The Liberation of Atomic Energy and the Fourth Initiation – Part 1

The keynote of the seventh ray disciple is “Radiatory Activity.” Hence the emergence in world thought of certain new ideas — mental radiation or telepathy, the radiatory use of heat, the discovery of radium. All this connotes seventh ray activity.

The Destiny of the Nations by Alice A. Baliey, p. 133

The splitting of the atom, a process known as nuclear fission, and the destruction of the causal body by fourth-degree initiates, are seemingly disparate phenomena grounded in the physical and spiritual realms, respectively. However, a philosophical examination may reveal intriguing parallels and profound insights into the nature of reality.

Both are radioactive processes producing heat (fire by friction) and light (electromagnetic radiation). However, they differ fundamentally in their ignition triggers. Nuclear fission is externally driven, typically induced by bombarding the atomic nucleus with a neutron. On the other hand, the destruction of the causal body is an internal process, driven by the individual’s spiritual development and the stimulation of the inner life of the permanent atoms within the causal body.

This series of essays and quotes will explore the profound implications of these parallels and differences. They highlight the interplay between the physical and spiritual realms, suggesting that our understanding of reality is incomplete without acknowledging both. While science unravels the mysteries of the physical world, spirituality explores the less tangible aspects of consciousness and existence.

Moreover, these processes underscore the tension and potential harmony between division and unity, external and internal, and material and spiritual. They invite us to perceive reality not as fragmented and disjoint, but as an integrated spectrum ranging from the physical to the spiritual, fostering a more holistic and integrated worldview that honors the full spectrum of existence.

A group of scientists will come into incarnation on the [Page 456] physical plane during the next seventy-five years who will be the medium for the revelation of the next three truths concerning electrical phenomena. A formula of truth concerning this aspect of manifestation was prepared by initiates on the fifth Ray at the close of the last century, being part of the usual attempt of the Hierarchy to promote evolutionary development at the close of every cycle of one hundred years. Certain parts (two fifths) of that formula have worked out through the achievements of such men as Edison and those who participate in his type of endeavor, and through the work of those who have dealt with the subject of radium and radioactivity. Three more parts of the same formula have still to come, and will embody all that it is possible or safe for man to know anent the physical plane manifestation of electricity during the fifth subrace.

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire by Alice A. Bailey (written in 1925)

The discovery and understanding of electricity

Around 600 BC, the ancient Greeks observed that when fur was rubbed against amber, a type of fossilized tree resin, an inexplicable attraction occurred between the two substances. This intriguing phenomenon marked the very first evidence of the remarkable power of static electricity.

In 1600, the renowned English scientist William Gilbert, widely recognized for his groundbreaking work in magnetism, introduced the neo-Latin term “electricus” (of amber). Inspired by the captivating phenomena observed in amber, his meticulous experiments and observations laid the foundation for the study of electricity.

In the mid-1700s, the Benjamin Franklin conducted his famous kite experiment. This groundbreaking experiment not only confirmed the long-suspected hypothesis that lightning is a manifestation of electricity but also paved the way for a deeper understanding of this natural phenomenon. Around the same period, the ingenious invention of the Leyden jar emerged. This innovative device served as a means to store static electricity, acting as a significant precursor to the development of the modern battery that we rely on today.

In the 19th Century, a pivotal era in the history of electricity, Italian physicist Alessandro Volta made a groundbreaking invention in 1800. He created the voltaic pile, a revolutionary device that marked the birth of the first true battery. This invention provided humanity with a reliable source of electricity for the very first time.

Later in 1831, Michael Faraday unveiled the principle of electromagnetic induction, unlocking the secrets behind the electric transformer and generator. This groundbreaking revelation paved the way for countless advancements in electrical technology and power generation.

In the late 19th Century, Thomas Edison, known for his contributions to direct current (DC), and Nikola Tesla, renowned for his work on alternating current (AC), paved the way for the widespread use of electricity. Edison’s relentless experimentation and inventive spirit led to the creation of the first practical incandescent light bulb, while Tesla’s revolutionary discoveries in AC power transmission laid the foundation for modern electrical systems. These two visionaries engaged in a fierce rivalry known as the “War of the Currents,” with Edison advocating for DC and Tesla championing AC. Eventually, Tesla’s AC system prevailed due to its ability to transmit electricity over long distances more efficiently.

Throughout the 20th century and beyond, the understanding and application of electricity have continuously evolved, leading to groundbreaking innovations. These include the transformative invention of the transistor and the development of integrated circuits, which have laid the foundation for rapid technological growth.

