The Shamballa Force

REALPOLITIK: it’s all about POWER

Realpolitik is a system of politics or principles based on practical rather than moral or ideological considerations. The term, which originates from Germany (meaning “the politics of reality”), is often associated with power politics. The approach is characterized by pragmatic and practical considerations, such as the survival of the nation, national security interests, and the balance of power, rather than by ideological or ethical premises.

In Realpolitik, decisions are made based on the factual realities at hand, rather than an adherence to any specific philosophical or ethical ideal. This could mean forming alliances with otherwise unfriendly nations or compromising on values if it leads to increased power or security. The philosophy behind Realpolitik has been practiced throughout history, though the term itself did not come into common usage until the mid-19th century in Europe.

The term “Realpolitik” itself is still widely used today and continues to refer to a system of politics or principles based on practical rather than moral or ideological considerations. However, it’s important to note that while the term may remain the same, its interpretation and application can evolve over time and vary between different regions, political systems, and individuals. For example, the concept of Realpolitik has been associated with various political figures throughout history, from its originator Ludwig von Rochau to more contemporary figures like Henry Kissinger. Their approaches, while all falling under the umbrella of Realpolitik, may have differed based on the specific historical and political contexts in which they were operating.

Phrases like “power politics,” “pragmatic diplomacy,” or “political realism,” convey similar ideas and are often used in discussions of foreign policy and international relations. These terms, while not new, reflect the core principles of Realpolitik.

… the THUGS we have inside our Country … are looking to destroy our once great USA. MAY THEY ROT IN HELL. AGAIN, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

The truly evil men

Confound not evil with the activities of the gangster or the criminal. Criminals and gangsters are the result of the emerging massed imperfections: they are the victims of ignorance, mishandling when children and misunderstanding down the ages of right human relations; the Law of Rebirth will eventually lead them on the way to good.

Those men are truly evil who seek to enforce a return to the bad old ways, who endeavor to keep their fellowmen in slavery of some kind or another, who block the expression of one or all of the Four Freedoms, who gain material riches at the expense of the exploited, or who seek to hold for themselves and for gain the produce of the earth, and thus make the cost of life’s necessities prohibitive to those not richly endowed. Those who thus work, think and plan are to be found in every nation, and are usually of prominence because of their riches and influence; however, they sin against light and not through ignorance; their goals are material and not spiritual. They are relatively few compared to the countless millions of men, but are exceedingly powerful; they are highly intelligent but unscrupulous, and it is through them that the Forces of Evil work, holding back progress, promoting poverty, breeding hatred and class distinctions, fostering racial differences for their own ends, and keeping ignorance in power. Their sin is great and it is hard for them to change, because power and the will-to-power (as it militates against the will-to-good) is a dominant all-controlling factor in their lives; these men are today working against the unity of the United Nations, [Page 669] through their greed, their determination to own the resources of the earth (such as oil, mineral wealth and food) and thus keep the people weak and with inadequate food. These men, who are found in every nation, thoroughly understand each other and are working together in great combines to exploit the riches of the earth at the expense of humanity.

The whole problem of evil is, however, too vast to contemplate here, nor is it advisable or wise to discuss the source of evil (not of imperfection), the Black Lodge. Energy follows thought, and the spoken word can be potently evocative: therefore, until one is a member of the Great White Lodge, it is the part of wisdom to avoid consideration of forces potent enough intelligently to use the latent imperfection in humanity and to impose the vast evil of war, with all its results and far-reaching effects, upon humanity. The Black Lodge is the problem of the White Lodge, and not the problem of humanity. For aeons the Hierarchy has handled this problem, and is now in process of solving it. It is essentially, however, the main consideration and problem of Shamballa, for it is connected with the will aspect, and only the will-to-good will suffice to blot out and annihilate the will-to-evil. Goodwill will not suffice, though the united and invocative appeal of the [Page 670] men of goodwill throughout the world-increasingly voiced through the Great Invocation-will serve “to seal the door where evil dwells.”

The Tibetan Master D.K.

Aligned with the principles of the New Group of World Servers, on the presidential ballot for the 2024 elections in the United States:

  • If you are a true conservative pledging allegiance to the Constitution of the United States:
    • vote Democrat, or
    • abstain from voting.
  • If you are a registered Democrat: do NOT stay at home. Vote Democrat on the presidential ballot regardless of the candidate and his/her flaws.
  • If you are an independent voter: vote Democrat.

