The Liberation of Atomic Energy and the Fourth Initiation – Part 2

The impact of nuclear fission on scientific and technological advancements is undeniable, while the destruction of the causal body holds profound implications for the spiritual liberation and transcendence of humanity. ln this second part (see first part here), we will delve into nature of the causal body and its dissolution in the evolutionary process of spiritual initiation.

Initiation is a universal process experienced by all Kingdoms of Nature, including the mineral realm. Whether in the human or mineral Kingdom, the initiation leads to the emergence of radiation, encompassing both spiritual and material aspects. While we are well-aware of the harmful effects of material radioactive radiation, the Ageless Wisdom suggests the possibility of discovering safe methods to harness nuclear energy for the betterment of humanity.

What if, instead of bombarding the nucleus with neutrons or inducing nuclear fission through intense thermodynamic pressure, we explore the possibility of utilizing SOUND to stimulate the intrinsic essence of atoms within the mineral realm? Similar to how the planetary spiritual Hierarchy leverages this technique to unleash the energy of Life within the human Kingdom.

This series of essays and quotes will continue exploring the profound implications of these ideas.

Transmutation concerns the life of the atom, and is hidden in a knowledge of the laws governing radioactivity. It is interesting to note how in the scientific expression ‘radioactivity,’ we have the eastern conception of Vishnu-Brahma, or the Rays of Light vibrating through matter. Hence the usually accepted interpretation of the term ‘atom’ must be extended from that of the atom of chemistry to include: … the causal body of man on its own plane …

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The Atomic Age and the Destruction of the Causal Body at the Fourth Initiation

The Causal Body

The Chalice

The causal body is an individual’s “soul body” or vehicle of the soul on the higher mental plane prior to the fourth initiation. It’s considered the storehouse of all our spiritual wisdom and experiences gained over numerous incarnations by means of “permanent atoms.”

The Atom

The permanent atoms are points of consciousness that pass from one life to another within the causal body.

Three permanent atoms (out of the six connected with the human evolution) store the essence of the experiences of the physical, emotional, and mental bodies across different incarnations.

The spirillae are vibratory ‘strands’ comprising the permanent atoms, akin to the string theory of modern quantum physics. Each spirilla is believed to be related to a specific plane of consciousness or a specific type of vibration or energy.

Summary of some facts about spirillae and the permanent atoms

The permanent atoms are spheroidal and slightly flattened at the top and under surface. The arrangement of spirillae within permanent atoms varies on each plane. The astral permanent atom’s spirals approach a heart shape but eliminate the pointed end. The buddhic permanent atom’s spirillae form a figure eight with a central stream bisecting the double spiral.

There are six permanent atoms connected with human evolution. The lower three permanent atoms of man show a septenary arrangement of force streams, while the higher three contain only three spirillae. The permanent atoms of men are on the atomic sub-plane of each plane, except for the mental unit. Those of animal and vegetable groups are on the second and third subplanes respectively, while those of mineral groups are on the fourth sub-plane.

Adapted from A Treatise on Cosmic Fire by Alice A. Bailey, pp. 531-32.

The idea is that as a person evolves spiritually, more and more of these spirillae are activated, allowing the person to interact with higher planes of existence and subtler forms of energy.

In Alice Bailey’s theosophical teachings, the causal body is also depicted as a “lotus of twelve petals,” divided into tiers of petals: the Knowledge (outer) tier, the Love (middle) tier, and the Sacrifice (inner) tier. Each tier contains three petals. An innermost tier, the Jewel in the Lotus, also threefold, synthesizes these three, veiling a fire of pure livingness, the Monad, the energy of Life itself.

Each petal of the causal body corresponds to a certain aspect of consciousness or spiritual development. As the individual evolves, the petals unfold one by one, starting from the outer tier and moving inward. However, the order of this process of unfolding — often described as the “awakening” or “activation” of the petals — is not uniform, differing according to the individual psychological constitution.

Relationship between Petals and Spirillae:

The unfolding of the petals of the causal body and the activation of the spirillae of the permanent atoms are interconnected processes. As the petals of the causal body unfold (representing spiritual awakening and growth), the spirillae within the permanent atoms also become activated, channeling higher forms of spiritual energy into our consciousness.

