Part 1
A compilation from the Alice A. Bailey books on the British Empire
[DN 84] … the British Empire covers the Earth, for there is a close connection between the Earth, as a whole, and Great Britain.
These energies which we have been considering are released into our planetary life through the medium of certain great inlets. At this time there are five such inlets, scattered over the world. Wherever one of these inlets for spiritual force is found, there will also be present a city of spiritual importance in the same location. These five points of spiritual influx are:
- London For the British Empire.
- New York For the Western Hemisphere.
- Geneva For Europe, including the U.S.S.R.
- Tokyo For the Far East.
- Darjeeling For India and the greater part of Asia.
Later, two more points for energy will be added to these but the time is not yet. Through these five places and the areas in their neighbourhood the energy of the five rays pours forth, conditioning the world of men, leading to results of profound significance and determining the trend of events. These five points of conditioning energy (in spite of the [Page 93] fact that the energy pouring through Darjeeling has not yet reached its full strength) produce two triangles of force in their inter-relations:
- London. New York. Darjeeling.
- Tokyo. New York. Geneva.
Geneva and Darjeeling are two centres through which pure spiritual energy can be directed with more facility than through the other three; they, therefore, constitute the higher points of their respective triangles. They are also more subjective in their influence than are London, New York or Tokyo. Together they form the five centres of “impelling energy” today.
It may interest you also to know the governing rays and the astrological signs of these five centres, but it must not be forgotten that the personality rays change from period to period in connection with countries and cities just as with individual human beings:
City | Soul Personality Sign |
London | 5th ray 7th ray Gemini. |
New York | 2nd ray 3rd ray Cancer. |
Tokyo | 6th ray 4th ray Cancer. |
Geneva | 1st ray 2nd ray Leo. |
Darjeeling | 2nd ray 5th ray Scorpio. |
If students will study this information in connection with that given elsewhere in connection with the nations and other cities, the inter-relations now emerging in world affairs will be seen as the result of the play of these forces and energies and as, therefore, to a certain extent, unavoidable. The use of the energy may be along wrong lines, producing separation and trouble; it may be along right lines, leading [Page 94] to eventual harmony and understanding; but the energy is there and must make its effects felt. As in the individual life, as the results of the play of soul energy upon the form aspect, one or other of the rays will dominate. If the person or the nation is spiritually oriented, the result of the energy impact will be good and will lead towards the working out of the divine plan, and thus be wholly constructive. Where personality force dominates, the effects will be destructive and may temporarily hinder divine Purpose. Nevertheless, even force which is turned to destructive ends can and does finally work towards good, for the trend of the evolutionary force is unalterable, being based on the Will-to-good of Divinity Itself. The inpouring soul energy can be slowed down or speeded on its way according to the purpose, aspiration and the orientation of the entity (human or national); it can express soul purpose or personality selfishness, but the innate urge to betterment will inevitably triumph.
[DN] … in connection with the British Empire, a study will be made of London, Sydney, Johannesburg, Toronto and Vancouver with subsidiary studies of Calcutta, Delhi, Singapore, Jamaica and Madras which are all subjectively related in a manner unforeseen by students at present. Under the plan, and contingent upon the energies pouring through the five planetary centres according to plan, there are three great fusing energies or vital centres present upon our planet:
- Russia, fusing and blending eastern Europe and western and northern Asia.
- The United States (and later South America), fusing and blending central and western Europe and the entire western hemisphere.
- The British Empire, fusing and blending races and men throughout the entire world.
