The SCOTUS is corrupt

[JB] Lying is not a crime. To knowingly affirm a false statement —the intentional declaration of a falsehood— is wrong, but it is not a crime. A former POTUS, a proven unfit and corrupt holder of the Presidency, established this legal fact in the public opinion.

The intentional misrepresentation of the truth is the seed of all corruption. Because politicians covet power, the latent virus of corruption is prevalent in the world of politics. This primal urge to grab power for selfish purposes, disguised as public service, may be kept on leash by a moral sense of guilt and the subsequent fear of shame, if indulged in and exposed. However, this latent poison may be unleashed by shameless politicians actively spreading the disease of corruption into the body politic of a democracy. Lacking a moral compass, these vectors of corruption can abort a democratic experiment, like the US.

The five Justices who overturned the right to privacy in the US cheated their way into the SCOTUS, eroding its legitimacy. They lied, and they lied under oath to the American public, hiding their true intention to subvert a judicial precedent supported by five decades of jurisprudence, and by the vast majority of Americans. They thus exposed a compromised legal system unable to uphold the truth, gambling to protect the innocent at the expense of acquitting wrongdoers hiding under the cloak of “reasonable doubt.”

In a democracy, grabbing power with the intention to impose the will of a minority is corrupt. However, this is exactly the acknowledged undemocratic gamesmanship of the conservative movement in the US, from the Electoral College to the SCOTUS, aided and abetted by corporate greed, religious zealotry and racist demagoguery.

The geographic majority of rural, conservative America wants to uncompromisingly impose its will on the demographic majority of urban, liberal America. The seed of a Second American Civil War is thus planted, as promoted by the idealogues of the MAGA movement believing in 80-year cycles of wars.

May they be proved wrong, sealing the door where this nativist evil dwells in America, and restoring the Plan of peace —the peace of right human relations and social justice— in the US and the world. -JB

[Halina Bak-Hughes] Commentator Fareed Zakaria every Sunday presents a world news segment titled – “Fareed’s Take”.  This Sunday’s segment, 6/26/22, is worthy of our view and education.

Fareed reviews the two Supreme Court (SC) decisions made this past week re a NY gun control law and the Roe v Wade decision as a departure from conservative decisions to “radical decisions” of late. The 5 minute segment is transcribed below, but do watch the video to hear him speak and to experience the impact of viewing two short excerpts found in news archives – one by a conservative supreme court Justice 33 years ago, the other by a scholar of the Constitution explaining what was really meant by gun ownership in the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. This segment is shocking, priceless and revelatory in meaning and import.   

Fareed begins: “American Democracy has been under stress for some time. Trust in its institutions has been the lowest on record. 

“The SC’s decision on Roe v Wade has brought the public’s confidence in the Court to an all time low … as with the others … is now defined by partisanship and polarization. 

“The court’s decisions this week are not conservative, they are radical.”

“One of the time honored doctrines has been a respect for precedent – “stare decisis”, and yet in two days the court swept aside a right that for half a century American jurisprudence had held as a constitutional right. 

“And it also uprooted a NY law regulating guns that was 111 years old and had never before been found to be in conflict with the constitution.

“Many of the justices [e.g., Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Barrett] were asked in their nomination hearings about Roe v Wade and stare decisis, answering in a way that any plain observer would describe as declaring the precedent of Roe and the many rulings affirming it, should be respected. 

“It’s worth noting that the power of judicial review, by which the SC evaluates laws and strikes down those it deems unconstitutional is itself nowhere in the constitution, was created by an 1803 Ruling from Chief Justice John Marshall, and is respected by all three branches of government, because of stare decisis

“We’ll talk more about Roe later.  The courts other decision on guns is actually equally radical.  

The 2nd amendment is in its entirety only 27 words with three oddly placed commas:

“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, 

the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”  

With “no disrespect to James Madison, grammarians and their red pens would have a field day … No one is exactly sure what the first clause about the militia has to do with the clause about the right to bear arms.  

“For almost 200 years, however, the lack of clarity [regarding the militia and gun ownership] was barely an issue. Many states had what we would call very strong gun control laws, and they passed mustard with all sorts of courts. But then in the 1970’s new leadership took over the NRA and made it the group’s mission to protect every citizens individual right, supposedly enshrined in the 2nd amendment, to keep and bear arms.”

“This caused former chief justice of the supreme court, Warren Berger, a conservative jurist appointed by Richard Nixon, to say the following on PBS in 1991:   

“This has been the subject of one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word fraud, on the American public by a special interests group, than I have ever seen in my entire lifetime.”

“217 years after the ratification of the 2nd Amendment, Justice Antonin Scalia and his colleagues on the SC discovered in the Heller decision an individual right to carry and bear arms, treating the first clause of the 2nd amendment as if it were totally inconsequential.  In fact, the founders knew exactly what well-regulated militias meant. 

The scholar Michael Waldman told me: 

“You had an individual right to gun ownership to fulfill your duty to serve in the militia.  Every adult white man was required by law to serve in the militia, and required to own a military weapon and to keep it at home.”  

[Therefore, the wording in the Constitution regarding gun ownership was meant in the context of service in the militia at that time and which required a gun to do so. It had no reference then or in the future to individual citizens owning or bearing arms. The re-interpretation of the 2nd Amendment by the NRA was selfishly motivated to make billions of dollars, corrupting politicians in the process when up for re-election to exchange NRA backed legislation with large donations. The consequence of these “evil” motives, by twisting the meaning of the constitution, has resulted in the death, maiming and wounding of countless citizens, and the destruction of life and everyday happiness in the United States]. 

“The latest SC ruling (on June 23, 2022) striking down a NY law that restricted who can carry a concealed hand gun in public is even more radical than Heller.

“The oldest legal tradition has been to balance an individuals right with the State’s concerns for public safety.  For example, the court stated in 1919 that your right to free speech does not allow you to yell fire in a crowded theatre.

“This supreme court seems less and less impartial and judicious and more nakedly political, which undermines trust in a great American institution that was once respected but has been losing that respect in recent years.”

“We know that January 6 was a terrible day for American democracy.  Sadly, we now have to add two more days – June 23rd and 24th to that calendar of shame.”

Towards A New Renascence:
A Psychocentric Revelation

A New Renascence: A Psychocentric Revelation

We can imagine how such psycho-centric paradigm would reframe of current cultural debates and dilemmas on social issues, such as reproductive rights and gender identity. The conceiving womb would be viewed as the landing runway of an incoming human soul, with the air traffic controller — the woman, assisted by spiritual advisors — deciding the timing and the circumstances, as well as the karmic implications of her decision.

My personal response to a right-to-life fellow American

I respect your fervor to protect the right to life. That’s why I oppose the free access of weapons that kill innocent children in schools and in big cities. I know that guns don’t kill; sick and unhinged people do. However, neither do mosquitoes kill; the viruses they carry do. That’s why we in public health do control mosquitoes as vectors of disease. Weapons are vectors of death.

I do share your fervor in defending the right to life. However, we need to consider two lives here: an existing human life, the woman, and the other, a potential human life. Your belief that human life begins at conception is your right, one that you should not impose on others. In my case, I am convinced that we reincarnate, that’s why I see abortion from a different perspective. However, I do not impose my belief on you. I am free to declare my truth, as as you are to declare yours, without imposing it.

Many abortions may just be a postponement of the opportunity to incarnate. I personally would not want to be born into unwanted circumstances; I would prefer to be born at the appropriate time, with the informed consent of the womb that would incubate me.

Every woman has the right of self-development before assuming the responsibility of motherhood. She must be cautious, though — as much as the inseminating man — when considering the consequences of a sexual relationship. However, having sexual relations should not become a sentence of guilt punishable by unwanted motherhood. Many poor mothers having abortions love their children but cannot financially support more children, not always having control over their sex lives. There are so many particular circumstances that it is better not to judge. We must trust the woman as the final arbitrator of such an intimate decision, particularly when she is unable to rely on a public welfare safety net to provide food, shelter, health care and education for her children after birth.

According to my beliefs, which I expose but do not impose, there are karmic consequences of such a harrowing decision, particularly when it is done to prevent the birth of a fetus with congenital defects. Mother Nature spontaneously aborts 2/3 of these pregnancies. However, it is possible that the surviving fetuses represent a lesson of love for future parents. Who am I to judge?

Let us trust in the woman’s inner dialogue with God to make such a decision. The God that you and I believe in has created us free. We will succeed and fail in exercising our free will, according to the circumstances. So we learn in life, always with faith in the love and infinite compassion of a supreme Being ruling the universe, Who some of us call God. -JB

The Great Invocation

From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into human minds.
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into human hearts.
May the Coming One return to Earth.

From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide all little human wills –
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the center which we call the human race
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

The Great Invocation: Its Use and Significance • Lucis Trust

Speaking Truth to Power

Governor, your corrupt policies on gun control are an embarrassment to our country. You were “out of line” at your hypocritical press conference yesterday comparing elementary school massacres with mafia driven shootings in other cities. Evidently, the “real” gun protection laws in Chicago, Los Angeles and New York are not enough. We need more restrictive laws to protect us, not less. No one needs military grade assault weapons to practice hunting.

