A Multipolar World Order

The Kremlin’s increasingly assertive foreign policy, including its illegal occupation of Crimea in 2014 and its intervention in Syria in 2015, came unexpectedly to many in the West. These events were nonetheless mere extensions of the worldview held by Russian President Vladimir Putin. This worldview was built on more than two decades of compounded dissatisfaction with the West as well as Putin’s cumulative experiences in his ongoing global campaigns to achieve his core objectives: the preservation of his regime, the end of American hegemony, and the reinstatement of Russia as a global power. Some of these ambitions were tamed, and others expedited, by external events, yet their core has remained the same and often at odds with the West. The U.S. believed that a brief period of non-assertive foreign policy from the mid-1980s to mid-1990s had become the new norm for Russia. This period was not the norm but an anomaly. Putin’s foreign policy has always been assertive, similar to Russia’s historic foreign policy. The U.S. may thus find itself once again surprised by Putin. This paper examines the evolution of Russia’s foreign policy worldview since the collapse of the Soviet Union to help understand the likely next priorities of the Kremlin.

Executive Summary

There’s nothing wrong with a multipolar world in which a Russian Commonwealth would coexist as a world power, comprised of countries with full independence and cooperation, voluntarily associated and perfecting of their national life in the interests of the whole of humanity and through the desire to express and preserve their soul integrity and their purified national purpose. What’s wrong is the imposition of such association of countries as a totalitarian Russian Empire.

Adapted from The Destiny of the Nations, pp.104-105.

Earlier I stated that the physical plane areas or localities which constitute the present modern exits for energies, through which directed energies can pass to carry out the creative process, are five in number: New York, London, Geneva, Darjeeling and Tokyo. These five form a five-pointed star of interlocking energies, symbolic of the major divisions of our modern civilisation.

Externalisation of the Hierarchy, 675

A Prophecy

Under the plan, and contingent upon the energies pouring through the five planetary centres according to plan, there are three great fusing energies or vital centres present upon our planet:
a. Russia, fusing and blending eastern Europe and western and northern Asia.
b. The United States (and later South America), fusing and blending central and western Europe and the entire western hemisphere.
c. The British [Commonwealth], fusing and blending races and men throughout the entire world.

In the hands of these nations lies the destiny of the planet. These are the three major world blocs, from the consciousness angle and from the angle of world synthesis. Other and lesser nations will participate in the process with full independence and cooperation, voluntarily and through the perfecting of their national life in the interests of the whole of humanity and through the desire to express and preserve their soul integrity and their purified national purpose (which purification is now going on). The keynote, however, of human living will be struck by Russia, Great Britain and the United States — not because of their power, their historical past and their material resources or [Page 105] territorial extent, but because they [will be] in a position to fuse and blend the many types, because they [will be] far-visioned in their world purpose, because they [will not be] basically selfish in their intent, and because the government of the peoples [will reach down] into the depths of each nation and [will be] fundamentally for the people. Their basic Constitution, Magna Charta and Bill of Rights are human. Other nations will be gradually swept into line with these fundamental spiritual requirements, or — if they are already based on these human principles and not on the rule of a powerful minority, exploiting an unhappy majority — they will cooperate freely with these greater nations in a federation of purposes and of interests until such time as all the nations of the world see the vision clear, forego their selfish aims and agree in the unity of the work to be done for the whole. Humanity will then emerge into the light of freedom with a revealed beauty and a spiritual purpose, hitherto unknown.

The Destiny of the Nations

[JB] How do we translate to the men and women of goodwill, that the world situation today is the result of the Impacts of Shamballa, energizing both good and evil in the world, for the purpose of planetary and human evolution, and that such life-threatening labor pains are permitted by Sanat Kumara, without divine intervention so far, so that Humanity, exercising its free will, according to the Plan, can grow into adulthood (1st initiation, birth of the Christ) and assume its planetary responsibility in “sealing the door where evil dwells,” so that the World Teacher can reappear and the externalized Hierarchy of Masters can assume democratic leadership of planetary affairs, a Hierarchical Democracy enabling planet Earth to become a Beacon of Light in the solar system and the cosmos? -JB

The Mantra of the New Group of World Servers

Que el Poder de la Vida Una afluya a través del grupo de todos los verdaderos servidores.May the Power of the one Life pour through the group of all true servers.
Que el Amor del Alma Una caracterice la vida de todos aquellos que tratan de ayudar a los Grandes Seres.May the Love of the One Soul characterize the lives of all who seek to aid the Great Ones.
Que cumplamos nuestra parte en el Trabajo Uno, mediante el olvido de uno mismo, la inofensividad y la correcta palabra.May we fulfil my part in the One work through self-forgetfulness, harmlessness and right speech.


Defeating the Forces of Evil

Zelenskyy made an exasperated plea for fighter jets and tanks to sustain a defense as his country continues battling Russia’s invading troops. Russia now says its main focus is on taking control of the eastern Donbas region, an apparent pullback from its earlier, more expansive goals, but one which is raising fears of a divided Ukraine.

Speaking after President Joe Biden said in a lacerating speech that Russian President Vladimir Putin could not stay in power — words the White House immediately sought to downplay — Zelenskyy lashed out at the West’s “ping-pong about who and how should hand over jets” and other weapons while Russian missile attacks kill and trap civilians.

“I’ve talked to the defenders of Mariupol today. I’m in constant contact with them. Their determination, heroism and firmness are astonishing,” Zelenskyy said in a video address, referring to the besieged southern city that has suffered some of the war’s greatest deprivations and horrors.

“If only those who have been thinking for 31 days on how to hand over dozens of jets and tanks had 1% of their courage.”

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has stalled in many areas. Its aim to quickly encircle the capital, Kyiv, and force its surrender has faltered against staunch Ukrainian resistance — bolstered by weapons from the U.S. and other Western allies. -Source: POLITICO

“In their well-meaning blindness they would sacrifice the future of humanity and the lives of millions of people at a later date for a temporary cessation of hostilities. I would emphasise to you that the Forces of Evil must be defeated now; the evil leaders must be wrenched from their high place, and the complete defeat and annihilation of those responsible for launching this horror on humanity is an absolute necessity and bounden duty, if security, well-being and a new order of happier living is to be the lot of coming generations. A temporary ending of the war would only give time for the Forces of Evil to reorganise, and the future war would be infinitely worse than this one. This the intelligent humanitarian is saying, and this is the opinion of the Hierarchy. The Hierarchy stands firmly on the side of those who demand a war to a finish, and the reasons are the ultimate saving of millions of lives and the preservation of certain basic spiritual values.”

