Averting the Final War

For the planned externalization of the Hierarchy and the reappearance of the Christ, preventing a Third (and final) World War is of the highest priority. The prevention opportunities range from exerting Humanity’s free will in electing right leadership (Hierarchical Democracy) to the occult invocation of divine intervention by the New Group of World Servers, spiritually demanding — with massed intent — extraplanetary assistance (quoted below).

Short of “natural cataclysms” (as happened in Atlantis), there could be a direct intervention by the Spiritual Government of the World (Shamballa/Hierarchy) to avert a nuclear conflagration. Foster Bailey hinted at this possibility (quoted below). However, it was from the Second Ray Ashram where Vicente Beltran-Anglada (VBA, 1915-1988) was an accepted disciple authorized to reveal and promote a Threefold Hierarchical Project within the Plan, that the assertion of such option was made explicit (quoted below).

When the survival of the planet is at stake, as it would be in a nuclear conflagration, the Occult Government could leave the planet (as almost happened during World War-II), or intervene to prevent a worldwide escalation. The account provided by VBA marks the Impact of Shamballa of 1975 as the time when the option of such direct intervention was agreed upon by Shamballa and the Hierarchy.

Such possibility should not give us a sense of complacency about achieving world peace. On the contrary, it would represent a setback to the planned evolution of human consciousness, unable to exert its freewill in sealing the door where evil dwells, according to the Purpose which the Masters know and serve.

Humanity must achieve a minimum of world peace “by human hand and by human feet” in order for the externalization of the Hierarchy and the reappearance of the Christ to be possible. However, when the survival of the planet is at stake, all options may be on the table. -JB

“When the war was over [1945], the forces of darkness were pushed back but they were not crushed. And ever since then there has been the possibility of a third world war that would end the whole human experiment up to date and start us back again as an infant humanity to begin to learn it all over again. And in 1954, it was established subjectively and in reality that there will be no third world war. ”

Foster Bailey, Changing Esoteric Values, p.72.

