A Terrorist War

Israeli-Palestinian Fatalities Since 2000 – Key Trends

Taking hostages was the end-goal of Hamas.  They cannot defeat Israel militarily, but their suicide attack today had political, not military goals. It has been this way since Israel fought its war of Independence in 1948.  Militant Palestinian militias have launched thousands of suicide attacks on Israel. In a series of articles I wrote from Israel and Lebanon back in 1974 and 1975, I called it a terrorist war, but as the saying goes, one person’s terrorist is another person’s freedom fighter.


“The power of our united light prevents the appearance of the glamour of separateness.
The power of our united light negates the quality of the glamour from affecting man.
The power of our united light destroys the life behind the glamour.”

The Divisive Ideology of Anger and Fear

The potent influences of anger and fear in politics can serve to separate us, deter us from engaging in challenging dialogues, and hinder our advances on crucial matters. It’s essential that we acknowledge the strength of these emotions and strive towards constructing an improved society. This can be achieved by identifying methods — based on facts, evidence, and truth, rather than emotions or personal beliefs — to reconcile our disparities and cultivate mutual comprehension in polarizing issues, such as:

  1. Gun Control: This issue has consistently been a contentious point between conservatives, who often advocate for minimal restrictions on gun rights, and progressives, who generally favor more comprehensive gun control measures Pew Research Center.
  2. Reproductive Rights: This is another area where there are sharp differences. Progressives typically support access to safe and legal abortion and other reproductive health services, while conservatives tend to oppose abortion and favor more restrictions Pew Research Center.
  3. Wokeness: The concept of wokeness, tied to an awareness of social and political injustices, aligns more closely with progressive values. However, it’s often critiqued by conservatives as being overly sensitive or unnecessarily divisive ABC News.
  4. Climate Change: Progressives generally view climate change as a serious threat and advocate for strong government action to combat it. Conservatives often express skepticism about the severity of climate change or oppose extensive government intervention Pew Research Center.
  5. Healthcare: Progressives typically support a larger role for government in providing healthcare, such as a single-payer system. Conservatives usually favor a free-market approach to healthcare Brookings.
  6. Immigration: This is another highly polarizing issue, with progressives generally favoring more inclusive immigration policies and conservatives often advocating for stricter immigration control Pew Research Center.

This ranking is not absolute and can vary over time and across different regions or demographics within the US. Furthermore, there’s a range of views within both the conservative and progressive camps on each of these issues. Therefore, a nuanced understanding of truth — one that takes into account context, interpretation, and the potential for different perspectives — would be needed.

By bridging the gaps that exist among us and fostering meaningful exchanges, we can transcend the confines of anger and fear, thereby building a more fair and just world. However, it is imperative that we denounce any ideology that fuels these negative emotions as detrimental to societal harmony.

MAGA: Make America Great Again

The Cult

Steve Bannon is often considered one of the key ideologues of MAGA Trumpism. As a former chief strategist for President Trump and executive chairman of Breitbart News, he played a significant role in shaping the populist, nationalist agenda that has come to define Trumpism.

Here are some of the main tenets associated with Bannon:

  1. Nationalism: Bannon is a known advocate for American nationalism. He believes in prioritizing American interests and argues for policies that protect American industries and jobs.
  2. Populism: Bannon’s ideology includes a distrust of elites and established institutions. He champions the rights and interests of the ‘common people’, often positioning them against a perceived out-of-touch elite.
  3. Economic Protectionism: Bannon advocates for policies that protect American industries from foreign competition. This includes support for tariffs and other trade barriers.
  4. Immigration Control: A key part of Bannon’s ideology involves stricter immigration policies. He argues that mass immigration can undermine national identity and economic stability.
  5. Theory of Cycles in History. Steve Bannon’s belief in the Theory of Cycles in History, as influenced by “The Fourth Turning” by William Strauss and Neil Howe, is based on the idea that history moves in cycles of about 80-100 years, each cycle consisting of four ‘turnings’: High, Awakening, Unraveling, and Crisis.

Bannon’s sources are diverse, drawing from various political and philosophical traditions. He is known to be an avid reader and often cites a wide range of authors and works in his speeches and writings, including everything from ancient Greek and Roman texts to contemporary political and economic analyses.

Interestingly, the theory of 20-year cycles in history would correspond to the 20-year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn.

