy, compassion, and mutual respect, we can build a society that values peaceful coexistence and collective progress. This approach requires acknowledging past wrongs, as Wallace did, and committing to a future where differences are addressed through dialogue rather than violence.


The story of Governor George Wallace’s transformation offers valuable insights into the potential for personal change and the importance of condemning political violence. It also highlights the dangers of manipulative tactics that exploit violent events for partisan purposes. Genuine unity, grounded in empathy and respect, is essential for addressing societal divisions and building a more just and harmonious world. By remaining vigilant against deception and fostering open dialogue, we can work together to create a future where all individuals are valued and included.

Values to Live By

  • A Love of Truth—essential for a just, inclusive and progressive society;
  • A Sense of Justice—recognition of the rights and needs, of all.
  • Spirit of Cooperation—based on active goodwill and the principle of right human relationships;
  • A Sense of Personal Responsibility—for group, community and national affairs;
  • Serving the Common Good—through the sacrifice of selfishness. Only what is good for all is good for each one.

These are spiritual values, inspiring the conscience and the consciousness of those who serve to create a better way of life.

Source: https://www.lucistrust.org/e_pamphlets/values_live_by2


A Generation Disillusioned with the Myth of Meritocracy

In an era where hard work and determination are touted as the keys to success, a growing number of individuals from the younger generation find themselves disillusioned with what they perceive as the myth of meritocracy. The promise that talent and effort alone would propel them to prosperity and fulfillment appears increasingly illusory in the face of systemic barriers, socioeconomic disparities, and a rapidly changing job market. This essay explores the causes of this disillusionment, its impacts on society, and the potential paths forward to address these legitimate concerns.

The Promise of Meritocracy

Meritocracy, in theory, is a societal paradigm where individuals succeed based on their abilities, efforts, and achievements rather than their background or social connections. This ideal is deeply embedded in many cultures, particularly in Western democracies where the “American Dream” epitomizes the belief that anyone, regardless of origin, can achieve greatness through hard work and perseverance.

The Reality Check

However, the reality often starkly contrasts with this ideal. Several factors contribute to the growing skepticism among young people:

  1. Systemic Inequities: Socioeconomic status, race, gender, and geographic location often play significant roles in determining opportunities and outcomes. For instance, access to quality education, healthcare, and networking opportunities is disproportionately available to those who come from more privileged backgrounds. These systemic barriers create an uneven playing field, making it challenging for merit alone to dictate outcomes.
  2. Economic Instability: The global economic landscape has become increasingly volatile. Recessions, the rise of the gig economy, and the automation of jobs have led to precarious employment conditions. Many young people face underemployment or work in jobs unrelated to their fields of study, despite having invested heavily in higher education. The link between effort and reward appears tenuous in such an environment.
  3. Educational Debt: The cost of higher education has skyrocketed, leading to student loan debt burdens that can stifle financial progress for years or even decades. Graduates enter the workforce not only needing to compete for fewer stable jobs but also carrying significant financial obligations that previous generations may not have faced to the same extent.
  4. Social Mobility: Studies have shown that social mobility—the ability to move up the socioeconomic ladder—is stagnating or declining in many developed nations. This trend suggests that the meritocratic ideal is not being realized in practice, as individual’s socioeconomic origins remain strong predictors of their future status.

The Psychological Toll

The gap between the promise of meritocracy and the lived reality can lead to significant psychological distress. Young people are often told that their success or failure is entirely within their control, which can result in feelings of inadequacy and failure when they do not achieve the expected levels of success. This internalized pressure contributes to rising rates of anxiety, depression, and burnout among the younger population.

Societal Implications

The disillusionment with meritocracy has broader societal implications. It can erode trust in institutions perceived to perpetuate inequality, from educational systems to government policies. This distrust can manifest in political apathy or radicalization, as individuals seek alternative explanations and solutions to their disenfranchisement. Moreover, the perceived lack of fairness can undermine social cohesion and fuel divisions along class, racial, and generational lines.

