Towards a New Economy

Towards a New Economy Energized by the Sun:

Reflections at the Leo Full Moon

The Gayatri

O Thou Who givest sustenance to the universe,
From Whom all things proceed,
To Whom all things return,
Unveil to us the face of the true Spiritual Sun
Hidden by a disc of golden Light
That we may know the Truth And do our whole duty
As we journey to Thy sacred feet.

May 2024 has already proven to be a particularly stormy month for our Sun. During the first full week of May, a barrage of large solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) launched clouds of charged particles and magnetic fields toward Earth, creating the strongest solar storm to reach Earth in two decades — and possibly one of the strongest displays of auroras on record in the past 500 years.

Is the Sun to the solar system as the nucleus is to the atom?

[Current scientific model]

The analogy between the Sun in the solar system and the nucleus in an atom is an interesting one, but it has its limitations:

  1. Energy Source: In the solar system, the Sun is indeed the primary source of energy, providing light and heat through nuclear fusion. In an atom, the nucleus contains protons and neutrons, and while it holds most of the atom’s mass, it isn’t an energy source in the same way. Instead, energy in atoms is often discussed in terms of electron interactions and transitions.
  2. Force Fields: The Sun’s gravitational field governs the orbits of planets, while in an atom, the nucleus’s positive charge creates an electric field that attracts negatively charged electrons. This is a similarity in terms of central forces, but the nature of the forces (gravitational vs. electromagnetic) is different.
  3. Positive and Negative Charges: The Sun is not positively charged; it is a massive body with a gravitational pull. In contrast, the nucleus is positively charged due to protons, and electrons are negatively charged, creating an electromagnetic force.

While there are parallels in terms of central forces and structure, the analogy breaks down when considering the types of forces and the role of energy. The Sun’s role in the solar system and the nucleus’s role in an atom are governed by different physical principles.

[An alternative cosmological theory]

The Electric Universe

The Electric Universe model is an alternative cosmological theory that emphasizes the role of electricity and electromagnetism in the universe. Here are its key concepts:

  1. Electromagnetism Over Gravity: It posits that electromagnetic forces, rather than gravity, are the dominant forces shaping the universe, influencing the formation and behavior of celestial bodies.
  2. Electric Currents in Space: The model suggests that vast electric currents flow through space, connecting stars, galaxies, and other cosmic structures, and that these currents play a crucial role in their dynamics and energy.
  3. Plasma Cosmology: It incorporates ideas from plasma physics, proposing that plasma, a state of matter consisting of charged particles, is a fundamental component of the universe and is influenced by electromagnetic forces.
  4. Solar Activity: The Electric Universe model attributes solar phenomena, such as sunspots and solar flares, to external electric currents interacting with the Sun, rather than internal nuclear fusion processes.
  5. Cosmic Structures: It suggests that galaxies, stars, and planetary systems are formed and maintained by electromagnetic forces, challenging the conventional gravity-centric models.

Overall, the Electric Universe model offers a radically different perspective on cosmic phenomena, focusing on the influence of electricity and magnetism across the universe. Overall, the Electric Universe model challenges the conventional understanding by focusing on electromagnetic forces and external energy sources, whereas the accepted model relies on nuclear fusion and gravitational forces.

Reference: The Electric Bridge

Free Energy

Free energy, often referred to as zero point energy, encapsulates the concept of harnessing the inherent energy that exists in the vacuum of space, often ascribed to an etheric substance. This idea posits that even in a perfect vacuum, where seemingly no matter exists, there are fluctuations of energy and virtual particles continuously being created and annihilated. Theoretically, this energy can be extracted and utilized, presenting a revolutionary potential for energy production that does not rely on conventional fuel sources. From an introspective standpoint, exploring zero point energy compels us to reflect on the nature of existence and the unseen forces that govern our universe. As we delve into this profound aspect of quantum physics, we confront the boundaries between science, philosophy, and the very essence of reality itself, prompting a deeper inquiry into what it means to harness the unseen energies that permeate our environment. Furthermore, this concept highlights the interconnectedness of all things, as even seemingly empty space contains a boundless source of energy waiting to be unlocked.