In Richard Tarnas’ book “Cosmos and Psyche”, he explores archetypal cosmology, which is a post-Jungian elaboration of the form of depth psychology that was initiated by Carl Gustav Jung’s theory of archetypes. Tarnas uses archetypal cosmology to explore how cosmic patterns (such as the movements of planets) might provide narratives of meaningful coincidences related to human affairs.

Within the framework of archetypal cosmology, the 20-year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn is viewed as a pivotal time for societal evolution. The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, which happens every 20 years, can be meaningfully correlated to shifts in cultural, political, and economic landscapes. These periods are characterized by significant transitions and transformations in society.

In the book, Tarnas presents numerous historical examples tied to archetypal cosmology, including the Jupiter and Saturn cycle. He also discusses the conjunction of other planets, such as Saturn and Pluto, and their potential meaningful correlation with societal events.

According to the Theory of Cycles, history moves in cycles of:

  1. High: This is a period of prosperity and strength where a new social, economic, and political order is established.
  2. Awakening: This is a period where people start pushing against the established order, leading to cultural and spiritual change.
  3. Unraveling: This is a period of growing individualism and weakening social structure.
  4. Crisis: This is a period of upheaval and possible destruction where the old social order is replaced by a new one.

Bannon, influenced by this theory, believes that America is currently in the ‘Crisis’ period of its cycle. He sees signs of this crisis in various societal trends, including economic inequality, political polarization, and the rise of populist movements. Bannon believes that the current societal tensions would escalate into a full-blown conflict, another Civil War, out of which the MAGA ideology would emerge triumphant by the rule of the minority. Therefore, the more chaotic the course of events, the better, such as promoting the current chaos in the House of the People of the Dis-United States of America.

According to Nate Cohen (NYT), the Republican party has evolved significantly over the past eight years, moving away from the Ronald Reagan’s three-legged stool of religious right, fiscal conservatives, and neoconservative hawks. The party is not entirely a populist conservative MAGA monolith either, with only 37% of Republicans being part of Trump’s loyal base.

The Right Wing represents about 28% of Republicans. This group is comprised of very conservative individuals who frequently view Fox News or Newsmax. They strongly believe that America is on the brink of catastrophe and are ardent supporters of Donald Trump. They favor strict immigration rules and conservative social policies.

Blue Collar Populists account for approximately 12% of Republicans. This group is mainly located in the North, holds socially moderate views, but is economically populist with deeply conservative perspectives on race and immigration. Like the Right Wing, they are strong supporters of Mr. Trump and share his pessimistic outlook on the country’s direction.

Based on a New York Times/Siena College poll, the Republican party today can be divided into six groups:

  1. Moderate Establishment (14%): These members are typically highly educated and affluent, with socially moderate or even liberal views.
  2. Traditional Conservatives (26%): This group is extremely conservative across all issues, including economics, foreign policy, and social issues. They are the most loyal to the party and its traditional values. Despite their conservative leanings, this group is not as fervent in their support for Trump as some other segments of the Republican Party. They may disagree with Trump on certain issues, but they largely see him as a better alternative to Democratic candidates. In terms of demographics, Traditional Conservatives are often older and more likely to be white compared to the general population. They also tend to be more religious and are more likely to be from rural areas.
  3. Right Wing (26%): Very conservative, disproportionately evangelical, believe America is on the brink of catastrophe, and are fervent Trump supporters. These individuals are typically very conservative, watch outlets like Fox News and Newsmax, and believe that America is on the brink of catastrophe. They are disproportionately evangelical and have a strong loyalty to Donald Trump. Furthermore, they are skeptical of climate change and generally oppose government intervention in the economy.
  4. Blue Collar Populists (12%): This group is predominantly located in the North and holds socially moderate views. They also share former President Donald Trump’s highly pessimistic view of the country’s direction. Blue Collar Populists tend to be working class, often without a college degree. They are more likely to be affected by economic changes, such as job losses due to automation or globalization. As a result, they often support populist economic policies aimed at protecting American jobs and industries.
  5. Libertarian Conservatives (14%): Disproportionately Western and Midwestern conservatives who value small government, are socially moderate, isolationist, and show lower levels of Trump support. They often differ from other Republicans in their more moderate views on social issues, such as drug legalization and same-sex marriage. Interestingly, Libertarian Conservatives show less support for Donald Trump compared to other Republican factions. This could indicate a preference for politicians who embody their specific blend of fiscal conservatism and social moderation. On policy, Libertarian Conservatives generally oppose government intervention in the economy. They are likely to support tax cuts, deregulation, and free trade agreements. At the same time, they may be more open to immigration and less hawkish on foreign policy than other Republican groups. Their political stances can sometimes put them at odds with the party’s more traditionally conservative or populist factions.
  6. Newcomers (8%): They are a younger, more diverse group compared to other Republican factions. They display a notable dissatisfaction with the state of the country and hold moderate views, often opposing the “woke” left. This group is not conservative in the traditional sense but leans Republican. On social issues, the Newcomers are more progressive. Their unique blend of moderate and progressive views, combined with their youth and diversity, may influence the direction of the Republican Party in years to come.