The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 426 (written in 1944)

[Six] objectives facing the Hierarchy at this time and involving the personal attention of the Christ; they all have a potent and beneficent effect upon humanity. Let me enumerate them in concise form, because it is essential that there be clear perception of the emerging values on the part of workers of all grades and kinds in the world, for otherwise perception is not possible. To each point enumerated I will append in a few brief words the reason why it is regarded as important:

The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, pp. 551-52 (April-May 1946)
  1. The Reorganisation of the World Religions.
    a. To make way for the World Religion, universal religion.
    b. To return humanity to the simplicity which is in Christ.
    c. To rid the world of theology and ecclesiasticism.
  2. The Gradual Dissolution of Orthodox Judaism.
    a. Because of its presentation of a wrathful Jehovah, caring only for his chosen people. This is a basic evil. The Lord of the World, the God in whom we live and move and have our being, is totally otherwise.
    b. Because of its separativeness.
    c. Because it is so ancient that its teachings are largely obsolete.
    d. Because when the Jews become spiritual they will greatly benefit mankind, for they are found in every land.
  3. Preparation for a New Revelation.
    a. Because where there is no vision the people perish. [Page 552]
    b. Because human expectancy indicates its emerging presence.
    c. Because the new Invocation will inevitably bring it to us.
  4. The Reaction of the Hierarchy to Shamballa.
    a. Produces a direct channel.
    b. Conditions the inflow of power energy.
    c. Relates the will-to-good to goodwill.
    d. Creates new constructive tensions and new ashrams.
  5. A Closer Relation of the Hierarchy to Humanity.
    a. Produces (in the near future) the externalisation of certain ashrams.
    b. Leads to the reappearance of the Hierarchy on earth.
    c. Recognises that man’s point of development warrants this.
    d. Presents a nearing opportunity for revelation.
  6. An Effort to avert War.
    a. Because the next war would annihilate the greater part of the human race.
    b. Because, having a religious basis [Patriarch Kirill], the hate involved would be greater far than anything hitherto known.
    c. Because Shamballa would be involved, and this has never been the case.

You can see therefore how critical, spiritually, are these times, and how urgent is the task which confronts the Hierarchy and its workers on earth. The war may be over in the physical sense, but great issues are still involved and undetermined and can lead either to peace or to a renewal of those conditions in which wars are generated and which, once generated, cannot be avoided.

The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, pp. 551-52 (April-May 1946)

[Russia’s military problems do not mean] that Ukraine will be able to drive off the Russians or even prevent the Russians from grinding them down. Ukraine’s hopes of surviving continue to rest on increasing lethal and non-lethal aid from the West, including advanced air defense systems, combat aircraft, armored vehicles, artillery, and other systems that the U.S. and NATO have so far been reluctant to provide. Russia’s problems do mean, though, that Ukraine actually has a chance to win this war if the West leans into helping.

The U.S., its allies, and all free peoples must recognize how important such a Ukrainian victory would be. It would show the world that freedom can defeat tyranny; it would impose a devastating defeat on Putin, finally checking his decades-long relentless advances. It might even give China’s Xi Jinping pause in contemplating hurling his own untested, unfree troops against Taiwan.

If there is any chance at all that Ukraine on its own, helped only by the provision of weapons and money, can defeat Putin — and there is — then the U.S. and the world must do everything in their power short of intervening directly to help Ukraine win.

Frederick W. Kagan is the director of the Critical Threats Project and a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington. He also advises the Russia team at the Institute for the Study of War.


Last summer, Putin published a lengthy essay entitled “On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians” that sought to explain that there was an artificial division between the two countries and that “true sovereignty of Ukraine is possible only in partnership with Russia.”

The language Putin used caused some historians to shudder. They said he echoed some of the same rhetoric Hitler used in “Mein Kampf,” the dictator’s autobiography and political manifesto. Hitler’s book brimmed with distorted history about Germany’s lost greatness, global conspiracies that undercut Germany’s power, and justifications for conquest of another group of people.

“Like the Führer, the president of Russia bemoans the tragedy that has befallen his homeland, an erstwhile empire, and he too wants to turn back the clock,” wrote Avi Garfinkel, a reporter for Haaretz, an Israeli newspaper, in an article entitled, “How Putin’s Ukraine Agenda Evokes Hitler’s Mein Kampf.”

This may be one of the most disturbing links between Putin and Hitler. Some Putin critics say he is using Nazi language and propaganda techniques to justify the invasion of Ukraine. They compared the “Z” inscribed on Russian tanks to a symbol used by Nazis in concentration camps. Others compared a recent massive war rally Putin led in a Moscow stadium to scenes of a Hitler speech in an infamous Nazi propaganda film called “Triumph of the Will.”


With Massed Intent

Let the souls of men awaken to the Light,
And may they stand with massed intent.
Let the fiat of the Lord go forth:
The end of woe has come!
Come forth, O Mighty One.

Excerpt from the Second (1940) Stanza of the Great Invocation.
Pope consecrates Russia & Ukraine: ‘Spiritual act of trust amid cruel war’
Highlights (1 min video) | Full (2-hour) video

“This is no magic formula but a spiritual act. It is an act of complete trust on the part of children who, amid the tribulation of this cruel and senseless war that threatens our world, turn to their Mother, reposing all their fears and pain in her heart and abandoning themselves to her.”

Pope consecrates Russia & Ukraine: ‘Spiritual act of trust amid cruel war’ – Vatican News

The word magic is usually associated with deceptive tricks giving the impression that something is created from nothing. A magician is an entertainer, a master of illusion. It’s in that sense that Pope Francis, states: “This is no magic formula but a spiritual act.” The disciple of Master Jesus knows quite well the difference between spiritual facts and illusions.

But let’s not be confused by semantics. What Pope Francis accomplished on the Day of the Annunciation was a massive planetary spiritual act of white, or Soul, magic invoking the divine intervention of extraplanetary forces. The Soul, the Higher Self (God Immanent), is the true Magician.

The Holy Spirit represents the Third Aspect of Divinity whose traditional symbol is a white dove, as white as the mantle of Mother Mary in Fatima in 1917.

The collective Soul of Humanity was being channeled by Pope Francis to invoke, with massed intent, divine intervention from:

  • the Father, represented by the Avatar of Synthesis;
  • the Son, represented by the Prince of Peace as the Emissary of the Spirit of Peace; and
  • the Holy Spirit, represented by the Great Mother, the redeemed substance of spiritualized matter.