This is NOT a partisan presidential election. The survival of democracy in the United States is at stake. Men and women of goodwill must support the Four Freedoms, here and now!

1944 pin from the re-election campaign of President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

There is a door into an evil realm and into blackness, just as there is a door into a world of goodness and light.

The Tibetan Master D.K.

The progress made by humanity in the past two hundred years has lead to attention from the Council Chamber at Shamballa. The will aspect of divinity has made direct contact with the human mind. Thus, the latent goodwill in humanity has been evoked by the will-to-good from Shamballa. However, the will-to-power has also been evoked in selfish minds.

The origin of evil or the Black Lodge is a vast problem handled by the Hierarchy. Only the will-to-good can counter the will-to-evil, and the united appeal of men of goodwill, expressed through the Great Invocation, serves to seal the door where evil dwells.

It is behind that door and in dealing with the forces there concealed (and mobilized) that the Hierarchy is effective; the methods and modes whereby They protect humanity from mobilized evil, and are gradually driving the evil back, would not be understood by you who have not yet passed through the door which leads to the Way of the Higher Evolution.

The Tibetan Master D.K.

Freewill, Goodwill, Will-to-Good and Will-to-Power

The lines of cleavage have grown steadily until now they can be expressed in terms of a humanity which is oriented towards the higher spiritual and altruistic values and whose keynotes are sacrifice, group good and world understanding, and those whose focus is predominantly material and whose aims are selfish, animated by ambition and the spirit of acquisition.

It was the acuteness of this situation, and the wide extent of the cleavage, which induced the watching Hierarchy to permit a direct inflow of the Shamballa force (in spite of its attendant risks) to pour into the world. The objective was to stimulate the free will of the masses; the result upon them has been relatively good as it has led to the formulation and expression of the great world ideologies—Fascism, [Page 127] Democracy and Communism as well as that peculiarly distorted blend of Fascism and Communism which goes by the name of Hitlerism or Nazism. All these ideologies are fostered by the desire of the masses for the betterment of the condition in which the populace in any country lives and it has become focused, expressive and creative by the force of the Shamballa influence. But another result of this inflow of the will-to-power (power upon the physical plane and through the medium of form activity) has been to stimulate a certain group of outstanding personalities in many lands so that they have assumed control of the masses and can thus determine the policies and methods—religious, political and social—of the different nations. In every nation a relatively small group of people decide all important issues and determine all major national activities. This they do either by force, terror and deception or by persuasion, fair words and the application of ideological motives. Of this situation in the world the Lords of Destiny are availing themselves in order to bring the ancient conflict to an end and so enable humanity to pass into the new Aquarian Age relatively free and with a clearer understanding of right human aims, right relationships and man’s predestined future.

So great has been the progress of man during the past two hundred years that the Council Chamber at Shamballa was forced to take notice. As a result of this attention by the Great Lives around Sanat Kumara and Their interest in the affairs of men, two things happened:

  1. The will aspect of divinity made its first definite and direct contact with the human mind. The impact was direct and not deflected-as had hitherto been the case-to the Hierarchy and from thence to humanity.
  2. At the same time, the will-to-good from Shamballa evoked the latent goodwill in man, so that today and increasingly over the past one hundred years, goodness of heart, kindness in action, consideration for others and mass action to promote human welfare have spread over the Earth.
The Tibetan Master D.K.

Quotes from the Tibetan Master D.K. penned by Alice A. Bailey in the books published by the Lucis Trust.

From Anarchy to Hierarchy

Ray 1. Will Power. Transmitted through Aries, Leo and Capricorn.

As 2023 comes to an end, I’m struggling to make sense of the current world disorder, focusing on three major threats to our survival: Zionism in the Middle East, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and the MAGA movement in the United States. They have one common theme: might makes right. They represent causes out of which other evils, such as (Hamas) terrorism, arise. Which makes me wonder, what is power? How can light, love and power restore God’s Plan on Earth?

In the context of the Capricorn full moon period overlapping Sol Invictus observance this Christmas season, let’s review current thought forms created by humanity on this subject, and how can they can be repurposed for a future of right human relations, goodwill and peace on Earth.


Two key theories of international relations

Structural realism, also known as neorealism, and human nature realism, often referred to as classical realism, are two key theories within the field of international relations. They share a common premise that states exist in an anarchic international system and that they act primarily out of self-interest. However, they differ significantly in their explanations for why this is the case.