Mosquito-born diseases kill: if we can’t control the virus (mental illness), at least let’s control the vector (assault weapons). Of course, we can’t prevent all massacres, but we can prevent most, as all other countries in the world show. The good is never the enemy of perfection, except in y0ur sick mind and in your hardened heart.

Sir, shame on you. Worshiping guns is evil. You have the blood of innocent kids — and their teachers — in your hands. Military assault weapons must be banned in the streets of a civilized society, unless you are engaged in an armed insurrection, are you?

We shall overcome, some day.

José Becerra, Atlanta, GA

A few myths that have surfaced in recent days:

MYTH: Urban homicides falsely inflate statistics on US gun deaths.
FACT: “The common trope is that places like Baltimore or Detroit or Chicago are the reason we have so many gun deaths in this country,” Cass Crifasi told the Chicago Tribune. “And yes, those places … have unacceptable rates of gun homicides. But the places with the highest rates of death are not Maryland, Michigan, and Illinois. They are Mississippi, Louisiana, Wyoming, Missouri, and Alabama. The places with weaker gun laws have higher rates of death.” 
“More people died from guns in Texas than Illinois, when suicide and accidental shootings are included,” she added. 
MYTH: Mass shootings, like the ones in Texas and Buffalo, are the result of mental health issues. 
FACT: While motives in the Uvalde massacre are still unknown, “increasingly, we are seeing people who are frustrated, angry and hateful and using firearms take that out on a particular group,” Crifasi told MarketWatch.  
But there’s a distinction between this and a diagnosable mental health issue. It’s also dangerous and irresponsible to link gun violence and mental health. For one thing, mental health issues are far more common than mass shootings: More than 50% of people will be diagnosed with a mental illness or disorder at some point in their lives, according to the CDC
Fixating on motives and the mental health of those who perpetuate violence distracts from more actionable approaches to reducing gun violence, Crifasi said.

MYTH: In most mass shootings, perpetrators do not know the people they kill.
FACT: Nearly 70% of mass shootings involve domestic violence, Lisa Geller told 12 News in Arizona. In a study published in 2021, Geller and colleagues found that in over 68% of mass shootings, the perpetrator killed at least one partner or family member and had a history of domestic violence. 
Restricting access to guns by people with a history of domestic violence could curb the occurrence of mass shootings and fatalities, the study suggested. 
MYTH: There are more gun deaths in the US because America is a violent society.
FACT: “Most countries don’t have a problem with fatal mass shootings,” Webster told Fox News in LA. “Most countries do not have anywhere close to the rates of homicides that we do. It’s driven principally … because we have decided to make guns readily available to almost anyone, and our interests seem to be more in protecting those who sell weapons and want to own them as opposed to the broader public.” 
MYTH: We don’t know what to do to curb gun violence.
FACT: Data collected by researchers about mass shootings show discernible patterns and opportunities for intervention. The data also suggest that many of the ways we’re currently trying to prevent gun violence are wrong—but the good news is that we now have evidence-backed solutions to do better
MYTH: More guns are the answer.

Evil is multifaceted.
This is a face of EVIL, L-I-V-E spelled backwards,
in the United States of America today.

USR 2022

The Sixth and the Seventh Rays in the World Today

José Becerra

SRI USR Conference 2022

May 18, 2022

ABSTRACT: The current transition between the outgoing sixth and the incoming seventh rays is producing a clash of ideas and ideologies on a world-wide scale. We are told (Destiny of the Nations, 46), “The situation is still further complicated by the fact that both these rays influence and express themselves in a dual manner and have always a lower and a higher form of manifestation, which is a correspondence in this connection to the personality, and the egoic expression of every human being.” 

This talk will address the current world situation in the light of this transition, and how the higher and lower expressions of these rays have shaped the recent history of Spain (6th Ray soul and 7th Ray personality: “I disperse the clouds”) and Russia (7th Ray soul and 6th Ray personality: “I link two ways”). Of interest, both Russia and Spain have given to the world the First (Russia, and the Second (Spain, Ray approaches to Agni Yoga.

We are told (Destiny of the Nations, 61): “Out of Russia will emerge that new and magical religion about which I have so often told you.” Also, (Ibid, 62), “the spiritual motto: “I disperse the clouds,” is indicative of the magical work for which Spain will eventually be responsible … the field of scientific magic and the magical work of the Church of the future.”

Therefore, recent developments on the Science of Magic will also be addressed in this talk.


It might be asked of what use the fifteen rules for magic communicated above may be.  Naught yet as far as practical work is concerned, but much where inner intellectual development is desired.  He who meditates and broods over these rules in the light of what has been earlier communicated anent the devas and building forces, will arrive at an understanding of the Laws of Construction in the macrocosm, which will avail him much, and save him much time when the magical work and formulas are put in his hands.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire 1026

Magic is the POWER to materialize an imagined reality. As when we say, “Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.”

Good executives – in group formation and individually – practice creative meditation. In the business world, when a corporation materializes its objectives, that is magic, the magic of the contemplative mind over matter.  The attentive mind, contemplating its GOOD or EVIL intention, is engaged in the rational process of strategic planning applied to materialize the outcome of an altruistic or a selfish vision and mission. Only a developed intuitive sense — the Heart – can discern the difference between GOOD or EVIL intention.

“The essence of magic boils down to the application of two ordinary mental skills: attention and intention. The strength of the magical outcome is modulated by four factors: belief, imagination, emotion, and clarity [of objective].”

-Radin, Dean I.. Real Magic (p. 73). Harmony/Rodale. Kindle Edition.

Magic is not a violation of natural law, but rather, the function of occult laws of nature, operating in the living matrix of space and rooted in the science of consciousness. Consciousness – and particularly self-consciousness — is the most fundamental mystery of life in its current stage of evolution, from an atom to a solar system.

Jesus received PUBLIC recognition by his miracles, mostly healing miracles. A healing miracle is an expression of magic, limited by karmic law.

When Christ so frequently emphasised faith (or rather that quality which is translated as faith in our Western Scriptures) He referred in reality to acceptance of law, to a recognition above all of karma, and to a knowledge of divine destiny.

Esoteric Healing 385

It’s reasonable to think that Lord Maitreya, in His physical reappearance, will also be publicly recognized by His miracles.

What are the “building forces” behind this magic? The Seven Rays are the creative Forces of the Universe.

“They are the [Page 142] seven Builders, Who produce the radiant temple of the Lord, under the guidance of the Mind of the Great Architect of the Universe.”

-Esoteric Psychology Vol. I

The rays are impersonal forces. They can be used by those representing the material forces of GREED and FEAR (unregulated free market in a global economy), or they can be used in grounding the spiritual energies the Will-to-Good and Goodwill, supported by the “massed intent” of an enlightened public opinion.

The divinity of Christ, for instance, is frequently illustrated by reference to His miracles, and to those supernormal powers which He so often evidenced.  Supernormal powers are, of themselves, no evidence of divinity at all.  Great exponents of evil can perform the same miracles and demonstrate the same capacity to create and to transcend the normal faculties of man.  These powers are inherent in the creative aspect of Divinity, the third or matter aspect, and are linked to an intelligent understanding of matter and to the power of the mind to dominate substance.  This power is, therefore, neither divine nor non-divine.  It is a demonstration of the capacity of the mind and can be used with equal facility by an incarnated Son of God, functioning as a World Saviour or Christ, and by those Beings who are on the path of destruction, and who are called (by those who know no better) Black Magicians, Evil Forces and Devils.

-Esoteric Psychology Vol. II, 60

Therefore, spiritual discernment is of the essence. Only a developed intuitive sense — the Heart — can discern the difference between “an incarnated Son of God, functioning as a World Saviour or Christ, and those Beings who are on the path of destruction, and who are called (by those who know no better) Black Magicians, Evil Forces and Devils.”

Aquarian Mantra of Synthesis
(The great magical triangle)

May the liberating Light of Lord Buddha,
The infinite Love of the Spirit of Peace,
And the unfathomable Power of the Avatar of Synthesis
Restore the Plan on Earth.

Vicente Beltrán Anglada (1915-1988).
Excerpts from two talks in Barcelona in 1987
Three OMs
[talks in Spanish; mantras recited in his native tongue, Catalonian]
Mantra of the New Group of World Servers
The Great Invocation
Mantra of Fixed Determination (DINA II, 176)

The Imitation Game

Even the Black Lodge knew of this change in the mode of salvation, and hastily founded its groups of youths, banded together by the motto “joy through strength and strength through joy.” It seems to be a law for group development to receive recognition from the side of evil, prior to that recognition coming from the good. But “after weeping cometh joy, and that joy cometh in the morning.” Only the dawn is with us as yet—the dawn of the Aquarian Age. The full tide of light is inevitably moving upon its way towards us.

The Rays and the Initiations, p.234

The title of the movie The Imitation Game makes reference to the Turing’s test.