Around 1975, coinciding with the Impact of Shamballa, a mantra derived from the final sentence of the 1945 Great Invocation was released from the Second Ray Ashram in which Vicente Beltrán-Anglada (1915-1988) was an accepted disciple in physical incarnation. The mantra invokes the Triangle of extra-planetary Entities over-lightening the Christ in His reappearance as part of the Hierarchical Plan.

Aquarian Mantra of Synthesis

May the liberating Light of Lord Buddha,
The infinite Love of the Spirit of Peace,
And the unfathomable Power of the Avatar of Synthesis
Restore the Plan on Earth.

The relationship between the Lord Buddha, Hermes and the Deva Kingdom is well established in the Secret Doctrine.

“Mercury is called the first of the celestial Gods, the God Hermes … to which God is attributed the invention of and the first initiation of men into Magic… Mercury is Budh, Wisdom, Enlightenment or `reawakening’ in the divine science.” (I. 513.)

“Sirius was called the Dog Star.’ It was the star of Mercury, or Buddha, called the Great Instructor of mankind.'” (S.D. II. 391.)

“The sun, the moon and Mercury were the earliest trinity of the Egyptians (Osiris, Isis and Hermes).” (S.D. II. 640.)

The world was united in prayer as the consecration of Ukraine and Russia, led by Pope Francis, was streaming live from the Vatican to millions of people, with massed intent.

The WILL to save is here.
The LOVE to carry forth the work is widely spread abroad.
The ACTIVE AID of all who know the truth is also here.

Come forth, O Mighty One and blend these three.
Construct a great defending wall.
The rule of evil now must end.

Excerpt from the Second (1940) Stanza of the Great Invocation.

The Third (1945) Stanza of the Great Invocation

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out.
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

[The city was founded in 1778 as Pavlovsk, on the site of a former Cossack encampment. It was renamed Mariupol in 1779 to honour Maria Fyodorovna, the second wife of Crown Prince Paul.]

My friends (and I use the word in its true sense) have ranged all the way from the very lowest type of person on through all classes to include such people as the Grand Duke Alexander, the brother-in-law of the late Czar of Russia. –Unfinished Autobiography by Alice A. Bailey p. 13

On the way back to the hotel the Grand Duke suddenly turned to me and said, “Mrs. Bailey, if I were to tell you that I also know the Tibetan would it mean anything to you ?” “Yes, sir,” I said, “it would mean a great deal.” “Well, now,” replied the Grand Duke, “you understand the triangle, you, Foster and me.” Ibid, p. 211

The Annunciation

26 And in the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent from God into a city of Galilee, called Nazareth, 27 To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary. 28 And the angel being come in, said unto her: Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.

29 Who having heard, was troubled at his saying, and thought with herself what manner of salutation this should be. 30 And the angel said to her: Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found grace with God. 31 Behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and shalt bring forth a son; and thou shalt call his name Jesus. 32 He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the most High; and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of David his father; and he shall reign in the house of Jacob for ever. 33 And of his kingdom there shall be no end.

34 And Mary said to the angel: How shall this be done, because I know not man?

35 And the angel answering, said to her: The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the most High shall overshadow thee. And therefore also the Holy which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. 36 And behold thy cousin Elizabeth, she also hath conceived a son in her old age; and this is the sixth month with her that is called barren: 37 Because no word shall be impossible with God.

38 And Mary said: Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done to me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her.

Luke 1:26-38
Maja Łagowska – oboe, Andrzej Kucybała – conductor, Stanisław Moniuszko School of Music Orchestra in Bielsko Biała, Poland. Recorded at Stanisław Moniuszko School of Music Concert Hall 01 March, 2018

Airstrike aftermath near Lviv

The Mantra of the New Group of World Servers

Que el Poder de la Vida Una afluya a través del grupo de todos los verdaderos servidores.May the Power of the one Life pour through the group of all true servers.
Que el Amor del Alma Una caracterice la vida de todos aquellos que tratan de ayudar a los Grandes Seres.May the Love of the One Soul characterize the lives of all who seek to aid the Great Ones.
Que cumplamos nuestra parte en el Trabajo Uno, mediante el olvido de uno mismo, la inofensividad y la correcta palabra.May I fulfil my part in the One work through self-forgetfulness, harmlessness and right speech.
Defeating the Forces of Evil

The Tiger Team

BRUSSELS — The White House has quietly assembled a team of national security officials to sketch out scenarios of how the United States and its allies should respond if President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia — frustrated by his lack of progress in Ukraine or determined to warn Western nations against intervening in the war — unleashes his stockpiles of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons.

The Tiger Team, as the group is known, is also examining responses if Mr. Putin reaches into NATO territory to attack convoys bringing weapons and aid to Ukraine… Russia may turn to the most powerful weapons in its arsenal to bail itself out of a military stalemate. NATO’s secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, underscored the urgency of the preparation effort on Wednesday, telling reporters for the first time that even if the Russians employ weapons of mass destruction only inside Ukraine, they may have “dire consequences” for people in NATO nations. He appeared to be discussing the fear that chemical or radioactive clouds could drift over the border. One issue under examination is whether such collateral damage would be considered an “attack” on NATO under its charter, which might require a joint military response.


The New Group of World Servers is over-lightening this TIGER Team with:

TTruthfulness (discerning)2 and 5
IIntelligence (tactical and strategic)3 and 5
GGraciousness (diplomatic but firm assertion of the Will-to-Good)4 and 1
EEmpowering Faith1 and 6
RResilient Magic3 and 7
The TT

The TT resembles the Greek capital letter for the mathematical constant “pi,”

the ratio of a circle‘s circumference to its diameter.

 The magic of 7: residual 0.1416 ~ 1/7

Circle of protection

The TT also looks like a roof or veil, with a rift.

Moses, the Leader
by N. Roerich

The tiger spirit animal is synonymous with courage, personal strength, and willpower, giving the ability to deflect any anger or aggression.

2022 Horoscope for Tiger 2022 is the year of Water Tiger starting from Feb.1, 2022 (Chinese Lunar Near Year) and lasting to Jan. 21, 2023.

Factual truths do exist. There are better approximations than others, but not every possible narrative is equally plausible. Imperfect approximations to the truth do carry more light than outright lies, no matter how many times repeated or disguised.

Contrary to Russian propaganda, NATO is not the cause of the Ukraine invasion by the Russian military. Any country can ask defensive security forces, such as NATO, for protection, particularly those nations that suffered abuse behind the iron curtain. Invoking the right of self-defense cannot be misconstrued as an act of aggression against the offending country.


and his unholy allegiance with Russian churchianity,


A Little Revelation

New Era Community

72. The Community, as Fellowship, can unprecedentedly accelerate the evolution of the planet and give new possibilities of intercourse with the forces of matter. It must not be thought that community and the conquest of matter are found on different planes. One channel, one banner—Maitreya, Mother, Matter!