The possibility of using plasma, antigravitational forces, and Tesla-based technologies to power our economy represents a convergence of innovative thinking and scientific inquiry. Plasma, often referred to as the fourth state of matter, exhibits unique properties that can potentially be harnessed for energy generation. When controlled effectively, it can serve as a medium for conducting electricity and possibly even for efficient energy storage.

The Tesla Coil

Tesla envisioned a system where electrical energy could be delivered through the air, as evident in his experiments with the Tesla coil. The Tesla coil is a type of resonant transformer circuit invented by Nikola Tesla in 1891. Its primary function is to generate high-voltage, low-current, high-frequency alternating current electricity. The design consists of two main components: a primary coil and a secondary coil, each with its own capacitor. When electric current is passed through the primary coil, it creates a magnetic field that induces a current in the secondary coil, resulting in voltage multiplication. This process allows the Tesla coil to produce spectacular electrical discharges, often visible as arcs of electricity. Beyond its dramatic visual effects, the Tesla coil serves as a fundamental demonstration of principles such as electromagnetism and resonance, showcasing the intricate relationship between electricity and magnetism. Its influence extends into various fields, including wireless communication, radio technology, and even medical devices, highlighting Tesla’s profound impact on our understanding of electrical energy.

Moreover, Tesla effectively foresaw the potential of capturing and utilizing the vast amounts of energy present in the environment. His ideas suggested that natural phenomena, such as electromagnetic waves and atmospheric electricity, could be harvested to provide a sustainable source of power. This concept resonates strongly today, as we search for alternative energy solutions that reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. By reflecting on Tesla’s work, we are encouraged to explore innovative technologies, such as solar panels and piezoelectric devices, that can harness ambient energy more effectively. Ultimately, Tesla’s legacy urges us to rethink our approach to energy transmission and consumption, inspiring a future that aligns technological advancement with environmental sustainability.

Technical and economic hurdles

Unlike traditional methods of electricity generation that rely on steam turbines powered by thermal energy—often derived from fossil fuels or nuclear reactions—the Tesla coil operates on the principles of electromagnetic induction. By creating high-voltage discharges and leveraging its resonant characteristics, a Tesla coil can efficiently transfer energy through the air without the need for mechanical components like turbines. However, while a Tesla coil can be used for various applications, including wireless energy transmission, it is important to note that its output is typically limited in scale compared to conventional power generation methods. Thus, while it offers intriguing possibilities for energy generation and transmission, it may not replace steam turbines as a primary source of electricity in large-scale applications.

To enhance the energy production capabilities of a Tesla coil, several technical devices can be integrated into its system. Firstly, to capture and store the high-voltage output, capacitors are essential; they can accumulate energy generated by the coil, enabling more controlled energy delivery. Additionally, rectifiers may be employed to convert the alternating current (AC) produced by the Tesla coil into direct current (DC), allowing for versatility in powering various electronic devices. Coupling the Tesla coil with transformers can also amplify the voltage levels, facilitating increased energy transfer over greater distances. Furthermore, a resonant circuit, consisting of inductors and capacitors, can be utilized to maximize energy efficiency by allowing the coil to oscillate at its natural frequency, thereby increasing the amplitude of the electrical discharge and overall output. Ultimately, the integration of these devices can lead to a more effective energy amplification system, demonstrating the potential of the Tesla coil in innovative applications.

The lack of widespread discovery and implementation of amplifying technologies, such as those associated with Tesla coils, can largely be attributed to several factors. Firstly, the historical context plays a significant role; many advancements in electrical engineering occurred after Tesla’s initial innovations, often overshadowing earlier concepts in favor of more practical and scalable solutions. Additionally, the complexities involved in safely harnessing high-voltage outputs present significant engineering challenges. The risks associated with the intense electromagnetic fields produced by these technologies can deter investment and research efforts, as safety concerns must be thoroughly addressed before any practical application can be realised.