The film’s title quotes the name of the game cryptanalyst Alan Turing proposed for answering the question “Can machines think?”, in his 1950 seminal paper “Computing Machinery and Intelligence

Computers’ logic imitate how a human brain “thinks” and Turing proposed a test to figure out the difference. Of course, trained esotericists know that the mind is an instrument of the human soul whose developing scope of consciousness is expressed through the brain, the computer.

It is not until this developing scope of consciousness reaches the level of “isolated unity” that the Soul, the true Observer, is “re-cognized” and revealed to the human soul. Esotericist call this unfolding process the Path, or (lower) Antakarana.

Computers imitate the human brain. Like a crystal radio receiver, the wiring of the computer, and the brain, transmits higher level frequencies. The expressed intelligence is encrypted and needs to be decoded in order to understand the will of the true thinker.

As in the Turing film, the imitation game is practiced in wars. In the wider war of Good against Evil, the Black Lodge imitates the White Lodge with the purpose of misrepresenting reality. The dark (blinding) Knight of the Mirrors (Shadows) serves a similar role in the quest of the spiritual aspirant, Don Quixote, the enlightened-to-be Knight of the Woeful Countenance, the despondent Arjuna.

The truth is always the first casualty in a war. The propaganda machine is the computer whose conspiracy of lies and disinformation needs to be decoded.

We are at war, at the initial stages of a world war that can be averted if the disciples in the world learn to decode the ENIGMA machine of lies and disinformation. This time, however, in order to pass the Turing’s test, we need to tap a higher level of consciousness, beyond the sixth sense of the mind, inaccessible to the Forces of Darkness, whose reach cannot touch the Soul.

The seventh sense of the intuitive heart, developed in the Practice of the PresenceAgni Yoga — can dispel illusions, renting the veils of the ENIGMA code. The Knights of the Shadows are imitating the Knights of the Light, and the perplexed world disciple, Arjuna, needs to rise from the state of despondency and listen to the wise advise of the Soul encouraging him to engage in the Yoga of Action.

He who restrains action’s organs while yet revolving in his mind thoughts of objects of the senses, is deluded, a hypocrite. (3:6)

He who by the mind controls the senses, and yet is unattached while engaging action’s organs in action, is superior. (3:7)

Perform your duty, for action is far better than non-action. Even maintaining your body cannot be done without action. (3:8)

The world is bound by the actions not done for sake of sacrifice. Hence for sacrifice you should act without attachment. (3:9)

Can the New Group of World Servers (NGWS) — the people no one imagines anything of — rise to do “the things that no one can imagine” to avert the final war?

“Sometimes it is the people no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.”

Alan Turing quoted in the movie The Imitation Game

Or will the Knights of the Shadows obfuscate the self-appointed members of the NGWS with conspiracy theories, “alternative facts,” disinformation, and lies? Will these obfuscated detractors thwart the Plan for the externalization of the Hierarchy and reappearance of the Christ, a Plan of Love and Light based on right human relations as a condition for peace?

Or is it that the vast majority of the unconscious members of the NGWS are already serving the Forces of the Light in the world today — journalists, consensus opinion writers, and enlightened though flawed world leaders like Roosevelt and Churchill in the past — and are not engaging in sterile arguments with the relative minority of spiritual aspirants who, suffering spiritual anosmia, are unable to smell lies at the nursery schools of the esoteric community?

The final war must be averted. It will not be averted by yielding to the whims of a totalitarian ideology and a war criminal terrorizing the world with nuclear weapons. Putin must be defeated in Ukraine and brought to justice for war crimes.

When He Paints His Masterpiece
Öljy levylle, 50 x 40 cm, 2022.

This is not a war only for the freedom of Ukraine, a sovereign country; it is a war for the freedom of the world from the evil of totalitarianism. As in the Second World War, the Forces of the Light shall overcome.

“We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender… “

Winston Churchill speech at the House of Commons – 4 June 1940

Lladró. The Quest (Don Quixote).

The Aquarian Quixote will be a practical visionary, a Magician capable of materializing (Capricorn) his vision (Sagittarius), serving (Aquarius) and redeeming (Pisces) our planet (Gaia, Mother), alchemizing the science of the rational mind (Raja Yoga) into the intuitive sense of the heart (Agni Yoga), consecrating his Quest to the Mother of the World, for the Glory of the One.


Confronting Evil

The conscription age is usually between 18 and 40ish years old. Adulthood is a requirement for military service. Shouldn’t a similar requirement be considered for active duty in sealing the door where evil dwells?

From the center which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

The phrase “the race of men” (and women, implicitly) implies a spiritually mature state of consciousness. Spiritual adulthood is measured in terms of the age of the soul.

Younger souls are not equipped to confront evil. Many pacifists belong to this stage, regardless of their chronological age. In their naivete, the spiritually nursery-school-age children cannot conceive evil, even less confront it. In their minds, everybody is good, and peace can be negotiated with anyone, good or bad people. Neutrality is their shield.

Peacemakers, on the other hand, understand that peace is not a cause, but rather, an effect of observing the Law of Right Relations. Furthermore, they realize that evil is that good which should have been outgrown. Such understanding requires spiritual discernment, a trait of mature states of consciousness reminiscent of Shamballa. The only place of complete peace is the center where the Will of God is known, Shamballa.    

There is no fault in being a pacifist opposing all wars. Their growth in consciousness will eventually lead them out of their blissful blindness. However, when more mature souls mislead the younger ones to stay in, or even regress to, pacifism for the sake of seeking followers in their self-aggrandizing plan, then that’s dangerously wrong.  In treading the left-hand path, even if temporarily, they may disguise as esoteric astrologers, conspiracy theorists, or teachers. In fact, they really are, that is, for nursery schools.

Russian propaganda promoted by an esoteric astrologer and known conspiracy theorist, while free press has been suppressed in Russia.

The POWER of our united LIGHT
PREVENTS the appearance,
NEGATES the quality, and
DESTROYS the vitality of the
Russian Lying Propaganda

Modern esoteric schools train adult men and women in discipleship by teaching and practicing the disciplines of meditation, study, and service of humanity. When humanity is confronting evil, nursery school age children should be protected and taken away from the battlefield.

The Kurukshetra is the battlefield for mature souls. One can recognize them by their wise choices, by their shunning of neutrality and by their confrontation of evil with the Will-to-Good, thus, doing their part in sealing the door where evil dwells.

One of these mature souls was Alice A. Bailey. Her book, Between War and Peace, is recommended reading for all members of the New Group of World Servers.

  1. Totalitarianism is an absolute evil, an assault against the inalienable right for freedom of the human spirit.
  2. Any domestic or international formulation of the least-of-two-evils approach in the political field of spiritual service must abide by this absolute certainty.
  3. Regardless of other issues, world servers aligned with the Forces of Light must never support any position or candidate for public office with an authoritarian or totalitarian program.

Factual truths do exist. There are better approximations than others, but not every possible narrative is equally plausible. Imperfect approximations to the truth carry more light than outright lies, no matter how many times repeated or disguised.

Contrary to Russian propaganda, NATO is not the cause of the Ukraine invasion by the Russian military. Any country can ask defensive security forces, such as NATO, for protection, particularly those nations that suffered abuse behind the iron curtain. Invoking the right of self-defense cannot be misconstrued as an act of aggression against the offending country. Self-defense is not aggression.

Mantra of the New Group of World Servers

May the Power of the one Life pour through the group of all true servers.
May the Love of the One Soul characterize the lives of all who seek to aid the Great Ones.
May we fulfil my part in the One work through self-forgetfulness, harmlessness and right speech.

[JB] Can’t negotiate peace with a war criminal. Putin needs to be defeated. A negotiated ceasefire is possible. Russian forces will regroup to capture Eastern Ukraine and then move westward; NATO must provide modern/effective defensive weapons to Ukraine. Russian forces must retreat for peace to be possible.   

As the Hierarchy did during WW-II, spiritual workers need to take sides with the oppressed and forego any personal/sentimental pacifist stance.

However, for some time now, some spiritual aspirants have publicly expressed dissenting opinions about the root cause of the war and the need to take a more “balanced” approach to negotiate peace. Nowhere in the Teachings can I find any reference to the Hierarchy “negotiating peace” with Hitler. As far as I know, Master DK advised against it and advocated for the need to militarily defeat Hitler.

Yes, totalitarianism is an absolute evil. If any student of the AAB-DK Teachings comes out with a different impression after studying the Blue Books, then s/he has not grasped that the Hierarchy does consider totalitarianism an absolute evil. Such stance is not a flawed Sixth Ray glamor. Some seem to confuse the First Ray (I assert the fact) with a dogmatic Sixth Ray. One comes from an expanded state of consciousness, the other from a narrow point of view.

Of course, everyone is entitled to personal opinions. However, until individuals develop their spiritual sense of smell, allowing them to smell lies, it would be wise to ask our brothers and sisters suffering spiritual anosmia to refrain from obstructing the Hierarchical work through Their more mature disciples shedding light on the cause of the unprovoked military invasion of Ukraine by a war criminal, and Ukraine’s right of self-defense.

Russian forces must retreat for peace to be possible. Putin must be held accountable for the war crimes committed in Ukraine. -JB

Aquarian Mantra of Synthesis

May the liberating Light of Lord Buddha,
The infinite Love of the Spirit of Peace,
And the unfathomable Power of the Avatar of Synthesis
Restore the Plan on Earth.