A Resolution of the Occult Planetary Government in 1975

Con respecto a la Ley del Karma que la Gran Fraternidad de SHAMBALLA tiene el sagrado deber de cumplimentar dentro de la vasta extensión del “círculo-no-se-pasa” de la Tierra, hay que decir también —pues esto constituye una de las claves secretas de la Iniciación— que la estrecha vigilancia impuesta por SHAMBALLA sobre estas inviolables fronteras forma parte de lo que ocultamente podríamos denominar Ley Cósmica de Supervivencia de los Dioses. Esta afirmación, que parece contradecir las drásticas medidas adoptadas por SHAMBALLA en casos concretos como los de la destrucción del Continente Atlante o la división territorial, social y política del pueblo alemán, tiene sin embargo una justificación natural en esta Ley de Supervivencia de los Dioses. Las causas originales de tales decisiones están más allá a veces —y esto resultará seguramente difícil de comprender— del libre albedrío de los propios Logos regentes que se ven obligados a adoptar en tales casos medidas ultra kármicas. Es decir, que sin desdecir en manera alguna las actividades desarrolladas por estos Logos dentro de sus respectivos esquemas planetarios o sistemas solares, para hacer cumplimentar la Ley del Karma y como medida natural de perfección, existe también una Ley superior a la misma que actúa muy independientemente de aquella Ley particular y determina efectos cósmicos directos sobre aquellos casos particulares.  About the Law of Karma that the Great Fraternity of SHAMBALLA has the sacred duty to fulfill within the vast expanse of the “circle-pass-not” of the Earth, it must also be said – for this constitutes one of the secret keys of Initiation – that the close vigilance imposed by SHAMBALLA on these inviolable borders is part of what we could covertly call the Cosmic Law of Survival of the Gods. This statement, which seems to contradict the drastic measures adopted by SHAMBALLA in concrete cases such as the destruction of the Atlantean Continent or the territorial, social and political division of the German people, nevertheless has a natural justification in this Law of Survival of the Gods. The original causes of such decisions are sometimes beyond—and this will surely be difficult to comprehend—the free will of the ruling Logos themselves who are compelled to adopt ultra-karmic measures in such cases. That is, without disregarding in any way the activities developed by these Logos within their respective planetary schemes or solar systems, to make the Law of Karma comply and as a natural measure of perfection, there is also a Law superior to it that acts very independently of that particular Law and determines direct cosmic effects on those particular cases.  
La invocación de fuerza cósmica por parte del Logos planetario del esquema de la Tierra visando la supervivencia del planeta es, sin embargo, decisiva y providencial. Tal es el caso, limitando la expresión de la ley al mundo de las voluntades de los hombres, de la invocación del discípulo a su Maestro en casos de urgente necesidad, cuando las fuerzas del mal han irrumpido en su conciencia tratando de ahogar o reprimir sus aspiraciones espirituales. La intervención del Maestro en tal caso es lógica y supremamente natural, ayudando al discípulo a vencer dentro de sí aquellas intromisiones de mal… Lo mismo podría decirse pues, utilizando la analogía, con respecto a SANAT KUMARA, cuyo Maestro es el Logos planetario o del Logos planetario, cuyo Maestro es el Logos solar. Esta analogía, seguida en orden ascensional nos llevaría a las esplendentes y alejadas zonas cósmicas. Así, la Ley del Karma, observada más allá de las engañosas apariencias con las que a veces parece revestirse, no se altera nunca. Lo único que sucede es que se le aplica una ley superior desconocida todavía por los hijos de los hombres.  The invocation of cosmic force by the planetary Logos of the Earth scheme aiming at the survival of the planet is, however, decisive and providential. Such is the case, limiting the expression of the law in the world of human affairs, to the invocation of the disciple to his Master in cases of urgent need, when the forces of evil have broken into his consciousness trying to drown or repress his spiritual aspirations. The intervention of the Master in such a case is logical and supremely natural, helping the disciple to overcome within himself those intrusions of evil… The same could be said then, using the analogy, with respect to SANAT KUMARA, whose Master is the planetary Logos or the planetary Logos, whose Master is the solar Logos. This analogy, followed in ascensional order, would take us to splendid and remote cosmic zones. Thus, the Law of Karma, observed beyond the deceptive appearances with which it sometimes seems to clothe itself, is never altered. The only thing that happens is that a higher law, unknown to humanity, is applied to it.
Ahora bien, las excepcionales medidas tomadas por la Gran Fraternidad de SHAMBALLA, revelando aquellas tremendas vinculaciones cósmicas, podrían repetirse de nuevo en nuestra era actual marcada por el signo del fuego y de la electricidad, si alguna nación del mundo intentara utilizar contra otra este terrible y misterioso artefacto que llamamos bomba atómica. Debe recordarse al efecto, que la Gran Fraternidad a través de Sus múltiples y desconocidos Agentes dévicos y jerárquicos, está ejerciendo un severo control y estrecha vigilancia sobre todas aquellas naciones del mundo que poseen y fabrican ingenios nucleares.  Now, the exceptional measures taken by the Great Fraternity of SHAMBALLA, revealing those tremendous cosmic links, could be repeated in our current era marked by the sign of fire and electricity, if any nation in the world tried to use against another this terrible and mysterious device that we call atomic bomb.  It must be remembered to this effect that the Great Fraternity, through its many and unknown deva and hierarchical Agents, is exercising strict control and close surveillance over all those nations of the world that possess and manufacture nuclear devices.  
En uno de los últimos Concilios planetarios celebrados en el Centro de SHAMBALLA el año 1975, se previó la contingencia de que alguna de tales naciones, llevada por estúpidos intereses económicos o políticos intentara utilizar contra otra este destructivo elemento nuclear. El Consejo de SHAMBALLA decidió entonces que “…la primera bomba atómica lanzada por un país contra otro, persiguiendo finalidades bélicas, estallase contra su propio territorio, debiendo sufrir consecuentemente en sus propias carnes el mal que intentaba infligir a otros”. Esta decisión tiene que ver, como vimos anteriormente, con el espíritu de supervivencia del gran conjunto planetario vinculado con una indescriptible Sociedad Corporativa de Dioses creadores. En razón de esta cósmica supervivencia, una precipitación ígnea de fuego eléctrico de primer Rayo se abatiría sobre aquella nación destruyéndola por completo, tal como sucedió en el caso de la Atlántida.  In one of the last planetary Councils held at the SHAMBALLA Center in 1975, the contingency was foreseen that if one of these nations, led by stupid economic or political interests, would try to use this destructive nuclear element against another. The SHAMBALLA Council then decided that “… the first atomic bomb launched by one country against another, pursuing war aims, would explode against its own territory, consequently suffering in its own flesh the evil it tried to inflict on others.” This decision has to do, as we saw earlier, with the spirit of survival of the great planetary ensemble linked to an indescribable Corporate Society of Creator Gods. Because of this cosmic survival, an igneous precipitation of electric fire of first ray would descend on that nation destroying it completely, as happened in the case of Atlantis.  
Veamos lo que, con respecto a estas transgresiones de la Ley, se halla escrito en ciertas páginas del LIBRO DE LOS INICIADOS: “Los espíritus que tan irracionalmente se habían opuesto al destino de Justicia señalado por los Grandes Ejecutores, fueron destruidos por las aguas (la Atlántida). Los espíritus que irracionalmente y siguiendo sórdidos y tortuosos deseos, utilicen el fuego contra sus hermanos, por el fuego serán destruidos y no quedará de sus cuerpos ni las piadosas cenizas con que la madre naturaleza recubre el fin de sus creaciones”. (Una muy gráfica definición de una desintegración física por efecto de una explosión nuclear).  Let us see what, about these transgressions of the Law, is written in certain pages of the BOOK OF THE INITIATES [Old Commentary]: “The spirits who had so irrationally opposed the destiny of Justice indicated by the Great Executors, were destroyed by the waters (Atlantis). The spirits that irrationally and following sordid and tortuous desires, use fire against their brothers, by fire will be destroyed and there will be no left of their bodies nor the pious ashes with which Mother Nature covers the end of her creations. ” (A very graphic definition of a physical decay by the effect of a nuclear explosion).  
Estos escritos, extraídos de uno de los libros más antiguos de la humanidad, constituyen una sutil referencia al peligro que supone utilizar ingenios nucleares como elementos de destrucción. Son también, a la visión de los investigadores esotéricos, un canto de esperanza y optimismo para todas aquellas naciones de la Tierra que hayan decidido vivir al margen de los conflictos bélicos y adoptado la paz como elemento supremo de convivencia social.These writings, drawn from one of humanity’s oldest books, constitute a subtle reference to the danger of using nuclear devices as elements of destruction. They are also, in the view of esoteric researchers, a chant of hope and optimism for all those nations of the Earth that have decided to live on the margins of war and adopted peace as the supreme element of social coexistence.
Los Misterios de Shamballa by Vicente Beltran-Anglada, pp. 27-30.