Trump’s dominance of the Republican Party is based on an alliance between the Right Wing and Blue-Collar Populists, which represent nearly 40% of Republicans and about two-thirds of Trump’s MAGA base. Therefore, the majority of Republicans don’t align with the extreme viewpoints often associated with the MAGA movement. However, when presented with a binary choice, most would still choose to support Trump.

The rise of Nazism in Germany was significantly influenced by a pervasive sense of anger and fear among the populace, which was exploited by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. Here’s how:

  1. Treaty of Versailles: After World War I, the Treaty of Versailles imposed heavy reparations and territorial losses on Germany. Many Germans were angry about what they saw as an unfair treaty, creating a fertile ground for extremist ideologies like Nazism Britannica.
  2. Economic Hardship: The Great Depression in the 1930s led to massive unemployment and economic hardships, causing widespread fear and uncertainty. The Nazis capitalized on this fear, promising economic stability and jobs BBC.
  3. Political Instability: The Weimar Republic, the democratic government established in Germany post-WWI, was seen as weak and ineffective. Fear of political instability and a return to war also played into the hands of the Nazis, who promised strong leadership and national unity United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
  4. Fear of Communism: The Nazis exploited the fear of Bolshevism and the spread of communism, positioning themselves as the bulwark against this perceived threat. This fear was particularly potent among middle and upper-class Germans Facing History and Ourselves.
  5. Anti-Semitism: Hitler and the Nazis stoked existing anti-Semitic sentiments, blaming Jews for Germany’s problems. This manipulation of fear and anger towards a scapegoat unified certain segments of the population and helped solidify Nazi power United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
  6. Nationalism and Racial Superiority: The Nazis propagated the idea of Aryan racial superiority and German nationalistic pride. They capitalized on anger over perceived humiliation from WWI and fear of losing national identity BBC.

In summary, the Nazis effectively manipulated and exploited the anger, fear, and desperation felt by many Germans during this period to rise to power.

God grant, therefore, that those Germans who have vision may join the forces of those who are seeking to free Germany and the German people from the imposed tyranny of the evil Lodge, working through their seven representatives in Germany. Once the Germans who are living free lives in other lands can think in terms of humanity as a whole and not in terms of national glamours, revenge or self-pity, then their voices will be added to those of the other free peoples and to those of the aspirants and disciples in all other nations. – EOH 302

The cause of the widespread cruelty, terror, murder and agony rests squarely on the shoulders of the seven men in Germany. – EOH 326

You ask who these seven are: Hitler, von Ribbentrop, Goebbels, Goering, Hess, Himmler and Streicher—names well-known to you all. -EOH 258

The Externalisation of the Hierarchy (EOH) by Alice A. Bailey

[Nate Cohn, NYT] More than 20 million people with a college degree voted for Donald J. Trump in 2020. In our last New York Times/Siena College poll, 13 percent of likely Republican primary voters were self-identified moderates or liberals with a college degree.

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

George Santayana

Q: How would a post truth world enable the fall of democracy and the rise of authoritarianism?