Pathways Forward

Addressing the disillusionment with meritocracy requires a multifaceted approach:

  1. Policy Reforms: Governments must enact policies that reduce systemic inequities, such as investing in education, healthcare, and affordable housing. Progressive taxation and social safety nets can help level the playing field and ensure that all individuals have the opportunity to succeed based on merit.
  2. Corporate Responsibility: Companies should prioritize fair hiring practices, pay equity, and career development opportunities for all employees. Transparent pathways for advancement can help mitigate the effects of nepotism and bias.
  3. Educational Access: Expanding access to quality education, from early childhood through higher education, is crucial. This includes addressing disparities in school funding and providing support for students from underrepresented communities.
  4. Changing Narratives: Society must shift the narrative from individualistic meritocracy to one that acknowledges collective responsibility and systemic factors. Recognizing that success is often a combination of personal effort and external support can foster a more inclusive and supportive culture.
  5. Mental Health Support: Providing robust mental health services and promoting a culture that values well-being over relentless achievement can help alleviate the psychological pressures associated with meritocratic expectations.


The disillusionment with the myth of meritocracy among today’s young generation is a call for introspection and action. By acknowledging the limitations of the current system and working towards a more equitable society, we can restore faith in the possibility of achieving success through genuine merit, while ensuring that no one is left behind due to circumstances beyond their control.

There are several authors and scholars who have explored the theme of a generation disillusioned with the myth of meritocracy. Here are a few notable examples:

  1. Daniel Markovits – In his book The Meritocracy Trap, Markovits argues that meritocracy has become a tool for perpetuating inequality rather than reducing it. He contends that the system of meritocratic achievement is increasingly dominated by a small elite, leaving the majority of people struggling to keep up.
  2. Michael J. Sandel – In his book The Tyranny of Merit: What’s Become of the Common Good?, Sandel critiques the notion that meritocracy is fair and just. He discusses how the emphasis on individual achievement can foster a sense of superiority among the successful and resentment among those who are less fortunate.
  3. Adrian Wooldridge – Co-author of The Aristocracy of Talent: How Meritocracy Made the Modern World, Wooldridge examines the historical development of meritocracy and its modern-day challenges. He acknowledges the system’s flaws and argues for reforms to make it more equitable.
  4. Richard Reeves – In his book Dream Hoarders: How the American Upper Middle Class Is Leaving Everyone Else in the Dust, Why That Is a Problem, and What to Do About It, Reeves explores how the upper middle class in America has effectively rigged the meritocratic system to maintain their advantages, thus perpetuating inequality.
  5. Jo Littler – In her book Against Meritocracy: Culture, Power and Myths of Mobility, Littler provides a critical analysis of how meritocracy functions in contemporary society, arguing that it often serves to justify social inequalities rather than eliminate them.

Quoted Sources:

  1. Daniel Markovits:
    • The Meritocracy Trap discusses how “meritocracy now constitutes a hubristic ideology that undermines itself and the broader society” (Markovits, 2019).
  2. Michael J. Sandel:
    • In The Tyranny of Merit, Sandel writes, “The meritocratically successful are often tempted to forget that their success depends not only on their own efforts but on their good fortune in having been born into favorable circumstances” (Sandel, 2020).
  3. Adrian Wooldridge:
    • The Aristocracy of Talent delves into how “meritocracy creates winners and losers and has failed to live up to its egalitarian promise” (Wooldridge, 2021).
  4. Richard Reeves:
    • In Dream Hoarders, Reeves states, “The American upper middle class is hoarding the American dream by securing exclusive access to the best schools, jobs, and neighborhoods” (Reeves, 2017).
  5. Jo Littler:
    • In Against Meritocracy, Littler argues that “meritocracy is a deeply flawed system that perpetuates existing power structures under the guise of fairness and equality” (Littler, 2017).

These authors provide a comprehensive critique of the shortcomings of meritocracy and offer insights into why many young people today feel disillusioned with the promises it holds.

Rethinking Meritocracy:
From Individual Achievement to Collective Good

Meritocracy is a concept that has long promised a society where individual effort and talent dictate success, irrespective of one’s background or social standing. Yet, in recent times, this ideal has come under scrutiny as systemic inequalities and socioeconomic barriers reveal its limitations. The challenge lies in whether this concept can be rehabilitated and transformed into a collective social asset that aligns with spiritual self-actualization and the common good.