Today, we witness the remarkable impact of these advancements in various aspects of our lives, from communication and transportation to healthcare and entertainment. The ever-expanding realm of technology and electronics continues to shape our world, promising even more remarkable possibilities in the future.

Modern science posits four fundamental states of matter:

  1. Solid: In a solid, particles are closely packed together, resulting in a definite shape and volume. The particles vibrate around fixed positions but don’t move past one another.
  2. Liquid: In a liquid, particles are still fairly close together but can move past one another, which gives liquids an indefinite shape (they take the shape of their container) but a definite volume.
  3. Gas: In a gas, particles are far apart from each other and move freely. This gives gases an indefinite shape and volume – they will expand to fill any container.
  4. Plasma: Plasma is similar to gas, but it’s ionized, meaning it has free electrons that aren’t tied to atoms. This makes plasma electrically conductive and responsive to magnetic fields. It’s the most common state of matter in the universe, present in stars and interstellar space.

This fourth state of matter is what esotericists call the fourth ether, fourth out of seven sub-planes of the dense physical plane. Modern science is still discovering the higher etheric sub-planes (atomic, sub-atomic, super-etheric and first etheric) , such as neutron-degenerate matter formed under extreme pressure and density, found in neutron stars, remnants of massive stars after supernova explosions.

Nature operates in fractals. According to the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom (most recently revealed by the Tibetan Master through Alice A. Bailey), seven sub-planes of the dense physical plane reproduce seven planes of the cosmic physical plane, where the evolution of consciousness takes place in the human kingdom.

The seventh cosmic physical plane (mineral kingdom) corresponds to the physical body (etheric and dense) , the sixth plane (vegetable kingdom) corresponds to the emotions, the lower fifth plane (animal kingdom) corresponds to the concrete mind, and the higher fifth plane (human kingdom) corresponds to the abstract mind. The superhuman kingdoms (Adepts, Masters) have mastered the fourth plane, corresponding to the intuitional or buddhic principle, and the third plane corresponding the spiritual will principle. These last two are mostly latent in common humanity, to be developed by the process of spiritual initiations. All kingdoms in a planetary scheme approach the higher monadic and divine planes of the cosmic physical plane. Following the same fractal model, the esoteric science posits the existence of the cosmic emotional (astral) and cosmic mental planes where solar systems evolve.

As above (solar systems), so below (human beings).

The fourth ether is even now being investigated by scientists, and much that they predicate concerning ether, the atom, radium, and the ultimate “protyle” has to do with this fourth ether. It will eventually be brought under scientific formula, and some of its properties, knowledge concerning its range of influence, and its utilization will become known unto men. Paralleling this, the buddhic plane, the plane of the Christ principle, is gradually becoming known to those advanced beings who are individually able to cognize their place in the body of a Logos of a planetary scheme.

The influence of the buddhic plane, and the electrical force that is its peculiar characteristic, are beginning to be felt, and its energy is also beginning to have a definite effect on the egoic bodies of men; the fourth ether of the physical systemic plane is likewise assuming its rightful place in the minds of men, and the electrical force of that subplane is already being adapted and utilized by man in the assistance of the mechanical arts, for methods of transportation, for widespread illumination, and in healing. These four adaptations of electricity [Page 321] are but the working out on the physical plane of paralleling utilization of buddhic electrical force.

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire by Alice A. Bailey (written in 1925)

Electricity and radioactivity are interconnected in several ways:

  1. Creation of Electricity: Radioactive materials, such as uranium or plutonium, can be used to generate electricity in nuclear power plants. In these plants, the heat generated from nuclear fission (a type of radioactive decay) is used to produce steam, which turns turbines connected to generators.
  2. Ionization: Radioactive substances emit ionizing radiation, which can strip electrons from atoms, creating ions. This process can generate an electric charge. For instance, ionization chambers and Geiger-Mueller counters, devices used to detect and measure radiation, operate based on this principle.
  3. Radioluminescent Devices: Some devices, like certain types of glow-in-the-dark light sources, use a radioactive material combined with a phosphor to generate light. The radioactive material emits particles that excite the phosphor, causing it to emit visible light. While not electricity per se, it’s a conversion of radioactive energy into light.
  4. Beta Voltaics: Beta decay, a form of radioactive decay, emits beta particles, which are high-energy electrons. Some devices, known as beta voltaics, take advantage of this by using the energy of the beta particles to generate electricity, much like a photovoltaic cell uses light to generate electricity.

These examples illustrate a few ways in which the phenomena of electricity and radioactivity interact and influence each other.

