An Open Letter to Mr. Biden
A defeated sitting president welcomed an impostor to the White House. Yes, I understand the protocol. Elections are a game and the winner deserves the courtesy of a concession.
However, this doesn’t mean that you should welcome a convicted felon who has lied his way in and who has pledged to destroy the government, to defy the rule of law and to disregard the US Constitution. When the Kremlin rejoices at his nominee to lead the US intelligence community, a sitting president can’t welcome an administration compromised by foreign influences.
To welcome Mr. Turmp to the White House, you should require him to acknowledge his defeat in the 2020 presidential election. Secondly, he should pledge loyalty to the US Constitution and the rule of law. Thirdly, he should commit to an orderly transition in line with the Presidential Transition Act of 1963 and its amendments.
It is inconceivable that Mr. Trump was deemed a threat to our democracy and national security until November 5, 2024, and that this threat suddenly vanished the following day. If this threat was merely political campaign rhetoric, then we were blatantly deceived, and the losing party deserved their defeat. However, I do not believe it was mere political rhetoric.
American democracy is facing an existential crisis. A Hitler admirer has been elected president and he has vowed to rule as a dictator and to wield the power of his office to persecute political enemies and the press. The transition of power should NOT be smooth but rather staged as an act of resistance against a hostile takeover while procuring a peaceful transfer of power. This is not a game, Mr. President, and, while we must play by the rules, we must not concede moral defeat to a corrupt victor.
Foreign Interference with the 2024 US Presidential Election
Another unwelcome presence in the White House is Mr. Netanyahu’s genocidal agenda in Gaza. If the Blue Wall—referring to the Electoral College votes in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania—had held, you would be welcoming Kamala Harris to the White House, regardless of the presidential election’s results in the rest of the country. Your implicit complicity with Netanyahu’s agenda, the Zionist “Occupation of the American Mind,” coupled with your failure to enforce the Arms Export Control Act and the Foreign Assistance Act, effectively silenced the vital voices of Palestinian-Americans living in the Blue Wall states. Is there any doubt in anyone’s mind about Netanyahu’s preference for the next occupant of the White House?
U.S. law does impose restrictions on the sale of arms to countries that do not abide by international treaties of warfare. The primary legal framework governing this is the Arms Export Control Act (AECA). Under the AECA, the U.S. government regulates the export of defense articles and services to ensure they are consistent with U.S. foreign policy and national security interests.
The AECA, along with the Foreign Assistance Act, allows the U.S. to restrict or prohibit arms sales to countries that are not in compliance with international law, including treaties related to warfare and human rights. Additionally, the Leahy Laws prohibit the U.S. from providing military assistance to foreign military units that are credibly reported to have committed gross violations of human rights.
These laws are designed to ensure that U.S. arms sales do not contribute to human rights abuses or violations of international humanitarian law. The U.S. government, through the Department of State and other agencies, assesses compliance with these laws when considering arms sales to foreign countries.
So, Mr. President, WHY welcome Mr. Trump?
Cutting off your nose
to spite your face

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