Aranjuez Concerto – Adagio.
Dedicated to the victims of the war crimes in Ukraine.
May they rest in peace, and the criminals brought to justice.

Refounding the UN

[CNBC] U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield introduced the proposal earlier in the week following accusations that Russian troops tortured and killed Ukrainian civilians in Bucha, a suburb near Kyiv.

Thomas-Greenfield said Tuesday that Russia’s membership on the council hurts its credibility, “undermines the entire U.N. and it is just plain wrong.”

The resolution to strip Russia of its seat on the Human Rights Council passed with 93 votes in favor, 24 against and 58 abstentions.

Belarus, China, Iran, Russia and Syria were among the U.N. members that voted against the resolution. India abstained from voting.

Libya is the only country to be suspended from the 47-member Geneva-based council. The North African country was suspended in 2011 after a violent crackdown against protesters by forces loyal to then-leader Muammar Gaddafi.

[JB] Imagine the General Assembly of the UN overriding a veto of the Security Council by a supermajority vote (2/3 or 3/4, according to the importance of the issue at hand).

However, this option would require refounding the UN, because its current charter cannot be amended except by “the concurring votes of the permanent members” of the Security Council.

Can the UN be refounded to enforce the high ideals of the current Charter among its members, sealing the door for war crimes not to remain unaccounted?

Should the New Group of World Servers aid the spiritual Hierarchy in invoking, with “massed intent,” the indescribable power of the Avatar of Synthesis to transform/refound the UN through its General Assembly?

The General Assembly already has the power to boycott, expelling a country from its councils, as shown today.

Are “drones, phones and satellite technology” the outer expressions today of “telepathic registration and of the psychic powers such as clairvoyance and clairaudience” prophesied by Master DK (see quote below) to “boycott and sanction” countries ruled by leaders obsessed by the evil Forces of Darkness?

The growth of telepathic registration and of the psychic powers such as clairvoyance and clairaudience will eventually tend to strip humanity of the privacy in which to sin. The powers whereby the Masters and the higher initiates can ascertain the psychic state and physical condition of humanity, its quality and consciousness, are already beginning to show [Page 237] themselves in advanced humanity. People will sin, commit evil deeds and satisfy inordinate desire, but they will be known to their fellowmen and nothing that they do will be carried out in secret. Some one or some group will be aware of the tendencies in the life of a man, and even of the incidents in which he satisfies some demand of his lower nature, and the fact of this possibility will act as a great deterrent—a far greater deterrent than you can imagine. Man is indeed his brother’s keeper, and the keeping will take the form of knowledge and of “boycott and sanctions“—as it is called today in reference to the penalising of nations. I would have you ponder on these two modes of treating wrong doing. They will be practically automatically applied as a matter of good taste, right feeling and helpful intention by individuals and groups to other individuals and groups, and in this way crime and the tendency to evil doing will gradually be stamped out. It will be realised that all crime is founded upon some form of disease, or upon a glandular lack or overstimulation, based in turn upon the development or the underdevelopment of some one or other of the centres. An enlightened public opinion—informed as to man’s constitution and aware of the great Law of Cause and Effect—will deal with the criminal through medical means, right environmental conditions, and the penalties of boycott and sanctions. I have no time to enlarge upon these matters, but these suggestions will give you food for thought.

Esoteric Healing

t’s certainly a slower method which may prove effective. However, time is of the essence to prevent further massacres and war crimes against humanity in Ukraine in the very near future. -JB

PS: The Tibetan Master has revealed certain cities serving as main chakras in some countries. This opens up a field of esoteric research on “the glandular lack or overstimulation, based in turn upon the development or the underdevelopment of some one or other of the [etheric] centres.” If money is considered a “great stream of flowing golden substance,” what would be the correspondence to the glands (endocrine system) using this “bloodstream” (money) to devitalize evil in the corporate body of a nation? Targeted economic sanctions to the solar plexus centers of a country (e.g., oligarchs) may serve a similar purpose.


May the liberating Light of Lord Buddha,
The infinite Love of the Spirit of Peace,
And the unfathomable Power of the Avatar of Synthesis
Restore the Plan on Earth.

The United Nations and the Silent Avatar

President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine delivered a scathing speech to the United Nations Security Council on Tuesday decrying the organization as “an utter failure” because sovereign states can no longer rely for defense on the norms of international law, but only on the strength of their own arms.

The Ukrainian president called for a wholesale reimagining of the UN: “Are you ready to close the U.N.? Do you think that the time of international law is gone? If your answer is no, then you need to act immediately.”

[JB] The spiritual Hierarchy had already warned Humanity about an “initial error” in the creation of the United Nations.

The United Nations is still the hope of the world and can remain so; it is a great field of experimentation, but is suffering today from an initial error. That error was the admitting of a totalitarian Power into its nations. For seven long and terrible years the Forces of Light had been fighting totalitarianism. In the early days of the post-war period the Nations compromised with principles and admitted Russia to the United Nations. Had they proceeded to unite all the other nations of the world on the sure ground of economic reform, of needed national reorganisation and of regional groups (a better term than “blocs”), Russia would have been forced to conform, for her very existence would have been at stake. An initial error can lead to much trouble, and it is this type of trouble which the United Nations today faces. [written in April, 1948]

The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 640

The United Nations has already made a major mistake by their original admittance of Russia—a totalitarian power, as was Germany—to their councils. Now they have made another. In the first mistake they precipitated into the United Nations the element of conflict and that spirit of “fanatical imposition” which is distinctive of the totalitarian ideology; in this second case, through the endorsement of partition [of Palestine], they perpetuate the ancient technique of taking what is wanted (with force of arms, if necessary) from the rightful owners… The United States, urged by expediency, by the financial weight of the Zionists, and by the strategic position of Palestine, have thrown the weight of their influence into the conflict on the side of aggression and of territorial theft.

The Rays and the Initiations, p. 636

The leaders of the Zionist movement of aggression constitute a real danger to world peace and human development and their activities have been endorsed by the expediency policy of the U.S.A. and, in a secondary degree, by Great Britain, under the influence of the U.S.A. It is the Zionists who have defied the United Nations, lowered its prestige and made its position both negative and negligible to the world. It is the Zionists who have perpetrated the major act of aggression since the formation of the United Nations, and who were clever enough to gain the endorsement of the United Nations, turning the original “recommendation” of the United Nations into an order. The rule of force, of aggression and of territorial conquest by force of arms is demonstrated today by the Zionists in Palestine, as well as the demonstration of the power of money to purchase governments. These activities run counter to all the plans of the spiritual Hierarchy and mark a point of triumph of the forces of evil. I am emphasising the activities of these two countries because through the leaders of these groups of aggressive men the forces of evil—dammed back temporarily by the defeat of the evil group which Hitler gathered around him—have again organised their attack on the spiritual development of humanity.

The Rays and the Initiations, p. 681

In sum, to achieve its original intention, does the United Nations need to be reformed now? This may be the case, as demanded by President Zelensky, a bona fide representative of the New Group of World Servers. And time is running out. -JB

In the maps which are to be found in the Archives of the spiritual Hierarchy, the entire area of the Near East and Europe—Greece, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Palestine, the Arab States, Egypt and Russia—are under a heavy overshadowing cloud. Can that cloud be dissipated by the right thinking and planning of Great Britain, the United States and the majority of the United Nations or—must it break in disaster over the world? Will it present a task too hard for correct handling by that inexperienced disciple—Humanity?

The Rays and the Initiations, p. 430

The Avatar of Synthesis

As you are well aware, human history has been essentially the history of great spiritual Messengers Who—from time to time, in the hours of human crisis—have come forth from the secret place of the Most High to aid, inspire, reveal, lead and direct. It is the history of the presentation of ideas, brought to the attention of humanity and gradually developed into civilisations and cultures. Such is the urgency of human need at this time, and such is the opportunity, that one such Son of God is—during this cycle of tension—seeking to cooperate with the Christ. As a result of Christ’s decision [to reappear] and His “spiritual fusion” with the Will of God, the Avatar of Synthesis has become, for the time being, His close Associate. [Page 77] This is an event of supreme and planetary importance. His relationship and planned help date from the time of the pronouncing of the great Invocation and its use by men everywhere. Owing to the stupendous task confronting Christ, the Avatar of Synthesis will fortify Him, and He will be buttressed by this “Silent Avatar” Who (to speak symbolically) will “keep His eye upon Him, His hand beneath Him and His heart in unison with His.”

This Being is closely related to the Will Aspect of divinity, and His cooperation has been made possible through Christ’s Own attainment along the line of the highest, spiritual will. He works under the great natural Law of Synthesis, producing at-one-ment, unification and fusion. His function (in unison with the energy of Christ) is to generate spiritual will in humanity, the will-to-good; His potency works in three fields of activity at this time:

a. Within the spiritual Hierarchy itself, revealing the nature of the divine will-to-good which the Kingdom of God must express, and the nature also of divine Purpose.

b. Within the Assembly of the United Nations, though not within the Security Council; He is there generating a slowly growing will-to-unity.

c. Within the masses of men everywhere, fostering the urge to a general betterment.