The Promises of Meritocracy

At its core, meritocracy promises several key ideals:

  1. Equality of Opportunity: One of the foundational promises is that everyone, regardless of their starting point in life, should have equal access to opportunities. This encompasses access to quality education, fair employment practices, and unbiased systems that reward talent and hard work.
  2. Reward for Effort and Talent: Meritocracy ensures that individuals are rewarded based on their abilities, efforts, and achievements. It purports to eliminate nepotism, favoritism, and discrimination, allowing people to rise based on their merits.
  3. Social Mobility: The system encourages social mobility by allowing individuals from all backgrounds to move up the socioeconomic ladder through their contributions and achievements.
  4. Incentive for Excellence: By rewarding hard work and talent, meritocracy incentivizes individuals to strive for excellence, fostering innovation, creativity, and overall societal progress.

Rehabilitating Meritocracy as a Collective Social Asset

The question arises: Can we rethink meritocracy to serve as a collective social asset, inspiring self-actualization and service to the common good? Here’s how this can be achieved:

  1. Acknowledging Spiritual Essence and Diversity: Recognizing that all individuals are equal in divine essence yet exhibit diverse degrees of spiritual maturity aligned with the Law of Reincarnation can transform meritocracy. This perspective values each person’s unique journey and contributions while acknowledging that individuals are at different stages of development.
  2. Fostering Holistic Development: A rehabilitated meritocracy would emphasize not just material success but also spiritual and moral growth. It would inspire individuals to achieve their highest potential, not merely for personal gain but as a service to humanity. This shift in focus from self-centered achievement to collective well-being can foster a more compassionate and equitable society.
  3. Redefining Success: Success in this new paradigm would be measured not only by individual accomplishments but by contributions to the common good. Educational and professional systems would reward collaboration, empathy, and community service alongside traditional metrics of success.
  4. Creating Supportive Systems: To realize this vision, supportive systems must be in place to ensure that everyone has access to the necessary resources and opportunities. This includes equitable education, healthcare, and economic policies that level the playing field.

The Bodhisattva Vow as a Model for Meritocracy

The Bodhisattva vow—to renounce Nirvana until all sentient beings are saved—provides a profound example of how meritocracy can be rehabilitated:

  1. Selflessness and Service: The Bodhisattva vow embodies selfless service and commitment to the welfare of others over personal advancement. This principle can be integrated into a reimagined meritocracy, where individuals seek to uplift others as part of their pursuit of success.
  2. Compassion and Empathy: The Bodhisattva’s path is one of compassion and empathy, recognizing the interconnectedness of all beings. A meritocratic system inspired by this vow would prioritize these qualities, encouraging individuals to use their talents and achievements to support and elevate those around them.
  3. Collective Progress: The vow highlights the importance of collective progress over individual attainment. It suggests that true fulfillment and success lie in contributing to the greater good and ensuring that no one is left behind. This approach can counteract the competitive and exclusionary aspects of traditional meritocracy.
  4. Spiritual Maturity and Leadership: Those who have achieved higher levels of spiritual maturity can lead and mentor others, guiding them through their development. This mentorship model can be incorporated into educational and professional settings, creating a nurturing environment where everyone’s growth is supported.


Rehabilitating meritocracy requires a fundamental shift in how we define and pursue success. By integrating principles of equality, spiritual growth, and collective well-being, we can create a system that truly serves the common good. The Bodhisattva vow offers a powerful model for this transformation, emphasizing selflessness, compassion, and collective progress. In doing so, meritocracy can evolve from a myth to a meaningful and inspiring framework for societal development and individual self-actualization.

Hierarchy is not coercion, it is the law of the Universe. It is not a threat, but the call of the heart and a fiery admonition directing toward the General Good.
     Thus, let us cognize the Hierarchy of Light.


The New Group of World Servers at Work

Hope Dies Last

[adapted from avaaz.org]

If you think all hope is lost, think again.

This weekend, everyone expected the extreme right to win in France. Millions of people had other ideas. They voted—in droves—and beat the far right’s hate and division, pushing them into third place.

And it’s not just in France. In the biggest election year in history, far-right populists were planning to celebrate victories across Europe. Yet, people across the continent rose to beat them back. While the far right grew a little, the center held strong.