Madonna the Protector, by N. Roerich (1933)
International Day of Women: 8 March 2022

[JB: … for a few hours I am at 10k/30k meters/feet of altitude in a plane over the Atlantic Ocean (from Atlanta, GA to San Juan, PR), joining the Ukraine Vigil in flight while listening to VORTICES of energy (Hans Zimmer’s Da Vinci Code sound track Chevalier’s de Sangreal) creating an invocation vacuum for the precipitation of extra planetary aid (the Triangle: Lord Buddha, Spirit of Peace and Avatar of Synthesis) at the half and top of the hour. Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth. … (sent via airplane low bandwidth wifi)…

[It was a unique a very powerful experience. After I landed and arrived home, I connected to the meditation streaming online with my iPhone and you were sounding our names. My name came up just a few seconds after I connected. That was the signal that we had connected in the inner planes. We did. Marconi (who invented the telegraph) would have been proud of such successful telepathic experiment. We did it! -JB]

Flight from Atlanta, GA to San Juan, PR on March 8, 2022

The Revelation:

The Technique of Light and Renting the Veils


A Sunrise in Montserrat

Birds chirping, as the bells tolled. The OMs of the Basilica summoning pilgrims and angels for the morning Eucharist. The angels, attuned to the insistent OMs ringing from the bells, assembled to assist in the liturgy.

Saluting the rising Sun with the sacred Gayatri,

The Gayatri
O Thou Who givest sustenance to the universe,
From Whom all things proceed,
To Whom all things return,
Unveil to us the face of the true Spiritual Sun
Hidden by a disc of golden Light
That we may know the Truth And do our whole duty
As we journey to Thy sacred feet.

I sounded the Great Invocation, closing with the TRIANGLE. So may it be.

JB in Montserrat

The Great Invocation

From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ* return to Earth.

From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men –
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the centre which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

[* Many religions believe in a World Teacher, a “Coming One”, knowing him under such names as the Lord Maitreya, the Imam Mahdi, the Kalki Avatar and the Bodhisattva. These terms may be used in versions of the Great Invocation for people of specific faiths.]


May the liberating Light of Lord Buddha,
The infinite Love of the Spirit of Peace,
And the unfathomable Power of the Avatar of Synthesis
Restore the Plan on Earth.

Sunrise (2017)

Renting the veils

[ Versión en CASTELLANO ]

On Thursday, the pillars of Russia’s independent broadcast media collapsed under pressure from the state. Echo of Moscow, the freewheeling radio station founded by Soviet dissidents in 1990 and that symbolized Russia’s new freedoms, was “liquidated” by its board. TV Rain, the youthful independent television station that calls itself “the optimistic channel” said it would suspend operations indefinitely.

And Dmitri A. Muratov, the journalist who shared the Nobel Peace Prize last year, said that his newspaper Novaya Gazeta, which survived the murders of six of its journalists, could be on the verge of shutting down as well.

“Everything that’s not propaganda is being eliminated,” Mr. Muratov said.


The POWER of our united LIGHT
PREVENTS the appearance,
NEGATES the quality, and
DESTROYS the vitality
of the GLAMOR of

Fake News and Lying Propaganda.

Vladimir Putin: A Disciple of Shamballa? NO!

The Hierarchy makes a distinction between the bewildered mass, the wrongly educated youth and the obsessed leaders in all branches of the government. The latter are “shells,” obsessed by evil entities and hence their dynamic, one-pointed potency, hence also their extreme skill and cunning, based on very ancient evil experience and hence also the well-nigh ludicrous falsity of their propaganda. They are the spirit of materialism embodied, devoid of all true feeling and perception, lacking the light of love and understanding, but powerfully animated by the energy of substance itself. It is time that men woke up to the nature of these beings who sought (under the present grouping of constellations) to enslave the race.

Esoteric Astrology, p.544

Renting the Veils

(1st movement)

Mozart – Symphony No. 25 (Bernstein)

I would here remind you that we are considering work that the initiate must accomplish, and are not considering the usual effort of struggling aspirants to deal with and handle those forces which have worked through into physical expression.

Rays and Initiattions, p. 182

I have emphasised this point because our second phrase, “let the group widen all the rents within those veils,” has reference here to disciples and the groups which they have everywhere gathered around themselves. It is these groups, many in number and differing in ray potency, which will lead the world through the post-war period into the New Age. It is their pressure upon the physical plane which has precipitated the crisis between the great White Lodge and the Black Lodge. Their work is to let in the light, and where the light goes the Black Lodge must fade out and disappear. It feeds on glamour and illusion and uses the [Page 190] veils of maya as a protection. Students would do well to avoid naming and differentiating the four veils. The veils themselves are transient and variable. They differ as they come under the impact of the seven rays. It is not possible or practical to distinguish them one from the other, except from the angle of the Hierarchy, and their destruction today (though it was not so earlier) has to come from the dense physical plane, and the attack must be made by personalities and individualities dwelling in physical bodies. This is a somewhat new mode of approach, for hitherto only a very few disciples and initiates have been able so to work. Today, hundreds and thousands of disciples are working, and thus learning to use the ancient rules for work within the veils of maya.

Rays and Initiations, Rule X

Let me here give you some of these rules or formulas as they are to be found in The Masters’ Book of Rules and as I can translate them. Some are untranslatable:

  1. Focus the force at the jewel’s point and find the veil that it can touch.
  2. Carry the force from point to point and then project.
  3. Look for the energy in form behind the veil attacked. A rent within the veil exists. Find it and see.
  4. A path lies through the veils, giving access to the several courts. Walk on that path, wielding destruction and clearing out the refuse in the court. The court of the money changers is the last.
  5. Meet the descending forces and find the current which is yours.
  6. Watch for the evil stream of force which seeks to mend the rents. Project upon that stream the energy of which you know. It led you from the Ashram into the veils. Use it and drive the evil back unto the astral plane.
  7. Work with the Sound and know it as the source of power. Use first the Voice; then use the O.M., and later use the Sound. All three together will suffice.

There are other rules, but these will give you the [Page 191] major recognitions needed to do this type of work; these are the rules which the adventuring disciple needs to know. They have been used, and should not be interpreted by the lower mind, but with the aid of the initiate consciousness. -Rule X, Rays and Initiations

Let the group widen all the rents within those veils and thus let in the light.

