On Freedom

Q: What is freedom?

A: Freedom is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. It encompasses various dimensions, including:

  1. Personal Freedom: The ability to make choices about one’s own life and actions without external coercion.
  2. Political Freedom: The right to participate in political processes, express opinions, and have a say in governance.
  3. Economic Freedom: The ability to control one’s own economic resources and make decisions about work, consumption, and investment.
  4. Social Freedom: The right to live in a society without discrimination or oppression based on race, gender, religion, or other characteristics.

Freedom is often seen as a fundamental human right and is essential for individual development and societal progress.

Q: Why has freedom stuck as a keynote in the 2024 US presidential campaign?

A: Group meditation (invocation) during the Full Moon in Leo may have triggered a more forceful response (evocation) from Sirius. Our solar system relays the Law of Freedom from Sirius.


August, which is ruled by Leo, is the month of the Dog-star, or of Sirius, which thus brings Sirius into close relation to Leo. Leo, in the cosmic sense (and apart from our solar system altogether) is ruled by Sirius. Sirius is the home of that greater Lodge to which our fifth initiation admits a man and to which it brings him, as a humble disciple. Later, when the new world religion is founded and is working, we shall find that the major, monthly festival in August, held at the time of the full moon, will be dedicated to the task of making contact, via the Hierarchy, with Sirian force. Each of the months of the year will later be dedicated (through accurate astrological and astronomical knowledge) to whichever constellation in the heavens governs a particular month, as Sirius governs Leo. This I shall later elaborate in the papers to be written anent the new “Approaches” to spiritual reality.

… the significant connection between our unimportant little planet and that vast expression of divinity, the Life which is manifesting through Sirius; it is an expression which is organised and vital beyond anything man can vision and which is free to a completely unlimited extent, again beyond the power of man to comprehend. The principle of freedom is a leavening energy which can permeate substance in a unique manner; this divine principle represents an aspect of the influence which Sirius exerts on our solar system and particularly on our planet. This principle of freedom is one of the attributes of Deity (like will, love and mind) of which humanity knows as yet little. The freedom for which men fight is one of the lowest aspects of this cosmic freedom, which is related to certain great evolutionary developments that enable the life or spirit aspect to free itself from the impact, the contact and the influence of substance.

The Tibetan Master, The Rays and the Initiations by Alice A. Bailey, p. 416

Q: What would be the fundamental responsibility associated with the fundamental right of freedom?

A: With freedom as a fundamental human right comes the fundamental responsibility to respect the freedom and rights of others. This includes:

  1. Respect for Others: Acknowledging and honoring the rights and freedoms of others, ensuring that one’s actions do not infringe upon their ability to exercise their own rights.
  2. Civic Responsibility: Participating in democratic processes, such as voting and engaging in community activities, to support and uphold the structures that protect freedom.
  3. Accountability: Taking responsibility for one’s actions and understanding the impact they may have on others and society as a whole.
  4. Tolerance and Understanding: Embracing diversity and being open to different perspectives, fostering an environment where freedom can thrive for everyone.

Balancing freedom with these responsibilities helps create a harmonious and equitable society.

Leo belongs to the Fixed signs of the Zodiac (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius). The US presidential elections are held in the sign of Scorpio (November), carrying the energies of Leo (and the Foxed Cross). Scorpio is the sign of the Warriors of Light beaming with JOY as they proclaim:

Warrior I am and from the battle I emerge triumphant!

… the concepts of death, of substitution, of the vicarious at-one-ment and of sacrifice, will—in the New Age—be superseded by the concepts of resurrection or of livingness, of spiritual unity, of transference and of service, so that a new note will enter into human life, bringing hope and joy and power and freedom.

-The Tibetan Master, Esoteric Psychology, Vol 2, by Alice A. Bailey, p.437

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