In the hands of these nations lies the destiny of the planet. These are the three major world blocs, from the consciousness angle and from the angle of world synthesis. Other and lesser nations will participate in the process with full independence and cooperation, voluntarily and through the perfecting of their national life in the interests of the whole of humanity and through the desire to express and preserve their soul integrity and their purified national purpose (which purification is now going on). The keynote, however, of human living will be struck by Russia, Great Britain and the United States — not because of their power, their historical past and their material resources or [Page 105] territorial extent, but because they are in a position to fuse and blend the many types, because they are far-visioned in their world purpose, because they are not basically selfish in their intent, and because the government of the peoples reaches down into the depths of each nation and is fundamentally for the people. Their basic Constitution, Magna Charta and Bill of Rights are human. Other nations will be gradually swept into line with these fundamental spiritual requirements, or — if they are already based on these human principles and not on the rule of a powerful minority, exploiting an unhappy majority — they will cooperate freely with these greater nations in a federation of purposes and of interests until such time as all the nations of the world see the vision clear, forego their selfish aims and agree in the unity of the work to be done for the whole. Humanity will then emerge into the light of freedom with a revealed beauty and a spiritual purpose, hitherto unknown.
[EOH 85] London is, of course, the heart centre for Great Britain (and temporarily it is also the head centre, though this will not always be the case), whilst Ottawa is the throat centre and Sydney is the solar plexus centre of the British Empire.
[EOH] I would pause here and solemnly beg you not to make the lines of cleavage wider by placing yourself, and all who follow your form of ideology, upon the side of the Forces of Light and all other people and their ideologies, with which you may not agree, upon the side of the Forces of Darkness. The issue is, in the last analysis, the right to express the will-to-good, the right to express human relationships, untrammelled by territorial barriers and national habits of thought; it involves the right and the felt necessity to shew love to all beings and thus stamp out all hate and separateness. It concerns the right of all nations to live at peace with their neighbours and harmoniously with each other and to express the true and subjective synthesis of humanity, and not place national possessions, frontiers, culture, power and ambition before the general good and the happiness of the world of men. This is the real and underlying issue. All the national challenges and patriotic calls are simply the attempts of the leaders everywhere to hold the people to a particular line of thought and of action. To make the world safe for democracy, to gain room to live, to defend the rights of little nations, to preserve the balance of power, to meet force with force, to restore ancient and historical boundaries, to impose some culture deemed desirable, to prevent economic destruction, to conserve national stakes and interests are all the talking points of the leaders today. But the real issue is the intangible one of Direction. Which way will humanity go? [Page 130] Will it go the way of selflessness, expressed in a willingness to act always in the interests of all, thus promoting world understanding and world unity, or the way of selfishness and aggression, expressed in an intense nationalism, thus sacrificing the true and larger values of liberty, independence and freedom to think. This selfishness may show itself through active aggression or an active neutrality. Those nations who participate in no way in this struggle will lose much and—enhancing their own selfish struggle and clouding the real issue in beautiful words—will help to prolong the struggle and hold back their own people from useful opportunity.
I would point out here also that as in all families, business and organisations there are those who are the focal points of authority and the designers of the planned activities, so within that group or organised body which goes by the name of humanity there are similar focal points or those who plan, direct and produce the outer happenings and events. They are in the period of personality achievement—that time in which human beings, having achieved integration and a blended expression of feeling and perception and mind, are actively and effectively working upon the physical plane. These focal points are used to bring about two major changes in the world; the first is the fusion and blending of peoples and minorities so that coordinated empires and cultural nations are appearing everywhere and, secondly, the changing of frontiers and the altering of boundaries so that a complete re-adjustment of the map of the world in Asia, Europe and Africa can take place.
It will be apparent to you that three major methods or modes of producing these fusions can be noted. Great Britain, the United States of America and the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics (the U.S.S.R.) are working out the principle of federation, of relation and of the fusion of bodies into concentrated wholes, responding to the same inspiration but employing their own specialised methods to bring about the desired ends. Be not surprised by my [Page 131] including Russia in this triplicity. Their ideology is fundamentally as sound as that in the other groups, but the difference lies in the factors of personality and the mode of applying the ideology. The control of powerful and dangerous personalities, and the use of the methods of force and cruelty have been avoided in the first two groups of nations, and the reason is based upon the different source of the inspiration producing the effects. Another reason is to be found in the placing of power in the hands of those who are historically unprepared to rule and of those whose past unfoldment has as yet brought them only to the nursery stage of evolution.