Moreover, the competitive landscape of energy production and transmission often prioritises methods that are tried and tested, such as fossil fuels, nuclear power, and renewable sources. These methods have well-established infrastructures and regulatory frameworks that make them more appealing to stakeholders despite potential innovations. Consequently, the amplifying technologies may not translate into actionable strategies for adoption without robust economic incentives, comprehensive research, and public support for a shift towards experimental approaches in energy generation.

The gap between theoretical appeal and real-world implementation is often vast, as stakeholders must navigate substantial technical and economic hurdles. Thus, while the promise of amplifying technologies captivates the imagination, translating that intrigue into viable solutions requires a robust framework of support, research, and financial backing.

Current Initiatives

Current research and development efforts in the realm of energy innovation are increasingly focused on exploring alternative methods of energy generation and transmission. These initiatives often include advancements in fusion energy, sustainable technologies, and energy efficiency improvements. One notable project among these is the SAFIRE Project, spearheaded by Aueron. This initiative aims to investigate the potential of a novel plasma technology that could offer a paradigm shift in how we understand and manage energy creation. By examining the underlying principles of plasma interactions and harnessing their properties, the SAFIRE Project seeks to bridge the gap between theoretical exploration and practical energy applications. As such, it exemplifies the intriguing intersection of cutting-edge science and practical energy solutions, reinforcing the notion that innovation must be actively pursued to realise sustainable energy futures.

While the SAFIRE Project is at the forefront of investigating innovative plasma technologies, it does currently utilize steam turbines for electricity generation. This reliance on steam turbines highlights a transitional phase within the project, wherein established energy generation methods complement emerging technologies. By integrating traditional systems into their model, the SAFIRE Project not only ensures a degree of reliability and efficiency in energy production but also provides a valuable framework for testing and validating new concepts. As the project progresses, the goal remains to evolve beyond these initial methodologies, ultimately aiming for a future where advanced plasma technologies can operate independently or enhance existing generation techniques, demonstrating a clear commitment to bridging theory and practice in energy innovation.

Several other research and development projects echo the ambitions of the SAFIRE Project by exploring innovative technologies for energy generation. One notable initiative is the SPARC project, which focuses on developing a compact fusion reactor that could provide a sustainable energy source using nuclear fusion. By working on advanced plasma confinement techniques, SPARC aims to unlock the potential of fusion as a viable alternative to traditional energy sources.

Additionally, the Helion Energy project is pursuing similar goals by harnessing plasma physics for fusion energy generation, seeking to create a commercially viable fusion power plant. Their approach combines advanced magnetic field configurations with innovative engineering solutions to achieve the conditions necessary for fusion.

Moreover, the ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) project represents a global effort to demonstrate the feasibility of nuclear fusion as a large-scale and carbon-free source of energy. Through international collaboration, ITER aims to validate the scientific and technological principles behind fusion power, thereby paving the way for future energy networks based on sustainable practices.

These projects, like the SAFIRE Project, share a common vision of transforming energy generation through scientific innovation and collaboration, illustrating the broader momentum within the field towards a more sustainable energy future along the lines prophesied by the Tibetan Master.

… to the occultist there is no such thing as substance, but only Force in varying degrees, only Energy of differentiated quality, only Lives emanating from different sources, each distinctive and apart, and only Consciousness producing intelligent effect through the medium of space.

-The Tibetan Master. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 521.