We come now to a definite group injunction or instruction. The aid of the group is invoked almost in the form of an order. The point of this formulated injunction is that in the new era and in the interlude between the past (wherein prominent disciples worked within the veils of maya) and the New Age (wherein humanity itself will consciously function upon the etheric plane), the work of the esoteric groups, under the direction of the New Group of World Servers, is needed. They will have the capacity to recognise the distinction between the various veils. This is the next needed development. The groups must focus the energy at the very centre of the group being; the group must carry the force from point to point and from veil to veil; the group must project the destroying energy and become unitedly aware of what each veil hides; the group must perform the activities (seven in all) of purification; the group must meet, accept and distribute the descending spiritual energy which will finally consummate the work done. The group—through the use of that descending current—will drive the forces of evil back on to the astral plane and will together work with the three aspects of the first ray. These are typified by the Voice, the O.M. and the Sound.

In the above you have in reality a great formula for group activity and also a potent method (once the group can unitedly work together) for the cleansing and the re-organisation of the forces active in the world today. These forces are now raging and running wild; their effect is almost tangible (being in etheric substance) and factually and visibly present under the control of the Black Lodge. This [Page 192] Lodge uses the voices of lying propaganda, the Word of death (which I shall not give to you for the O.M., the Word of Life, suffices), and the Sound of the densest aspect in manifestation—the sound of power in the mineral kingdom. This constitutes an unparalleled condition and creates a unique concentration of the Forces of Good and the forces of evil upon the etheric plane. The task of all groups which are working under the Masters of the Wisdom is to let in the light, utilising those rents which already exist within the Veils of maya.

Three major rents within these Veils might here be noted. They are symbolically referred to in The Bible, though their essential meaning has not been noted or comprehended.

The first major rent was made by the establishment of the Law of God, and this is portrayed for us symbolically in The Old Testament in the story of Moses. He went up into the Mount of God and there received the Ten Commandments. This is the expression of divine law as adapted for humanity and as needed in the projection of those forces which will destroy, purify and reorganise. Moses, the Lawgiver, penetrated to one of the halls within the Veils of maya, and there encountered the glory of the Lord. This was of such a radiance that, as the Old Commentary puts it:

“He who entered among the first to penetrate within the veils absorbed the light and knew not how to pass it on. Neither he nor they were ready, but the light was there and likewise the two directing eyes. But only one can use, project and send the light upon its mission. The other must be blinded, and of this fact the Lawgiver was aware. He therefore veiled the light, assuming towards this end a fragment of that which he had helped destroy, and so descended from the mountain top, back to the darkness of the earth.”

The second, and much the most important rent, was made by the power of the second aspect when the Christ subjected the Master Jesus to the fourth initiation and Their joint influence was triumphant over death. Then we read [Page 193] that the veil of the Temple was split in twain from the top to the bottom. The lawgiver assisted at the first rending as the climax to the third initiation, and there was a somewhat similar process of glorification. A similar event took place at the Transfiguration of the Christ, overshadowing or rather working through the Master Jesus. But at the triumph over death and through the Great Renunciation or Crucifixion episode, a great and major rending took place. The Law, when rightly kept and interpreted, defines man’s attitude upon the mental plane and serves to make a rent in the etheric veil, separating the etheric vehicle in its fourfold aspect from the dense physical form. The rending of the second veil at the time of the Crucifixion let in light on to the second level of the etheric plane, and a new type of illumination was spread abroad upon the earth. Law and Love could now penetrate into the consciousness of humanity in a new and direct manner, as the brain of man became involved through the substance of the etheric counterpart of the physical brain; the instinct to self-preservation (one of the lowest aspects of Law) and the tendency to sensitivity (feeling or emotion, one of the lowest forms of Love) could be expressed in a more comprehensive manner.

Another rending of the veil, and one of relatively minor importance, took place when Saul of Tarsus saw the glory of the Lord and was changed into Paul the Apostle. His forward moving and potent directness and sincerity, pushing along “the road to Damascus,” forced him to penetrate through one of the separating veils. The Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force. This force, working in Saul, drove him through the veil which prevented vision, and the rent thereby made brought him a new revelation. He was, we are told, completely blinded for three days, and this the esoteric records corroborate. This is a well-known correspondence to the three days in the tomb and one recognised by esotericists; it corresponds also to the penetration into the third heaven to which Paul testified later in his life. He realised the nature of the Law, as his later epistles demonstrate; he was brought [Page 194] to the feet of the Initiator through the effect of love, and thus he availed himself of the two earlier rents in the veil. Whilst thus reaching out to the light, he wrote that epistle about which so much controversy has raged—The Epistle to the Hebrews. In it the results of the rending of the third veil provide the keynote and express the first and highest aspect, as the two earlier rents lead to the revelation of the third and second divine qualities. This first aspect is seen as synthesis, as the Communion of Saints, and as related to the Lord of the World, Melchizedek. Read that epistle in the light of these remarks, and note how a great initiate endeavoured to reveal some facts, inherent in the will or power aspect. These were, however, far beyond the ken of the disciples and aspirants of the time, but can today form a true part of the realisation of humanity. Law, Love, Union or Synthesis—all these great energies have seeped into the human consciousness and now provide the platform upon which the new civilisation can be founded, the new approach to God be taken, and new human relations be implemented.

Three great rents, therefore, now exist, as well as numerous smaller and less important ones, to which no reference has been or need be made. Three great Sons of God at the moment of initiation made a major contribution to the human consciousness through their determined will-to-law, will-to-love and will-to-synthesis. Mankind was thereby aided to move forward more easily along the “lighted Way,” to pass through the halls of maya, aided by the light pouring through the rents made in the separating veils by perfected divine Men at the very moment of Their triumph. A fourth great rent still remains to be made as a result of the energies released and the gained good which the three earlier rents have made possible. This fourth major rent will be made by humanity itself, standing with “massed intent,” focussed through the groups which are externalisations of the Ashrams of the Masters. It will therefore be made at the time that the Hierarchy takes physical shape upon the earth again. [Page 195]

Bear in mind the symbolical nature of this teaching. The veils are not actually existing veils in the usual sense of that term. They are in the nature of opposing forces and energies which act as inhibitory factors to the aspirant as he seeks to make progress, and to the entire human family as it moves onward upon the Path of Evolution. They are not basically related to consciousness at all, for in the majority of cases these veils “lie on the earthward side of being and not upon the side of light”; they are essentially physical forces, and although they are the result of man’s own effort and activity down the ages, they are largely unrealised, unseen obstacles to his progress. They constitute the lowest concentration of forces precipitated from levels of activity other and higher than the physical, as you understand physical substance. If one might use a phrase which, even if true, is misleading, they lie between the subtle inner man, mental and astral, and his physical brain. They are that which prevents brain registration of the world of causes and of meaning. This inner world can be emotional or mental in its focus and in its force precipitation on to the etheric plane. It can be the fused result of personality integration and be a combination of energies; or it can be dominated by the effects of soul energy. These, if evoked, can penetrate occultly and drive out or break down and through the separating veiling forces, thus producing coordination eventually between soul and brain.