Structural Realism (Neorealism): Structural realism, as articulated by theorists like Kenneth Waltz, posits that the behavior of states is determined by the anarchic structure of the international system1. In this system, there’s no overarching authority above the state, making security a primary concern. States, according to structural realists, are rational actors that seek to survive by maintaining and increasing their power relative to other states. The focus here is on the system, not on the individual state or its leaders2.

Human Nature Realism (Classical Realism): Human nature realism, on the other hand, asserts that the behavior of states is driven primarily by human nature. Classical realists like Hans Morgenthau argue that it’s the inherent flaws in human nature, such as the lust for power, that lead to conflict and competition among states3. This perspective focuses more on the role of leadership, national character, and moral and ethical considerations in shaping a state’s foreign policy4.

In summary, while structural realism emphasizes the anarchic structure of the international system as the determinant of state behavior, human nature realism places more emphasis on the characteristics and behaviors of individuals and groups within the state.



  1. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
  2. International
  3. Britannica
  4. International

Offensive and defensive realism are two key sub-theories within the school of structural realism in international relations. Both theories agree on the anarchic nature of the international system, but they differ significantly in their views on state behavior and security.

Offensive Realism: Proposed by John Mearsheimer, offensive realism postulates that states are power-maximizers1. In an anarchic international system with no overarching authority, states must always be concerned about their security. To ensure survival, they strive to achieve hegemony, as the best guarantee against attack is to be the most powerful state in the system. Offensive realists believe that states should constantly look for opportunities to gain power at the expense of others2.

Defensive Realism: Defensive realism, associated with theorists like Kenneth Waltz and Robert Jervis, suggests that states are security-maximizers3. While acknowledging the anarchic nature of the international system, defensive realists argue that an aggressive foreign policy often proves counterproductive, provoking other states to form balancing coalitions. Therefore, states should maintain a moderate level of power and pursue cooperative security arrangements to mitigate potential threats4.

In summary, while offensive realists see aggression as a necessity for states to secure their survival, defensive realists advocate for a more moderate and cooperative approach to ensure security in the international system.



  1. John Mearsheimer’s “The Tragedy of Great Power Politics”
  2. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
  3. Kenneth Waltz’s “Theory of International Politics”
  4. Oxford Research Encyclopedias

Entropy, Anarchy and the Omega Point

Entropy in physics is a fundamental concept that describes the degree of disorder or randomness in a system. In the context of structural realism in international relations, it can be interpreted as the inherent unpredictability and complexity in the international system due to the absence of a central authority1.

Structural realism asserts that the international system is anarchic, and states are primarily driven by their self-interests for survival and power. This could be seen as a state of high entropy where there’s a high degree of uncertainty and disorder. Structural realists argue that this anarchic structure forces states to act in certain predictable ways, such as balancing against threats, which could be seen as attempts to manage or reduce this entropy2.

On the other hand, Teilhard de Chardin’s concept of the Omega Point presents a contrasting view. The Omega Point theory posits that consciousness and evolution are moving towards a maximum point of complexity and consciousness, known as the Omega Point3. This suggests a progression from high entropy (anarchy) to low entropy (hierarchy), driven by the evolution of consciousness.

In contrast to structural realism which views the international system as inherently conflictual and competitive due to its anarchic nature, the Omega Point theory suggests a more optimistic view of the potential for cooperation and integration as consciousness evolves.

In essence, while entropy and structural realism might highlight the disorder and power struggles in the international system, the Omega Point theory offers a perspective on how evolving consciousness could lead to greater order and unity.



  1. Entropy, technology, and warfare — understanding world politics through physics
  2. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
  3. Teilhard de Chardin’s The Phenomenon of Man

Liberalism in International Relations

Liberalism is a key theory in international relations that offers an optimistic worldview. It posits that international institutions and interactions can overcome the anarchic nature of the international system, leading to a more cooperative and peaceful world order1.

  1. Democratic Peace Theory: This theory suggests that democracies are less likely to go to war with each other due to shared values, internal constraints, and the transparency of their political systems2. Democratic norms require leaders to resolve disputes through negotiation and compromise, reducing the likelihood of conflict.
  2. Economic Interdependence: According to liberals, economic interdependence reduces the likelihood of war by increasing the costs of conflict and the benefits of peace3. High levels of trade and investment create mutual benefits and dependencies that both sides would not want to jeopardize through military conflict.
  3. Institutionalism: Liberals argue that international institutions, such as the United Nations, play a crucial role in promoting peace and cooperation4. Institutions provide forums for dialogue, help enforce international laws, reduce uncertainty about others’ intentions, and make it more difficult for states to renege on their commitments.