Over the last couple of months, [World Servers] have fought tirelessly across Europe and beyond. They’ve united Holocaust survivors, commandeered TV stations and newspapers, and investigated the far right’s ties to dictators. Through demonstrations, media stunts, and viral videos that reached millions, they have grabbed public attention and moved politicians to tears by bringing survivors of far-right policies to the halls of power.

Hope dies last. Together, we were part of an incredible journey, and we’re excited about where we’re headed next. Here’s a glimpse into the work we did over the last couple of months—from France to Germany, from Poland to Spain. These are the achievements that your hope and determination made possible:

Accomplishments Against the Far Right

Facing the Extreme Right Head-On


At the beginning of the year, the extreme right was gaining momentum in Germany. As they prepared to kick off their EU elections campaign, we were ready. We hit the streets with a gigantic billboard truck, spotlighting their ties to dictators. Despite police intervention, we managed to make headlines on the main evening TV news, reaching over 10 million viewers!


In Spain, as far-right leaders from around the world gathered for a ‘Summit of Hate’, we mobilized thousands for a massive rally. The demonstration made global headlines, showing that people everywhere oppose the far-right’s vicious agenda. From covering Marseille with guerilla posters to organizing gatherings across France and erecting giant mirrors in Berlin reflecting the true horror of far-right hate, our efforts sent a strong message.

Amplifying Powerful Voices and Reaching Millions


We united four freedom fighters from four generations in Poland, releasing a joint letter in the country’s major newspaper that called on people to vote against far-right extremists. This unprecedented intergenerational call resonated widely on social media. Remarkably, the far-right party lost — for the first time in ten years!

Germany (Again)

Just days before the elections, we held a powerful press conference in Berlin featuring Holocaust survivors urging young voters to take a stand against the far right: “We couldn’t prevent it back then. But you can today.” Their emotional plea was covered by major media outlets like The Guardian, Le Monde, Die Zeit, and CNN, reaching tens of millions on social media platforms from TikTok to Instagram.

Celebrating Resistance

As votes were counted on the night of the European Elections, we brought joy and resolve directly to Brussels. Outside the European Parliament, choirs sang ‘Bella Ciao’, the anthem of resistance against fascism. The moment went viral, creating another media splash.

Preventing the Far Right from Gaining Power

After the elections, there was still a risk of the far right gaining too much influence. We united survivors from Poland, Italy, and Hungary who had lived under far-right governments. They traveled with us to Brussels to deliver an open letter warning EU leaders not to compromise with extremism. In meeting after meeting, these survivors moved politicians to tears with their testimonies, urging them to defend those most at risk.

Final Stop: France

In France, our investigations highlighted the threat posed by Marine Le Pen’s party to democracy, from attacks on women’s rights to ties with violent groups. We published multiple reports and partnered with public figures, former ministers, and well-known campaigners to rally voters against this hateful agenda.

When President Macron called a surprise election and the far right seemed poised to win, we helped unify dozens of civil society groups. Together, we organized massive women’s marches and pressured democratic candidates to join forces, ultimately preventing a far-right victory. Le Pen came third in the election.

A Movement Rising

If both the European and French elections taught us one thing, it’s that a beautiful movement is rising in response to the far-right threat. This movement embodies unity, belonging, and togetherness and believes that the future is ours to create.

Hope dies last. And our hope fuels action and change.

Next Stop

Defeating MAGA, extreme right American Nationalism and the Project 2025 in the USA this Fall. We can make it happen, as we prepare the way for a new spiritual dispensation and new models of democratic governance.. A new world is possible.

Alternative Worlds

Two influential groups with different visions for America are described by David Spangler in his recent essay AMERICA AND THE ELECTION. One group envisions America as an inclusive, pluralistic nation, aligned with the principles in the Declaration of Independence, seeing power residing in individuals. The other group emphasizes structure, hierarchy, and American exceptionalism, viewing the nation as a guiding “parent” to other countries. Both hold an element of truth and “neither group can force anyone to believe or do anything. They can inspire, and they can offer energy to those who resonate with their perspective, but the choice rests with us,” says Spangler.