It’s like a flower blooming: as the petals (spiritual abilities) open, the pathways (spirillae) for nourishment (spiritual energy) also open, allowing the flower (the individual) to grow and thrive.

The fully evolved causal body may be considered as a faithful, albeit temporary, replication of the absolute equilibrium of the human Monad.

The Monadic plane (second from above in the diagram) represents the unified essence from which all aspects of our existence emerge, forming a sublime harmony that intricately weaves the tapestry of our spiritual journey.

The cuboctahedron is a geometric figure with 12 vertices, where three faces meet at each vertex. It belongs to the class of polyhedra known as Archimedean solids, and may serve as a blueprint of the causal body.

The cuboctahedron
(B. Fuller’s “jitterbug”) 

The cuboctahedron is unique in that it has equal edge lengths and face areas for all its faces, making it a highly symmetrical structure. This shape is also known as a vector equilibrium due to the equal length of its edges from its center.

It’s often associated with the work of R. Buckminster Fuller, who saw the cuboctahedron as a key structural form in his synergetic geometry. In Fuller’s view, the cuboctahedron represents an idealized model of balanced energy flow in systems, which he described as the “geometry of thinking”.

Interestingly, the “Egg of Life”, a structure comprising eight spheres with each one touching the other, can be visualized as the vertices or corner points of a Vector Equilibrium or a Cuboctahedron. This geometric figure, the Vector Equilibrium or Cuboctahedron, is a solid shape with 8 triangular faces and 6 square faces. The central sphere of the Egg of Life corresponds to the center of this geometric figure.

On the other hand, the “Fruit of Life,” another sacred geometry figure that consists of 13 circles, can be envisioned as the vertices of a larger Vector Equilibrium. This is essentially a fractal growth of the Egg of Life, where the size of the edges is doubled. In other words, the Fruit of Life expands on the structure of the Egg of Life by increasing the edge size, resulting in a larger, more complex geometric figure. This illustrates the fundamental principle of fractals, where a simple pattern repeats and scales to create intricate structures.

The most fundamental aspect of the Vector Equilibrium to understand is that, being a geometry of absolute equilibrium wherein all fluctuation (and therefore differential) ceases, it is conceptually the geometry of what we call the zero-point or Unified Field — also called the “vacuum” of space. In order for anything to become manifest in the universe, both physically (energy) and metaphysically (consciousness), it requires a fluctuation in the Unified Field, the result of which fluctuation and differential manifests as the Quantum and Spacetime fields that are observable and measurable. Prior to this fluctuation, though, the Unified Field exists as pure potential, and according to contemporary theory in physics it contains an infinite amount of energy (and in cosmometry, as well as spiritual philosophies, an infinite creative potential of consciousness).

The Primary Pattern of Balanced Energy Flow
around the Cuboctahedron is the Torus

The Vector Equilibrium (VE) is the most basic symmetry of the Isotropic Vector Matrix (IVM), and is essentially the focal point of all manifest energy events, be they protons, electrons, crystals, planets, stars, galaxies… This is because every one of these events is the result of an impulse that introduces tension/pressure dynamics (differentials) which collapse the zero-point IVM/VE cosmometry into a discrete phenomenon with its own unique focal point – the center around which it exists. This center point is the center of the VE. It is the “singularity” that connects the entity to the Unified Field in its zero-phase. Everything is always connected to the Unified Field in its zero-phase, and in this way, everything is always connected to the center of everything else.

When energy becomes manifest (collapses out of IVM zero-point equilibrium) it immediately sets up a polarized dynamic, creating the fundamental form of energetic flow called the Torus. Everything, from atomic “particles” to electromagnetic fields, to weather patterns, to trees, to us, to ecosystems, to planets, to stars and galaxies, is toroidal in nature. The Universe is a seamlessly embedded fractalization of torus energy flow.

The system of petals is probably a higher-dimensional construct of energy flow within the causal body. In four dimensions, a cuboctahedron can be extended to form a cuboctahedral prism or tesseractated cuboctahedron. This geometric shape is formed by taking two cuboctahedra and connecting corresponding vertices. The result is a four-dimensional shape that has cuboctahedra as its ‘bases’ and cuboids (3D rectangles) as its ‘sides’. This is analogous to how a square can be extended into the third dimension to form a cube, with squares as its ‘bases’ and squares as its ‘sides,’ as in a Temple.