[Six] objectives facing the Hierarchy at this time and involving the personal attention of the Christ; they all have a potent and beneficent effect upon humanity. Let me enumerate them in concise form, because it is essential that there be clear perception of the emerging values on the part of workers of all grades and kinds in the world, for otherwise perception is not possible.

The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, pp. 551-52 (April-May 1946)
  1. The Reorganisation of the World Religions.
  2. The Gradual Dissolution of Orthodox Judaism.
  3. Preparation for a New Revelation.
  4. The Reaction of the Hierarchy to Shamballa.
  5. A Closer Relation of the Hierarchy to Humanity.
  6. An Effort to avert War.
    a. Because the next war would annihilate the greater part of the human race.
    b. Because, having a religious basis, the hate involved would be greater far than anything hitherto known.
    c. Because Shamballa would be involved, and this has never been the case.

Great potencies and the expression of ancient evil from the past are rampant upon earth at this time, released through unusual human selfishness, cruelty and error, and focussed through the medium of one unhappy race and the power of certain dangerous men—men who are easily subject to evil impression and influenced, obsessed, by selfishness and evil—by forces of destruction. Is it possible to evoke at this time eternal good, latent in Lives which would normally contact humanity in some far distant future, and thus hasten the day of heightened and deepened spiritual contact in the immediate present? Such is the question. If this can be done, the evil past and the glorious future may perhaps be brought into contact in the unhappy present, and an event take place which will produce stupendous changes.