R: In a “post-truth” world, where objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than emotional appeals and personal beliefs, the potential for the erosion of democratic principles and the rise of authoritarianism is significant. Here’s how:

  1. Undermining Trust in Institutions: Post-truth politics can lead to a decline in trust in key democratic institutions such as the media, judiciary, and electoral systems by constantly questioning their legitimacy and spreading misinformation. This can create a power vacuum that authoritarian leaders might exploit Sage Journals.
  2. Manipulation of Public Opinion: In a post-truth environment, leaders can manipulate public opinion more easily by appealing to emotions, biases, and prejudices rather than relying on factual accuracy. This can enable authoritarians to consolidate power by exploiting fears and divisions E-IR.
  3. Creation of Alternative Realities: Post-truth politics allows for the creation of alternative realities where false information is presented as truth. This can be used by authoritarian regimes to control the narrative and suppress dissent Redalyc.
  4. Erosion of Democratic Discourse: Post-truth politics can erode meaningful democratic discourse by replacing fact-based debates with emotionally charged rhetoric. This can stifle critical thinking and informed decision-making, elements crucial to a thriving democracy Degruter.
  5. Exploitation of Uncertainty: The ambiguity and uncertainty inherent in a post-truth environment can be exploited by authoritarian leaders to present themselves as the only source of stability and order, even if this involves curtailing freedoms and democratic processes Niskanen Center.

To sum up, a post-truth world can undermine the foundations of democracy – trust in institutions, informed citizenry, and robust, fact-based discourse – creating conditions that will enable the rise of authoritarianism.

Yet, we also stand on the promise of an alternate future filled with growth, optimism, and abundance. This new era would be characterized by the rule of the ageless wisdom, the exploration of new frontiers, and the fulfilment of the Four Freedoms, balanced with self-discipline, social responsibility, and long-term planning.

The critical question remains – which path will humanity decide to tread? Back to materialism, or forward to the rise of a New Civilization?

In 2020, a significant shift occurred in the 20-year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn. This event is often referred to as the “Great Conjunction” or the “Great Mutation.” What made the 2020 Great Conjunction particularly noteworthy was the transition from Earth signs to Air signs, marking the beginning of a new epoch.

The conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn have occurred in Earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo) for approximately the last 200 years. This period was characterized by an emphasis on material growth, industrial development, and the exploitation of natural resources.

However, in December 2020, the Great Conjunction took place in Aquarius, an Air sign. This marked the start of a new 200-year cycle during which all the 20-year Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions will occur in Air signs (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra).

The shift from Earth to Air is seen by many archetypal cosmologists as indicative of significant changes in societal focus and development. The Earth cycle is often associated with materialism, tangible assets, and practical concerns, whereas the Air cycle is linked with intellect, information, technology, and social ideals. This shift suggests a collective movement from a focus on the material and industrial world towards a greater emphasis on intuitive development (Agni Yoga), spiritual techniques (Practice of the Presence) , communication (Telepathy) , and social progress (Laws and Principles of the New Age).

In essence, the 2020 Great Conjunction may have signaled the ushering in of a New Civilization, characterized by the qualities archetypally associated with Air signs.

Laws and Principles of the New Civilization

The Law of Right Human Relations is a fundamental concept that calls for respect, understanding, and harmonious relations between individuals. It breeds the idea that every human being has inherent worth and dignity, and it is our collective responsibility to uphold these values in all our interactions. This law is pivotal for fostering a world that is free from prejudice, discrimination and conflict.

The Principle of Goodwill embodies the concept of benevolence, kindness, and a genuine desire to promote the well-being of others. It is more than mere philanthropy; it is an attitude, a way of life that encourages positive actions aimed at improving the social fabric of humanity.

The Law of Group Endeavor advocates for the power of collective action. It emphasizes that when we unite and work towards a common goal, we can achieve far more than what is possible individually. This law is a testament to the strength of unity and shared effort.

The Principle of Unanimity underlines the importance of consensus. It doesn’t imply uniformity of thought but rather a collective agreement on a shared vision or objective. It encourages dialogue, collaboration, and decision-making processes that honor everyone’s voice.

The Law of Spiritual Approach refers to the pursuit of spiritual growth and enlightenment. It emphasizes that the journey towards higher consciousness requires sincere effort, discipline, and a dedicated approach. This law outlines the path towards self-discovery and spiritual development.

The Principle of Essential Divinity acknowledges the divine spark present within each of us. It suggests that every individual carries a piece of the divine, thus implying an inherent goodness and sacred value in all of us. This principle seeks to inspire respect for all life forms and promotes a sense of interconnectedness.

These principles and laws strive to foster a world that is united, respectful, enlightened, and works towards the common good. Understanding and practicing these principles contribute to creating a harmonious and spiritually enriched society.