The Temple of Solomon

The construction of the tabernacle, or the building of the temporary forms is the work of the Divine Carpenter, whilst the building of the Temple of Solomon, or the construction of the more permanent structure is the work of the Supervising Architect. One concerns operative, and the other speculative Masonry in the true esoteric significance of the word.

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire by Alice A. Bailey , p. 934

The architecture of the Temple of Solomon, also known as Solomon’s Temple, is said to hark back ultimately to the megaron-style building of southeastern Europe, Thessaly, and Anatolia in the third millennium BCE..

A typical megaron consists of a large rectangular room entered through a porch area with columns or pillars, often with an open hearth or fireplace situated centrally in the main room, which was vented through an oculus, or hole, in the roof directly above. This central hearth was used for heating and cooking.

The walls were often decorated with frescoes or other types of wall paintings. The megaron was usually part of a larger palace complex and was the main hall or throne room of the palace.

According to the Bible, the Temple was built on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem, where an angel of God had appeared to David. It was a rectangular structure surrounded by open courtyards. The architectural layout comprised of several key areas: the Porch, the Holy Place, the Holy of Holies, and side chambers.

The Temple was 60 cubits long, 20 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high, and it faced east. Before the Temple stood a porch that was 20 cubits in length. [A cubit is an ancient unit of length that was typically based on the length of the forearm from the tip of the middle finger to the bottom of the elbow. The exact length of the cubit used in different civilizations varied, but it was typically around 18 inches or approximately 45 centimeters. For instance, the Egyptian royal cubit measured about 20.6 inches (52.3 cm) while the common cubit was a bit shorter at 17.6 inches (44.7 cm).] Inside, there was an inner sanctum, a forehall with two grand columns of bronze, and between these spaces, a partition.

The Temple took seven years to complete and was built of stone and cedar, carved within and overlaid with pure gold. When it was finished, Solomon dedicated the Temple.

Though the “shattering of the Temple of Solomon” takes place at the time of the fourth initiation, those qualities of which it was composed have been absorbed into the vehicles which the initiate is using for all His contacts in the three worlds. He is now essentially the essence of all His bodies

Esoteric Healing by Alice A. Bailey, p. 689

As permanent atoms become radioactive, vibrations in the center increase. Permanent atoms concern: i) spiritual energies on or above the higher mental, and ii) material forces on the lower mental, astral, and physical planes.

The soul which has for ages directed the various and varying personalities is no longer in existence; the causal body has disappeared, shattered at the moment when the initiate (at the fourth initiation) cries out and says: “My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?” The Temple of Solomon, the spiritual temple “not made with hands, eternal in the Heavens,” is no longer required; it has served its ancient purpose, and that which has been deemed eternal must disappear in the light of [Page 280] THAT to which eternity is only a phase of that which shall later be revealed. All that now remains for the initiate are the two points of living purpose to which we give the names of spirit-matter or life-appearance. The lesson ahead of the initiate is to realize the inner meaning (not the obvious and easily grasped meaning) that spirit is matter at its highest point, and matter is spirit at its lowest. This involves the free interplay of life-energy, consciously applied as the result of age-long processes, and matter-force, via the antahkarana. The “rainbow bridge” becomes a channel for the impact of monadic or life energy upon substance, so that substance, taking form under the cyclic intention of the planetary Logos, may become increasingly colored or qualified by the energy of universality. You can see from the above somewhat involved sentences how inadequate is language to express the understanding and the intention of the Hierarchy.

The Rays and the Initiations by Alice A. Bailey

The causal body has been seen as a wheel of fire, containing within its periphery three focal points of energy, the permanent atoms. They are analogous, as earlier pointed out, to the seventh principle of each of the three aspects—will or power, love-wisdom, and active intelligence. [Page 545] Each of these focal points has its own internal economy, as seen in the spirillae, which are essentially streams of force, responding to stimulation and vibration, aroused within and without their limiting ring-pass-not. The internal life of the permanent atom, and that which animates and produces its activity, is the life of the third aspect; the force playing upon it and through it is the life of the second aspect. As evolution proceeds the intensity of the life forces from within and those which affect it from without, grows gradually stronger and stronger, and the light of the permanent atoms increases, the petals of the lotus unfold, and the spokes of the radiatory fire come into action. Bear in mind here, that the permanent atoms are concerned with the substance aspect of Existence or Becoming, while the petals of the lotus, or the fiery spokes of the wheel, deal specifically with the psychical aspect, or the development of consciousness; the central nucleus, or the three inner petals, embodies the aspect of pure Spirit.