While liberalism recognizes that conflicts and power struggles exist among nations, it emphasizes the potential for cooperation, largely driven by democratic governance, economic ties, and institutional mechanisms.



  1. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
  2. Oxford Research Encyclopedias
  3. Journal of Peace Research
  4. International Studies Quarterly

Natural Organic Hierarchies

Systems theory posits that systems, whether they are biological ecosystems, social structures, or organizations, are made up of interconnected parts that form a complex whole. This holistic approach emphasizes the interdependence of all system components and their interactions1.

Natural organic hierarchies, as suggested by systems theory, are intrinsic to the organization of many systems in nature. They are characterized by a structure where elements at each level of the hierarchy interact more strongly with each other than with those at different levels2. This hierarchical organization is seen as an inherent property of nature2.

In ecology, for example, the hierarchical structure can be observed in the organization of ecosystems, from individual organisms (lowest level) to populations, communities, ecosystems, and the biosphere (highest level)3. This hierarchy facilitates understanding and analysis of ecological phenomena.

Similarly, in the context of organizations, there are rational, natural, and open systems. Natural systems focus on the human component in organizations, acknowledging that people and their interactions play a crucial role in shaping an organization’s structure and processes4.

The concept of organic hierarchies also extends to areas like organic farming, where systems thinking is reflected in stewardship towards nature, the ethics of animal husbandry, and recycling principles5.

In essence, systems theory’s concept of natural organic hierarchies highlights the interconnectedness and interdependence of elements within a system, facilitating our understanding of complex natural and social phenomena.



  1. Concepts of Systems Thinking
  2. Hierarchical structure of biological systems – PMC 2
  3. The Hierarchical Structure of Ecosystems: Connections to Evolution
  4. Rational, Natural, and Open Systems of Organizations
  5. Systems Theory as a Scientific Approach towards Organic Farming


The symbol of anarchy, also known as the Circle-A, is composed of an “A” and an “O”. The “A” stands for “anarchy”, which means “without rulers”. The “O” represents “order”. Together, they convey the phrase “Anarchy is the mother of Order“, which is a part of a quote attributed to Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, a French philosopher and one of the first self-proclaimed anarchists12.

This symbol is said to represent a French anarchist’s maxim “Anarchy is Order“. It implies that society seeks order, but without the imposition of authority or rulers3.

It’s important to note that anarchism doesn’t signify chaos in all its aspects. Rather, it advocates for a society based on voluntary cooperation of individuals4.

While the anarchy symbol has been associated with various movements and ideas over time, it fundamentally remains a representation of a society seeking order through non-hierarchical and voluntary associations5.



  1. Rival LA
  2. Quora
  3. Public Intelligence
  4. Reddit Anarchy 101
  5. Symbols

There isn’t a universally recognized symbol for hierarchy that contrasts directly with the anarchy symbol. In contrast, hierarchy often manifests in symbols of structures or pyramids, representing rigid levels of authority or power, often imposed.

I propose that Roerich’s Banner of Peace be adopted as a universal symbol of hierarchy. The streams of Light and Love converging into the One (Power) on the Path of Return, restoring the Plan on Earth.


Hierarchy is not coercion, it is the law of the Universe. It is not a threat, but the call of the heart and a fiery admonition directing toward the General Good.

Thus let us cognize the Hierarchy of Light.

The Three Fundamentals

The First Cause may be construed to comprise three fundamentals: Omnipotent Good, Omniscient Beautiful, and Omnipresent Creative Sound of Light.

These three fundamentals manifest in varying degrees in different philosophies and religions. For example, in Hinduism, the Trimurti consists of three deities: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, representing creation, preservation, and destruction, respectively. In Christianity, the Holy Trinity comprises the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Three great energies are focused in Shamballa, the seat of fire:

  • The Energy of Purification: This is the power, innate in the manifested universe, which gradually and steadily adapts the substance aspect to the spiritual. It involves the elimination of all that hinders the nature of divinity from full expression.
  • The Energy of Destruction: This is a destruction which removes or changes the forms which imprison the inner spiritual life, and hide the inner soul light.
  • The Energy of Organization: This is the energy which started the impulse which produced manifestation. The relation of spirit and matter cyclically and under law creates the manifested world as a field for soul development and as an area wherein divine purpose is wrought out through the medium of the Plan.