These veils are as curtains over the windows of vision. They prevent realisation of that which lies beyond the room or area of average or mediocre experience, and they prevent the light from penetrating.

The work of the three Sons of God referred to above is not concerned with the rending of the veils of their own interior life and forces, thus bringing about soul contact unimpeded and dear, or with the illumination of experience upon the physical plane. That had long ago been effected in these special and individual cases. Their service was rendered to humanity and They made rents in the veils which separated mankind as a whole from the higher spiritual [Page 196] experience and from registration of the fact of the existence of the Hierarchy. Theirs was a universal service, and made possible further human progress, for until some greater measure of light had been let in it was not possible for man to see and grasp the necessity to destroy the obstacles to light. The veils remain unperceived by the average aspirant until some light appears through the rents in the “curtain of impediment.”

The glory of the Christ and the uniqueness of His accomplishment lies in the fact that He was the first to bring about the rending of the veils from “the top to the bottom.” This He could do because He acted as the World Saviour, outside and independent of humanity. -Rule 10, Rays and Initiations

There is little more that I can tell you anent this Rule. The subject is, as you can see, too advanced even for the initiate who, in a few decades, will read and study these instructions. That your vision may expand, and your power to think and reflect abstractly may grow, is my hope and wish for you.

Rays and Initiations, Rule X

Let the Army of the Voice be no more heard,
and let the brothers onward move within the Sound.

Putting the idea into esoteric terms, the above sentence could be paraphrased as follows: The voices and the Voice fade out. The A.U.M. is replaced by the O.M. and at the centre of that O.M. the brother stands.

The many voices of the world, the flesh and the devil are no longer distinguished; there is nothing within the consciousness of the initiate which can respond to them. The Voice of the Silence dies out also and the Word itself [Page 201] cannot be heard. Only the SOUND remains. This is the Sound which reverberates in the formless worlds; it is the Sound to which the Spiritual Triad responds and of which the initiate is a part, because the Sound which he makes as he proceeds upon his creative way is a part of the universal Sound. It should be pointed out that He Who stands at the very centre of the Council Chamber of Shamballa sounds forth all words, the Word, and He also utters the SOUND. This is apt to be forgotten. He it is Who intones the A.U.M. and all things come to be; He it is Who voices the Word, the O.M., and God incarnate in humanity appears on earth: He it is Who utters the SOUND, and upon that outgoing Breath holds all things in life; and—in the rise and fall of its cadences—there is found the cyclic rhythm of the creative process. He it will be Who will withdraw the Sound and centering the vibration within Himself, will some day bring to a close this periodic manifestation and carry the Sound to other localities in space, holding it in quiescence on the withdrawn breath until a later cycle of expression dawns. Then it will again be exhaled and sent forth to provide a new field of experience for the Lives which, in cyclic rhythm, again seek to manifest. The entire story of incarnation is hidden in the understanding of the SOUND and its differentiation into the O.M. and the A.U.M.

When we can identify the Sound and are no longer “moved” by the O.M., then the initiate becomes a Christ in expression and makes His appearance, either in physical form or upon the planes of what to us might be called the “areas of non-appearance.” He can then contain and utilise the energies of which the Spiritual Triad is the custodian and which are the expression of the will and purpose of God. Though the initiate may not be a part of the planetary government, and though he may not be a member of the Council at Shamballa (for only a limited number of initiates are so placed), he nevertheless has the right to move on identical levels and to prepare himself for those higher evolutionary processes which will give him entrance to the cosmic astral plane. This will enable him to “see through” [Page 202] and to recognise “cosmic glamour,” and will give him the hidden key to the world of feeling and of sentiency of which our feeling-response and our emotional and intuitional sensitivity are but the dim and distorted reflections. This is a factor of some importance to have in mind if a right sense of proportion is to be developed. The initiate has learnt on earth that the astral plane is in fact non-existent—at least for those of the higher degrees of initiation. This knowledge constitutes the first step towards the comprehension of the secret of negation, towards a true understanding of the basis of the ever-existent pairs of opposites, and towards the knowledge which lies behind the significance of negation. The above sentence is in all probability of little meaning to you, but it nevertheless contains a truth for which the trials, experiences and initiations of planetary existence prepare the initiate. They endow him with those qualities which will enable him to contact cosmic evil and yet remain untouched, eventually to play his part in bringing the Black Lodge and its Brotherhood to an unholy finish. The roots of the Black Lodge are on the cosmic astral plane, as the roots of the White Lodge and its Brotherhood are on the cosmic mental plane; this is, in reality, only for the time being and in order to see certain organised activities upon the star Sirius perfected and carried to a consummation. This has oft been hinted in my writings.

Text and Commentary on the
14 Rules for Disciples and Initiates

by MDR

Lab-oratory: Oratory of the Labor

Ora et Labora

How Rule X is applied to a current problem of humanity menacing world peace:
the military invasion of Ukraine by a totalitarian power

[21 Dec 2021] Vladimir Putin has said he will consider a military response if Russia feels threatened by NATO. The Russian president has railed against NATO enlargement since the fall of the Soviet Union and accused the west of turning Ukraine against Russia. “If our western counterparts continue a clearly aggressive line, we will undertake proportionate military-technical countermeasures and will respond firmly to unfriendly steps,” Putin said in televised remarks. “I’d like to stress that we are fully entitled to do that.” Putin repeated demands that the west make legal guarantees to ensure Russia’s security, but said he would have difficulty trusting the US to abide by a treaty. Putin railed at NATO’s expansion and accused western powers of supporting terrorists and separatists in Chechnya, where Moscow fought a brutal series of wars in the 1990s and 2000s.

The speech points to a broad reassessment of Russia’s post-Soviet history, in which Putin views Washington and its allies as taking advantage of the country’s weakness.

[New Group of World Servers] Russia has every right in the world to be the hub of a Soviet bloc of democratic nations with economic and cultural ties. That is a truth as clear as water. What Putin does not have the right to do is to impose his imperial rule with totalitarian methods. Totalitarianism is the enemy; It is not the Russian people.