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire by Alice A. Bailey

The causal body is then (expressed in terms of fire) a blazing center of heat, radiating to its group warmth and vitality. Within the periphery of the egoic wheel can be seen the nine spokes rotating with intense rapidity and—after the third Initiation—becoming fourth dimensional, or the wheels “turn upon” themselves. (Bible. Ezekiel, 1:15:21) In the midst forming a certain geometrical triangle (differing according to the ray of the Monad) can be seen three points of fire, or the permanent atoms and the mental unit, in all their glory; at the centre can be seen a central blaze of glory growing in intensity as the three inner petals respond to the stimulation.

When the fire of matter, of “fire by friction,” becomes sufficiently intense; when the fire of mind of solar fire (which vitalizes the nine petals) becomes equally fierce, and when the electric spark at the innermost centre blazes out and can be seen, the [Page 543] entire causal body becomes radioactive. Then the fires of substance (the vitality of the permanent atoms) escape from the atomic spheres, and add their quota to the great sphere in which they are contained; the fire of mind blends with its emanating source, and the central life escapes. This is the great liberation. The man, in terms of human endeavor, has achieved his goal. He has passed through the three Halls and in each has transferred that which he gained therein to the content of his consciousness; he has in ordered sequence developed and opened the petals of the lotus—first opening the lower three, which involves a process covering a vast period of time. Then the second series of petals are opened, during a period of time covering his participation intelligently in world affairs until he enters the spiritual kingdom at the first Initiation; and a final and briefer period wherein the three higher or inner ring of petals are developed and opened.

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire by Alice A. Bailey

Through the application of the Rod of Initiation, the work of separating the spiritual self from the higher self is furthered, and the imprisoned life gradually escapes, whilst the causal body is slowly absorbed or dissipated.

This has led to the expression, sometimes used in occult books, of “the cracking of the causal body” at each initiation, and to the idea of the inner central fire gradually breaking through and destroying the confining walls, and also of the destruction of the Temple of Solomon through the withdrawal of the Shekinah. All these phrases are symbolic wordings, and are attempts to convey to the mind of man fundamental truth from different angles. 137

Regard the egoic body as a center of force, a wheel of energy, or a lotus, and picture it as a lotus with nine petals, hiding within these petals a central unit of three petals; these in their turn secrete the central life, or the “jewel in the lotus.” As evolution proceeds, these three circles of three petals gradually unfold, having a simultaneous effect on one or [Page 138] other of the central three. These three circles are called respectively the petals of Sacrifice, Love, and Knowledge. At initiation the Rod is applied to the petals in a scientific manner, and regulated according to ray and tendency. This brings about the opening of the central bud, the revelation of the jewel, the withdrawal of that jewel from the casket which has so long shielded it, and its transference to “the crown,” as it is occultly called, meaning its return to the Monad whence it came.

Initiation, Human and Solar by Alice A. Bailey

At the first, the second, and the third Initiations, one of the three petals opens up, permitting an ever freer display of the central electric point. At the fourth Initiation, the jewel (being completely revealed) through its blazing light, its intense radiatory heat, and its terrific outflow of force, produces the disintegration of the surrounding form, the shattering of the causal body, the destruction of the Temple of Solomon, and the dissolution of the lotus flower. The work of the Initiator in this connection is very interesting. Through the medium of the Rod of Initiation and of certain Words of Power, He brings about results of a co-ordinating, transmuting and liberating nature.

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire by Alice A. Bailey, p. 883

The Process of Spiritual Evolution

Alice Bailey’s teachings on spiritual initiation generally outline a process of spiritual evolution through different stages or ‘initiations’.