The revolutionizing scientific discoveries which can be traced down the centuries, such as the formulation of the Law of Gravitation, the circulation of the blood, the ascertainment of the nature of steam, the discovery by man of that form of electrical phenomena which he has harnessed, and the more recent discovery of radium, are in their own department (that of the Mahachohan), analogous to the effort made during the last quarter of each century to stimulate the evolution of men through a further revelation of some part of the Secret Doctrine. Newton, Copernicus, Galileo, Harvey, and the Curies are, on their own line of force, light bringers of equal rank with H. P. B. All revolutionized the thought of their time; all gave a great impulse to the ability of man to interpret the laws of nature, and to understand the cosmic process, and only those of circumscribed vision will fail to recognize the unity of the many force impulses emanating from the one Lodge.

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire by Alice A. Bailey (written in 1925) p. 1037

The power of the incoming cosmic rays has called forth the more easily recognized radio-activity with which modern science is now concerned. It was three seventh ray disciples who “interpreted” these rays to man. I refer to the Curies and to Millikan. Being themselves on the seventh ray, they had the necessary psychic equipment and responsiveness to enable them intuitively to recognize their own ray vibration in the mineral kingdom.

Esoteric Psychology, Vol I, by Alice A. Bailey, p. 226

The discovery of radioactivity unfolded in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, forever changing our understanding of the universe.

In 1896, French physicist Henri Becquerel made a groundbreaking discovery while studying the properties of X-rays, which had been discovered by Wilhelm Roentgen just a year prior. Becquerel was working with uranium salts and observed that they emitted penetrating rays without an external source of energy. These rays were similar to X-rays but seemed to emanate from the uranium itself.

Becquerel’s discovery piqued the interest of the scientific community, leading to further investigations into this mysterious phenomenon. Among those intrigued were Polish scientist Marie Skłodowska-Curie and her husband, Pierre Curie. Marie Curie coined the term “radioactivity” to describe the phenomenon and, through meticulous research, identified two new radioactive elements: polonium and radium.

Meanwhile, in 1899, New Zealand-born physicist Ernest Rutherford and English chemist Frederick Soddy made another crucial discovery. They found that radioactivity was associated with changes inside the atom. This was a revolutionary concept at the time, as atoms were believed to be indivisible.

Furthermore, by studying the natural decay series of uranium and thorium, 30 new radioactive elements were discovered.

These discoveries marked the dawn of nuclear physics and opened up a whole new field of research, leading to significant advancements in science, medicine, and technology. The discovery of radioactivity also led to the development of nuclear power and the atomic bomb, underscoring its profound impact on the course of human history.

PS: Robert Millikan, a renowned American experimental physicist, is best known for his work on the photoelectric effect and his measurement of the electron’s charge. However, he also made significant contributions to the study of cosmic rays, a term he himself coined in 1925. Although his theories about the origin of cosmic rays were later found to be incorrect (today, we know that cosmic rays are not gamma rays but are mainly high-energy protons and atomic nuclei from space), his studies set a milestone in the history of science.

Cosmic rays were discovered by Austrian physicist Victor Hess in 1912 through a series of innovative balloon experiments. Hess made multiple ascents into the atmosphere to measure radiation levels, using an electroscope, a device that detects electric charge.

During these ascents, Hess found that the rate at which an electroscope discharged increased with altitude, indicating higher levels of radiation. This was contrary to expectations at the time, which proposed that radiation would decrease as distance from the Earth’s surface (and its radioactive materials) increased.

Hess’s discovery of cosmic rays, or very penetrating radiation coming from outside our atmosphere, earned him the 1936 Nobel Prize in Physic. It was a revolutionary find, demonstrating that Earth was constantly being bombarded with high-energy particles from outer space.

However, it was not until 1926 that American scientist Robert Millikan named them ‘cosmic rays’: ‘cosmic’ signifying their origin from space, and ‘rays’ because radiation was generally visualized as rays at the time.

In the years following Hess’s discovery, further research led to more profound findings. For instance, the use of Wilson cloud chambers in strong magnetic fields allowed for the study of cosmic ray tracks, leading to the discovery of the positron.

Radiation is transmutation in process of accomplishment. Transmutation being the liberation of the essence in order that it may seek a new center, the process may be recognized as radioactivity technically understood and applied to all atomic bodies without exception.

… all radiations, such as magnetism or psychic exhalation, are but the transmuting process proceeding on a large scale. The point to be grasped here is that the transmuting process, when effective, is superficially the result of outside factors. Basically it is the result of the inner positive nucleus of force or life reaching such a terrific rate of vibration, that it eventually scatters the electrons or negative points which compose its sphere of influence, and scatters them to such a distance that the Law of Repulsion dominates. They are then no more attracted to their original center but seek another. The atomic sphere, if I might so express it, dissipates, the electrons come under the Law of Repulsion, and the central essence escapes and seeks a new sphere, occultly understood.

