May the Power of our united LIGHT
the glamour of the MAGA ideology
in the United States and throughout the world.
Dear co-workers:
We, the enlightened esoteric community, must correct the mistake made by the US Democratic party-political strategists blaming MAGA Republicans as a menace to democracy in the US. It is not the people but the regressive Make America Great Again (MAGA) ideology that must be targeted as the evil to be prevented, negated, and destroyed by the Forces of Light.
This upcoming 2022 mid-term elections is not a partisan contest between Democrats and Republicans, as enlightened Republican Liz Cheney has courageously declared.
It is a contest between democracy and authoritarianism. The Tibetan Master, on behalf of the spiritual Hierarchy, has asked us to defeat the evil of totalitarianism on the physical plane, with our votes and, if needed, with our military might, as was needed in WW-II and now in Ukraine.
A dark cloud of fascism is being cast throughout the world, from Italy recently, through Europe, to Brazil (presidential runoff today). We must rent this veil.
Let the Army of the Voice be no more heard,
and let the brothers onward move within the Sound.
The POWER of our united LIGHT
PREVENTS the appearance,
NEGATES the quality, and
DESTROYS the vitality
of the GLAMOR of the MAGA ideology.
From: Olivia Hansen
Sent: Saturday, October 29, 2022 2:18 PM
Subject: Protecting Our Democracy for Freedom and Peace — at this Critical Time for the United States!
Dear Friends and Co-Workers,
“Protecting Our Democracy for Freedom and Peace – at this Critical Time for the United States”
You are invited to a Discussion and Meditation for the Well-Being of Our Nation –
with Steve Farrell and Olivia Hansen on Tues. Nov. 1 at 3pm MT, sponsored by Humanity’s Team.
Authoritarianism and Extremism are on the rise. Former Presidents Obama and Carter have publicly said that US Democracy is in great danger. The Jan. 6th Insurrection at the US Capitol shocked and horrified us. Election deniers still exist in large numbers now; some are running for office, and some are still working to undermine Democracy. Let us come together and add our good thoughts and prayers in Meditation, invoking the Soul of America to Protect Our Democracy. Our efforts are needed now to bring in the Highest Good for Our Nation.
This Live Program can be accessed on Humanity’s Team Facebook Page or on the Zoom Link. Please join us and add your good energies. Thank You!
Facebook Live Event link:
Zoom Webinar public join link:
Esotericists are also encouraged to use daily this version of The Great Invocation, Invoking Assistance from Shamballa and The Christ at this dangerous time for Democracy. We must ASK so They can help us. Thank You!
THE GREAT INVOCATION — Stanza Two (1940)
Let the Lords of Liberation issue forth.
Let Them bring succor to the sons of men.
Let the Rider from the secret Place come forth,
And coming, save.
Come forth, O Mighty One.
Let the souls of men awaken to the Light,
And may they stand with massed intent.
Let the fiat of the Lord go forth:
The end of woe has come!
Come forth, O Mighty One.
The hour of service of the Saving Force has now
Let it be spread abroad, O Mighty One.
Let Light and Love and Power and Death
Fulfill the purpose of the Coming One.
The Will to save is here.
The Love to carry forth the work is widely spread
The Active Aid of all who know the truth is also
Come forth, O Mighty One, and blend these three.
Construct a great defending wall.
The rule of evil now must end.
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Thank you for this Jose. I will join the meditation. Hope you are well. Blessings, Anne
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