The Shamballa force therefore focusses the will-to-good, leading to right human relationship, and establishing peace on Earth.

The Shamballa Force • Lucis Trust

Let LIGHT and LOVE and POWER restore the Plan on Earth.

Cruelty in Gaza

Why Fear AI When Human Cruelty Knows No Bounds?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a subject of fear and concern, particularly its potential misuse leading to catastrophic events such as the extinction of humanity. However, when we examine the horrors of the current war in Gaza, we must ask ourselves: should we be more afraid of AI or of the inherent cruelty of twisted human minds?

Israel military says 2 civilians killed for every Hamas militant is a ‘tremendously positive’ ratio given combat challenges.

The UNESCO Constitution states, “Since wars begin in the minds of men and women, it is in the minds of men and women that the defenses of peace must be constructed” [1]. This profound statement underscores the fact that the root of conflict lies not in technology, but in human attitudes and behaviors.

The ongoing war in Gaza, marked by shocking atrocities, serves as a grim testament to this reality. The initial terrorist attack on October 7, followed by the subsequent disproportionate response by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), has resulted in a devastating cycle of violence and human suffering [2]. Yet, it is not AI that initiated this conflict, but rather, decisions and actions resulting from the misuse of the human will.

History bears witness to numerous genocidal wars where AI was not involved. The Rwandan Genocide of 1994, the Bosnian War from 1992 to 1995, and more recently, the Rohingya Crisis in Myanmar are stark reminders of the scale of atrocities that can be perpetrated solely by human hands [3][4][5].

In this light, the fear of AI — the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to reason and act like humans — might be somewhat misplaced. AI is a tool, as beneficial or destructive as the intentions of those who wield it. The true danger lies in AI’s potential to amplify malevolent intentions. Ultimately, it is the misuse of human will that lies at the core of the issue.

This leads us to an important question: how can human will — individual and national — be aligned with the common good without infringing upon free will, and the right for self-defense? This is a critical test for democracy. Democracies thrive on the principle of individual freedom, yet they also necessitate a collective agreement on what constitutes the responsible use of such freedom by promoting right human relations leading to lasting peace.

From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men –
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the center which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Therefore, while it is prudent to be cautious about the potential misuse of AI, it is even more important to recognize that the root of most atrocities lies in human cruelty, not in technology. Instead of fearing AI, perhaps our efforts would be better directed towards fostering empathy, understanding, and peace within the minds of men and women.

[1] “UNESCO Constitution.” UNESCO. [2] “Gaza conflict: What happened in the most recent clash?” BBC News. [3] “Rwanda: How the genocide happened.” BBC News. [4] “Bosnian Genocide.” History. [5] “Myanmar Rohingya: What you need to know about the crisis.” BBC News.

On cruelty

Cruelty can be defined as the deliberate infliction of physical or psychological pain, suffering, or harm upon others. It involves acts that are intentionally malicious, inhumane, or lacking compassion. While there may be varying degrees and manifestations of cruelty, it is generally considered a deeply debasing and morally reprehensible act.

More than 18,700 Palestinians have been killed, with 70% of them women and children, according to the territory’s health officials. The vast majority of its 2.2 million people are displaced, and an estimated half face starvation amid an unfolding humanitarian crisis.

Human cruelty encompasses a wide range of actions, from individual acts of violence to systemic oppression and large-scale atrocities. Examples include physical abuse, torture, discrimination based on race or ethnicity, genocide, war crimes, and other forms of violence or mistreatment inflicted upon fellow human beings.

A supervisor with the Israeli search and recovery team in charge of collecting the bodies showed CBS News some of the injuries he saw and documented, including women whose bodies had lacerations, stabbings and gunshots to their genital area.

The debasing nature of human cruelty stems from its disregard for the inherent dignity and worth of individuals, as well as the violation of fundamental ethical principles such as empathy, compassion, and respect for others. It represents a betrayal of our collective humanity and undermines the potential for harmonious coexistence and progress in society.

While human cruelty is undoubtedly a deeply troubling aspect of our existence, it is important to remember that there are also countless acts of kindness, compassion, and empathy that demonstrate the best of humanity. By striving to cultivate these positive qualities and promoting empathy, understanding, and justice, we can work towards countering the debasing effects of cruelty and fostering a more compassionate world.