If an ex-partner from a toxic and abusive relationship (Iron Curtain) requests from security forces (NATO) a protection order, that is not an act of threat or aggression against the rapist. It is a right protected by the internationally recognized Four Freedoms: freedom of expression, religious freedom, freedom to live without hardship and freedom to live without fear.

Russia has a great future in the world community of nations. Russia can create a commonwealth of freely associated democratic nations. That democracy is imperfect, and that the democracy of wild capitalism is the worst of democracies, it is true. But a democracy is always better than a dictatorship for the spiritual progress of humanity.

Russia has to renounce its totalitarian methods in order to achieve its integration as a Soviet Union of free nations. The totalitarianism of the unique thought is the enemy of humanity. That is the root of the conflict. A totalitarian superpower, with nuclear armaments, is a menace to world peace.

Q: How is Putin’s current stance now different from Kennedy’s in 1962 (Cuban Missile Crisis) after his failed Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba in 1961?

A: Again, the evil is totalitarianism and the existence of totalitarian countries in a region is a threat to international peace.. The NGWS takes an unequivocal stance against the evil of totalitarianism.

A more fitting contrast would be the military invasion of Puerto Rico in the aftermath of the Spanish-American War (1898). However, the United Nations had not been created by then. Since 1945, the UN Charter prohibits imperialistic aggression from any country. Russia has violated the UN Charter.

A more relevant question might be why have the world democracies, represented by the UN General Assembly, unanimously condemned Putin’s military invasion of Ukraine — and his genocidal agenda — but have not condemned similar genocidal attacks by a Zionist terrorist state on civilians in Palestine. The abuse by the USA of the veto power in the UN Security Council, covering for Israel’s crimes of war, have lessened the prestige of the UN and its moral authority to mediate in the current Ukraine conflict. ###

The VORTEX and The Technique of Light

Hans Zimmer’s Chevaliers de Sangreal (Da Vinci Code movie music track) played as we invoke Christ’s Presence among us, is a progression of ascending and descending musical chords creating a VORTEX renting the etheric veils … a spiral (Holy Grail) for the descent of the Christ Consciousness, “brought to light” (“dando a luz”) through the Chalice (a Triangle) of the Cosmic Mother.


The Technique of Light


By means of this technique, the illumined mind assumes control over the astral or emotional body and dissipates glamour. When light pours in, glamour fades out. Illumination dominates and the vision [Page 172] of reality can be seen. This technique is related to Raja Yoga and its goal is the second initiation; it produces ability to tread the Path of Discipleship, and enables the man to “live a life, enlightened by divinity.” Illumination is the applied power of transformation.

Glamour, a World Problem

In connection, therefore, with this second technique, I would like to take some words out of the Bible, substituting the word “light” for the word “faith.” I give you this definition: Light is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. This is perhaps one of the most occult definitions of the light of the world that has yet been given and its true meaning is intended to be revealed in the next two generations. The word “faith” is a good [Page 194] instance of the method of rendering “blind” some of the ancient truths so that their significance may not be prematurely revealed. Light and substance are synonymous terms. Soul and light are equally so, and in this equality of idea—light, substance, soul—you have the key to fusion and to the at-one-ment which Christ expressed so fully for us in His life on Earth.


The rules for the Technique of Light have been adequately laid down in the Raja Yoga system of Patanjali, of which the five stages of Concentration, Meditation, Contemplation, Illumination, and Inspiration are illustrative; these, in their turn, must be parallelled by a following of the Five Rules and the Five Commandments. I would ask you to study these. They, in their turn, produce the many results in psychic sensitivity, of which hierarchical contact, illumination, service and discipline are descriptive and, finally, the [Page 196] stage of “isolated unity,” which is the paradoxical term used by Patanjali to describe the inner life of the initiate.



(Technique for a Group)

The Preparatory Stages.

  1. The naming of the group members, followed by ten minutes silence.
  2. The Protective Formula: The group members say in unison:

[Page 238]
“As a soul I work in light and darkness cannot touch me.
I take my stand within the light.
I work and from that point I never move.”

As these words are uttered, each group member makes the sign of the Cross of Divinity.

  1. The three preparatory stages:
  • a. Focussing the dual light of matter and mind.
  • b. Meditation on soul contact and recognition of soul light.
  • c. The fusion of the two lesser lights with soul light.
  1. On a signal from the leader, the group says together:

“The light is one and in that light shall we see light.
This is the light that turns the darkness into day.”

O M. O M. O M.

The Formula.

  1. Then together the group says:

“Radiance are we and power. We stand forever with our hands stretched out, linking the heavens and the earth, the inner world of meaning and the subtle world of glamour.

We reach into the light and bring it down to meet the need. We reach into the silent Place and bring from thence the gift of understanding. Thus with the light we work and turn the darkness into day.”

[Page 239]
As these words are said, the group members visualise the great searchlight they have created turning its light upon the astral plane.

  1. A pause follows and then comes the invocation of the spiritual will. When this has been done the group says:

“With power upon its beam, the light is focused on the goal.”

  1. The glamour to be dissipated is named and the light is thrown upon it. The Words of Power are uttered :

“The power of our united light prevents the appearance of the glamour of [Fake News Propaganda].

The power of our united light negates the quality of the glamour from affecting man.

The power of our united light destroys the life behind the glamour.”

  1. Visualisation of the light, penetrating into the glamour and producing its weakening and dissipation.
  2. Five minutes of silence and intensity of purpose whilst the work is seen proceeding. Then the group members refocus themselves upon the mental plane, turning their attention away from the astral plane. The searchlight of the soul is shut off.
Five minutes of silence and intensity of purpose whilst the work is seen proceeding.
  1. The sounding of the OM individually and aloud by each member.

Brief Form of the Group Formula.

  1. The Act of Naming.
  2. The Act of Protection.
  3. The Act of Focussing the Lights.
  4. The Act of Direction.[Page 240]
  5. The Act of Invoking the Will.
  6. The Act of Projection and Affirmation.
  7. The Act of Penetration.
  8. The Act of Withdrawal.


May the liberating Light of Lord Buddha,
The infinite Love of the Spirit of Peace,
And the unfathomable Power of the Avatar of Synthesis
Restore the Plan on Earth.

Que la Luz liberadora de Buda,
el Amor infinito del Espíritu de la Paz
y el Poder indescriptible del Avatar de Síntesis
restablezcan el Plan [de Dios] en la Tierra.

Alice A. Bailey: Between War and Peace

AAB on War and Peace

Eight seed thoughts: an addendum.