Spangler also identifies a third group, in agreement with Thomas L. Friedman, as explained in our previous post.

There are also those in the shadowy dimensions of human energy whose motives have little to do with spirit and much to do with division, separation, and destruction. They have no interest in any form of spiritual destiny for America—or for any other nation. They work to tear down, to manipulate, and to control, and they feed off anger, hatred, fear, and suffering. They have little or no interest in the good of any larger whole but only in meeting their own selfish needs and hungers. This group, if I may call it such, is an expression of humanity’s karma and its shadow and is not particular to any single nation, Party, or people. Its influence is international and seeks only to diminish or extinguish the Light. It can work through tyranny and structure and through anarchy and the mob. Its identity is Chaos.

The externalization of the planetary spiritual Hierarchy and the reappearance of the World Teacher requires a transformation of the democratic ideal of governance. Between the extremes of absolute freedom (anarchy) and authoritarian governance (fascism) lies the Noble Middle Path of a Hierarchical Democracy.

A Hierarchical Democracy needs an enlightened meritocracy of servers qualified by spiritual training and experience, and the free and fully informed (good) will of an enlightened public, adept in self-rule and right human relations. What do we mean by “qualified by spiritual training” and by “adept in self-rule and right human relations”?

The advice of the Tibetan Master about spiritual training on the right use of power and authority, so much needed to govern in a Hierarchical Democracy, and so much lacking in many political leaders today, may provide answers to these questions. It is evident that this spiritual advice runs contrary — as it should — to the agenda of the regressive Forces of Darkness promoting “division, separation, and destruction” in a Chaotic Democracy.

The Illusion of Power and the Glamor of Authority

Extracted from Glamour: A World Problem
by the Tibetan Master

“Let us illustrate my point from two angles, both of which are entirely in the realm of discipleship, or encountered upon the Path of Probation. We will call them the “illusion of power” and the “glamour of authority.” This form of words will show you that one is to be encountered upon the astral plane and the other upon the mental.

“The Glamour of Authority is a mass glamour in most cases. It has its roots in mass psychology and is one of the indications that humanity is at the nursery stage as yet, wherein men are safeguarded from themselves by the imposition of some rule, some set of laws, some authoritative dictum, emanating from state control, from the rule of an oligarchy, or from the dictatorship of some individual. It reduces mankind, as far as one can judge, to set forms and standardizes men’s activities, regimenting their lives [Page 46] and work. It is imposed and ordered through catering to the fear complex, rampant in humanity at this time; and this fear is one of the most fruitful sources of glamour which we have. We might perhaps and with reason regard it as the seed of all glamour upon our planet. Fear has been the incentive to those conditions which have brought about the glamour of the astral plane, though not the illusions of the mental levels of consciousness.

“When the glamour of authority transfers itself into the spiritual consciousness of man, we have such a state of affairs as the period of the Inquisition in its worst forms, of Church authority, with the emphasis upon organization, government and penalties, or the unquestioned rule of some teacher. In its highest forms we have the recognition of the right of the solar Angel, of the soul or ego, to rule. Between these two extremes, which express the infancy of the race and the freedom which comes when mankind achieves its majority and the freedom of the soul, lie all the many types and kinds of intermediate reactions.


“The Illusion of Power is perhaps one of the first and most serious tests which comes to an aspirant. It is also one of the best examples of this “great mistake,” and I [Page 52] therefore bring it to your attention as being one against which I beg you most carefully to guard yourself. It is rare indeed for any disciple to escape the effects of this error of illusion for it is, curiously, based upon right success and right motive. Hence the specious nature of the problem. It might be expressed thus:

“An aspirant succeeds in contacting his soul or ego through right effort. Through meditation, good intention, and correct technique, plus the desire to serve and to love, he achieves alignment. He becomes then aware of the results of his successful work. His mind is illumined. A sense of power flows through his vehicles. He is, temporarily at least, made aware of the Plan. The need of the world and the capacity of the soul to meet that need flood his consciousness. His dedication, consecration and right purpose enhance the directed inflow of spiritual energy. He knows. He loves. He seeks to serve, and does all three more or less successfully. The result of all this is that he becomes more engrossed with the sense of power, and with the part he is to play in aiding humanity, than he is with the realisation of a due and proper sense of proportion and of spiritual values. He over-estimates his experience and himself. Instead of redoubling his efforts and thus establishing a closer contact with the kingdom of souls and loving all beings more deeply, he begins to call attention to himself, to the mission he is to develop, and to the confidence that the Master and even the planetary Logos apparently have in him. He talks about himself; he gestures and attracts notice, demanding recognition. As he does so, his alignment is steadily impaired; his contact lessens and he joins the ranks of the many who have succumbed to the illusion of sensed power. This form of illusion is becoming increasingly prevalent among disciples and those who have taken the first two initiations. There are today many people in the world who have taken the first [Page 53] initiation in a previous life. At some period in the present life cycle, recurring and recapitulating as it does the events of an earlier development, they again reach a point in their realization which they earlier reached. The significance of their attainment pours in upon them, and the sense of their responsibility and their knowledge. Again they over-estimate themselves, regarding their missions and themselves as unique among the sons of men, and their esoteric and subjective demand for recognition enters in and spoils what might otherwise have been a fruitful service. Any emphasis upon the personality can distort most easily the pure light of the soul as it seeks to pour through the lower self. Any effort to call attention to the mission or task which the personality has undertaken detracts from that mission and handicaps the man in his task; it leads to the deferring of its fulfilment until such time when the disciple can be naught but a channel through which love can pour, and light can shine. This pouring through and shining forth has to be a spontaneous happening, and contain no self-reference.

“These two illustrations of glamour and of illusion will show you not only the subtlety of the problem, but also the urgent need for its recognition. There are today so many manifesting these two qualities of the lower nature.”

About the two “alternative worlds” envisioned by Spangler in his essay, we may also benefit from the Tibetan Master’s advice on the dangers of “a world in which the United States proves itself to be the controlling factor,” and the benefits of a new multipolar world order, “a world divided into blocs for mutual aid and economic sharing.”


Extracted from The Externalisation of the Hierarchy
by the Tibetan Master

April 1948

Spiritual workers should face the various world alternatives:

1. An all-dominant Russia …

2. A world in which all nations live in an armed armistice …

3. A world in which the United States proves itself to be the controlling factor, after wiping out Russia, which she can well do if she acts now. It will be a predominantly capitalistic world, run by several nations but headed by the United States. A capitalistic nation is not necessarily wrong; capital has its place, and Russia (the enemy of capitalism) is by no means free from capitalistic bias. The motives of the United States are very mixed motives: greed of money or its equivalent, such as oil, and at the same time sincerely good intentions for the establishment of human freedom in a democratic world—modelled, of course, on American democracy. Other motives are an appreciation of the armed fist and, at [Page 639] the same time, a longing for economic sharing and for that essential kindness which is such a strong American characteristic—a mass characteristic. These mixed motives will produce eventually a very confused world, one in which it will be found that humanity has learned very little as the result of the World War (1914-1945) and is acquiescent to the cycle of well-intentioned money control.

4. A world divided into “blocs” for mutual aid and economic sharing. There is nothing intrinsically wrong in any group of nations standing together for mutual aid and economic cooperation. The wrong factor comes in when they stand united against any other group of nations, and therefore against any group of human beings. It is this attitude, engineered and fostered by Russia, which has lead to the relatively new concept of blocs against. Along this line, and with this attitude of antagonistic groupings, only disaster can lie.

Blocs in themselves can be good and proper if they follow lines of natural cleavages, of language differences and of cultural distinctions. They can be essentially right if they are formed for economic, educational, religious and social aims and can therefore provide no true cause for alarm. Such blocs would be cultural and not militaristic, economic and not greedy, and they could provide a normal and progressive movement away from the separative nationalism of the past and towards the distant creation of the One World, and the One Humanity. This will some day be seen, but the time is not yet. Mankind is not ready for some super-government [written in 1948], nor can it yet provide the unselfish and trained statesmen that such a government would require. As yet, there are more seeds of danger in this concept than there are of helpfulness. Nevertheless, it is a dream which will some day materialize, after the creation and the functioning of blocs have proved how men should work and live together.