His activity is necessarily a mass activity, for He can only channel His energies through the mass consciousness or through a group conscious entity, such as the Hierarchy, the United Nations or Humanity. The focal point of His effort and the Agent through which distribution of His energy can be made is the New Group of World Servers; [Page 78] this group is uniquely related to this Avatar of Synthesis. The bringing together of all the agents of goodwill (who are responsive to the energy of the divine will-to-good) constitutes the major objective of the New Group of World Servers and always has been. Their work can now be constructively and creatively intensified through the association of the Avatar of Synthesis with the Christ. Their task is to usher in the New Age; in that New Age, the five Kingdoms in Nature will begin to function as one creative whole. Their work falls into the following parts, functions or activities:

a. The production of a human synthesis or unity which will lead to an universal recognition of the one humanity, brought about through right human relations.

b. The establishing of right relations with the subhuman kingdoms in nature, leading to the universal recognition that there is One World.

c. The anchoring of the Kingdom of God, the spiritual Hierarchy of our planet, in open expression on Earth, thus leading to the universal recognition that the sons of men are one.

These objectives the Avatar of Synthesis will foster and aid and for this purpose He has associated Himself with the Christ, working through the Hierarchy, under instruction from the “centre where the will of God is known.” [Shamballa]

The Reappearance of the Christ

In June 1945, Christ set in motion the forces of reconstruction which are related to the Will aspect of divinity and which remain as yet the least powerful of the three streams of energy, released during the three Full Moon Festivals in 1945. These forces of reconstruction are effective mainly in relation to those entities which we call nations. The Hierarchy is at this time attempting to channel them into the Assembly of the United Nations; the use made of these impersonal energies is dependent upon the quality and the nature of the recipient nation, on its measure of true enlightenment and on its point in evolution. Nations are the expression today of the massed self-centredness of a people and of their instinct to self-preservation. These energies can, therefore, increase that aspect of their lives. They can, however, and in spite of this, increase the potency of the objective which the United Nations (at present) theoretically hold before the eyes of men everywhere. The main object of the Hierarchy is so to distribute these constructive, synthesising energies that the theory of unity may slowly be turned into practice, and the word “United” may come to have a true significance and meaning. It is with this type of energy that the Avatar of Synthesis is peculiarly allied. He will convey to humanity, with the aid of the Christ, [Page 94] something for which we have as yet no name. It is neither love nor will, as we understand them. Only a phrase of several words will bring to us something of the meaning. This phrase is “the principle of directed Purpose.” This principle involves three things:

  1. Understanding—intuitive and spiritually instinctual, but intelligently interpreted—of the Plan, as it can be worked out in the immediate future by the Christ and His disciples.
  2. Focussed intention, based upon the above and emphasising an aspect of the will, hitherto undeveloped in man.
  3. Capacity to direct energy (through understanding and intent) towards a recognised and desired end, overcoming all obstacles and destroying all that stands in its way. This is not the destruction of forms by force such as we have seen imposed upon the world, but a destruction brought about by the greatly strengthened life within the form.

The significance of these divine principles will make little sense to us today; we are dealing with major mysteries. A mystery remains a mystery only when ignorance or unbelief exist. There is no mystery where there is knowledge and faith. All we know at this time is that the Christ will fuse and blend within Himself three principles of divinity; when He appears “the light that always has been will be seen; the love that never ceases will be realised, and the radiance, deep concealed, will break forth into Being.” We shall then have a new world—one which will express the light, the love and the knowledge of God in a crescendo of revelation.
[Page 95] The beauty of this synthesis which Christ will manifest, and the wonder of the presented opportunity, must surely be apparent to all of us. Great Forces, under potent spiritual Leadership, are standing ready to precipitate themselves into this world of chaos, of confusion, of aspiration, of hope and of bewilderment. These groups of energies are ready for focussing and distribution by the Hierarchy and that Hierarchy, under its Great Leader, the Christ, is closer to mankind than ever before in human history. The New Group of World Servers are also standing attentive to direction in every country in the world, united in their idealism, in their humanitarian objectives, in their sensitivity to spiritual impression, in their united, subjective purpose, in their love of their fellowmen and in their dedication to selfless service. The men and women of goodwill are also to be found everywhere, ready to be guided into constructive activity and to be the agents, gradually trained and educated, for the establishing of that which has never yet before truly existed—right human relations.

Thus from the highest spiritual Being upon our planet, through the graded spiritual groups of enlightened and perfected men who work upon the inner side of life, on into the outer world of daily living where thinking, loving men and women serve, the tide of the new life sweeps. The Plan is ready for immediate application and intelligent implementing; the workers are there and the power to work is adequate to the need. Above all else, the Hierarchy stands and the Christ stands ready to issue forth and demonstrate reality.

The Reappearance of the Christ

Around 1975, coinciding with the Impact of Shamballa, a mantra derived from the final sentence of the 1945 Great Invocation was released from the Second Ray Ashram in which Vicente Beltrán-Anglada (1915-1988) was an accepted disciple in physical incarnation. The mantra invokes the Triangle of extra-planetary Entities over-lightening the Christ in His reappearance as part of the Hierarchical Plan.

Aquarian Mantra of Synthesis

May the liberating Light of Lord Buddha,
The infinite Love of the Spirit of Peace,
And the unfathomable Power of the Avatar of Synthesis
Restore the Plan on Earth.

The Third (1945) Stanza of the Great Invocation

Averting the Final War

For the planned externalization of the Hierarchy and the reappearance of the Christ, preventing a Third (and final) World War is of the highest priority. The prevention opportunities range from exerting Humanity’s free will in electing right leadership (Hierarchical Democracy) to the occult invocation of divine intervention by the New Group of World Servers, spiritually demanding — with massed intent — extraplanetary assistance (quoted below).

Short of “natural cataclysms” (as happened in Atlantis), there could be a direct intervention by the Spiritual Government of the World (Shamballa/Hierarchy) to avert a nuclear conflagration. Foster Bailey hinted at this possibility (quoted below). However, it was from the Second Ray Ashram where Vicente Beltran-Anglada (VBA, 1915-1988) was an accepted disciple authorized to reveal and promote a Threefold Hierarchical Project within the Plan, that the assertion of such option was made explicit (quoted below).

When the survival of the planet is at stake, as it would be in a nuclear conflagration, the Occult Government could leave the planet (as almost happened during World War-II), or intervene to prevent a worldwide escalation. The account provided by VBA marks the Impact of Shamballa of 1975 as the time when the option of such direct intervention was agreed upon by Shamballa and the Hierarchy.

Such possibility should not give us a sense of complacency about achieving world peace. On the contrary, it would represent a setback to the planned evolution of human consciousness, unable to exert its freewill in sealing the door where evil dwells, according to the Purpose which the Masters know and serve.

Humanity must achieve a minimum of world peace “by human hand and by human feet” in order for the externalization of the Hierarchy and the reappearance of the Christ to be possible. However, when the survival of the planet is at stake, all options may be on the table. -JB

“When the war was over [1945], the forces of darkness were pushed back but they were not crushed. And ever since then there has been the possibility of a third world war that would end the whole human experiment up to date and start us back again as an infant humanity to begin to learn it all over again. And in 1954, it was established subjectively and in reality that there will be no third world war. ”

Foster Bailey, Changing Esoteric Values, p.72.