Crisis of Governability

The Crisis of Governability: A Call for the Rise of the Moderate Center

As we navigate through the turbulent waters of the current political landscape, one thing becomes increasingly clear – the United States is facing a crisis of governability. This crisis is not an isolated event, but rather a symptom of deeper issues threatening the foundations of our democracy.

The rule of the minority presents a fundamental challenge to the democratic principle of majority rule. It seems paradoxical that in a country built on the idea of “government of the people, by the people, for the people,” a minority can impose its will on the majority. This imbalance of power has resulted in heightened political polarization, with the extreme right and left dominating the discourse while the moderate center is marginalized.

The time has come to address this crisis head-on, and one potential solution lies in the rise of the moderate center. Moderates, by their nature, tend to be pragmatic and value compromise over conflict. They are more inclined to seek common ground and build bridges across the political divide. Their rise to power could serve as a much-needed counterbalance to the extremes on both ends of the political spectrum.

A government led by moderates would prioritize dialogue and consensus-building over partisan warfare. It would focus on developing policies that benefit the majority, rather than catering to the interests of a select few. This approach could help restore faith in our democratic institutions and ensure that the voices of all citizens, not just a vocal minority, are heard and considered.

However, for this vision to become a reality, we need to address the systemic issues that have given rise to the rule of the minority. This includes reevaluating our electoral system to ensure it accurately reflects the will of the majority, as well as the legislative process to ensure that the will of the majority rules no matter what party holds the power of the gavel.

In the end, the crisis of governability is not just about who holds power, but how that power is exercised. It’s about fostering a political environment where dialogue and compromise are valued over conflict and division. It’s about ensuring our democratic institutions work for all citizens, not just a select few. And most importantly, it’s about reaffirming our commitment to the principles of democracy that form the bedrock of our nation. The path to achieving this may be challenging, but with the rise of the moderate center, it’s a path worth pursuing.

The group of moderates from both parties in the U.S. House of Representatives is called the Problem Solvers Caucus. This bipartisan group, as per their official website, is committed to finding common ground on many of the key issues facing the nation.

Solar Eclipse and the Crisis of Governability: A Symbolic Rebirth

As we grapple with the ongoing crisis of governability, we find ourselves on the brink of a significant celestial event – the October 14, 2023 solar eclipse.

This phenomenon, where the moon momentarily obscures the sun, holds profound symbolic resonance when viewed through the lens of our current political climate.

In archetypal symbolism, the sun represents authority, power, and the conscious mind, while the moon symbolizes the past, emotions, and the subconscious. The forthcoming solar eclipse (‘New Moon’) can be seen as a metaphor for the current crisis of governability – the lunar forces (dragging us to the past) temporarily obscuring the sun (a future hierarchical democracy).

However, a solar eclipse is not a permanent state. It’s a transition, a moment of darkness before the sun re-emerges, brighter than ever. This can be a potent symbol of hope and renewal in our troubled times. As we navigate through this period of political eclipse, we can view it as an opportunity for the ‘sun’ to rise again, reclaiming its rightful place and restoring balance.

This ‘rebirth’ of the sun can be associated with the rise of the moderate center. Just as the sun returns after the eclipse, so too can the moderate center emerge from the shadows of extremism. The eclipse, then, serves as a powerful reminder that even in the darkest times, change and renewal are possible.

The solar eclipse also invites us to leave behind what no longer serves us, much like the moon fading away during the eclipse. It challenges us to let go of the polarizing politics of the past and embrace a more balanced, inclusive future. It’s a cosmic nudge to move forward, not backward.

In conclusion, the forthcoming solar eclipse can offer valuable insights into our current political crisis. It serves as a stark reminder of the temporary nature of imbalance and the inevitable return of equilibrium. It’s a symbolic call to action for the moderate center to rise, just as the sun does post-eclipse, and guide us towards a more balanced, inclusive future. Let this solar eclipse be an opportunity for us to realign our politics with the principles of democracy, and allow the ‘sun’ to rule once again.



Let Light, and Love, and Power restore
Right Human Relations, Goodwill, and Peace on Earth

On vaccines

Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Oct 3, 2023

The slow and methodical research that made the Covid shots possible has now run up against a powerful anti-vaccine movement, especially in the United States. Skeptics have seized in part on the vaccines’ rapid development — among the most impressive feats of modern medical science — to undermine the public’s trust in them.