  1. First Initiation (Birth): This is the initial awakening of spiritual consciousness. It involves gaining control over the physical body and its desires. The individual begins to recognize their spiritual nature and purpose.
  2. Second Initiation (Baptism): At this stage, according to Alice Bailey, one gains full control of the astral body, which is associated with emotions and desires. This stage involves purifying and controlling emotional responses.
  3. Third Initiation (Transfiguration): This initiation involves gaining full control over the mental body. The individual’s consciousness becomes increasingly focused on the soul rather than the personality, leading to a profound transformation or ‘transfiguration’ of one’s being. [see below the account of the Transfiguration of Jesus and its association with the radiance emanating from the radioactivity of his permanent atoms]
  4. Fourth Initiation (Renunciation or Crucifixion): This stage involves the renunciation of personal will in favor of divine will. The individual surrenders their personal desires and attachments, and their consciousness becomes fully centered in the Monad.
  5. Fifth Initiation (Revelation): This initiation marks the complete fusion of the Monad and personality. The individual becomes a ‘Master’, capable of working consciously with the energies of the spiritual planes for the benefit of humanity.
  6. Higher Initiations: Beyond the fifth initiation, there are further stages that lead to even greater levels of spiritual realization and service, though these are beyond the scope of most human experience.

These stages represent a path of growth and expansion of consciousness, with each initiation marking a significant step in the individual’s spiritual evolution.

The Transfiguration of Jesus is narrated in three of the four New Testament Gospels: Matthew 17:1-9, Mark 9:2-8, and Luke 9:28-36.

In sum, Jesus took three of his disciples, Peter, James, and John, up to a high mountain. While they were there, Jesus was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as light.

Suddenly, Moses and Elijah appeared and started talking with Jesus. Peter, not fully understanding the event, offered to make three shelters, one for Jesus, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.

While he was still speaking, a bright cloud enveloped them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!” The disciples fell to the ground, terrified.

When they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus. As they were coming down the mountain, Jesus instructed them not to tell anyone about what they had seen until after he had risen from the dead.

The event is significant because it revealed Jesus’ divine nature and his fulfillment of the Law (Moses) and the Prophets (Elijah). The voice from heaven echoes the words spoken at Jesus baptism, affirming Jesus as the Son of God.

Recent holographic research of the Shroud of Turin has revealed that the radiation of Jesus’s permanent atoms remained present through his fourth initiation (the Crucifixion).

The Fourth Initiation

At the second initiation, the initiate begins for the first time (though in the most elementary form) to employ the will aspect and—in the revelation accorded—he takes a major step toward the third Initiation of the Transfiguration. This connotes the transfiguration of the personality and its liberation from the alluring imprisonment of the three worlds. Now he faces that great transitional initiation and is confronted with the revelation which has been expressed for us in the following words:

The Monad is to the planetary Logos what the third eye is to man.

These are mysterious words and can only be understood if brought into relation with the previous revelation, involving the Will and the Law of Sacrifice. It should be remembered that the Law of Sacrifice (in its destroying aspect) is dominant during the second, the third and the fourth initiations.

  1. At the second initiation of the Baptism, the control of [Page 398] the astral body is broken; it is sacrificed in order that the intuition, the higher counterpart of the “propelling aspiration” (as it is sometimes called) may assume control.
  2. At the third Initiation of Transfiguration, the control of the personality in the three worlds is broken in order that the Son of Mind, the soul, may be substituted finally for the concrete and hitherto directing lower mind. Again, through the Law of Sacrifice, the personality is liberated and becomes simply an agent of the soul.
  3. At the fourth Initiation of Renunciation, the destroying aspect of the Law of Sacrifice brings about the destruction of the causal body, the soul body, in order that the unified soul-infused personality may function directly under the inspiration of the Spiritual Triad—the triple expression or instrument of the Monad.

The significance of these “destructive episodes which produce the freeing of the prisoner of the planet” (i.e., the divine, spiritual man) lies in the fact that, after the fourth initiation, the light of purpose is the sole controlling factor in the career of the initiate; he enters then upon a stage wherein he steadily approaches closer to the “center where the will of God is known.” It is an elementary revelation of the divine Purpose which is given at the third initiation; only the first stage of that mysterious all-embracing Purpose is at that time revealed; the remaining six initiations progressively reveal (to the Master) the all-enfolding Purpose.

Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 2, by Alice A. Bailey


Radiation is transmutation in process of accomplishment. Transmutation being the liberation of the essence in order that it may seek a new center, the process may be recognized as radioactivity technically understood and applied to all atomic bodies without exception.