A Resolution of the Occult Planetary Government in 1975

Con respecto a la Ley del Karma que la Gran Fraternidad de SHAMBALLA tiene el sagrado deber de cumplimentar dentro de la vasta extensión del “círculo-no-se-pasa” de la Tierra, hay que decir también —pues esto constituye una de las claves secretas de la Iniciación— que la estrecha vigilancia impuesta por SHAMBALLA sobre estas inviolables fronteras forma parte de lo que ocultamente podríamos denominar Ley Cósmica de Supervivencia de los Dioses. Esta afirmación, que parece contradecir las drásticas medidas adoptadas por SHAMBALLA en casos concretos como los de la destrucción del Continente Atlante o la división territorial, social y política del pueblo alemán, tiene sin embargo una justificación natural en esta Ley de Supervivencia de los Dioses. Las causas originales de tales decisiones están más allá a veces —y esto resultará seguramente difícil de comprender— del libre albedrío de los propios Logos regentes que se ven obligados a adoptar en tales casos medidas ultra kármicas. Es decir, que sin desdecir en manera alguna las actividades desarrolladas por estos Logos dentro de sus respectivos esquemas planetarios o sistemas solares, para hacer cumplimentar la Ley del Karma y como medida natural de perfección, existe también una Ley superior a la misma que actúa muy independientemente de aquella Ley particular y determina efectos cósmicos directos sobre aquellos casos particulares.  About the Law of Karma that the Great Fraternity of SHAMBALLA has the sacred duty to fulfill within the vast expanse of the “circle-pass-not” of the Earth, it must also be said – for this constitutes one of the secret keys of Initiation – that the close vigilance imposed by SHAMBALLA on these inviolable borders is part of what we could covertly call the Cosmic Law of Survival of the Gods. This statement, which seems to contradict the drastic measures adopted by SHAMBALLA in concrete cases such as the destruction of the Atlantean Continent or the territorial, social and political division of the German people, nevertheless has a natural justification in this Law of Survival of the Gods. The original causes of such decisions are sometimes beyond—and this will surely be difficult to comprehend—the free will of the ruling Logos themselves who are compelled to adopt ultra-karmic measures in such cases. That is, without disregarding in any way the activities developed by these Logos within their respective planetary schemes or solar systems, to make the Law of Karma comply and as a natural measure of perfection, there is also a Law superior to it that acts very independently of that particular Law and determines direct cosmic effects on those particular cases.  
La invocación de fuerza cósmica por parte del Logos planetario del esquema de la Tierra visando la supervivencia del planeta es, sin embargo, decisiva y providencial. Tal es el caso, limitando la expresión de la ley al mundo de las voluntades de los hombres, de la invocación del discípulo a su Maestro en casos de urgente necesidad, cuando las fuerzas del mal han irrumpido en su conciencia tratando de ahogar o reprimir sus aspiraciones espirituales. La intervención del Maestro en tal caso es lógica y supremamente natural, ayudando al discípulo a vencer dentro de sí aquellas intromisiones de mal… Lo mismo podría decirse pues, utilizando la analogía, con respecto a SANAT KUMARA, cuyo Maestro es el Logos planetario o del Logos planetario, cuyo Maestro es el Logos solar. Esta analogía, seguida en orden ascensional nos llevaría a las esplendentes y alejadas zonas cósmicas. Así, la Ley del Karma, observada más allá de las engañosas apariencias con las que a veces parece revestirse, no se altera nunca. Lo único que sucede es que se le aplica una ley superior desconocida todavía por los hijos de los hombres.  The invocation of cosmic force by the planetary Logos of the Earth scheme aiming at the survival of the planet is, however, decisive and providential. Such is the case, limiting the expression of the law in the world of human affairs, to the invocation of the disciple to his Master in cases of urgent need, when the forces of evil have broken into his consciousness trying to drown or repress his spiritual aspirations. The intervention of the Master in such a case is logical and supremely natural, helping the disciple to overcome within himself those intrusions of evil… The same could be said then, using the analogy, with respect to SANAT KUMARA, whose Master is the planetary Logos or the planetary Logos, whose Master is the solar Logos. This analogy, followed in ascensional order, would take us to splendid and remote cosmic zones. Thus, the Law of Karma, observed beyond the deceptive appearances with which it sometimes seems to clothe itself, is never altered. The only thing that happens is that a higher law, unknown to humanity, is applied to it.
Ahora bien, las excepcionales medidas tomadas por la Gran Fraternidad de SHAMBALLA, revelando aquellas tremendas vinculaciones cósmicas, podrían repetirse de nuevo en nuestra era actual marcada por el signo del fuego y de la electricidad, si alguna nación del mundo intentara utilizar contra otra este terrible y misterioso artefacto que llamamos bomba atómica. Debe recordarse al efecto, que la Gran Fraternidad a través de Sus múltiples y desconocidos Agentes dévicos y jerárquicos, está ejerciendo un severo control y estrecha vigilancia sobre todas aquellas naciones del mundo que poseen y fabrican ingenios nucleares.  Now, the exceptional measures taken by the Great Fraternity of SHAMBALLA, revealing those tremendous cosmic links, could be repeated in our current era marked by the sign of fire and electricity, if any nation in the world tried to use against another this terrible and mysterious device that we call atomic bomb.  It must be remembered to this effect that the Great Fraternity, through its many and unknown deva and hierarchical Agents, is exercising strict control and close surveillance over all those nations of the world that possess and manufacture nuclear devices.  
En uno de los últimos Concilios planetarios celebrados en el Centro de SHAMBALLA el año 1975, se previó la contingencia de que alguna de tales naciones, llevada por estúpidos intereses económicos o políticos intentara utilizar contra otra este destructivo elemento nuclear. El Consejo de SHAMBALLA decidió entonces que “…la primera bomba atómica lanzada por un país contra otro, persiguiendo finalidades bélicas, estallase contra su propio territorio, debiendo sufrir consecuentemente en sus propias carnes el mal que intentaba infligir a otros”. Esta decisión tiene que ver, como vimos anteriormente, con el espíritu de supervivencia del gran conjunto planetario vinculado con una indescriptible Sociedad Corporativa de Dioses creadores. En razón de esta cósmica supervivencia, una precipitación ígnea de fuego eléctrico de primer Rayo se abatiría sobre aquella nación destruyéndola por completo, tal como sucedió en el caso de la Atlántida.  In one of the last planetary Councils held at the SHAMBALLA Center in 1975, the contingency was foreseen that if one of these nations, led by stupid economic or political interests, would try to use this destructive nuclear element against another. The SHAMBALLA Council then decided that “… the first atomic bomb launched by one country against another, pursuing war aims, would explode against its own territory, consequently suffering in its own flesh the evil it tried to inflict on others.” This decision has to do, as we saw earlier, with the spirit of survival of the great planetary ensemble linked to an indescribable Corporate Society of Creator Gods. Because of this cosmic survival, an igneous precipitation of electric fire of first ray would descend on that nation destroying it completely, as happened in the case of Atlantis.  
Veamos lo que, con respecto a estas transgresiones de la Ley, se halla escrito en ciertas páginas del LIBRO DE LOS INICIADOS: “Los espíritus que tan irracionalmente se habían opuesto al destino de Justicia señalado por los Grandes Ejecutores, fueron destruidos por las aguas (la Atlántida). Los espíritus que irracionalmente y siguiendo sórdidos y tortuosos deseos, utilicen el fuego contra sus hermanos, por el fuego serán destruidos y no quedará de sus cuerpos ni las piadosas cenizas con que la madre naturaleza recubre el fin de sus creaciones”. (Una muy gráfica definición de una desintegración física por efecto de una explosión nuclear).  Let us see what, about these transgressions of the Law, is written in certain pages of the BOOK OF THE INITIATES [Old Commentary]: “The spirits who had so irrationally opposed the destiny of Justice indicated by the Great Executors, were destroyed by the waters (Atlantis). The spirits that irrationally and following sordid and tortuous desires, use fire against their brothers, by fire will be destroyed and there will be no left of their bodies nor the pious ashes with which Mother Nature covers the end of her creations. ” (A very graphic definition of a physical decay by the effect of a nuclear explosion).  
Estos escritos, extraídos de uno de los libros más antiguos de la humanidad, constituyen una sutil referencia al peligro que supone utilizar ingenios nucleares como elementos de destrucción. Son también, a la visión de los investigadores esotéricos, un canto de esperanza y optimismo para todas aquellas naciones de la Tierra que hayan decidido vivir al margen de los conflictos bélicos y adoptado la paz como elemento supremo de convivencia social.These writings, drawn from one of humanity’s oldest books, constitute a subtle reference to the danger of using nuclear devices as elements of destruction. They are also, in the view of esoteric researchers, a chant of hope and optimism for all those nations of the Earth that have decided to live on the margins of war and adopted peace as the supreme element of social coexistence.
Los Misterios de Shamballa by Vicente Beltran-Anglada, pp. 27-30.

[Six] objectives facing the Hierarchy at this time and involving the personal attention of the Christ; they all have a potent and beneficent effect upon humanity. Let me enumerate them in concise form, because it is essential that there be clear perception of the emerging values on the part of workers of all grades and kinds in the world, for otherwise perception is not possible.

The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, pp. 551-52 (April-May 1946)
  1. The Reorganisation of the World Religions.
  2. The Gradual Dissolution of Orthodox Judaism.
  3. Preparation for a New Revelation.
  4. The Reaction of the Hierarchy to Shamballa.
  5. A Closer Relation of the Hierarchy to Humanity.
  6. An Effort to avert War.
    a. Because the next war would annihilate the greater part of the human race.
    b. Because, having a religious basis, the hate involved would be greater far than anything hitherto known.
    c. Because Shamballa would be involved, and this has never been the case.

Great potencies and the expression of ancient evil from the past are rampant upon earth at this time, released through unusual human selfishness, cruelty and error, and focussed through the medium of one unhappy race and the power of certain dangerous men—men who are easily subject to evil impression and influenced, obsessed, by selfishness and evil—by forces of destruction. Is it possible to evoke at this time eternal good, latent in Lives which would normally contact humanity in some far distant future, and thus hasten the day of heightened and deepened spiritual contact in the immediate present? Such is the question. If this can be done, the evil past and the glorious future may perhaps be brought into contact in the unhappy present, and an event take place which will produce stupendous changes.

I would remind you here that the evocation of this divine contact will be, in itself, dangerous, disrupting and destroying. The results are unpredictable for the human being, for men are as yet unaccustomed to respond to Lives and Influences of so high and divine a nature. There is nevertheless a possibility that it might now be more safely permitted if enough people can stand together spiritually and selflessly, and so offer themselves as channels for these new and unknown spiritual Forces. There are divine attributes, divine qualities and divine potencies which the most enlightened humanity of all time have as yet failed even to register, sense or vision—all three aspects escaping contact with these potencies. Yet these powers exist, and the right [Page 263] handling of the present crisis by spiritually oriented humanity may bring about the release of some of these higher energies and the establishing of a line of factual influence along which They can move and consequently contact the Earth. Ponder on this and limit not Deity through the rigidity and finiteness of little minds.