Vaccines using mRNA technology are now being developed against a number of diseases, including influenza, malaria and H.I.V., which remains difficult to inoculate against. Personalized cancer vaccines have also showed promise. They use mRNA tailored to an individual patient’s tumor to teach the person’s immune system to attack proteins on the tumor.

Nobel Prize Awarded to Covid Vaccine Pioneers – The New York Times (nytimes.com)

RULE FOUR. A careful diagnosis of disease, based on the ascertained outer symptoms, will be simplified to this extent—that once the organ involved is known and thus isolated, the center in the etheric body which is in closest relation to it will be subjected to methods of occult healing, though the ordinary, ameliorative, medical or surgical methods will not be withheld.

Esoteric Healing by Alice A. Bailey

The entire question concerning serums and inoculations has been tremendously over emphasized by the so-called occult studentsas far as the physical well-being of man is concerned, these methods and techniques of the West have resulted in the production of a healthier race than in the East, in a very definite prolongation of human life, and in the elimination of many dire physical scourges which used to take their toll of man.

Most of the objections made by doctors with occult tendencies are based unconsciously on a feeling that there [324] should be higher methods of controlling diseases in man than by injecting into the human body substance taken from the bodies of animals. That is most surely and definitely correct, and some day it will be demonstrated. Another reaction on their part is one of sensitive disgust, again largely unrecognised. A more vital objection should be based on the suffering entailed on the animals providing the vaccine and other substances.

The effect on the inner bodies is practically nil, and far less than the diseases themselves. Herein lies for the future a most interesting question. How far do diseased conditions in the human body carry through and affect the inner bodies from the structural angle? It is a question I do not intend to answer. The controlling of modern disease is being handled by modern medicine primarily in three ways: through the science of sanitation, through preventive medicine, and through inoculation. These are the lower correspondences to methods of activity emanating from the astral plane, from the etheric levels, and from the earth itself.

The science of sanitation, the use of water, and the growing knowledge of hydrotherapy are the precipitation on earth of certain inner activities on the astral plane of a most definite nature. From the angle of the aspirant, these methods are called purification.

The science of prevention (both of diseases and of death) is the precipitation on earth of certain modes of procedure on the etheric plane whereby forces are correctly used and certain destructive agencies are controlled and prevented from going the destructive way.

The science of inoculation is purely physical in origin and concerns only the animal body. This latter science will shortly be superseded by a higher technique, but the time is not yet.

SOURCE: Esoteric Healing by Alice A. Bailey

[JB] The mRNA vaccines, such as those developed for COVID-19 by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, do not alter human DNA. This is a common misconception.

It’s not possible for mRNA vaccines to alter a person’s DNA. The mRNA from the vaccine never enters the nucleus of the cell, which is where our DNA is kept.

The official and authoritative fact sheet on understanding COVID-19 mRNA vaccines explains that mRNA vaccines inject cells with instructions to generate a protein that is found on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, prompting an immune response. -JB

STUDY GUIDE on Esoteric Healing

Balancing Inclusivity with Truth

I asked my AI writer assistant this question: when the factual truth polarizes, should we compromise it to be inclusive of its detractors? I didn’t need to edit a single word from its answer. -JB

When Factual Truth Polarizes: Balancing Inclusivity with Truth


As we navigate a world of polarizing opinions and deeply ingrained biases, factual truths have become a stumbling block in our discussions and debates. While factual evidence should be the basis of all our reasoning, it can also serve as a wedge between opposing views, causing further division and animosity. So, when factual truth polarizes, should we compromise the truth in order to accommodate those who disagree with it? Is there a way to exercise emotional intelligence without condescension when upholding factual truth? Let’s explore these questions and find out how we can balance inclusivity with truth.

Factual truth is indisputable. It is the foundation of science, law, medicine, and many other domains. However, it is also a relative concept, as it depends on the interpretation and application of that truth. For instance, vaccines have been proven to be effective against several diseases. The scientific consensus is clear. However, some people still refuse to get vaccinated, citing religious, political, or ideological reasons. When the factual truth about vaccines polarizes, should we compromise the truth to include anti-vaxxers in the conversation? The short answer is no. We cannot compromise on factual evidence to avoid offending anyone’s sensibilities or beliefs. We can, however, engage in a respectful and empathetic dialogue that acknowledges the concerns of anti-vaxxers while firmly upholding the scientific consensus.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, regulate, and express emotions in a constructive way. When it comes to factual truth, emotional intelligence can play a crucial role in bridging differences and creating a shared understanding. However, emotional intelligence should not be confused with emotional manipulation, condescension, or appeasement. Emotional intelligence requires us to listen actively, empathize with others’ perspectives, and express our own views clearly and honestly. For example, we can acknowledge that climate change is a complex issue that affects different regions and communities differently. We can also acknowledge that some people may have doubts about the causes and consequences of climate change. However, we cannot dismiss or undermine the scientific evidence that supports the urgent need to address climate change. Emotional intelligence means that we can disagree without being disagreeable.