… all radiations, such as magnetism or psychic exhalation, are but the transmuting process proceeding on a large scale. The point to be grasped here is that the transmuting process, when effective, is superficially the result of outside factors. Basically it is the result of the inner positive nucleus of force or life reaching such a terrific rate of vibration, that it eventually scatters the electrons or negative points which compose its sphere of influence, and scatters them to such a distance that the Law of Repulsion dominates. They are then no more attracted to their original centre but seek another. The atomic sphere, if I might so express it, dissipates, the electrons come under the Law of Repulsion, and the central essence escapes and seeks a new sphere, occultly understood.

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire by Alice A. Bailey, p. 478

The Atomic Age

The tremendous manipulation of ores, the scientific work of the chemist, and scientific investigation is analogous in the mineral kingdom to the world processes which are being utilized to liberate the human spark.

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire by Alice A. Bailey, p. 1076

The Crucifixion

The Atomic Age is a term that encapsulates both the promise of unprecedented power and the specter of unparalleled destruction. Atomic energy, the harnessing of the very building blocks of the universe, presents humanity with a profound ethical conundrum. As philosophers, we are called to delve into these murky waters, to dissect the moral implications of this Promethean power.

Atomic energy has transformative potential. It can generate vast amounts of electricity, dwarfing the output of traditional fossil fuels. With it, we could solve some of our most pressing environmental challenges, liberating ourselves from the shackles of carbon emissions and mitigating the effects of climate change.

Simultaneously, atomic energy promises to free humanity from the drudgery of labor. Imagine a world where energy is abundant and cheap, where machines, powered by clean, nuclear energy, take over the mundane tasks, freeing humans to pursue intellectual, artistic, and spiritual endeavors.

However, with great power comes great responsibility. The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the nuclear disasters at Chernobyl and Fukushima, serve as stark reminders of the potential for catastrophe. Atomic energy, when mishandled or misused, can wreak havoc on an unimaginable scale, causing loss of life, environmental damage, and long-lasting health effects.

The ethical implications of wielding such power are immense. We must ask ourselves: do we have the right to risk so much, even if the potential benefits are significant? Is it morally acceptable to gamble with the health and safety of current and future generations in pursuit of progress?

As custodians of this planet, we bear the heavy burden of responsibility. We must ensure that the use of atomic energy is strictly regulated, that safety measures are rigorous and robust, and that the pursuit of progress does not blind us to the potential dangers.

Moreover, the advent of atomic energy forces us to confront our own nature, to reflect on the delicate balance between creation and destruction that defines our existence. In the heart of the atom, we see a mirror image of our own hearts, capable of great love and great violence. This realization can be a catalyst for spiritual growth, a call for greater compassion, empathy, and respect for all life.

Transitioning from fossil fuels to atomic energy represents not just a technological shift, but a spiritual one. It is a step away from exploitation and towards stewardship, a recognition of our interconnectedness with the natural world. It is an opportunity for humanity to evolve, to transcend our baser instincts and strive towards a more enlightened existence.

In conclusion, atomic energy presents us with a profound ethical challenge. It is a testament to our ingenuity and ambition, yet also a reminder of our capacity for destruction. As we navigate this complex landscape, we must do so with wisdom, humility, and a deep sense of responsibility. For in the heart of the atom lies not just the power to light up cities, but also the potential to illuminate the human spirit.

The tremendous manipulation of ores, the scientific work of the chemist, and scientific investigation is analogous in the mineral kingdom to the world processes which are being utilised to liberate the human spark. Out of the chaos and turmoil of the World War, for instance, and the weight of metal undergoing violent disintegration the mineral monad emerged as from an initiatory test, incomprehensible as this may seem.

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire by Alice A. Bailey, p.1076 [written in 1925]

Harnessing the Phoenix: The Ethical Debate on Clean Nuclear Energy

Hydrogen fusion, the process that powers the sun, has long been hailed as the holy grail of clean energy. Unlike traditional nuclear fission, which splits heavy atoms like uranium or plutonium, fusion combines light atoms such as hydrogen, producing helium and releasing an enormous amount of energy without the dangerous radioactive waste.