The release of great impersonal forces is ever a critical matter. The effects produced are dependent upon the quality of the recipient aspects and the nature of the form quality upon which they make their impact. In the world of chemistry, a catalyst, brought into contact with certain substances, will produce something entirely new and bring about changes not normally anticipated. These we are now beginning to study and to understand. The intervention into the situation of certain potencies of stupendous gravity and uniqueness, and their effect upon the interacting Forces of Light and forces of aggression, is still more unpredictable, and only the grasp of the spiritually minded people of the world and their steadfastness in sacrifice—plus their clarity of vision and their united world focus—can make the situation safe for humanity as a whole. Bear these thoughts in mind as you use the great and new Invocation.

The Externalisation of the Hierarchy

Divine intervention … should come via the Hierarchy, if it is not to be too destructive in its effect. The last major intervention in Atlantean days came via Shamballa and resulted in the partial destruction of entire continents and lands.

Esoteric Astrology, p. 441

A great and vital thoughtform is in process of construction upon our planet and within our planetary aura. It is being built by the power of sound, by the magnetic pull of invocation leading to eventual evocation, and by the force of desire-substance, animated by the power of thought. It is being constructed by the united efforts of the Hierarchy, of the world disciples and aspirants, of the men and women of goodwill in all nations, and also through the inchoate longings of men everywhere, of all religious beliefs, political views and group loyalties. It is safely anchored upon the physical plane, is of vast proportions upon the astral or emotional plane, but lacks vitality and power upon the mental plane. It is here, within the realm of thought substance, that the weakness of the structure of this thoughtform becomes apparent. It is already potent spiritually, owing to the scientific work of the occult Hierarchy and Their trained helpers. This spiritual life relates the thoughtform to the waiting extra-planetary Forces and can make Their work possible and effective. It is potent physically and emotionally through the work of the lovers of humanity, the well-meaning efforts of the emotionally oriented people and the agonised longings of the masses, who [Page 224] hate war, desire quiet, and demand peace and good living conditions.

There is, however, a gap or hiatus upon the mental plane, for the minds of men are not functioning correctly. The disciples and world aspirants are not thinking with clarity, nor are they working in unity. They are evading issues or are thinking separatively or nationally or fanatically; they are not convinced of the potency of invocation or of prayer; they are failing to realise that it is possible to work ardently for those conditions which will lead to peace, and yet fight simultaneously so that those conditions may be available; they fail to love all men without exception in their longing to see their own loyalties emerge triumphant; they work doubtingly, hoping for the best but believing in the worst; they use the method of prayer and of invocation because such methods seem to have been successful in the past, and because they are told that “faith can move mountains,” but they feel inwardly quite hopeless and uninspired and are not at all sure what faith intrinsically is; they realise that a united front and a spirit of joyous certainty are psychological assets of well-nigh invincible potency, but they feel unable to arouse within themselves the slightest enthusiasm.

It is this negative and lukewarm attitude, this mental uncertainty and this failure to link up the spiritual and the physical worlds in a positive relationship which is holding back the Forces of Light and the actual presence of the Spirit of Peace, and thus negativing a possible divine intervention. It is the test of group work. The faith of many individuals is real and deep, but they stand alone; the knowledge that the few have of the nature of the waiting Forces of intervention is being negated by the faithlessness of the world disciples and aspirants, weighed down by world karma, by their own physical fatigue and by their horror of the present situation, plus the difficulties of individual circumstance.

The Externalisation of the Hierarchy


Q: In the description of ‘fire destroying by fire’ by the sending nation, why then was the U.S. not destroyed by fire when it released the atomic bomb on Hiroshima?

A: The Hierarchical decision to avert a nuclear war was made after Hiroshima (1945). Foster Bailey hints that it was being considered since 1952. VBA states that it began to be discussed immediately after 1945, but was finally decided in 1975.

No two countries could engage in a nuclear war then, because only one nation had the bomb. It was an exceptional circumstance. And the exception was justified, according to Master DK’s account of the use of the atomic bomb upon the Japanese population. VBA’s personal assessment of the decision was different, though. (see quotes below).

FB and VBA are revealing that there are new rules after that exception. However, still to be considered is the question: how would the radiation cloud be contained even if a nuclear missile would boomerang to the country launching it? That question is addressed in the Ted Talk below. Therefore, a more comprehensive approach to avert a nuclear war may require divine intervention to limit the impact of the radiation cloud. -JB

VBA: Let us see what, about these transgressions of the Law, is written in certain pages of the BOOK OF THE INITIATES [Old Commentary]: “The spirits who had so irrationally opposed the destiny of Justice indicated by the Great Executors, were destroyed by the waters (Atlantis). The spirits that irrationally and following sordid and tortuous desires, use fire against their brothers, by fire will be destroyed and there will be no left of their bodies nor the pious ashes with which Mother Nature covers the end of her creations.”

DK: None of the men involved in the direction of the Axis effort in Europe is today normal psychologically; they are all suffering from some form of physical deterioration, and this has been a real factor in their defeat, though one that may be difficult for you to realise. It is not so in the case of the Japanese, whose psychological make-up is totally different, [Page 496] as are their nervous systems, which are of fourth rootrace quality. They will be and are being defeated by physical war measures and by the destruction physically of their war potential and the death of the form aspect. This destruction … and the consequent release of their imprisoned souls, is a necessary happening; it is the justification of the use of the atomic bomb upon the Japanese population. The first use of this released energy has been destructive, but I would remind you that it has been the destruction of forms and not the destruction of spiritual values and the death of the human spirit—as was the goal of the Axis effort. -EOH (August 1945)

VBA: This atomic energy was later used, as is well known, by America against the Japanese people; an action that did not count with the complacency of the Hierarchy, which evaluates its energies from a very different angle of view from that of human beings and uses in all its actions the sacred Law of Economy. The Allied forces finally defeated the axis forces and, supported at that time by the igneous currents of SHAMBALLA, they were the instruments used by the mystical forces of the Great Fraternity to push back the cosmic Evil towards its unknown and mysterious sources of origin.

For the first time in decades, it’s hard to ignore the threat of nuclear war. But as long as you’re far from the blast, you’re safe, right? Wrong. In this sobering talk, atmospheric scientist Brian Toon explains how even a small nuclear war could destroy all life on earth — and what we can do to prevent it. A professor in the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at the University of Colorado-Boulder, Brian Toon investigates the causes of the ozone hole, how volcanic eruptions alter the climate, how ancient Mars had flowing rivers, and the environmental impacts of nuclear war. He contributed to the U.N.’s Nobel Peace Prize for climate change and holds numerous scientific awards, including two NASA medals for Exceptional Scientific Achievement. He is an avid woodworker. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

A Multipolar World Order

The Kremlin’s increasingly assertive foreign policy, including its illegal occupation of Crimea in 2014 and its intervention in Syria in 2015, came unexpectedly to many in the West. These events were nonetheless mere extensions of the worldview held by Russian President Vladimir Putin. This worldview was built on more than two decades of compounded dissatisfaction with the West as well as Putin’s cumulative experiences in his ongoing global campaigns to achieve his core objectives: the preservation of his regime, the end of American hegemony, and the reinstatement of Russia as a global power. Some of these ambitions were tamed, and others expedited, by external events, yet their core has remained the same and often at odds with the West. The U.S. believed that a brief period of non-assertive foreign policy from the mid-1980s to mid-1990s had become the new norm for Russia. This period was not the norm but an anomaly. Putin’s foreign policy has always been assertive, similar to Russia’s historic foreign policy. The U.S. may thus find itself once again surprised by Putin. This paper examines the evolution of Russia’s foreign policy worldview since the collapse of the Soviet Union to help understand the likely next priorities of the Kremlin.

Executive Summary

There’s nothing wrong with a multipolar world in which a Russian Commonwealth would coexist as a world power, comprised of countries with full independence and cooperation, voluntarily associated and perfecting of their national life in the interests of the whole of humanity and through the desire to express and preserve their soul integrity and their purified national purpose. What’s wrong is the imposition of such association of countries as a totalitarian Russian Empire.

Adapted from The Destiny of the Nations, pp.104-105.

Earlier I stated that the physical plane areas or localities which constitute the present modern exits for energies, through which directed energies can pass to carry out the creative process, are five in number: New York, London, Geneva, Darjeeling and Tokyo. These five form a five-pointed star of interlocking energies, symbolic of the major divisions of our modern civilisation.

Externalisation of the Hierarchy, 675

A Prophecy

Under the plan, and contingent upon the energies pouring through the five planetary centres according to plan, there are three great fusing energies or vital centres present upon our planet:
a. Russia, fusing and blending eastern Europe and western and northern Asia.
b. The United States (and later South America), fusing and blending central and western Europe and the entire western hemisphere.
c. The British [Commonwealth], fusing and blending races and men throughout the entire world.