  1. The nameless One Being becomes the Polar Two, Father and Mother in heavenly marriage. Their reflection is the Conscious Three, the Son, the Sun.
  2. On the Path of Return, triplicities are fused into dualities, and dualities are identified as unity. Thesis, antithesis, synthesis.
  3. Relative dualities of goodness are fused by harmonizing them, the Fourth Way. The love of humanity overrides the love for peace. [see AAB quote, below]
  4. Between Good and Evil there is no middle ground. It’s an essential duality, not a triplicity with neutrality as a vertex. Good must overcome Evil. Evil is that good which we should have left behind.

Between War and Peace by Alice A. Bailey

“Clear thinking is an essential requirement for all good citizens and all spiritually minded people; we are forced by circumstances to make up our minds, to know where we stand and to realise that a neutral position, held by an individual or a group, is no longer tenable, no longer right and of no service to the United Nations and, therefore, to humanity.” p. 13

“Today there are no more than two parties in the world those on the side of right human relations and those on the side of cruel and selfish power politics. Two opposing world visions confront mankind, and two possible world orders are presented to humanity. Between these two, man must choose and his choice will determine the future.” p. 14

“United Nations are fighting against the would-be conquerors and enslavers of the human race. We know what is at stake. By the barbarian invaders of today nothing is spared -neither life, nor morals, nor honor, nor virtue, nor pledges, nor the customs, the national institutions, even the religion of any people. Their aim is to sweep away every vestige of individual and national rights; to substitute, the world over, their unspeakable tyranny for the ways of life developed each for itself by the various nations; to make all mankind subservient to their brutal will; to convert the two billions of the earth’s inhabitants into abject victims and tolls of their ruthless and insatiable lust for power and world dominion.” – p. 16

The spiritual values must be restored.Everything is spiritual which tends towards understanding, towards kindness, towards that which is productive of beauty and of those things which lead man on to a fuller expression of his divine potentialities.

All is evil which drives man deeper into materialism, which omits the higher values of life and human culture, which endorses selfishness, which sets up barriers to right human relations and which feeds the spirit of separateness, of fear, hate and revenge. [p.20]

“Unless we know something of these contrasting idealisms and world incentives, unless we have some understanding of the necessity (the definitely spiritual necessity) to fight, and unless we see clearly the vital urgency of the present moment, we shall not express that flaming spiritual will which alone can win this war and which is the sole agent which can free humanity from the terror of the totalitarian programme. In the last world war (which was in reality, as we now see, the first half of this present war and an unfinished cycle), we fought under the slogan of “make the world safe for democracy.” Today we are fighting to “make the world safe for humanity”; we are fighting for the freedom of the human spirit and for the future of the children of every country, for a future of hope and promise -which will be non-existent if Germany triumphs- because it is a future in which the spiritual values will be emphasised.” p. 38

“However, two groups of people are proving themselves bewildered, muddle-minded and futile -futile because they are unable to think constructively. There are the people of Germany who, though many may fundamentally disagree with Hitler and hate the Nazi, regime, are apparently unable to change their aquiescence in evil doing, because of fear, terror and the constant, insidious presence of the Gestapo. Secondly, the pacifists and the appeasers.

These latter are so blinded by their sincere idealism or by their fear of the consequences of war that they are willing to permit the victory of Hitler rather than take the needed steps to arrest his progress.” p. 41-42

“The two points of view and the two widely divergent goals have been clearly visualised by Hitler and his partners, but the democratic nations (as Hitler foresaw and said) have not seen so clearly, and blindness, complacency, compromise and appeasement have characterised their attitude for a long time till ruthless happenings caused them to awaken. When those who are on the side of the Forces of Light and of non-aggression see their goal with an equal clarity of purpose as do the forces of evil, and are equally united and equally determined to free humanity from the threatened terror, then there will be such a manifestation of power that disaster will rapidly overcome the aggressor nations. This unification is rapidly taking place.

“When it has reached its highest point of unity, the force generated and the power let loose upon our planet will be of so stupendous a nature that human liberation will be about rapidly brought about.” p. 42

Peace is essentially an effect and not a cause. Goodwill is the active principle of peace, and the right order of our activity should have been goodwill, leading to right human relations, resulting in peace. Peace is not to be achieved by a sweet negativity or by enrolling people on long mailing lists who signify that they love peace.”, p. 47

Peace is not the highest goal and objective of the human spirit. Love of humanity is a much higher one. Love of peace is frequently an emotional reaction and can be based upon fear of war, fear of death, fear of disturbing the rhythm of life; it is often based upon love of the individual and not on love of humanity; or upon love of the form nature, selfishness and self-interest.“, p. 47

“I am deliberately bringing this issue to your attention because there are people who -in the face of the proven facts- still cling to their ideal of pacifism and who are only awaiting the psychological moment again to become active. They forget that an ideal can become an idol and that there are primary and secondary principles. Peace is a secondary principle to that of right human relations. Love of humanity is a primary principle. Both principles are right, but love is of more importance. The problem of the right-minded and spiritually minded man is often the difficult one of a choice between two rights.”, p. 48

Vigil for Ukraine

Between the twelfth and sixteenth centuries (subjectively since 1386 but objectively between 1569–1795) there was a Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (which included most of Poland, almost all of Ukraine except for the part that contacts the sea, all of Belarus, a small part of Russia, all of Latvia and a part of Estonia, and small portions of Slovakia and Romania..

This is a very ancient Judaic kingdom (quasi-mythical, but it is known that it existed) the kingdom/empire of Jazhar whose capital was Kiev. This kingdom, later a confederation, existed long before present-day Russia was configured. Then Moscow was merely a village, while Kiev was the capital of an ancient kingdom that laid the foundations of a Commonwealth of Nations.

This center of pan-European roots is recognized in the Judaic world as “the heartland” of Jazidism (European mystical Judaism). Today, although nations have been shaped in different ways, Ukraine may be considered a truly Aquarian nation, with its multiple religious creeds and mutual understanding (not just tolerance), unlimited cooperation among different creeds and ethnicities configured as one Soul, with deep historical and karmic ties with Poland.

A third of the Ukrainian population is ancestrally Polish. We could say that most of the Ukrainian population is atavistically Jazharic, ancestrally descended from the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, located right in the center of a pan-European heart.

Therefore, although the modern explanation is that Poland’s past of being invaded by Germany is what fosters its solidarity with the Ukrainian people, the ties are much older and deeper. Hierarchical experiments are long-standing and take centuries, if not millennia, to bear fruit.

Dr. Luis A. Hernández-Ríos, InternetArcano.org