Biden Administration Staffers Demand Gaza Ceasefire In Demonstration Outside Of White House

Peace activism in Israel

Peace activism is about promoting peace resulting from right human relations in a spirit of goodwill, understanding that without justice there can’t be a lasting peace.

A nation that occupies another nation
will never be free

Newly-formed anti-war group, which they have named “Gen Zayin,” which means Gen Z

“They don’t understand that 7 million Israelis are living here, and aren’t going anywhere, and a lot of Israelis don’t know that the 7 million Palestinians [in Israel and the territories] are not going anywhere either,” he [Rafael] said. “The only way forward is together.”

Human rights activist Ziv Stahl, executive director of the human rights organization Yesh Din, says she is not calling for revenge over what happened that day nor is she taking a pacifist position on Israel’s ensuing war in Gaza against Hamas. “I am not saying ceasefire at any cost,” she said. “Israel has a right to defend itself and protect Israeli citizens,” she explained, but not indiscriminately or at the cost of thousands of Palestinian lives.

Maoz Inon, co-owner of a hostel in Tel Aviv, told CNN he became a peace activist a week after his parents were killed in the October 7 attack. In that moment, he realized that “peace is the only thing that can bring security to everyone living in between the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea,” he said.

Israeli American Elana Kaminka told CNN that her 20-year-old son Yannai was killed as he heroically defended Zikim training base near the border with Gaza.

The grief she feels for the loss of her son is all encompassing. She has struggled to write or continue with her volunteer work, which includes supporting victims of racist violence and transporting unwell Palestinian children to Israeli hospitals.

Kaminka does not have a clear position on the war and, like Stahl, says there are huge security concerns at play, especially when more than 100 hostages remain in Gaza. What she is certain of is that, in the long-term, Jewish-Palestinian coexistence is the only way forward.

If Israelis “really understood what was happening in the territories – the actual practical meaning of the occupation – I think their opinions would be different” … “And for Palestinians, also, it’s very easy to demonize Israelis and every Israeli soldier as a horrible person. It is super easy to live in a bubble where you don’t have any interaction with the other side.”

While pointing to the Palestinian village she used to visit, she said: “We have to find a way to build a common society that feels fair and feels just to as many people as possible.”


Political Zionism Is Racism

Anti Zionism Is NOT Anti Semitism

A test for the United States

More Americans support Israelis than support Palestinians.
This finding holds across polls. When a Marist poll (conducted for NPR and PBS) asked people which side they sympathized with more, 61 percent chose Israelis and 30 percent chose Palestinians. When YouGov (in a poll for The Economist) asked a similar question with a third option — “about equal” — the results also favored Israelis:

David Leonhardt NYT


The Occupation of the American Mind

Over the past few years, Israel’s ongoing military occupation of Palestinian territory and repeated invasions of the Gaza strip have triggered a fierce backlash against Israeli policies virtually everywhere in the world — except the United States. The Occupation of the American Mind takes an eye-opening look at this critical exception, zeroing in on pro-Israel public relations efforts within the U.S.

Narrated by Roger Waters and featuring leading observers of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and U.S. media culture, the film explores how the Israeli government, the U.S. government, and the pro-Israel lobby have joined forces, often with very different motives, to shape American media coverage of the conflict in Israel’s favor. From the U.S.-based public relations campaigns that emerged in the 1980s to today, the film provides a sweeping analysis of Israel’s decades-long battle for the hearts, minds, and tax dollars of the American people in the face of widening international condemnation of its increasingly right-wing policies.

Narrated by Roger Waters / Featuring Amira Hass, M.J. Rosenberg, Stephen M. Walt, Noam Chomsky, Rula Jebreal, Henry Siegman, Rashid Khalidi, Rami Khouri, Yousef Munayyer, Norman Finkelstein, Max Blumenthal, Phyllis Bennis, Norman Solomon, Mark Crispin Miller, Peter Hart, and Sut Jhally.

The Occupation of the American Mind (original 84-minute version) – YouTube

It was a test for the United States, for it is the American Jews who have created the situation, with relatively little help or endorsement from the Jews of other nations. The United States, urged by expediency, by the financial weight of the Zionists, and by the strategic position of Palestine, have thrown the weight of their influence into the conflict on the side of aggression and of territorial theft. They could have worked for the Principle of Harmony and permitted time and the non-separativeness of the nations to adjust and solve the Jewish problem.

The Rays and the Initiations by Alice A. Bailey (written circa 1948), p. 636