In the hands of these nations lies the destiny of the planet. These are the three major world blocs, from the consciousness angle and from the angle of world synthesis. Other and lesser nations will participate in the process with full independence and cooperation, voluntarily and through the perfecting of their national life in the interests of the whole of humanity and through the desire to express and preserve their soul integrity and their purified national purpose (which purification is now going on). The keynote, however, of human living will be struck by Russia, Great Britain and the United States — not because of their power, their historical past and their material resources or [Page 105] territorial extent, but because they [will be] in a position to fuse and blend the many types, because they [will be] far-visioned in their world purpose, because they [will not be] basically selfish in their intent, and because the government of the peoples [will reach down] into the depths of each nation and [will be] fundamentally for the people. Their basic Constitution, Magna Charta and Bill of Rights are human. Other nations will be gradually swept into line with these fundamental spiritual requirements, or — if they are already based on these human principles and not on the rule of a powerful minority, exploiting an unhappy majority — they will cooperate freely with these greater nations in a federation of purposes and of interests until such time as all the nations of the world see the vision clear, forego their selfish aims and agree in the unity of the work to be done for the whole. Humanity will then emerge into the light of freedom with a revealed beauty and a spiritual purpose, hitherto unknown.

The Destiny of the Nations

[JB] How do we translate to the men and women of goodwill, that the world situation today is the result of the Impacts of Shamballa, energizing both good and evil in the world, for the purpose of planetary and human evolution, and that such life-threatening labor pains are permitted by Sanat Kumara, without divine intervention so far, so that Humanity, exercising its free will, according to the Plan, can grow into adulthood (1st initiation, birth of the Christ) and assume its planetary responsibility in “sealing the door where evil dwells,” so that the World Teacher can reappear and the externalized Hierarchy of Masters can assume democratic leadership of planetary affairs, a Hierarchical Democracy enabling planet Earth to become a Beacon of Light in the solar system and the cosmos? -JB

The Mantra of the New Group of World Servers

Que el Poder de la Vida Una afluya a través del grupo de todos los verdaderos servidores.May the Power of the one Life pour through the group of all true servers.
Que el Amor del Alma Una caracterice la vida de todos aquellos que tratan de ayudar a los Grandes Seres.May the Love of the One Soul characterize the lives of all who seek to aid the Great Ones.
Que cumplamos nuestra parte en el Trabajo Uno, mediante el olvido de uno mismo, la inofensividad y la correcta palabra.May we fulfil my part in the One work through self-forgetfulness, harmlessness and right speech.


Defeating the Forces of Evil

Zelenskyy made an exasperated plea for fighter jets and tanks to sustain a defense as his country continues battling Russia’s invading troops. Russia now says its main focus is on taking control of the eastern Donbas region, an apparent pullback from its earlier, more expansive goals, but one which is raising fears of a divided Ukraine.

Speaking after President Joe Biden said in a lacerating speech that Russian President Vladimir Putin could not stay in power — words the White House immediately sought to downplay — Zelenskyy lashed out at the West’s “ping-pong about who and how should hand over jets” and other weapons while Russian missile attacks kill and trap civilians.

“I’ve talked to the defenders of Mariupol today. I’m in constant contact with them. Their determination, heroism and firmness are astonishing,” Zelenskyy said in a video address, referring to the besieged southern city that has suffered some of the war’s greatest deprivations and horrors.

“If only those who have been thinking for 31 days on how to hand over dozens of jets and tanks had 1% of their courage.”

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has stalled in many areas. Its aim to quickly encircle the capital, Kyiv, and force its surrender has faltered against staunch Ukrainian resistance — bolstered by weapons from the U.S. and other Western allies. -Source: POLITICO

“In their well-meaning blindness they would sacrifice the future of humanity and the lives of millions of people at a later date for a temporary cessation of hostilities. I would emphasise to you that the Forces of Evil must be defeated now; the evil leaders must be wrenched from their high place, and the complete defeat and annihilation of those responsible for launching this horror on humanity is an absolute necessity and bounden duty, if security, well-being and a new order of happier living is to be the lot of coming generations. A temporary ending of the war would only give time for the Forces of Evil to reorganise, and the future war would be infinitely worse than this one. This the intelligent humanitarian is saying, and this is the opinion of the Hierarchy. The Hierarchy stands firmly on the side of those who demand a war to a finish, and the reasons are the ultimate saving of millions of lives and the preservation of certain basic spiritual values.”

The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 426 (written in 1944)

[Six] objectives facing the Hierarchy at this time and involving the personal attention of the Christ; they all have a potent and beneficent effect upon humanity. Let me enumerate them in concise form, because it is essential that there be clear perception of the emerging values on the part of workers of all grades and kinds in the world, for otherwise perception is not possible. To each point enumerated I will append in a few brief words the reason why it is regarded as important:

The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, pp. 551-52 (April-May 1946)
  1. The Reorganisation of the World Religions.
    a. To make way for the World Religion, universal religion.
    b. To return humanity to the simplicity which is in Christ.
    c. To rid the world of theology and ecclesiasticism.
  2. The Gradual Dissolution of Orthodox Judaism.
    a. Because of its presentation of a wrathful Jehovah, caring only for his chosen people. This is a basic evil. The Lord of the World, the God in whom we live and move and have our being, is totally otherwise.
    b. Because of its separativeness.
    c. Because it is so ancient that its teachings are largely obsolete.
    d. Because when the Jews become spiritual they will greatly benefit mankind, for they are found in every land.
  3. Preparation for a New Revelation.
    a. Because where there is no vision the people perish. [Page 552]
    b. Because human expectancy indicates its emerging presence.
    c. Because the new Invocation will inevitably bring it to us.
  4. The Reaction of the Hierarchy to Shamballa.
    a. Produces a direct channel.
    b. Conditions the inflow of power energy.
    c. Relates the will-to-good to goodwill.
    d. Creates new constructive tensions and new ashrams.
  5. A Closer Relation of the Hierarchy to Humanity.
    a. Produces (in the near future) the externalisation of certain ashrams.
    b. Leads to the reappearance of the Hierarchy on earth.
    c. Recognises that man’s point of development warrants this.
    d. Presents a nearing opportunity for revelation.
  6. An Effort to avert War.
    a. Because the next war would annihilate the greater part of the human race.
    b. Because, having a religious basis [Patriarch Kirill], the hate involved would be greater far than anything hitherto known.
    c. Because Shamballa would be involved, and this has never been the case.

You can see therefore how critical, spiritually, are these times, and how urgent is the task which confronts the Hierarchy and its workers on earth. The war may be over in the physical sense, but great issues are still involved and undetermined and can lead either to peace or to a renewal of those conditions in which wars are generated and which, once generated, cannot be avoided.

The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, pp. 551-52 (April-May 1946)

[Russia’s military problems do not mean] that Ukraine will be able to drive off the Russians or even prevent the Russians from grinding them down. Ukraine’s hopes of surviving continue to rest on increasing lethal and non-lethal aid from the West, including advanced air defense systems, combat aircraft, armored vehicles, artillery, and other systems that the U.S. and NATO have so far been reluctant to provide. Russia’s problems do mean, though, that Ukraine actually has a chance to win this war if the West leans into helping.

The U.S., its allies, and all free peoples must recognize how important such a Ukrainian victory would be. It would show the world that freedom can defeat tyranny; it would impose a devastating defeat on Putin, finally checking his decades-long relentless advances. It might even give China’s Xi Jinping pause in contemplating hurling his own untested, unfree troops against Taiwan.

If there is any chance at all that Ukraine on its own, helped only by the provision of weapons and money, can defeat Putin — and there is — then the U.S. and the world must do everything in their power short of intervening directly to help Ukraine win.

Frederick W. Kagan is the director of the Critical Threats Project and a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington. He also advises the Russia team at the Institute for the Study of War.

Last summer, Putin published a lengthy essay entitled “On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians” that sought to explain that there was an artificial division between the two countries and that “true sovereignty of Ukraine is possible only in partnership with Russia.”

The language Putin used caused some historians to shudder. They said he echoed some of the same rhetoric Hitler used in “Mein Kampf,” the dictator’s autobiography and political manifesto. Hitler’s book brimmed with distorted history about Germany’s lost greatness, global conspiracies that undercut Germany’s power, and justifications for conquest of another group of people.

“Like the Führer, the president of Russia bemoans the tragedy that has befallen his homeland, an erstwhile empire, and he too wants to turn back the clock,” wrote Avi Garfinkel, a reporter for Haaretz, an Israeli newspaper, in an article entitled, “How Putin’s Ukraine Agenda Evokes Hitler’s Mein Kampf.”

This may be one of the most disturbing links between Putin and Hitler. Some Putin critics say he is using Nazi language and propaganda techniques to justify the invasion of Ukraine. They compared the “Z” inscribed on Russian tanks to a symbol used by Nazis in concentration camps. Others compared a recent massive war rally Putin led in a Moscow stadium to scenes of a Hitler speech in an infamous Nazi propaganda film called “Triumph of the Will.”