The Rhythm of Creation

Talking points:

  • The New Group of World Servers operates in a three-year cycle, consisting of Consolidation, Expansion, and Impact on Public Awareness.
  • Consolidation serves both as the harvest of the previous cycle and the seed for the next.
  • Expansion is a period of tension that precedes an Impact on Public Awareness.
  • The spiritual year begins in May and this pattern follows as: Consolidation (2023), Expansion (2024), and Impact (2025).

The Three-Year Cycle of the New Group of World Servers: A Path to Spiritual Growth and Enlightenment

The New Group of World Servers (NGWS) is a spiritual organism — not an organization — that believes in the power of collective efforts towards achieving spiritual growth and enlightenment. Since its inception, the group’s diverse service activities have been following a distinct three-year cycle consisting of Consolidation, Expansion, and Impact on Public Awareness. The cycle helps many Units of Service within the NGWS to focus on their aims, bringing in a sense of order and direction, and ensuring success in their mission. In this blog, we will take an in-depth look into each year’s stage and understand how the cycle works.

I. Consolidation (2023)

The Consolidation period serves as a harvest for the previous cycle, where members of the respective Units of Service reflect on their achievements and goals. It is a phase of introspection, where the group looks back at its accomplishments and learns from its experiences. The Consolidation year also lays the groundwork for the forthcoming years, as it serves as the seed for the next cycle. During this year, the group focuses on developing a strong internal network, maintaining established relationships, and aligning its priorities with its vision.

II. Expansion (2024)

The second year of the cycle is Expansion, where tension builds up before the actual impact on public awareness. During this period, the group focuses on expanding its reach and influence. It is an exciting yet challenging phase, as it demands the members’ ability to adapt to changes and new challenges. The Expansion year also highlights the importance of creating collaborations and partnerships to achieve the common goal of creating a positive impact on society.

III. Impact (2025)

The third and final year of the cycle is Impact, where each Unit of Service within the NGWS reaches out to the public and creates awareness of its cause. It is a time when the group’s efforts bear fruit, and the public recognizes its message and contribution to society. The Impact year is crucial, as it determines the success of the NGWS’s continuous efforts towards spiritual growth and enlightenment. During this year, the group actively engages with the public, shares its experiences, and creates a legacy that inspires and empowers future generations.


The New Group of World Servers’ three-year cycle is an effective strategy that helps the Units of Service achieve their goals. It brings in a sense of order and direction to the group’s efforts and ensures that it remains focused on its mission. Consolidation, Expansion, and Impact are crucial stages that create a sense of continuity and contribute to the group’s growth and success. The cycle promotes the importance of reflection, self-evaluation, and collaboration while highlighting the need for public engagement and awareness. The New Group of World Servers’ three-year cycle is a path towards spiritual growth, enlightenment, and creating a positive impact on society.


#1: The New Group of World Servers is a remarkable group of individuals who work tirelessly to bring about positive change in the world. Operating on a three-year cycle, their efforts are divided into three distinct phases: Consolidation, Expansion, and Impact on Public Awareness. Through their dedication and hard work, the New Group of World Servers is making a real difference in the world and paving the way for a brighter future.

#2: As we move through life, we go through cycles of growth and change. Consolidation signals the end of one cycle and the beginning of the next. It’s a time to take stock of what we’ve accomplished and what we still need to work on. Consolidation is not just an opportunity to reflect on the past, but also a chance to prepare for the future. By consolidating our gains, we can build a solid foundation for the next phase of our lives. Like planting a seed, consolidation lays the groundwork for new growth and opportunities. It’s an exciting time full of possibilities and promise. So let’s embrace the 2023 consolidation phase and use it to set ourselves up for success in the future.

#3: Change is inevitable, and expansion is a period of change that precedes an impact on public awareness. It can be a tumultuous time filled with tension as we push beyond our current boundaries and venture into unknown territory. However, it is through this growth and expansion that we are able to reach new heights and connect with a wider audience. Whether it be a service activity reaching new markets or a social movement gaining momentum, expansion is a necessary step towards achieving greater impact. As we navigate through this period of change next year (2024), it is important to remain adaptable and open-minded, so that we may continue to grow and evolve as both individuals and a society.

#4: As we approach the start of each spiritual year in May, it’s important to recognize the transformative journey that lies ahead. This year of 2023 marks a time of consolidation, where we’ll take stock of our spiritual growth and build upon our foundation. The following year, as we enter into the expansion phase of 2024, we’ll stretch ourselves beyond our comfort zones and reach for new heights. Finally, in 2025, we’ll reach the impact phase where our spiritual growth will have a tangible effect on the world around us. This pattern teaches us that change doesn’t happen overnight, but rather, through dedication and consistency over time. Let’s embrace this 2023 spiritual year with open arms and open hearts, as we rebuild our lighted house of service as the Summer in the Northern hemisphere begins.

The Rhythm of Creation

The end is just the beginning

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