The promise of fusion is tantalizing – a virtually limitless, clean energy source that could revolutionize our world, freeing us from the shackles of fossil fuels and mitigating the looming threat of climate change. But as we stand on the precipice of this brave new world, we must also consider the potential risks and ethical implications of this technology.

While there are risks associated with fusion reactors, they are different from those posed by fission reactors. The primary concerns involve the handling of the high-energy neutrons produced during fusion, which can activate materials and make them radioactive, as well as the potential for a loss-of-cooling accident. However, these risks are generally considered to be less severe than those associated with fission reactors.

It’s also worth noting that while fusion reactors do produce some radioactive waste, the volume and longevity of this waste are much less than those produced by fission reactors. Furthermore, unlike fission reactors, fusion reactors do not pose a risk of meltdown.

Lastly, the discovery of clean nuclear energy could exacerbate the gap between the “haves” and “have-nots” if its control is concentrated in the hands of a few. Here are some potential risks:

  1. Energy Inequality: If control over clean nuclear energy is limited to a few entities or nations, it could lead to significant energy inequality. Wealthier nations or corporations might have exclusive access to this energy source, leaving poorer nations reliant on less efficient or more harmful energy sources.
  2. Economic Disparities: The economic benefits from clean nuclear energy, such as job creation and industrial growth, might be unequally distributed. This could further widen economic disparities within and between countries.
  3. Access and Affordability: Clean nuclear energy could potentially offer a cheaper source of power. However, if controlled by a few, there’s a risk that it may not be affordable or accessible to all, limiting its potential to contribute to global energy security.
  4. Geopolitical Risks: The control of nuclear energy by a few could introduce new geopolitical risks and tensions. Countries without access might feel compelled to develop their own capabilities, potentially leading to proliferation concerns.
  5. Environmental Justice: If the benefits of clean nuclear energy – such as reduced emissions – are enjoyed by a few, this could exacerbate environmental inequalities. Those without access might continue to suffer the impacts of climate change and pollution.

To mitigate these risks, it will be crucial to ensure that access to clean nuclear energy, and the benefits it brings, are equitably distributed. This could involve international cooperation and regulation, investment in capacity building in developing countries, and measures to ensure affordability.

The constructive use of this energy and its harnessing for the betterment of humanity is its real purpose; this living energy of substance itself, hitherto shut up within the atom and imprisoned in these ultimate forms of life, can be turned wholly into that which is good and can bring about such a revolutionizing of the modes of human experience that (from one angle alone) it will necessitate and bring about an entirely new economic world structure.

It lies in the hands of the United Nations to protect this released energy from misuse and to see that its power is not prostituted to selfish ends and purely material purposes. It is a “saving force” and has in it the potency of rebuilding, of rehabilitation and of reconstruction. Its right use can abolish destitution, bring civilized comfort (and not useless luxury) to all upon our planet; its expression in forms of right living, if motivated by right human relations, will produce beauty, warmth, color, the abolition of the present forms of disease, the withdrawal of mankind from all activities which involve living or working underground, and will bring to an end all human slavery, all need to work or fight for possessions and things, and will render possible a state of life which will leave man free to pursue the higher aims of the Spirit. The prostituting of life to the task of providing the bare necessities or to [Page 499] making it possible for a few rich and privileged people to have too much when others have too little, will come to an end; men everywhere can now be released into a state of life which will give them leisure and time to follow spiritual objectives, to realize richer cultural life, and to attain a broader mental perspective.

But, my brothers, men will fight to prevent this; the reactionary groups in every country will neither recognize the need for, nor desire this new world order which the liberation of cosmic energy (even on this initial tiny scale) can make possible; the vested interests, the big cartels, trusts and monopolies that controlled the past few decades, preceding this world war, will mobilize their resources and fight to the death to prevent the extinction of their sources of income; they will not permit, if they can help it, the passing of the control of this illimitable power into the hands of the masses, to whom it rightly belongs. The selfish interests among the big stockholders, the banking firms and the wealthy organised churches will oppose all change, except in so far as it will benefit them and bring more financial gain to their coffers.