I would remind you here that the evocation of this divine contact will be, in itself, dangerous, disrupting and destroying. The results are unpredictable for the human being, for men are as yet unaccustomed to respond to Lives and Influences of so high and divine a nature. There is nevertheless a possibility that it might now be more safely permitted if enough people can stand together spiritually and selflessly, and so offer themselves as channels for these new and unknown spiritual Forces. There are divine attributes, divine qualities and divine potencies which the most enlightened humanity of all time have as yet failed even to register, sense or vision—all three aspects escaping contact with these potencies. Yet these powers exist, and the right [Page 263] handling of the present crisis by spiritually oriented humanity may bring about the release of some of these higher energies and the establishing of a line of factual influence along which They can move and consequently contact the Earth. Ponder on this and limit not Deity through the rigidity and finiteness of little minds.

The release of great impersonal forces is ever a critical matter. The effects produced are dependent upon the quality of the recipient aspects and the nature of the form quality upon which they make their impact. In the world of chemistry, a catalyst, brought into contact with certain substances, will produce something entirely new and bring about changes not normally anticipated. These we are now beginning to study and to understand. The intervention into the situation of certain potencies of stupendous gravity and uniqueness, and their effect upon the interacting Forces of Light and forces of aggression, is still more unpredictable, and only the grasp of the spiritually minded people of the world and their steadfastness in sacrifice—plus their clarity of vision and their united world focus—can make the situation safe for humanity as a whole. Bear these thoughts in mind as you use the great and new Invocation.

The Externalisation of the Hierarchy

Divine intervention … should come via the Hierarchy, if it is not to be too destructive in its effect. The last major intervention in Atlantean days came via Shamballa and resulted in the partial destruction of entire continents and lands.

Esoteric Astrology, p. 441

A great and vital thoughtform is in process of construction upon our planet and within our planetary aura. It is being built by the power of sound, by the magnetic pull of invocation leading to eventual evocation, and by the force of desire-substance, animated by the power of thought. It is being constructed by the united efforts of the Hierarchy, of the world disciples and aspirants, of the men and women of goodwill in all nations, and also through the inchoate longings of men everywhere, of all religious beliefs, political views and group loyalties. It is safely anchored upon the physical plane, is of vast proportions upon the astral or emotional plane, but lacks vitality and power upon the mental plane. It is here, within the realm of thought substance, that the weakness of the structure of this thoughtform becomes apparent. It is already potent spiritually, owing to the scientific work of the occult Hierarchy and Their trained helpers. This spiritual life relates the thoughtform to the waiting extra-planetary Forces and can make Their work possible and effective. It is potent physically and emotionally through the work of the lovers of humanity, the well-meaning efforts of the emotionally oriented people and the agonised longings of the masses, who [Page 224] hate war, desire quiet, and demand peace and good living conditions.

There is, however, a gap or hiatus upon the mental plane, for the minds of men are not functioning correctly. The disciples and world aspirants are not thinking with clarity, nor are they working in unity. They are evading issues or are thinking separatively or nationally or fanatically; they are not convinced of the potency of invocation or of prayer; they are failing to realise that it is possible to work ardently for those conditions which will lead to peace, and yet fight simultaneously so that those conditions may be available; they fail to love all men without exception in their longing to see their own loyalties emerge triumphant; they work doubtingly, hoping for the best but believing in the worst; they use the method of prayer and of invocation because such methods seem to have been successful in the past, and because they are told that “faith can move mountains,” but they feel inwardly quite hopeless and uninspired and are not at all sure what faith intrinsically is; they realise that a united front and a spirit of joyous certainty are psychological assets of well-nigh invincible potency, but they feel unable to arouse within themselves the slightest enthusiasm.

It is this negative and lukewarm attitude, this mental uncertainty and this failure to link up the spiritual and the physical worlds in a positive relationship which is holding back the Forces of Light and the actual presence of the Spirit of Peace, and thus negativing a possible divine intervention. It is the test of group work. The faith of many individuals is real and deep, but they stand alone; the knowledge that the few have of the nature of the waiting Forces of intervention is being negated by the faithlessness of the world disciples and aspirants, weighed down by world karma, by their own physical fatigue and by their horror of the present situation, plus the difficulties of individual circumstance.

The Externalisation of the Hierarchy


Q: In the description of ‘fire destroying by fire’ by the sending nation, why then was the U.S. not destroyed by fire when it released the atomic bomb on Hiroshima?