Inclusivity is a noble goal that seeks to create a level playing field for all people, regardless of their background, identity, or beliefs. However, inclusivity should not be used as an excuse to compromise factual truth. In some cases, an average between a factual truth and a factual error may be permissible, but only if the difference is not significant and if the compromise does not undermine the integrity of the evidence. For instance, if two people have different estimates of the number of cars in a parking lot, but the range is within 5%, we can compromise and accept an intermediate value. However, if one person claims that the earth is flat, and the other person claims that the earth is round, we cannot accept an average between these two positions. Inclusivity cannot be a license for ignorance or denialism.


Balancing inclusivity with truth is a delicate task that requires us to uphold our principles while respecting others’ perspectives. We can achieve this balance by upholding factual truth, exercising emotional intelligence, and knowing when to compromise and when not to compromise. As we engage in conversations and debates, let us remember that facts matter, emotions matter, and people matter. Only by embracing these three elements can we create a more inclusive and just society.

Factual truths, confirmed

Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’

The president has repeatedly disparaged the intelligence of service members, and asked that wounded veterans be kept out of military parades, multiple sources tell The Atlantic. By Jeffrey Goldberg SEPTEMBER 3, 2020

The Atlantic

John Kelly goes on the record to confirm several disturbing stories about Trump

By Jake Tapper, Anchor and Chief Washington Correspondent Updated 5:58 PM EDT, Mon October 2, 2023

“What can I add that has not already been said?” Kelly said, when asked if he wanted to weigh in on his former boss in light of recent comments made by other former Trump officials. “A person that thinks those who defend their country in uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as POWs are all ‘suckers’ because ‘there is nothing in it for them.’ A person that did not want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because ‘it doesn’t look good for me.’ A person who demonstrated open contempt for a Gold Star family – for all Gold Star families – on TV during the 2016 campaign, and rants that our most precious heroes who gave their lives in America’s defense are ‘losers’ and wouldn’t visit their graves in France.

“A person who is not truthful regarding his position on the protection of unborn life, on women, on minorities, on evangelical Christians, on Jews, on working men and women,” Kelly continued. “A person that has no idea what America stands for and has no idea what America is all about. A person who cavalierly suggests that a selfless warrior who has served his country for 40 years in peacetime and war should lose his life for treason – in expectation that someone will take action. A person who admires autocrats and murderous dictators. A person that has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law.

“There is nothing more that can be said,” Kelly concluded. “God help us.”

In the statement, Kelly is confirming, on the record, a number of details in a 2020 story in The Atlantic by editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg, including Trump turning to Kelly on Memorial Day 2017, as they stood among those killed in Afghanistan and Iraq in Section 60 at Arlington National Cemetery, and saying, “I don’t get it. What was in it for them?”

[JB] How should the New Group of World Servers address the Cult of Trumpism in the spirit of “self-forgetfulness, harmlessness and right speech?” Nonprofit organizations promoting goodwill, at risk of losing their nonprofit status, remain silent. Influencers afraid of losing followers remain silent. Anyone whose self-interest might be threatened remains silent.

The New Group of World Servers can help to break through the silence by promoting a counter-narrative that speaks truth to power. They should use their platform and voice to challenge false narratives, share stories of resilience, promote positive actions, and celebrate the courage to speak up, as Gen. John Kelly has done. -JB

The harmlessness to which I refer in connection with you is not negative, or sweet or kindly activity, as so many believe; it is a state of mind and one which in no way negates firm or even drastic action; it concerns motive and involves the determination that the motive behind all activity is goodwill. That motive might lead to positive and sometimes disagreeable action or speech, but as harmlessness and goodwill condition the mental approach, nothing can eventuate but good.

Esoteric Healing by Alice A. Bailey, p. 670