The Externalisation of the Hierarchy by Alice A. Bailey

As time proceeds, man will gradually do four things:

  1. Recover past knowledge and powers developed in Atlantean days.
  2. Produce bodies resistant to the fire elementals of the lower kind which work in the mineral kingdom.
  3. Comprehend the inner meaning of radioactivity, or the setting loose of the power inherent in all elements and all atoms of chemistry, and in all true minerals.
  4. Reduce the formulas of the coming chemists and scientists to SOUND, and not simply formulate through experiment on paper. In this last statement lies (for those who can perceive) the most illuminating hint that it has been possible as yet to impart on this matter.
A Treatise on Cosmic Fire by Alice A. Bailey, p. 486


… the process of transmutation is dual and necessitates a preliminary stage of application of external factors, a fanning and care and development of the inner positive nucleus, a period of incubation or of the systematic feeding of the inner flame, and an increase of voltage. There is next a secondary stage wherein the external factors do not count so much, and wherein the inner center of energy in the atom may be left to do its own work. These factors may be applied equally to all atoms; to the mineral atoms which have occupied the attention of alchemists so much, to the atom, called man who pursues the same general procedure being governed by the same laws; and to all greater atoms, such as a Heavenly Man or a solar Logos.

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire by Alice A. Bailey, p. 479

In the transmutative process as carried on by the Brotherhood, the inner fire which animates the atom, form or man is stimulated, fanned and strengthened till it (through its own internal potency) burns up its sheaths, and escapes by radiation from within its ring-pass-not. This is seen in an interesting way as occurring during the process of the final initiations when the causal body is destroyed by fire. The fire within burns up all else and the electric fire escapes. The true alchemist therefore in days to come will in every case seek to stimulate the radioactivity of the element or atom with which he is working and will center his attention upon the positive nucleus. By increasing its vibration, its activity, or its positivity, he will bring about the desired end. The Masters do this in connection with the human spirit and do not concern Themselves at all with his ‘deva’ aspect. The same basic rule will be found to apply in the case of a mineral as well as of a man.

The process as carried on by the Dark Brotherhood is the reverse of this. They center the attention upon the form, and seek to shatter and break that form, or the combination of atoms, in order to permit the central electric life to escape. They bring about this result through external agencies and by availing themselves of the destructive nature of the substance (deva essence) itself. They burn and destroy the material sheath, seeking to imprison the escaping volatile essence as the form disintegrates. This hinders the evolutionary plan in the case of the life involved, delays the consummation, interferes with the ordered progress of development, and puts all [Page 491] the factors involved in a bad position. The life (or entity) concerned receives a setback, the devas work destructively, and without participation in the purpose of the plan, and the magician is in danger, under the Law of Karma, and through the materializing of his own substance by affinity with the third aspect. Black magic of this nature creeps into all religions along this very line of the destruction of the form through outer agency, and not through the liberation of the life through inner development and preparedness. It produces the evils of Hatha Yoga in India and similar methods as practiced in certain religious and occult orders in the Occident also. Both work with matter on some plane in the three worlds, and do evil that good may come; both control the devas, and attempt to produce specific ends by manipulation of the matter of the form. The Hierarchy works with the soul within the form and produces results that are intelligent, self-induced and permanent. Wherever attention is centered on the form and not on the Spirit, the tendency is to deva worship, deva contact and black magic, for the form is made of deva substance on all planes.

This must be considered well in connection with every form for it holds the key to many mysteries.

We have seen how in this question of the transference of the life from form to form, the work proceeds under rule and order, and is effected through the co-operation of the devas in the first instance, and the application of external agents to the atom or form involved, and in the second place (involving the most important and lengthy stage of the procedure) through the subsequent reaction within the atom itself, which produces an intensification of the positive burning center, and the consequent escape (through radioactivity) of the volatile essence.

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire by Alice A. Bailey

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3 thoughts on “The Liberation of Atomic Energy and the Fourth Initiation – Part 2

  1. .. you always bring it outside any comfort zone!!… the Denver – Boulder area was a hot bed of Integral thought… Ken Wilbur just a mile or so away!!… and Don Beck’s Spiral Dynamics teaching available!! … so it was a Bright day in Heaven when LT posted “Spiral Dynamics” in a newsletter… and then it was taught at a “Seven Ray Conference.” Until I read your posts on Atomic Energy One and Two I never realized that the Spirals of the “Developmental Model” could be Seen as a Reflection of the spirillae. Thank you again… working to keep up!!… hope to offer Research as Needed… the best… Margo

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