A: The Hierarchical decision to avert a nuclear war was made after Hiroshima (1945). Foster Bailey hints that it was being considered since 1952. VBA states that it began to be discussed immediately after 1945, but was finally decided in 1975.

No two countries could engage in a nuclear war then, because only one nation had the bomb. It was an exceptional circumstance. And the exception was justified, according to Master DK’s account of the use of the atomic bomb upon the Japanese population. VBA’s personal assessment of the decision was different, though. (see quotes below).

FB and VBA are revealing that there are new rules after that exception. However, still to be considered is the question: how would the radiation cloud be contained even if a nuclear missile would boomerang to the country launching it? That question is addressed in the Ted Talk below. Therefore, a more comprehensive approach to avert a nuclear war may require divine intervention to limit the impact of the radiation cloud. -JB

VBA: Let us see what, about these transgressions of the Law, is written in certain pages of the BOOK OF THE INITIATES [Old Commentary]: “The spirits who had so irrationally opposed the destiny of Justice indicated by the Great Executors, were destroyed by the waters (Atlantis). The spirits that irrationally and following sordid and tortuous desires, use fire against their brothers, by fire will be destroyed and there will be no left of their bodies nor the pious ashes with which Mother Nature covers the end of her creations.”

DK: None of the men involved in the direction of the Axis effort in Europe is today normal psychologically; they are all suffering from some form of physical deterioration, and this has been a real factor in their defeat, though one that may be difficult for you to realise. It is not so in the case of the Japanese, whose psychological make-up is totally different, [Page 496] as are their nervous systems, which are of fourth rootrace quality. They will be and are being defeated by physical war measures and by the destruction physically of their war potential and the death of the form aspect. This destruction … and the consequent release of their imprisoned souls, is a necessary happening; it is the justification of the use of the atomic bomb upon the Japanese population. The first use of this released energy has been destructive, but I would remind you that it has been the destruction of forms and not the destruction of spiritual values and the death of the human spirit—as was the goal of the Axis effort. -EOH (August 1945)

VBA: This atomic energy was later used, as is well known, by America against the Japanese people; an action that did not count with the complacency of the Hierarchy, which evaluates its energies from a very different angle of view from that of human beings and uses in all its actions the sacred Law of Economy. The Allied forces finally defeated the axis forces and, supported at that time by the igneous currents of SHAMBALLA, they were the instruments used by the mystical forces of the Great Fraternity to push back the cosmic Evil towards its unknown and mysterious sources of origin.


For the first time in decades, it’s hard to ignore the threat of nuclear war. But as long as you’re far from the blast, you’re safe, right? Wrong. In this sobering talk, atmospheric scientist Brian Toon explains how even a small nuclear war could destroy all life on earth — and what we can do to prevent it. A professor in the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at the University of Colorado-Boulder, Brian Toon investigates the causes of the ozone hole, how volcanic eruptions alter the climate, how ancient Mars had flowing rivers, and the environmental impacts of nuclear war. He contributed to the U.N.’s Nobel Peace Prize for climate change and holds numerous scientific awards, including two NASA medals for Exceptional Scientific Achievement. He is an avid woodworker. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

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4 thoughts on “Averting the Final War

  1. Greetings Jebmd –

    My name is Dan Becker here, a follower of your blog.

    Just inquiring: I submitted, a short time ago (or so I thought), a comment to your recent post.

    Because I do some work for the United Nations, I thought it was strongly relevant, and yet I don’t believe it made it online,

    Was it deemed inappropriate? Or not relevant? Or did it get lost in cyberspace or in the general shuffle of life?

    Would appreciate hearing back from you, even with the briefest of replies.

    Sincerely, Dan Becker


    1. Dear Dan: Thank you so much for your comment. As this was your first post, I needed to approve (and I was out of my office for a few hours). Your comments should publish without delay next time. I really appreciate your taking the time to shed light on this vital subject. -JB

  2. I would appreciate reading Dan Becker’s first comment given that he works for the UN and follows your blog.

    Thank you, jebmd, for this post of quotes and thought. It aligns the mind to higher ways of thinking and seeing, making it possible for more people to become “conduits” for higher energies as described above.

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