August 9, 1945

You will now understand the meaning of the words used by so many of you in the second of the Great Invocations: The hour of service of the saving force has now arrived. This “saving force” is the energy which science has released into the world for the destruction, first of all, of those who continue (if they do) to defy the Forces of Light working through the United Nations. Then—as time goes on—this liberated energy will usher in the new civilisation, the new and better world and the finer, more spiritual conditions. The highest dreams of those who love their fellowmen can become practical possibilities through the right use of this liberated energy, if the real values are taught, emphasised and applied to daily living. This “saving force” has now been made available by science, and my earlier prophecy substantiated. [Page 498]

As I said above, the first use of this energy has been material destruction; this was inevitable and desirable; old forms (obstructing the good) have had to be destroyed; the wrecking and disappearance of that which is bad and undesirable must ever precede the building of the good and desirable and the longed-for emergence of that which is new and better.

The constructive use of this energy and its harnessing for the betterment of humanity is its real purpose; this living energy of substance itself, hitherto shut up within the atom and imprisoned in these ultimate forms of life, can be turned wholly into that which is good and can bring about such a revolutionising of the modes of human experience that (from one angle alone) it will necessitate and bring about an entirely new economic world structure.

It lies in the hands of the United Nations to protect this released energy from misuse and to see that its power is not prostituted to selfish ends and purely material purposes. It is a “saving force” and has in it the potency of rebuilding, of rehabilitation and of reconstruction. Its right use can abolish destitution, bring civilised comfort (and not useless luxury) to all upon our planet; its expression in forms of right living, if motivated by right human relations, will produce beauty, warmth, colour, the abolition of the present forms of disease, the withdrawal of mankind from all activities which involve living or working underground, and will bring to an end all human slavery, all need to work or fight for possessions and things, and will render possible a state of life which will leave man free to pursue the higher aims of the Spirit. The prostituting of life to the task of providing the bare necessities or to [Page 499] making it possible for a few rich and privileged people to have too much when others have too little, will come to an end; men everywhere can now be released into a state of life which will give them leisure and time to follow spiritual objectives, to realise richer cultural life, and to attain a broader mental perspective.

But, my brothers, men will fight to prevent this; the reactionary groups in every country will neither recognise the need for, nor desire this new world order which the liberation of cosmic energy (even on this initial tiny scale) can make possible; the vested interests, the big cartels, trusts and monopolies that controlled the past few decades, preceding this world war, will mobilise their resources and fight to the death to prevent the extinction of their sources of income; they will not permit, if they can help it, the passing of the control of this illimitable power into the hands of the masses, to whom it rightly belongs. The selfish interests among the big stockholders, the banking firms and the wealthy organised churches will oppose all change, except in so far as it will benefit them and bring more financial gain to their coffers.

Signs of this opposition can already be seen in the utterances of certain powerful men who are today encouraging a gloomy outlook in London and in Washington and elsewhere; the Vatican, that wealthy and reactionary ecclesiastical organisation, has already expressed its disfavour, because that Church knows—as do all the vested and monied interests—that their days are numbered, provided humanity governs its decisions during the next fifty years by the idea of the greatest good to the greatest number. World decisions must therefore, in the future, be based upon a steady determination to further right human relations and to prevent selfish control, financial or ecclesiastical, by any group of men, anywhere, in any country. We believe the determination of Great Britain, the United States, and Canada, who are in possession of the secrets, is along these lines.

These few suggestions will give you much food for thought and real ground for happy, confident, forward thinking. [Page 500] Organise now for the goodwill work. The future of the world lies in the hands of the men of goodwill and in those who have unselfish purpose everywhere. This release of energy will eventually make money, as we know it, of no moment whatsoever; money has proved itself (owing to man’s limitations) a producer of evil and the sower of dissension and discontent in the world. This new released energy can prove itself a “saving force” for all mankind, releasing from poverty, ugliness, degradation, slavery and despair; it will destroy the great monopolies, take the curse out of labour, and open the door into that golden age for which all men wait. It will level all the artificial layers of modern society and liberate men from the constant anxiety and gruelling toil which have been responsible for so much disease and death. When these new and better conditions are established, then men will be free to live and move in beauty and to seek the “Lighted Way.”

-The Tibetan Master. Extracted from the book The Externalisation of the Hierarchy by Alice A. Bailey (Lucis Trust).

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