TCF 478

Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion are two different nuclear reactions that release energy due to the conversion of mass into energy. They involve different processes and produce different types of radioactive emissions.

Nuclear Fission:

Nuclear fission is the process by which the nucleus of a heavy atom, such as uranium or plutonium, splits into two or more lighter nuclei, along with the release of a large amount of energy. The particles produced in this process can include:

  1. Fission Fragments: These are the lighter nuclei produced when the heavy nucleus splits. They are usually highly unstable and undergo further radioactive decay.
  2. Neutrons: Free neutrons are often emitted during fission. These neutrons can go on to cause further fission reactions, leading to a chain reaction.
  3. Gamma Rays: High-energy photons (gamma rays) are often emitted during fission as the fission fragments de-excite to their ground states.
  4. Beta Particles: As the fission fragments decay, they often do so via beta decay, emitting high-energy electrons (beta particles).

Nuclear Fusion:

Nuclear fusion is the process by which light atomic nuclei, like hydrogen, combine to form a heavier nucleus, such as helium. This process is responsible for the energy produced in stars, including our sun. The particles produced in this process can include:

  1. Helium Nuclei: In the fusion process happening in our sun (the proton-proton chain reaction), four hydrogen nuclei (protons) combine to form a helium nucleus, releasing energy in the process.
  2. Neutrinos: These are light, neutral particles that are produced in many of the intermediate steps of the fusion reactions in stars. They interact very weakly with matter and can pass through entire stars or planets without being absorbed.
  3. Gamma Rays: Much like in fission, high-energy photons (gamma rays) are produced in fusion reactions as the excited helium nucleus de-excites to its ground state.

It should be noted that while both processes produce radiation, the types and amounts of radiation produced can vary greatly depending on the specific reactions taking place.

Another period of radioactivity occurred during the time of the Buddha and many achieved Arhatship in those days. That period was the highest point of what is occultly termed “a cycle of the third degree,” and a similar degree of radiatory activity has not been reached since that time. Human radiation of a very slight nature was felt about the time of Christ, but it only lasted for a couple of hundred years, and though individuals here and there have since achieved the goal, yet no large numbers have passed successfully through the fires of transmutation, and thus transcended the fourth kingdom. The cycle is again on the upward turn; about the fourteenth century the human kingdom began to be noticeably radioactive, and we are on the way to the fulfilment of a “cycle of the second order” or of a period of transcendence of a still greater activity than in the time of the Buddha. It will become demonstrably great when certain conditions have been fulfilled.

  • First, when the present world chaos has subsided.
  • Next, when the present generation has consummated its work of reconstruction.
  • Third, when the coming great Lord has entered upon His mission upon earth, thereby increasing the vibration in every kingdom of nature, but particularly in the second and fourth.
  • Fourth, when the movement, inaugurated at the close of each century by the Trans-Himalayan Lodge is under way, and the psycho-scientific Egos who are its agents have made their presence felt.
  • Finally, when a movement is instituted by the Lodge, working in connection with the fourth root race; it will [Page 1080] also be part of the stimulative process, and will result in the rendering radioactive of some of the foremost thinkers of that race. It will be their day of opportunity, and so great is the importance attached to this that a Member of the Lodge, Confucius as he has been called in the past, will incarnate in order to superintend the work. The preliminary steps are being taken now, and Egos are coming in who will endeavor to direct the energies of this race on to the right line though the peak of the cycle of stimulation will not be until the middle of the next century. It is needless for me to point out that all such movements are first felt as disturbing, and only when the dust of turmoil, and the noise of clashing forces have died away will purpose be seen emerging. This is very apparent in Russia at the present time.

A great factor and one that it is hard to explain so that the average thinker can understand it is the cyclic coming in of egos who are at a point in evolution where they are ready for their first radioactive life. In one great department of hierarchical endeavor all egos are divided into two groups, according to their cycle and according to their type of energy. These grades are in turn subdivided according to the quality and the vibratory effect to be induced upon any one kingdom of nature by their united, or single, incarnation. This might be illustrated by pointing out that by the gradual coming in of human beings who are vegetarians by natural inclination and by the appearance of egos who are interested specifically in the welfare and nurture of the animals (as is the case so noticeably now) we have the cyclic appearance of a whole group of human units who have a definite karmic relation to the third kingdom. This relation is of a kind differing in specific detail from the meat-eating, and oft inhuman, groups of the past five hundred years.

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire by Alice A. Bailey (written in 1925)


Part 2, The Atomic Age and the Destruction of the Causal Body at the Fourth Initiation (click here)

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