Nevertheless in these three groups there is much of interest to be noted. One of them, Great Britain, represents a fusion, the foundations of which have been laid in a long historical past of preparation for government; another, that of the U.S.A. represents a fusion which is unfolding and developing in the present which is new in its experiments, though employing factors from every nation in Europe; the U.S.S.R. in its turn represents a coming fusion or future synthesis. In these three, you have an interesting and immediate expression of the three divine aspects, each of which inspires and colours the embryonic civilisation. Great Britain expresses the will-to-power but on account of age and experience, dearly bought, this is today mellowed by justice and a growing understanding of human need. This, in its turn, is the result of the control for many centuries in the past by the aristocracy, with its paternalism, conservatism and its method of slow adjustment. The U.S.A. expresses the will-to-love, which shows itself in an ability to absorb vastly divergent elements and yet to present equal opportunity to all. This is brought about very largely because the control is, in this federation of states, in the hands of the bourgeoisie, with its financial goals, its power to determine living conditions, and its quick and sympathetic touch upon life. Its method is not that of slow adjustment but of quick assimilation. It is in that country also that people are most sensitive [Page 132] to the influence of the Hierarchy. The U.S.S.R. expresses the will-to-create and to produce new conditions and a new order—planned and determined and foreseen. This has been brought about through cruelty very often, by a willingness to compromise and to change or lower the original ideal. This, in its turn, is brought about by the activity of the proletariat with its inability to govern, its desire to retaliate, and its ignorance of tradition and of inherited procedures.
A most interesting experiment is, therefore, working out in these three groups of interrelated elements and differing national ideals. The U.S.S.R. will eventually place its emphasis and direct its major interest upon Asia [JB: China] , bringing about great changes on that continent, as far as the Pacific The other, Great Britain, through its successful demonstration of the principle of federation, can affect major changes in Europe if there is an awakened insight, a true and sympathetic justice and wise patience. The U.S.A. has a similar task to perform for the Americas [JB: Pan America], calling for statesmanship of a high order and a spirit of understanding.
It will also be apparent to you if you have rightly understood the above suggestions that the Shamballa force is working through that community of federated nations called the British Empire and is expressing the will-towards-synthesis and the will to just and legal procedure. It is the force of the Hierarchy which can express itself increasingly through the United States of America, for an intuitive recognition of subjective realities and a real sense of the higher values can and frequently do control the impulses governing this group of federated states. The will-to-be of Humanity with its almost extravagant emphasis upon human values and the will-to-rule creatively is the contribution of the U.S.S.R., that great federation of republics. Thus the influence of the three great world centres about which I have earlier written can be seen expressing itself through these three groups of nations. At the same time, the Shamballa force is active in all of them, for it produces federation and synthesis. Its first great expression or demonstration [Page 133] of the spirit of fusion took place in the 18th and 19th centuries, and led to the formation of such countries as Italy and Germany which were created out of many smaller states, duchies and kingdoms. A history of the trend towards fusion in the modern world would prove a most illuminating study. It would be found that the first faint indications were felt around 1575 A.D. This was due to the fact that permission for the inflow of this force was given when demanded at the Centennial Conference of the Hierarchy, held in 1425.
[EOH] Behind all this diversity of governmental methods, certain clear outlines are emerging which indicate wider fusions and a tendency to bring about certain syntheses. Various basic trends of thought are appearing which, in the new world order, will unfold into that major synthesis so much desired by the spiritual Hierarchy of the planet, and which, whilst preserving the large national and racial outlines, will produce an underlying and subjective state of mind which will end the age of separateness. Desire is today being evoked for the Federated States of Europe, modelled on the lines of the British Commonwealth of Nations or the United States of America; there is talk of a new order in Asia, of the Good Neighbour policy in America, of a Federal Union of the democratic nations; there is also the steady spread of the Soviet Socialist Republics. Certain major groupings [Page 200] would seem possible and probably advisable. They might be divided as follows:
- A Federal Union of the great democracies after the war. This might include the British Empire as a whole, the United States, the Scandinavian countries and certain northern European nations, including Germany.
- A Union of the Latin countries, including France, Spain, all the Mediterranean countries, the Balkan countries (except one or two which might be absorbed into the U.S.S.R.), and South America.
- The United Soviet Socialist Republics and certain Asiatic nations working in collaboration with them, such as China, and later Japan.
These three great blocs would not be antagonistic blocs but simply geographical spheres of influence. They would all three work in the closest unity and economic relation. Each nation within the three blocs would preserve its sovereign independence, but between these independent nations and between these blocs there would be identity of purpose, unity of effort and the recognition of the economic control of a league of nations. This league, being formed of the representatives of all the nations and its inner governing body being chosen by the three blocs, would control all sources of supply, distribute all such supplies and determine all economic policies.
With the details of these future adjustments I shall not deal. They must be wrought out by the men and women of goodwill in the crucible of experiment and experience. Only universal disaster could have brought men to a state of mind wherein such propositions and solutions could be presented. The general recognition that the old order has lamentably failed is most valuable.
Part 2
On Brexit
[JB] The Teachings of the Tibetan Master D.K. penned by Alice A. Bailey refer to the United Kingdom (UK) as Great Britain, a part of the former British Empire, later named the British Commonwealth of Nations.
Furthermore, according to these Teachings, the international political future of humanity will probably be shaped by three geographical spheres of influence comprising a league of nations that “would control all sources of supply, distribute all such supplies and determine all economic policies.”
A careful study of the above quotes may enlighten our stance on Brexit. The scheduled election on Thursday December 12 would probably determine if the UK would remain or exit the European Union (EU).

How can the New Group of World Servers (NGWS) assist the Soul of the U.K. in inspiring its current Personality — exercising its free will — to wisely decide, according to our best understanding of the Hierarchical Plan of Light and Love for Humanity?
First and foremost, the NGWS should always stand for certain principles and values. These have been enumerated by the Lucis Trust.
Values to Live By
These are spiritual values, inspiring the conscience and the consciousness of those who serve to create a better way of life. THE FATE OF ALL PEOPLES AND NATIONS IS DETERMINED BY THE VALUES WHICH GOVERN THEIR DECISIONS
Observance of these values would impel us to unreservedly reject the populist, selfish and nationalistic demagoguery of the political leaders currently promoting Brexit.
Still, a careful study of the Teachings would leave an earnest student with the impression that the EU is not the only way that the U.K. can tread to fulfill its predestined role as the center of one of the three major geographical spheres of influence governing the worldwide league of nations prophesied by the Tibetan Master. Much pain and suffering would result if Brexit triumphs, particularly a hard Brexit, but the free will of the British Personality needs to be respected, even if that will is not really free from the deceptive manipulations of its populist leaders, the short-sighted economic interests of the power elites and the subservient media.
Therefore, even if — for the wrong reasons — the Brexit forces would win the forthcoming British elections, the Hierarchical (strategic) Plan for Humanity is (tactically) adaptable. “With the details of these future adjustments,” the Tibetan Master tells us, “I shall not deal. They must be wrought out by the men and women of goodwill in the crucible of experiment and experience.”
Of course, a favorable outcome for the U.K. remaining in the EU is to be preferred. However, even after Brexit, there would be options for the UK to exert its influence according to the Plan. It may be a “reunited” UK (after Scotland and Ireland revise their bonds with the Kingdom), a renewed EU in search for its identity, or new international agreements with different blocs of nations. According to the Tibetan Master, the Plan for Humanity is quite flexible in its details while remaining coherent in its overarching strategic goal: the UNITY of Humanity, unity in diversity, the often painful Fourth Ray approach to human relations.
May the Forces of Light and Love illumine and inspire the British people in aligning their little wills with the Purpose which the Masters know and serve, favoring the spiritual values we all should live by.
May the Plan of Love and Light work out, sealing the door where the evils of deceit and separateness dwell.
May the liberating Light of Truth, the infinite Love of Beauty and the unconquerable Power of the Will-to-Good restore God’s Plan on Earth: for the UK, for the EU and the whole world.
So may it be.
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